Separated from My Love

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Separated from My Love Page 6

by Dawn Brower

  Trenton could relate to that. Those very things were etched into his soul. Losing the woman he loved had changed him in ways he couldn’t describe. It had made him stronger and easier to break at the same time. If Genevieve continued to refuse him, he might not make it back to his life in the future. He’d lose himself in the past and not look forward ever again. They strolled down the hall and entered the duke’s study again. He gestured for Serenity to sit down. If she stayed standing much longer he was afraid she’d fall into a heap on the floor. He didn’t think she’d like the vulnerability that position would leave her in. Trenton sat down next to her so she wouldn’t realize how worried he was about her.

  “Thank you for helping me.” Trenton leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You didn’t have to, and I’ve been an ass to you since you arrived at Weston Manor.”

  She smiled. “It’s nothing more than I expected. Don’t give up on her. This all is happening for a reason. Fate is fickle and likes to mess with our lives, but in the end we all find where we belong.”

  Trenton glanced up when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Genevieve strolled into the study and glared at both of them. Was she perhaps jealous? Would that be too much to hope for?

  “Aren’t you two awfully cozy,” Genevieve said. “Glad to see I really mean that much to you.”

  Trenton closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His eyelids fluttered open and he met Genevieve’s gaze. Damn her for being so difficult. She was so bloody beautiful. He wanted to run his fingers through her auburn tresses and claim her mouth again. She’d probably slap him this time. Her ice blue eyes were as bright as a blue flame. Her cheeks were flushed a bright pink, and her hands were rounded into fists at her sides. She must have seen him kiss Serenity’s cheek and misinterpreted it. It was unfortunate, but he’d use it to his advantage. He took it as a sign that she cared more than she was willing to let on.

  “It took a lot out of Serenity to bring me here to find you.” He stood and then moved toward Genevieve. “She didn’t have to help me, and its simply appropriate I thank her.” He lifted his hand and caressed Eve’s cheek. “Even if you are being an ungrateful brat.”

  Her mouth fell open as her breathing became ragged. “You’re an ass.”

  “But on point about your attitude,” he rebutted. “Have a little compassion for Serenity. She’s your family, isn’t she?”

  “Not any blood relation,” Genevieve stated, “I don’t have to claim her because my uncle married her mother.”

  Trenton frowned. When had she become so bitter and uncaring? This wasn’t the Genevieve her remembered. What had she endured to harden her so much? He wished he could take it all back and have the woman he’d fallen in love with so many years ago. Life had a way of changing a person in ways that were unrecognizable. Still he could see remnants of the woman he loved underneath the hard exterior. She was still there, but he just had to find a way to bring her out.

  “We’re more related than you realize,” Serenity said quietly. “I have more than one sister.”

  “What are you implying,” Trenton asked? He knew Serenity had ulterior motives for helping him. What was she up to now?

  “Genevieve is actually my sister. My mother agreed to be a surrogate for Genevieve’s parents. Her mother couldn’t have children.” She stood and started to pace the room. “I know this is a lot to take in. I wouldn’t know any of this if not for one of Peyton’s visions. The last one nearly destroyed her. She can’t seem to get enough sleep to replenish her energy.”

  “I don’t have a sister. I don’t care what one of Peyton’s visions suggest,” Genevieve said forcefully. “What nonsense are you talking about?”

  Shit. The two women appeared ready to come to blows...

  “Surprise,” Serenity said waving her hands in exaggerated excitement. “You actually have two.” She met Genevieve’s gaze. “Just what you always wished for, isn’t it?”

  Genevieve turned to look at Serenity. Her mouth fell open as she stared at her intently. She closed her mouth and narrowed her gaze. Trenton wished he could read her mind. It would be nice to be able to know what she was thinking. Did she want to deny Serenity’s claim, or was she going to accept it? She hadn’t been too receptive to anything since they arrived. The safe bet was that she’d refute any relation to Serenity or Peyton.

  “You believe it,” Genevieve finally said. “That doesn’t mean it’s true.”

