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Sorceress (Book 2)

Page 25

by Jim Bernheimer

  “Do the spirits inhabit only males?” Danella inquired.

  “Mistress, there are two tribes where the spirits sometimes choose females. The Glacier Hawks and the Snow Cats. The leader of the first is currently a woman.”

  “That is very useful information,” Danella said. Majherri didn’t have to see his rider to picture the cold and calculating look on her face. “And the powers these spirits impart are?”

  “I only know of Harik of the Ice Claw. He can take the form of a great, hairy, snow beast for a period of time. In that body, he stands nine feet tall and it is said that wounds from Harik’s claws take weeks to heal. The time grows longer with each passing year. When I last was allowed among them, Chief Ice Claw could stay in his beast form for two straight days before being forced to become human once more.”

  “I suspect this beast magic may make this man able to resist your compulsions, Lady Danella,” Kuresh cautioned.

  “If he will not become our ally, his successor will, or the one after that,” Danella stated plainly, as if there was no other option.

  From the unicorn’s point of view, the snow beast sounded as formidable as a troll, or perhaps an ogre. Harik would make a worthy challenge, but even if the beastman rivaled an ogre in strength, he would burn just the same.

  As they maneuvered through the beginnings of the mountains, Majherri gleaned as much as he could about the Yar. Somewhere, in a hidden part of the mountain range, was a sacred site where the chieftains gathered to settle disputes or plan raids together.

  When asked if the animal spirits ever bonded with someone who did not belong to any of the clans, the guide did not know.

  Majherri took a grim satisfaction in watching the desert warriors struggle with the falling temperatures. His enjoyment was cut short when the first human, still trying to remain mounted, toppled along with his mount off the slick trail and down forty feet into a chasm. The horse survived for a few minutes before succumbing to its injuries, whereas the rider died on impact.

  The fool had been trying to match my climbing skills. His arrogance proved to be his downfall.

  Even so, Majherri slowed his rate of ascent, but he did briefly entertain the idea of going off the edge and taking Danella with him.

  The irony would be poetic, he mused.

  Dark thoughts, such as that, trotted through his mind until the group located an area large enough for the humans to stop and rest. The air was noticeably thinner here and it would be cool enough by sunset for the unicorn to see his breath. It seemed to the unicorn that the primary advantage to fighting in these mountains was how exhausted the attackers would be as they attempted to overrun the entrenched defenders. Even so, it was a miserable place and Majherri could think of no reason he would ever wish to stay.

  Onward they traveled, taking breaks every two to three hours. On the third such break, Majherri noticed that they had acquired two sets of eyes watching them. The unicorn decided to alert Danella while noting that his skills as a scout had not diminished.

  “Majherri has spotted our first Yar,” Danella said calmly and addressed her current thrall. “I suspect the two are hunters. Tell me what they will do.”

  The man answered, “One will continue to shadow us while the one who runs the fastest travels ahead to warn the rest of the tribe. They will meet us at a location of their choosing with numbers greater than ours.”

  “Kuresh,” Danella said. “What do you recommend? Majherri and I could easily run them down, but as I am forced to remind myself, we are here to make allies.”

  The nomad leader appeared pleased that she did not simply give in to her bloodlust. “Lady Rider, given the treacherous conditions these savages deal with on a daily basis, I suspect one or both are carrying some type of signaling horn or drum which they would employ before you dispatched them. Since you have sought my counsel, I advise that we continue as we are and let them watch.”

  “What business do you have with the Ice Claw tribe?” a warrior demanded. He stood on a rocky outcropping surrounded by others brandishing weapons.

  Majherri noted the guide’s previous assessment had been correct. The area where the Yar met them was a natural choke point and gave the defenders the high ground on two sides. Roughly forty warriors, twice their number, faced them. The rest would be with the tribe.

  “I seek an audience with Chief Harik,” Danella shouted.

  The large barbarian laughed loudly. “All these dark skinned warriors and it is a woman who speaks for them!”

