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What The Luck - The Complete Box Set

Page 5

by Winters, KB

  “Ellie wait!” I said. I slowed as I reached her and tried to grab her arm again.

  “Leave me alone, Dylan. Go back to your friends. There’s nothing to talk about here.”

  “I really don’t know those girls,” I lied.

  She stopped walking and turned to look up at me, her eyes blazing with fire. “Really? Do you think I’m an idiot? Wanna get lucky? Handcuffs?”

  “Ellie. Listen to me.”

  “You know what, playboy? I’ll have you know—not that you care, since I’m just a cheap fuck—and a very cheap fuck at that—but I am a Political Science major at Georgetown. I’m not a fucking idiot like your bimbo friends back there. I might have made a mistake tonight, but you can’t treat me like one of your flavors of the week and get away with it. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, or how much money you have. I just want you to leave me the fuck alone! Got it?”

  I knew it was wrong to be so turned on by her verbal assault, but I couldn’t help it. She was so fucking hot when she got feisty.

  Mostly because I knew in the end, I would win whatever argument we had and it would only make me fuck her harder the next time I got her into my bed.

  And there would be a next time. As soon as I figured out how to get out of the current shit-storm I was buried under.

  “Ellie, listen to me. I swear, I don’t know those girls. We had some drinks at the bar a few nights ago, that’s it. Nothing else happened.”

  She scoffed and turned back to walk down the corridor, then she turned back to me and said, “You know what? I really don’t care. I’ve just barely met you and yes, we had a great fuck, so run along. I’m not going to let you or anyone else ruin my vacation.”

  “Ellie, don’t be like that. I had a great time with you. Those girls mean nothing to me.”

  “Then how did they know your name? Your room number?” she asked, her eyebrows arched.

  “I—uh, I don’t know. They followed me?” I couldn’t tell her about the wasted night I’d spent with those girls. It was all a farce and this whole fucking vacation had been fucked up until I met this beautiful girl standing in front of me.

  “Right.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm. “Well, have a nice night. I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to keep you company. But, if I were you, I wouldn’t wait too long—and use protection. They look like you’re not the only one about to get lucky.” I emphasized the ‘lucky’. “And they’re probably just about ready to throw up all those cheap-ass margaritas they seem to have been pounding down all night. Sounds like fun. Now, go,” she said before walking away again.

  I smiled. I couldn’t help it. “Come on, Ellie. If it will make you feel better, I’ll switch rooms so no one else will disturb us.”

  “Us? Us? Where the hell did you get an ‘us’? There is no us. You are frickin’ unbelievable. All you care about is getting me back into your bed as soon as possible. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  I leaned in and smiled at her. It was a halfcocked grin, full of suggestion—and it had worked on many girls before—I hoped it would work just one more time. “What can I say, Ellie? You’re the only girl I’m thinking about.”

  She paused, biting her lip for a moment. I thought the grin might have had her, and stepped in to take her in my arms again, but before I could wrap my arms around her delicious body and get my lips back on her baby soft skin, she reared back. “No, nope, no. I’m not interested.”

  My cock was getting hard again watching her huff and puff. Her breasts rising and falling under the thin fabric of her dress only made me want her more.

  I would find a way. I just had to bide my time.

  “Okay, as you wish.” I offered her my arm. “Can I at least walk you back to your room?”

  She rolled her eyes but took it anyway and we proceeded down the hall, through the corridor, until we reached her hotel room.

  “Your room.” I gestured at the room number on the wall.

  “Yes, very gallant. Thank you.” She fumbled in her purse for her room key, getting more and more frantic as she failed to find it in the small clutch.


  “Oh, my God! Are you serious? Dude, I just fucking met you. I have no say who you hang out with on your vacation.”

  “So will you hang out with me?” I smiled, hoping she was warming back up to me. “We could go to the Seaside Gala tomorrow night?” I asked, trying to make conversation as she continued her search.

