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Sorceress (Book 2)

Page 36

by Jim Bernheimer

  Majherri wobbled on unsteady legs. Using a wall as a crutch, Danella stood upright. Her face contorted with rage.

  “I’ll just bond with you again, traitor! You’re mine! I own you!”

  Majherri snorted and, without warning, his hooves and horn caught fire. He didn’t appear to like her plan.

  “Meghan, kill them all!”

  As the water maiden started to ready her bow, the shape at the base of T’rsa’s legs lunged upward and grabbed Meghan Lynch’s boot. Electrical sparks bathed both unicorn and rider. The water maiden fell forward and dropped her bow.

  “When you attack a sorceress, you better damn well finish her!” Ashlynn said, getting to her feet. The sorceress pushed the stunned maiden out of her saddle. “Okay, what did I miss? A black unicorn! Can I have one?”

  T’rsa turned and pointed her horn at Ashlynn. “Oh please, she’s only taking a really painful nap. If I wanted her dead, you’d both be. Where’s that woman you were telling me about that needs to die?”

  “Right there!” Cradling her bleeding left hand against her stomach, Kayleigh turned toward Danella and shoved her right hand toward the woman and threw a fireball. It wasn’t very powerful, but it was enough to make the woman jump further away from Majherri. Kayleigh could see Danella’s cold and calculating eyes survey the battlefield, trying to decide whether she could prevail against the three unicorns and two sorceresses standing against her. Taking a deep breath, Kayleigh conjured a bigger fireball, but Danella suddenly changed into a monstrous hawk and flew away.

  “Ashlynn…stop her!”

  The sorceress shook her head and suddenly looked less vibrant. “I used up most of what I had left on Major Stupidity over there…and I think I need a healer.”

  It was difficult getting her vials of healing tears out using only one hand. She gave one to the sorceress, divided the second between the bloody mess that was her left hand and the stab wound in her side. The stinging agony dulled slightly, and the shattered bones repaired themselves. She’d need more in a minute, but crying wouldn’t be too hard. The last one she looked between the two nearby unicorns to see who was injured worse. It was easily Iarisha. Kayleigh spread the vial directly onto the worst of Iarisha’s wounds.

  “Majherri,” she said, turning to look at her old friend. He seemed skittish and uncertain. “Come here. I need to check your magic and make sure it isn’t going to kill you.”

  He approached slowly, addressing both Iarisha and T’rsa. The females appeared to be threatening him. He kept his head low in shame.

  “Don’t,” Kayleigh said, starting to cry. “Don’t be ashamed. If you hadn’t helped me break your bond, Danella would have killed me. Whatever you did it was her controlling you. You warned Risha. You risked everything to warn us all and you stood up to that evil bitch! I’m so proud of you.”

  She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck, sobbing. “Goddess I’ve missed you!”

  Touching him felt odd, since she didn’t have a bond with him. She checked his magic, worried that Danella’s influence might lead to a rapid onset of the wasting, but he seemed fine…tainted, but otherwise in good shape. Kayleigh swiped at her tears and placed them on his wounds and also on her aching hand. It would require several more treatments before she’d be able to move her fingers again. Still, for the moment, Kayleigh savored her victory and Majherri’s freedom.

  Majherri sent her an image of them riding on the Sacred Island, laughing together.

  “Maybe we can do that again someday,” she said.

  There was a second memory. Danella telling him that she’d forever changed him and that Kayleigh would never want him now.

  “You know that’s not true,” she said, and sniffled loudly. “I don’t care what you look like. How about we make a deal? If you don’t judge me for who my father is, I won’t judge you for what she did. Does that sound good?”

  He nodded and she hugged him again before remembering something important about him. Stepping back she said, “Sorry, I know you hate to be touched by people you don’t have a bond with.”

  Shaking his head, he moved closer to her and she embraced him once more.

  “Kayleigh?” Ashlynn said. “I don’t want to spoil your reunion, but we should probably move out of the open like this. We’re exposed and in no condition for a fight.”

