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The Vampire Family

Page 16

by Kristin Battestella

  "Are you sure?” she stood but kept hold of his hand.

  James let go of her. “I'll be there in a minute."

  Catrina stepped carefully through the trees on her solo path to the castle.

  "There she is,” Jeremiah whispered to the still scarred Charles. The Lilithan hid successfully among the bushes.

  "Let her go,” Charles ordered. “I want to start with James."

  * * * *

  Jessica watched the rock skip and disappear in the dark creek.

  "How many more of those are you going to throw?” she asked Adam. He slung another rock across the valley's creek. A faint cry rang in the distance.

  "Did you hear that?” he asked.

  "Hear what?"

  "I heard a shout or laughing in the distance. Maybe above us."

  A loud thump nearby startled the couple.

  "What was that?"

  "This way.” Adam took her hand, and they stepped carefully over the smooth stones in the stream.

  "Look,” she exclaimed. “Someone is lying there!"

  "I see him.” Adam left her and stepped toward the fallen body on the shoals. He turned over the body and pushed back the dark, bloody hair.


  "Is he alive?” Jessica called.

  "If he were human, no. But...” Adam shook his head. “Bring Antonio."

  The parlor door hit the guard, and he fumbled after Jessica.

  "You can't go in there. It is prohibited!"

  She continued toward the inner door and flung it open. Sarah rushed from view and left Antonio in the bed alone.

  "There's been an accident."

  * * * *

  Antonio stared out his window and asked Jessica again, “You heard nothing more?"


  "And James was the only one you saw?"


  "Bring Adam here.” Antonio finally turned his angry stare to Jessica. She nodded and left. Elizabeth waited by him. Worried and angry, she finally spoke up.

  "The Lilithan had something to do with this."

  "Who else, Elizabeth?” Antonio leaned against the bookcase. He liked his daytime dungeon study more, but his restored upstairs study held memories and ideas all its own. “Charles cried to her. We had the upper hand with all those defenses!"

  Mestiphles entered the study. He pulled a cloth from his pocket and wiped the blood from his hands. “He'll be fine, but he will need a lot of blood."

  "Thank you, Mestiphles.” Antonio shook hands.

  The door opened again, and Stephen tumbled toward them.

  "No one can find Adam."

  Mestiphles kissed Elizabeth's hand and turned to the door. “I think I'll be on my way."

  "This has gone too far, Father,” Stephen proclaimed. “You may let this go, Father, but I won't. Mother agrees with me. I know Charles is responsible, and I intend to make him pay. With or without your help."

  * * * *

  Adam clung to the ivy vines climbing the castle wall. He reached for the balcony, grabbed hold of the rusted iron bars, and swung his legs over. Adam quickly turned away from the view below and gulped. A hand reached out and pulled the foolish young vampire into the dark bedroom.

  A candle was lit, and Adam could see Bradley, Jeremiah, and Charles. The Lilithan trio was brutish and used their smarts for ill, and they hung on every word from their leader.

  "This is the one who ratted to Antonio,” Jeremiah told Charles. “I see your face healed quite nicely."

  Charles smiled. “Lilith has plans for this one."

  She came from the shadows with a bucket in her hand. Bradley pulled out a chair, and Charles pushed Adam into the seat.

  "Allow me.” Lilith raised the bucket and overturned it above Adam's head. Garlic tinged water soaked into his skin, and he screamed.

  Lilith tossed the empty bucket to Bradley, and Jeremiah handed her a rose. Blisters and welts formed on Adam's face, but Lilith rubbed the delicate rose along his garlic burns. He winced as the thorns ripped his skin.

  "Lilith!” Stephen stood in the door, not swayed this time by her deceptive charms.

  Adam leaped from the chair and pushed Jeremiah into Lilith. They tumbled to the floor as Bradley leaped back and clung to the drapes. Charles pulled out his small blade, and Stephen raised his broadsword.

  "Get up!” Lilith demanded. “Move, all of you!"