  Howls of approval met his declaration. Danella remained impassive and spoke with the guide who confirmed that this man was not Harik. She spoke, “It is because my men know what I am capable of. You, on the other hand have no idea who you are dealing with. I intend to speak with your chieftain. If I must go through you to achieve it, I’ll make certain to clean your blood from my weapons before greeting him. One does need to be polite.”

  The spokesman returned a calculating look and opened his mouth to speak. Danella interrupted him and said, “I grow bored of this. I suspect we would go back and forth for another hour, so if it is a demonstration of my power you desire, let us pretend that pathetic shrub is you.”

  Danella gestured to an unkempt mass of greenery roughly a dozen paces from her and called forth a fountain of dark flame and bathed it for a good ten seconds. From there, she thinned the stream and slowly moved the flames across the ground until they had traveled halfway to where the man standing on the rock stood, sending a clear message.

  Of course, Majherri knew that she was cheating because of his disguise. They obviously believed her to be a sorceress instead of a Battle Maiden. With a flourish, Danella finished and dismounted. She held her open palm in front of her and stared down at the smoke curling up from her fingers.

  “So now you have at least a vague understanding of who you might be dealing with,” she said in a bemused tone. “And you are quite possibly wondering if you should’ve brought twice the number of warriors with you, because then you might actually stand a chance against me. Fortunately for you, I am not here to fight unless provoked. And, if I were to slaughter all these warriors in front of me, then I would have no use for what was left of your tribe and would have to seek out another group.”

  The spokesman, who now adopted a cautious tone, replied, “I will send a runner to our chieftain.”

  “A wise decision,” Danella commented and turned to Majherri. She fished a shiny object from his saddlebag. “We will withdraw a short distance and await his answer. Please have your man take this gift to the Mighty Harik of the Ice Claw Tribe as a gesture of good will on my part.”

  Sadly, Majherri noted that Danella had no actual good will left in her. She had become a despicable human being and he loathed her.

  “So you hate me now?” she whispered, picking up on his emotional state and running a hand through his mane. “But you haven’t started fearing me yet. That is something I shall correct, Majherri.”

  She led him over to where the rest of her riders gathered. “One of you feed and water my animal,” she ordered dismissively and walked away. Danella left him facing the rocks and he felt her willpower descend upon him, locking him in that position.

  Majherri seethed, but could still do nothing. He would remain there until she released him. The only thing he could do is raise and lower his head. It allowed him to be fed and watered, but nothing else.

  Without distractions, he concentrated on his magic and allowed his mind to think back to the lessons at The Academy. Riders were taught to meditate and understand the flow of magic through a unicorn’s body. Before, Majherri and most every other unicorn he’d conversed with, gave it little attention. The magic was inside of him – was part of him. Control had always been the role of the Battle Maiden riding the unicorn. Unicorns were taught that they were the vessel of magic and that they should grow proud and strong, so that they could hold as much as possible. Now that he had a limited ability to use his magic, the notion of underst
anding the flow of magic became suddenly important.

  For a time, he stood in thought, not doing anything other than drinking from the bucket of water. Majherri attempted to visualize his magic and feel where Danella was constricting him. Like a human opening a tap on a barrel, he accessed a tiny sliver of his power. Previously, he’d been able to direct that power down into his hooves or to his horn. This time, using concentration, he directed that piece of magic up into his neck and held it there. It was then that the unicorn realized he had the ability to turn his head from side to side once more. The rest of him was still frozen in place, but this discovery fortified him. It was a few small paces in the right direction.

  Wanting to confirm his theory, Majherri pushed the piece of magic down into his left foreleg. As expected, his neck became unresponsive and locked back into position, but he was now able to lift a hoof from the ground. This pleased the unicorn, but he tried to tamp down his excitement. He wouldn’t be free on this day. That much was certain but, once he mastered the control of the magic coursing through his body, the day of his liberation would be at hand.