  Serenity smiled. “There is one way to find out.”

  Genevieve scrunched her eyebrows together. “Nice try. You’re not going to convince me to return to the future to have tests done to tell me what I already know. I’m an only child, and I have no sisters.”

  “What if going back saved someone’s life?”

  That was a new one. Whose life could Genevieve save? Had this trip not been as altruistic as Serenity claimed? Of course it hadn’t been… He’d thought it was odd she’d showed up when she did.

  “I don’t see how that is possible,” Genevieve replied. “I don’t have that kind of power.”

  Serenity shook her head. “That’s where you’re wrong. You are the one person alive that can do it. If you don’t go back, Peyton will die. She needs bone marrow, and so far there have been no matches. Everyone else in the family has been tested.” A small tear fell from her eye. “That leaves you as the last possible match. The sister we didn’t know we had. You have to help her.”

  Fuck. Genevieve might not go back for him, but she couldn’t possibly refuse to help her sister. Could she?

  “I’m not sure if I believe you,” Genevieve said quietly. “I’ll think about what you said and let you know my decision in the morning.”

  With that pronouncement, she left them alone in the study. The duke came back soon after and a maid showed them to their room. It had been one hell of an evening, and the next day promised to be even more excruciating.

  Chapter 6

  Genevieve stared out the window of the breakfast room. She’d had a lot thrown at her all at once the previous night. Serenity and Peyton were her sisters. How was that even possible? Did her parents adopt her? She believed it to be the truth because she’d picked up on some of Serenity’s thoughts. She was broadcasting rather loudly and it had been unavoidable. Knowing the truth and accepting it was two entirely different things though. Everything changed once she admitted it. Her parents—well, they’d always be who they were even if they weren’t related to her biologically, but the dynamic might change.

  She was supposed to give them her decision and all she wanted to do was crawl back in bed. Ignoring everything seemed like a good idea. There was a time when she’d have given anything to return home. Now she was afraid of what it all might mean. Could she go back to her old life as if nothing had happened? She wasn’t the same person anymore and nothing fit right. Trenton wanted her to go back. He’d made his feelings clear on the matter.

  Genevieve wanted to trust him, but it was hard for her to let go of the old hurts. She’d never stopped loving him though and wanted to give in. When she’d sought Regina’s help, she hadn’t thought about what it would all mean. All she’d desired was to return home. Now she wasn’t sure what she really wanted.

  She could return home and help Peyton, or she could refuse and stay with Brandon. It would be easier to find out how to travel back home if Serenity believed she was willing to help Peyton. Her love for her sister had never been questioned. Peyton and Serenity had done everything together, and appeared to only trust each other. That would work to Genevieve’s benefit if she wanted to return without Serenity and Trenton trailing behind her. She could make her decisions in peace without either one of them breathing down her neck. Could she trick Serenity into telling her everything? Was it worth the risk?

  With a sigh, she turned away from the window and toward the table. There was a buffet of breakfast dishes set on a counter for them to serve themselves. The morning meal was informal every day, but the servants had gone above and b
eyond to serve the duke’s guests. There was more food than necessary, and it wouldn’t be possible for them to eat it all.

  “That’s a lot of food…”

  Genevieve turned to find Serenity standing in the doorway. At her side was Sebastian Bennett, the duke’s son. His dark hair was mussed, but he was impeccably dressed. He lifted his gaze to meet hers and said, “Miss Peyton said I could eat with you this morning. Is that all right?”

  What game was her brand-new sister up to? Sebastian usually ate in the nursery and rarely joined them for meals. It was rare that the duke allowed it in case he had to talk business with someone unexpectedly. Genevieve ate with Sebastian upon occasion but hadn’t intended to that morning. She had a lot to work though, and the child would notice how distracted she was. He stared up at her hopefully. How could she deny him the treat of eating with the adults?

  “Of course, love,” Genevieve said. “Come, sit, and I’ll fix you a plate.”