  She stood, but the rose gashed her palm. Lilith looked down at Jeremiah as he gasped feebly—the rose was wedged in his throat.

  "Bloody fool!” Lilith ignored the slicing thorns against her skin and pulled. The surreal weapon ripped from his neck. Unfortunately, Lilith had sliced too far and only strings and tendons held Jeremiah's head to his body.

  Charles and Stephen exchanged blows. Adam waited for a moment to intercede, but Charles switched moves and caught Stephen off guard. He backed down and reached for the trickling gash on his arm.

  Stephen lunged for him again, but Lilith lingered behind Adam. She plunged the freed rose into his back and ran him through. Stephen swung his sword wildly until Charles was off balance and fell to the floor. Lilith backed away successful and joined Bradley beside the drapes. Adam groaned and dropped to the floor.

  Knowing his vampire descendant's wound, Stephen left his fight. His violet eyes turned crimson, and he knelt beside Adam. Adam briefly looked into Stephen's eyes then looked above him. Stephen clung to his sword and swung it behind him. Charles dropped his sword and fell to the floor in two. Stephen turned to Lilith, but she snapped her fingers and laughed. Lilith and Bradley shrunk and hovered briefly in the room. Then the two black birds disappeared into the night.

  * * * *

  Taking to the comforts of the main hall, Ann sat waiting beside Eric. “Do you see anything out there?"

  She cared not if Sarah was again Antonio's favorite. She had Eric. Still, she enjoyed her own authority. Painted and ready for a fight, Sarah peered out the small window in the door, then closed the wooden cover.

  "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

  Eric rested his hand on Ann's shoulder, and Samantha stood close to Slava and his foreign shield. Loud pounding sounds echoed through the house.

  "What was that?” Sarah raised her small dagger.

  "The back door.” Ann looked up at Eric. “The kitchen entrance. The one Victoria uses."

  Eric darted through the dining room with Slava and the women behind him. He slowly opened the kitchen door, but the preparation room was dark.

  "Nothing amiss.” He entered.

  Slava opened the outside door, and the room brightened with firelight.

  "Look out!"

  Eric howled and waved his inflamed arm as Slava ducked beneath his shield.

  "Eric!” Ann cried and reached out, but Samantha held her frightened mother in the kitchen doorway.

  "Where is the barrel?” Sarah used the fire blazing down Eric's side to search the kitchen. She grabbed the bucket in the corner and tossed the water onto him.

  Eric sat with Ann at the kitchen table, but Samantha stood as they examined the fleshy burns.

  "They will heal, eventually.” Ann bit her lip and directed the ready, willing, and equally angry Sarah and Slava. “Look outside. And mind the fire."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 43

  Stephen sat on the floor beside Adam, but he was gone. He was too young for such a wound to heal. Antonio entered Lilith's room, and Pamela and Jessica rushed past him.

  "Throw those pieces outside with the animal carcasses.” He told Stephen how to get rid of Charles once and for all. The father and son looked away from the mourning Jessica and Pamela.

  "Give the girls a moment.” Antonio cleared his throat. “I do not want those two getting in here. My hospitality only goes so far."

  Jessica and Pamela sniffled beside Adam. Jessica gently touched his face as, blood tears covered her cheeks.

  "I smell fire.” Antonio left quickly, and Stephen convinced Jessica and Pam
ela to follow with a tug each. The Welshires halted at the top of the stairs. Lilith stood sternly at the bottom, and Antonio sneered down at her. Her eyes glowed red with anger, hunger, and fury. She raised her arms, and Stephen pushed Jessica and Pamela aside.

  "Father, get down!” he pushed Antonio with all his might.

  Lilith shot out sparks and lightning bolts of fire. They etched into the large staircase and crackled into a roaring blaze. Antonio looked through the flames for his adversary.

  "Do you see her?"

  Stephen looked as well, but Lilith was gone.