  Danella approached, obviously sensing the change in his demeanor, and said, “What have you stirred up over here?”

  Majherri responded with the first thing he could think of – an image of Kayleigh and him working in the first year stables together followed by Count Darius informing Danella of Kayleigh’s paternity and that his rider’s plans for vengeance were forbidden.

  After all, he thought. You’re just as much a slave as I am.

  Naturally, this infuriated his rider and she retaliated by taking away his ability to move at all and left him. Even so, Majherri was surprisingly upbeat. Disciplined like a human child, who had been sent to the corner of a room for misbehavior, didn’t faze the unicorn. For it was there, stuck in that position where began plotting the beginnings of his own personal rebellion.

  She placed the responsibility for the deaths of the humans and the unicorns in that village on my back. There are only two deaths I plan to be responsible for from here on out…my rider and the horrible man who she serves.

  The wait for the Ice Claw chieftain’s reply became considerably better for Majherri once he made his breakthrough and he rededicated himself to mastering the magic inside his body. For at least the hundredth time since the day he encountered the snake, the unicorn pondered if the ability to wield magic without a rider might be something that another unicorn could be taught.

  Perhaps it is only an extension of my tainted link with my rider, he thought. If I ever free myself from her grip, it might go away. Still, I could part with it, if it meant my freedom.

  By the time Danella released Majherri, he’d counted the patches of moss covering the rock he faced and had made a number of other mundane observations to keep himself occupied. Feeling his body loosen and respond his to command again, he turned and saw Danella beckon for his presence at her side. He obeyed and saw what must be the chieftain amidst his people. The rest of the Yar were mumbling a droning chant, praising the animal spirit who represented their tribe.

  They revere the spirits of animals, Majherri thought. I suppose I can appreciate that part of their culture.

  Chief Harik stood in his beastform. The tallest man near the beast only came to the creature’s chest. His face was swollen with an exaggerated jawline and the arms appeared to be much longer in proportion to the creature’s body, extending easily to his knees. Thick hair covered Harik everywhere, a mixture of black and white. The beast moved easily, reminding Majherri of Gyer the Manticore, announcing his power. Majherri took Harik’s measure and decided that it would be a good fight, but the unicorn had his own level of confidence that he could prevail.

  Raising his arms and waving them in the air, Harik signaled his people and the chanting stopped. His figure shimmered and seemed to shrivel as Majherri saw the creature replaced by a man.

  “Greetings witch,” he said. “I am Harik Ice Claw, Third of Eleven, breaker of spines and slayer of all who oppose me. You wish words with me and I have come. Speak now!”

  Danella smiled widely and said, “I am an envoy of a mighty sorcerer who brings an army from the Great Desert in the West. He sees the waste and corruption seeping from the court of the so-called High-King to these petty nobles who rule their pitiful cities and has decided that it is time for a new order!”

  “And what does a faraway war have to do with my clan?”

  “Opportunity Chief Ice Claw – that is what we speak of. These kingdoms will be asked by the High-King for warriors and supplies to fight under his banner. My master wishes that these nobles find themselves too busy to aid his enemy and that is where you and the other tribes will find this opportunity.”

  “So you wish my kin to die for the sake of your master. I see how he would benefit, but fail to see what reward is worth such a risk on my tribe’s behalf.”

  “My lord is a reasonable man,” Danella answered. “When the High-King asks, the nobles will send those who are young and eager for war. When those first troops set out, that is when we strike.”

  “When did you join our ranks?”

  “I am not without talents of my own,” she replied.

  “So you say,” the man said with a dismissive tone. “My men said you like to play with fire. Now that you have said what your master wants, what is he prepared to give?”

  “I have jewels and other baubles to offer as tribute, but I sense that you seek something more. I am told that these mountains are sacred to your people, but there are fertile lands to the south…lands that once belonged to your people generations ago and taken by nobles anointed by High-Kings and Queens. My master is not concerned with their claims and will gladly recognize your prior ownership of them. Perhaps, along the way, you might even become First of Eleven.”