  “Speak for yourself,” she answered. “I’ve got my friend back and it’s Danella running for her life for a change. There’s still some fight left in me!”

  “You can’t be serious,” the sorceress said, sounding as exhausted as she looked. “I’ve got a couple of wands left, but I’m tapped out.”

  Kayleigh straightened and let go of Majherri. “General Jyslin said to fight for our riders and our unicorns. I don’t need this hand to cast a shield on my arm and, even like this, I’m stronger than most of the maidens that came here with us. You stay and guard the major. Tie her up in case she wakes up before Danella’s spell wears off. Risha, Majherri? Are you two up for it? Good. T’rsa, you better come with us in case Meghan wakes up. She might make you do something horrible. Don’t worry, Ashlynn will take good care of your rider. Check T’rsa’s bags, the major probably has some healing tears in there.”

  Forcing herself to cry, she retrieved a bandage from Iarisha’s saddlebags and used it to dry her tears. Then, she wrapped it around her wound and found her scimitar. Getting back into the saddle was a chore, but once there, she felt like it was where she was meant to be.

  “Be careful, Kayleigh,” Ashlynn said, looking over her shoulder from where she was drafting a few of the citizens of Pinella to carry Meghan Lynch inside one of the houses.

  “She obviously doesn’t know me that well,” Kayleigh said. Coming alongside her and Iarisha, Majherri snorted in agreement.

  “Let’s go see if we can help,” she said and urged Iarisha forward.

  The trip to the main gate seemed much closer than it did when the giant snake was chasing her. Kayleigh saw the kind of devastation that sucked all the honor and glory out of war and left in its place sadness and heartache. Horses without riders wandered across their path as they passed bodies of warriors, Yar, Tomas, and Rosha. To the dead, the nationalities didn’t seem to matter much.

  So much death.

  A Yar woman slouched against the frame of a burnt out house. Her hand covered a nasty wound on her stomach. She saw Majherri and held her hand out to him.

  “Help me,” she begged.

  Kayleigh looked at Majherri. He seemed uncertain, but she thought of her friend, Rahzir. The Yar followed Danella here just as the nomads followed Count Darius. The day had seen enough violence and maybe it was time for some mercy. Pulling an empty vial from her saddlebag, Kayleigh tugged at the magic she shared with Iarisha and cried. The bodies surrounding her made it surprisingly easy, though exhausting. The wound looked very serious, so she captured four tears and then summoned some water to fill the tube.

  Not wanting to dismount, Kayleigh moved her unicorn near the injured Yar. The blonde woman held a knife weakly at her until Kayleigh said, “I’ll try to help you. If you’ll let me.”


  “I’m not your enemy,” Kayleigh said.

  “I am yours,” the woman replied.



  Kayleigh offered the vial of healing tears and said, “Why are you my enemy? What have I done to you?”

  “You serve the High-King. He is the enemy of my people.”

  “That’s not enough to kill someone over,” Kayleigh said.

  “It is for me,” the injured woman said.

  “But not for me,” Kayleigh said.

  “Then you’re a foolish and weak, little girl.”

  “I’m far from weak. I killed…what was his name? Orga? No. That’s not it. He was this big snake.”

  “You killed Orgo? Second of eleven.”

  “It wasn’t easy, but yes and I helped Majherri free himself from Danella Lynch’s co
ntrol. She’s the only one I consider my enemy.”

  “She is my chieftain. That makes me your enemy as well.”

  “I don’t think so. You just listened to whatever empty promises she offered and she used you. Take these tears. They’ll heal your wounds, but they won’t heal what’s in your heart. Only you can do that.”

  The woman set knife down and Kayleigh carefully tossed the glass tube to her.

  “If I use this, I am betraying my chieftain and my tribe.”

  “You should be wondering what Danella has done to earn your loyalty. She flew away the moment the tide turned against her. Heal your wounds and if you ever see her again, ask her what kind of chieftain leaves her people? Whatever you decide, safe journey to you.”

  The woman didn’t answer and Kayleigh couldn’t spare any more time for her when so many others needed the help she could provide.