  The hotel had been advertising their annual formal event for the last few days. It was to be held in the banquet room and was invite only to the more elite guests. There would be drinking, dancing and a silent auction of big ticket items.

  “Seaside Gala?” Ellie repeated, not looking up.

  “It’s apparently going to be quite the party. I could take you, as my guest.”

  She looked up, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at me. “You’re very persistent, aren’t you?”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” I said, laughing and taking the clutch out of her hands. “I could buy you a new one of these, you know. This is, quite literally, falling apart at the seams.”

  She snatched it from my hands and held it to her chest like she was protecting a baby cub and I had to bite back another grin.

  “No! I’m quite happy with this one.”

  I watched as she continued to search for a moment, but she slowed and sighed under her breath.

  “Shit, shit, shit! I think I forgot to grab my room key.”

  “Guess that means you’ll be forced to come back with me,” I said, putting on my best lady-killing-panty-dropping smile.

  “No, it means I’ll be forced to go find Dixie and peel her away from whatever guy she’s on top of to get her key.”

  “I heard that! Not appreciated!”

  I winced at the sound and turned in the direction to see Ellie’s friend and roommate, Dixie, stalking up the hallway. She was wearing a really short skirt that barely covered her ass, and honestly, girls like her used to do it for me. Easy, no thoughts, feelings, or strings attached. I could only imagine what she must show off every time she took a seat.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” she demanded, then asked, “And, why the hell are you here?”

  The last part was directed at me, and I knew when to bow out—or turn on the charm. Every man knows the fastest way to a woman’s heart is through her best friend. “I was coming to invite you two ladies to be my guests at the Seaside Gala tomorrow night.”

  Dixie’s stink eye faded and she squealed and jumped in the air, her tits popping out of her dress entirely. I bowed my head in utmost respect as she giggled and adjusted the top of her dress and I wondered—for at least the tenth time—how in the hell she and Ellie had ever become friends.

  “Dix, I didn’t say we would go,” Ellie cut in, trying to stop her friend.

  “Oh, Ellie! Come on!” Dixie said and I was happy to have her on my team. “Don’t be such a party pooper! How many times will you get to vacay on a resort island in your life?”


  “Don’t Dix me! Let’s go! There’s an open bar, a cool DJ from LA, and the food is supposed to be to die for.”

  Ellie rolled her eyes. “And you know this how?”

  “Some guy at the restaurant told me about it. When you ditched me, I found another dinner companion. He said he’d like to take me, but he didn’t have an invite. Apparently, it’s very hoity-toity fancy. I mean like…I-should-probably-wear-panties fancy.”

  Ellie scoffed. “See what you did?” She shot a glance to me before grabbing the purse from Dixie and retrieving her room key. She slid it through the card reader on the door and started to shepherd Dixie into the room.

  “I’ll see you at seven,” I said, flashing her one more smile before I turned and walked away, leaving her standing in the hallway with her mouth wide open.

  It was going to be a night to remember.

  Chapter Two — Ellie />
  “Dixie, what the fuck?” I bellowed as soon as I had slammed the door. I whirled around and stared at Dixie, who was already butt naked, sprawled out on her bed. I was so used to seeing her naked, it didn’t even register as a blip on my radar. She was a smart girl with a nudist’s soul.

  “What?” She rolled over and propped her head on her hands.

  “You know what,” I said, stepping out of my shoes and throwing my clutch down onto my bed. “Why did you tell Dylan we would go to the party tomorrow? You knew I didn’t want to go. I was sending all the signals to you for you to say no. You’re my best friend. You’re supposed to have my back, not stab it.”

  “Yes, and you are my best friend, and you were supposed to meet me for dinner. You ditched me to go hang out with him. So, I got a little payback. Really, you should be thanking me.”

  “What?” I spun again and stared down at her. “Are you out of your mind?”