  The bearded man made a show of stroking his chin. “Very well, I would hear more of your plans, witch. You and your men are welcome in our camp as honored guests.”

  “I thank you, Chief of the Ice Claws.”

  Majherri wondered how much, or more appropriately, how little honor his rider had left in her.

  Traveling with the desert nomads, Majherri could still hold his head high because they knew he was a unicorn. To the Yar, he was just another horse and had to play his demeaning role. The Yar had few horses. Most of their livestock were goats and other hardy beasts that were more useful in the region. Children ran and played. Some of them even tried to come over to see the horses, only to be ushered away by their minders. Fortunately, he was able to lose himself in the cluster of beasts and did not have to suffer the indignity of being touched.

  If Danella is looking for cavalry, she will clearly need to look elsewhere.

  The Yar village, such as it was, consisted of a collection of crude huts and tents made of cloth and animal skins. Majherri estimated the total population to be between five and seven hundred souls, with only a third of them fighters. Considering this was the third most powerful tribe, Danella would have to unite most of the clans to field anything more than just a large group of raiders. Her task wouldn’t be easy or done quickly and that pleased the unicorn. Just as Count Darius wished for these savages to distract his enemies, Majherri wanted Danella where she could do as little damage as possible.

  Unfortunately he could not risk practicing his magic, other than moving that small piece around the various parts of his body. From what little he could sense of his rider’s mood, her negotiations were proceeding. She was in a large covered area that served as a gathering spot and enjoying herself without blood being shed.

  As the sun set, the temperature began to fall and Majherri used the tiny bit of magic he had access to and it allowed him to stay warm. Nothing seemed amiss until a runner came barreling into the camp. Majherri almost hadn’t notice the man, but he did see the determined Yar warrior charging across the uneven ground. Pondering this new development, he wondered what news the man carried.

  Minutes passed and Danella�
��s mood went from amusement to hostility. Before he could even process what was going on, he felt himself bolting in her direction as she called him to her side. He sensed Danella wanted him ready for battle.

  Shouts of anger turned to pain as Majherri forced his way through the crowd, injuring several. Danella was fending off Harik’s blows with her sword held in both hands. She danced to the side and swiped at the roaring man beast, her blade encased in a brilliant red flame.

  “I don’t care if they were under your protection!” Danella shouted.

  Harik snarled.

  “So be it,” she said flicking her eyes over to meet Majherri’s.

  He lowered his head aiming by instinct. Chief Ice Claw sensed his approach and wheeled to face him, not quite comprehending what a charging horse was doing there. The man beast reared back with the intentions of knocking a stupid animal aside. Instead, the unicorn in horse’s guise executed a pair of quick direction changes that allowed Majherri a chance to get inside Harik’s elongated reach.

  Fetching that piece of magic he’d kept working with before, Majherri drove it up into his horn and felt fire encase it as he collided with beastform and drove his flaming horn into the nearest part of the enemy.

  The impact was significant, sending a shudder through the unicorn’s body. A clawed hand raked against his side, sending needles of pain through his flank. There was the sound of bones snapping and the stench of burning hair and flesh filled Majherri’s nostrils.

  Harik went to the ground, the weight and momentum carried Majherri with him. The flaming horn had penetrated the side of the chest and taken a pair of the beastman’s ribs in the process of inflicting a savage wound. Even so, the human was not done for as Majherri was bucked and tossed aside by an inhuman strength. It didn’t rival the netherbeast, but was still formidable.

  Danella was suddenly at his side and her blade intercepted a spear thrusting at Majherri’s exposed flanks. His rider’s slashing block snapped the weapon in two and she brought her sword through the strike, slashing the attacker across his chest. With her free hand, she clutched at Majherri and pulled a stream of magic from his body that made the small amount he could control seem paltry.


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