  In the area around the ruined main gate, they found two dozen Battle Maidens gathered in a circle. Several of the unicorns snorted as Majherri approached. Kayleigh could only imagine what they were saying.

  “Kayleigh! You’re okay!” Laurel said with a forced smile as she rode over to meet them. Her unicorn shied away from Majherri. Kayleigh nodded and was relieved that her friend was worse for wear, but still alive and with her unicorn. Turning her attention to what the others were looking at, she saw Lieutenant Sheppard dismounted and holding a human body in her arms. Duke Tomas knelt next to her and was delivering last rites. The body of a unicorn, bent in a manner that left no room to hope it was alive, was beside them.

  A void opened in her chest and threatened to swallow her. She didn’t have to see the long flowing white hair to know that General Naomi Jyslin was gone.

  “How?” she whispered to Laurel.

  She pointed her finger at a dead man with a shattered war lance next to him. “He was the hydra. She rammed him at such an incredible speed and drove her lance right into his black heart. The thing collapsed on top of her and Rheysurrah and crushed them both. I wasn’t sure whether we were going to win until she defeated that monster. Someone else turned into a hydra with three heads after that, but the duke drove it and the remaining Yar off.”

  “Oh,” she said, awed by General Jyslin’s heroics. The snake she faced was paltry when compared to that abomination. “How about Tamera? Did she make it?”

  “I haven’t seen her,” Laurel said nervously. “But I haven’t heard anything bad either.”

  “Lady Kayleigh,” Duke Tomas interrupted. “My daughter?”

  “Injured and worn out, but okay. She’s protecting Major Lynch, who was…knocked unconscious.”

  The man still looked haggard. “Thank you. Though now it falls to me to break the news to her about her brother.”

  Kayleigh gasped and the void grew wider, threatening to consume her. “I’m so sorry, milord.”

  “As am I,” he said, saddened. “Aeric is in the Goddess’s care now. No doubt trading stories with our general.”

  Brian’s alive! She didn’t dare say anything aloud at the time. It would seem crass and vile to be happy that it wasn’t him. Instead, she began using her tears to make healing draughts and handing them to Laurel as she finished each one.

  Draining herself and Iarisha, she had to stop after the fifth vial. It was all she could offer and she knew that there would never be enough tears to undo the damage done this day.

  Needing to rest, she finally dismounted and made her way to Lieutenant Sheppard. Duke Tomas removed his cloak and placed it over the still form of Naomi Jyslin. Kayleigh did her best to not stare at the empty eyes of the unicorn she once rode.

  “Good to see you still among the living, Reese,” the officer said. “You’ve looked better.”

  “I’m still standing, ma’am. Major Lynch is alive, but out of action,” she reported. “Danella got to her and placed her under her control. I’m sure it will wear off, but it might be days before she’s fit to serve. Captain Rose?”

  “Didn’t make it,” Lindsey Sheppard said, referring to the third in command.

  “Your orders, ma’am?” Kayleigh asked

  “I guess that does leave me as senior officer for the time being. Not the way I’d ever wanted to assume command,” the woman said and drew herself up. “Alright, ladies! Secure the perimeter. Whitaker, get a squad of scouts together and patrol the area around the city. Do not engage if you meet resistance. Sinclair, Byers, form a pair of makeshift squads and work with our allies to root out any pockets of Yar still in the city.”

  “Ma’am?” Kayleigh interrupted.


  “We should allow them the opportunity to surrender.”

  The lieutenant thought it over and came to a decision. “Very well. Give them a chance to surrender. Make certain our allies know that as well. Send any riders who lost their unicorns and any riderless unicorns to here where Senior Rider Reese will try and pair them up. You three…I’m sorry, but I don’t know your names. Make your way to the castle with Duke Tomas. Retrieve his daughter and Major Lynch. See if you can find members of the royal family or any of the council of elders. We need someone to help get the city back on its feet.”

  “I suspect none of the Castors are still alive,” the duke said.