  Dixie sighed. “I’m helping you get out of your own way. Rich dick really seems to like you—well, as much as a hot AF rich guy can like a chick in a day. So, you’ll go, dance, drink, maybe get a little fah-reaky, and by morning, you’ll be telling me it was the best night of your life. Trust me on this.” She threw me a wink. “I have big cock radar, and let me tell ya, it goes off like fireworks whenever rich boy’s around. I mean, you saw him on the beach, those board shorts didn’t hold back!”

  “Oh, my God…”

  She laughed and rolled over onto her back again and I marveled for a moment, wishing I could be so free. As it was, I was internally freaking the hell out at my brazen behavior back in Dylan’s suite. The images of the night flashed behind my eyelids each time I blinked like some kind of graphic flip book, each one leading to the incredibly hot sex on the patio by the pool. I looked down at my wrists where the red marks had almost faded, and remembered his skilled hands running up and down my body. The way my nipples tightened up. His delicious cock. I’d never seen one like it—not that I’d seen a lot, but his cock was beautiful. His ‘V’ was beautiful and the soft curls leading down to his cock were beautiful.

  I sighed. The feeling of being tied up, so vulnerable and exposed was going to be burned into my mind forever. And it made me fucking hot. Stop thinking about him, Ellie. Remember…skank one and bimbo two!

  “All right, all right, we don’t have to go. But, I really think we should. It’ll be fun, and you do kinda owe me,” Dixie said.

  “Or not! You just said you hooked up with some guy in my absence. How long did that take you? Three? Five minutes?”

  Dixie chucked a throw pillow at me as she laughed. “I know, I’m a hooch—but not quite a hooker! At least I have fun, Miss Prissy Pants!”

  I’d never really envied Dixie’s devil-may-care attitude—especially when it came to sex, but as I sat there stewing in my own mixed feelings about the events of the night, I couldn’t help but wish that maybe, just this once, I didn’t care so fucking much what had happened between Dylan and me. I couldn’t take back my actions and I wasn’t sure that I would, if given the choice, but I wished that I had the confidence to walk into the party the next night and be able to play it all off like it had been nothing.

  “So, when are you gonna tell me what happened with you and Mr. Richy Rich Hot Cock?”

  My head snapped in Dixie’s direction, my thoughts suddenly muffled by panic. “What? Nothing happened. He came to ask me about the party.”

  “Bullshit,” she fired back. “Something happened. There was something going on between the two of you.”

  I pinched my eyes closed for a moment. I knew Dixie wouldn’t judge me—hell, she did more than I did before breakfast most days. I just didn’t want to say it all out loud yet. When I opened my eyes, Dixie was sitting up and staring at me, all the silly teasing had gone away from her face, and she actually looked worried.

  “Ellie, what happened? Did he hurt you? I swear to God, I will rip his dick off and stick it up his ass if he did!”

  “That was…colorful,” I said, my stomach rolling at the vivid mental picture she painted. “He didn’t hurt me. I was a willing participant.”

  Dixie’s eyes went wide and her smile crept back up. “Oh. My. God. Ellie!”

  I flopped back on my bed.

  “Tell me. Was I right about the big cock thing?”

  A loud laugh burst out and I dissolved into giggles as I nodded my head.

  “I knew it!” Dixie cheered.

  “You’re ridiculous. You know that, right?” I said.

  “I do, but this isn’t about me, this is about you and Mr. Big Cock!”


  “Okay, okay. I’ll dial it back. Spill,” she prompted.

  I gave her the rundown of what had happened, but left out the whole other girls coming to his room thing. I had mentally boxed that up and set it to the side, not sure how to process it quite yet. I knew if I’d told her, she would have an opinion, and…I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it right now.

  “Shit, girl, I didn’t know you had it in you!”

  “I’ve had sex, Dixie. You make it sound like I’m some virginal queen or something.”

  The truth was, I hadn’t had a lot of sex—nothing like the infamous Dix—and I’d never had a one nighter before. Although, I was pretty sure that given his wish, Dylan would see to it that it wasn’t just a one-time thing.