  A smile lit his whole face as he moved toward the table. It was amazing how the simplest things could bring joy to another person. Serenity had done a good thing by bringing Sebastian down to eat with them. There really was no decision for her to make. She’d be going back to her time and it would be nice to spend a little more time with the boy before she departed. Genevieve placed some eggs, kippers, and toast on a plate. Then she walked over and set it in front of the boy, and he picked up a fork and started to eat immediately. She stepped away from him and allowed him to eat in peace. Perhaps she should make a plate for herself and at least pretend to eat. Her appetite had left her the moment she’d seen Trenton in the duke’s study.

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  Genevieve frowned. “Who?” Was she talking about Trenton? Was she that obvious?

  “Sebastian,” Serenity said and gestured toward the boy. “I can see why. He’s a remarkable lad.”

  Ah, of course she meant Sebastian. What did it say about her that she’d assumed Serenity had meant Trenton? She needed to seriously get her head screwed on straight, and fast. Why did everything have to be so damn hard? All her thoughts and emotions screeched through her head like a high pitch rock song. On one side, she had a solo guitar hitting chords of dissent and the other drums nailed her into a steady beat of desire. The constant thrum kept her a massive ball of fucked up. Genevieve took breathed deeply and brought her focus to her present concern—Sebastian.

  “How much time have you spent with him this morning?” Genevieve narrowed her gaze. She could be a bit overprotective of Sebastian because she did care for him.

  “Not long,” she replied. “An hour, maybe less. I rather like him too.”

  “Of course you do,” Genevieve pronounced. “He’s a wonderful boy. Who wouldn’t enjoy spending time in his company.” She’d never thought of herself as the motherly type, but Sebastian had made it easy. “Where are you going with all of this?”

  Serenity stared at the boy and smiled. “I’m not going to lie to you. It would be stupid of me to.” She paused, took a deep breath, and met Genevieve’s gaze. “We’ve never been close and don’t know each other particularly well. I understand if you may not trust me, but I have to try, you understand. My sister—our sister’s—life depends on you. If you don’t go back, she will die.”

  If Genevieve had to pick one thing to believe, that was the one she whole-heartedly did. Serenity was determined to make her realize how much Peyton needed her. If they were truly both her sisters, didn’t she owe it to herself the chance to know them? Even if they weren’t—shouldn’t she do the right thing and help save another’s life?

  “I understand what your motivations are,” Genevieve said. “What I don’t quite comprehend is what that has to do with Sebastian.”

  “You’re reluctant to leave him.” Serenity nodded toward Sebastian. “I can help lighten your burden, if you’ll allow me to.”

  That made even less sense. What could she offer that would make things easier for Sebastian? If she left, he wouldn’t have a governess, and the duke would be hard-pressed to find one he trusted enough with his son. In his line of work, everyone was suspect and could possibly be out to harm him.

  “How do you propose to do that?”

  “It’s simple really,” she stated. “We’ll trade places. I’ll stay here and be the lad’s governess, and you’ll return home to save Peyton.”

  Genevieve’s mouth fell open at her pronouncement. Somehow, she didn’t think it was as easy or simple as Serenity made it out to be. She thought she understood her motivations, but something wasn’t quite right. There was something at play she didn’t fully grasp. “Just like that.” She snapped her fingers. “You’d give up your life, your family, and whatever future you might have so I’ll return home and save Peyton’s life?” She tilted her head and studied Serenity. “What happens if I am not a match and she dies? You won’t have the chance to say goodbye. Can you live with that possibility?”

  “I’d do anything for my family,” she replied earnestly. “Especially Peyton. She’s the heart of the family. If you take the time to really get to know her, you’ll see what I mean. I understand that we weren’t as welcoming as we should’ve been growing up. It’s hard to explain how our lives were back then. It might have appeared to be perfect, but it was far from it. It was a form of self defense to push people away. If we showed too much interest our mother would find a way to hurt us or the one we cared about. She only allowed us to have each other. I don’t know or fully understand what her motivations were.”

  Peyton must be more special than she realized for Serenity to give up so much for her. “What guarantee do I have you won’t bail on them the moment I’m gone?”