  “Then you may be forced to assume control of the city for now, milord. Naturally, you will have our support and cooperation, Duke Tomas.”

  “Thank you. Though technically there is another noble who may wish to assert her claim if there are no heirs to the Castor line. Hopefully, this is a pointless discussion and one we can have later if the need arises.”

  Kayleigh paled, not liking the nobleman’s implications one bit. She barely listened to the rest of the orders, but managed to offer that T’rsa could lead Duke Tomas to Ashlynn and the major. The other’s left, leaving Kayleigh with Lieutenant Sheppard and only a few others. Pasha and Iarisha were both close to Majherri and her old unicorn seemed uncomfortable with their attention.

  “I think General Jyslin knew she wasn’t going to live through this,” the officer said to her.

  “Why’s that, ma’am?”

  “She said something to me when I told her to be careful. She said that she wasn’t worried because she’d already met freedom’s next champion and that we were in good hands. I believe she meant you.”

  Kayleigh exhaled a long breath, liking those words even less than the words of Brian’s father moments ago. Finally she conceded, “She may have. I can only strive to be worthy of what she sees…or saw in me.”

  “I think that’s all she would ever ask, Reese, the best from you and every one of us. You’ll have my support, Kayleigh.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Will you try and form a bond with Majherri again?”

  “He, Iarisha, and I will have to have a long discussion at some point.”

  “If you need advice, on anything, Kayleigh, I’ll be there to listen. I’m going to go get Pasha and check the perimeter, Senior Rider. She seems all worked up over Majherri for some reason and I think I might need to intervene. I need someone to stand honor guard over General Jyslin until I return. See to it.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said and saluted.

  Kayleigh watched as the earth maiden retrieved her unicorn. Pasha and Iarisha were both behaving strangely around Majherri. Kayleigh wasn’t certain what to make of it.

  “They each wish to mate with him,” a voice said in her head.

  “What? Who’s there?”

  “A humbled spirit of the Yar. Brought low by a decision made in haste and now seeing the price my people have paid in blood as a result of my poor choices.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “I am Veyli, the hawk spirit, and I wish to make you an offer.”

  “Danella turned into a hawk! Where is she?”

  “She broke our kinship when my brother Rokor, became available.”

  “Who is Rokor?”

  “The hydra spirit.”

“Danella is the hydra now!”

  “I’m afraid so, young sorceress. She will do much harm with such power at her disposal and I will be complicit for giving her a voice amongst the Yar. You are her sworn enemy, correct?”


  “You also offered mercy to one of my wounded followers just a short time ago and encouraged your leaders to accept surrender. The magic in you is also powerful, yet broken at the same time. Otherwise, I don’t think I could even choose you.”

  “Choose me for what?”

  “My next host. The Yar who are still in this city will bow to one of their chieftains. It will stop needless bloodshed and spare many who would refuse to lay down their arms. You may also be able to negotiate favorable terms that do not see them executed or enslaved for what happened in this kingdom. Danella wanted power for the sake of more power. The human who was just here suggested that you wear the mantle of Freedom’s Champion. I offer my power to you in the hopes that your definitions of freedom and mercy will be extended to the eleven tribes of the Yar. All I’ve ever wanted for my people is a better future. I risked much by believing in Danella Lynch and I lost. Now, I must make amends by offering myself to you to stop her. Some of the chieftains fled with her, but others were wisely cautious when it came to her motives. You could make them your allies and gain their support. It may not be easy, but from what I have seen of you, Kayleigh, it is no more difficult than the other trials before you.”

  When she thought about everything facing her, Kayleigh knew that she could use all the help she could get.

  “I’ll do it,” she said, making a decision and hoping for the best.

  “Thank you for accepting me. Eventually, I will begin speaking to you again in dreams and visions. Until then, lead well, Champion.”

  She felt the power infusing her being, traveling all around her body and binding to her. It was different from her bond and her own sorcery. When she opened her eyes, the world seemed sharper, brighter and more in focus than ever. Kayleigh beat her wings and felt the power, rising several feet off the ground.


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