  “You know what I mean! You had sex, outdoors! Out fucking doors! You refuse to even wear shorts around the house, let alone in front of a guy you’re crushing on. You’re always like, ‘Oooh my thighs’, or ‘Don’t look at my stomach’ and you got down and dirty with a stranger. Girl, I’m proud of you!” she said, giving me a high-five.

  It wasn’t the most flattering appraisal of my behavior, but she was right. I’d been so turned on and in the moment that I hadn’t given my insecurities too much leeway. If I had, things would have ended up completely different. Probably with me locked inside of the bathroom all night with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s or whatever the hell I could find on this island.

  “I guess I didn’t think about it that way. But you’re right, it was amazing. He was amazing.”

  “See, I keep telling you nude is the way to go,” Dixie said.

  “Well, I’m not planning to go that far. And you need to seriously find something to wear tomorrow night. Panties is a step in the right direction, but you actually need to wear clothes as well,” I said, hoping my segue worked to get off the subject of Dylan.

  “All right, let me look through your stuff. I know I didn’t bring anything you’ll like.”

  “At least you’re honest,” I said, snickering under my breath. Dixie and I had very different taste in fashion. I pushed up off the bed and went over to my overflowing suitcase and started digging around for things to try on, for both of us. If I was going to be Dylan’s date, I needed to step up my game as well.

  Besides, it would be fun to show him what he couldn’t have.


  “You look hot!” Dixie said as she sashayed out of the bathroom and took a look at me while I finished putting in my pair of pearl earrings. They had been a gift from my parents when I got accepted to Georgetown and I figured they dressed up an otherwise casual dress.

  “You too, Dix. That dress looks great on you,” I said. She had borrowed my little black cocktail dress, which on her was positively modest. On me, it was a little more va-va-voom with my curvier ass.

  We’d spent the day out by the pool, talking and laughing. It was a good day—only slightly overshadowed by my incessant worry that Dylan was going to pop out from behind a palm tree and try to seduce me into going back to his room again. And I wasn’t confident I’d be able to say no.

  By the time seven o’clock rolled around, I still had no idea what to think about Dylan. I guessed he wasn’t likely looking for a long term thing. Probably just a vacation hook-up, and once he went back to…I paused, realizing that I didn’t even know where he lived…in any case, when our vacatio
ns were over, our little fling would end as well. Part of me was arguing to just enjoy it and let myself go, be a little wild, but the other part told me to back away slowly as there was no telling what kind of shit he was tangled up in. I had very serious ambitions and plans. I was going to take my Political Science degree as close to the White House as I could get, and I could not afford any kind of scandal.

  And Dylan had scandalous written all over his gorgeous face.

  A soft knock at the door stirred me from my mental debate. I gave myself one last look in the full-length mirror and went to answer it.

  I opened the door and would have done a complete spit take if my mouth hadn’t suddenly gone so dry. Dylan was wearing a jet black suit that was absolutely molded to every inch of his perfect body. Every muscle and defined line and angle was highlighted to perfection. He still sported his five o’clock shadow and combined with the suit, I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack.

  Was there such a thing as an eyegasm? If not, that should really be a thing.

  “Good evening, ladies. You both look stunning,” he purred as he stepped into the room.

  My mouth was still too dry to form words.

  “Thank you, you look very…dapper,” Dixie filled in while I stood there, trying to get my jaw off the ground.

  “I appreciate you ladies joining me tonight. Here are your tickets.” He handed us each a thick paper, embossed in a fancy script. “And, for you, Ellie, I have a little something else.”

  My heart stopped in my chest as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a long, royal blue velvet box.

  “I’ll meet you two down at the party. Don’t leave me waiting too long,” Dixie said. She did a pretend humping dance and mouthed “Oh, my God!” behind Dylan’s back.

  I took the box from Dylan, trying not to let my hands shake. I slid open the box to reveal a delicate, diamond necklace. My hand flew over my mouth. “Ohmygosh,” I mumbled into my palm.


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