  “There is no guarantee I can offer you that will put you at ease,” Serenity said. “You’re going to have to take me at my word.” She smiled. “Have a little faith in me, sis. I promise you can trust me.”

  She didn’t really have much choice. Not going back wasn’t an option any longer. If she didn’t, and Peyton died… She’d never forgive herself. How selfish would it be to let someone die just because she was afraid to go home? “If the duke agrees, I’ll go along with it, but he has the final say.”

  Genevieve would make sure he didn’t dismiss Serenity. Brandon’s son needed a governess. He was too bright to go without one, and he needed attention from a woman who cared about him. She might not know Serenity well, but she’d been good with Sebastian in the small amount of time she’d been at the estate. It helped that she had the ability to read minds—it was too bad she’d never been able to read Trenton’s. Serenity had let her guard down long enough for her to get a glimpse into her thoughts. She genuinely cared for the boy, and she may not be ready to admit it, but she had growing feelings for Brandon too.

  It might not be a lot to go on, and some might think she was mad for thinking her suitable, but she believed in following her instincts whenever possible. It was time she started to listen to them a little more. Serenity was, at heart, a good person, and so was Trenton. People made mistakes every day. She should let go of the anger she had welling up inside of her and finally forgive him. It would lighten the heaviness she was carrying around inside. She’d been unreasonable since the moment Trenton had showed up. Hating him for something he had no control over wasn’t helping either. It was hard for her to let go of the feeling he never put her first. She’d wanted him to find her and he had. The anger inside of her had clouded her judgment. Maybe he was willing to do more for her than she’d given him credit for.

  She glanced up as Trenton and Brandon walked into the breakfast room. They had been engrossed in their conversation but stopped immediately when they noticed Serenity and Genevieve. The duke’s gaze went right to his son’s face and frowned. He wasn’t pleased to see Sebastian in the room. He strolled over to his side and ruffled his hair.

  “Escaped the nursery, did you?” the duke said as he raised a brow.

  “Serenity said I could and Eve agreed,” he said petulantl
y. His bottom lip jutted out into a full pout. He was preparing to use all of the weapons in his arsenal in order to be allowed to stay.

  “It’s fine this once,” the duke agreed. He glanced over at Genevieve and Serenity and gave them a hard look. It was his way of stating his wishes without saying a word. Brandon was rather good at silent communication. Of course, he didn’t realize if Genevieve had wanted to she’d have been able to hear every single one of his thoughts. She respected people’s right to privacy to and refused to invade them on a regular basis though.

  Genevieve wanted to laugh. Somehow, she had a feeling Serenity would do whatever she pleased and drive the duke insane. If she could stay back and watch it all unfold... That wasn’t to be in her destiny though. She had to go with Trenton and return to save her sister. Maybe she’d allow Trenton the chance to win her heart again too. Time would tell if they were truly meant to be together.

  “Serenity and I have come to a decision together,” Genevieve said. “Would you two like to know what that is?”

  Trenton raised a brow. “That depends. Are we going to like it?”

  Serenity chuckled. “That remains to be seen. Eve has decided to go back on one condition.”

  “That is?” the duke said, meeting Genevieve’s gaze.

  “Serenity is going to stay here and be Sebastian’s governess.” She hoped the duke understood how hard this all was for her. He’d been kind to her when she had nothing. “I have to go back. My sister needs me.” Saying that last part was almost hard for her—having sisters wasn’t something she’d believed she’d ever have. Now she had two… It was just weird all around.

  “So Trenton has explained to me,” the duke said. “I’m not going to proclaim to understand how things work in your time. I won’t stand in your way. It’s unnecessary for Serenity to remain though.”

  When Brandon and Dominic had rescued her, she’d told them both her entire story. It had been easier to explain to them because of Rosanna’s sister-in-law, Alys. They had already been slightly exposed to the possibility of time travel through Alys’s exploits. Rosanna had accepted Genevieve’s story easily and conveyed some of it to the two men. Genevieve filled in the gaps as they traveled back to England. It was then that Brandon had offered her a place in his home.


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