  The stairs flamed and smoldered, but Antonio stood above the black smoke. Stephen coughed on the floor, but Antonio helped him stand.

  "You cannot suffocate,” he said. “Whence for Pamela and Jessica?"

  Stephen looked around them, but his women were gone. He turned into the thick wall of smoke. Suffocation or not, Stephen coughed and covered his mouth. He felt along the wall for guidance but tripped. The smoke parted and Antonio appeared, angry. He straightened Stephen again.

  "I shan't lose another vampire this night. Find them!"

  * * * *

  Lilith's room smoked around her, and Pamela fell to the floor exhausted. Stephen picked her for her looks, not her strength. The burning room around her didn't make things easy, either. Pieces of burning wood fell over her and Jessica.

  "Get up!” Jessica screamed at her and pushed her to her feet again.

  "We can't do it!” Pamela groaned. “We cannot get him out of here."

  "Yes, we will.” Jessica grabbed one arm, and Pamela held the other. They attempted to drag Adam's body from Lilith's crumbling room, but Pamela fell again. A voice echoed on the flames.

  "Did you hear? It's Stephen!"

  "Stephen?” Jessica called. “We are here. Stephen!"

  "What are you two doing? You cannot take Adam's body. Leave it.” Stephen grabbed Jessica as more smoke filled the room.

  "I will not!"

  "If he were alive or wounded ... but he is dead, Jessica. Dead!” Stephen moved out the door with her. “Pamela. We must get downstairs."

  Stephen gasped. “James!"

  He met Antonio at the top of the stairs.

  "Father, James is still...” A roar of fire came from behind them. Jessica and Pamela ducked, and the hallway collapsed and crumbled.

  "What?” Antonio leaned closer to Stephen.

  "James is downstairs."

  "What?” Another billow struck.


  "James!” Antonio disappeared down the flaming steps.

  * * * *

  Slava and Sarah inched further past the flaming door and onto the castle grounds.

  "I smell Lilithan,” Slava stepped toward the woods.

  "There he is!” Sarah pointed at Bradley, who quickly ran from his exposed location among the trees. Sarah knew those woods all too well and followed. “This way!"

  Bradley ran and looked over his shoulder, but there seemed to be no pursuit. He hopped over a fallen tree and into a small clearing, but Sarah jumped out of the shadows in front of him. Her fangs were extended and her eyes raged. Bradley jerked and turned the other way, but Slava was there. He smiled. Bradley cringed, and the enemy vampires moved in on him.

  Light grew brighter in the distance, and Slava dropped Bradley's shriveled body.

  "It's not yet dawn?"

  Sarah wiped the blood from her chin, then frowned. “The castle!"

  * * * *

  "Do you hear that?” Samantha asked. They waited in the kitchen still, and she feared every creak and cranny of the castle.

  "It's nothing, dear,” Ann said.

  Eric held Ann's hands. “No, listen."

  Ann looked up to the ceiling and heard the crinkling and crackling sound.

  "What is it?” Samantha questioned.

  Eric knew too well. “Fire."

  Ann stood. “To Antonio, hurry!"

  Samantha ran into the foyer, Ann and Eric lingering behind her. She had almost gotten used to all these troubles and battles. Almost. They halted below the flaming staircase, and the front door swung open.

  "The whole upstairs is on fire,” Slava reported, out of breath.

  Sarah breathed deeply. “Bradley is finished."

  "We've got to get up there,” Samantha insisted.

  "Look at that blaze,” Eric protested. “I've had enough fire for one night. Do you not see these boils still?"

  "There is a second staircase,” Sarah revealed.

  Ann gazed coldly at her. “Where?"

  "Through the kitchen to Antonio's study."

  They turned back to the kitchen, but a crash came from the staircase. A ball of flame rolled down the stairs, and Antonio tumbled onto the floor. Ann helped him to his feet.

  "Where is James?"

  "They are still in the library,” Eric answered.

  "What about Stephen?” Ann asked.

  "He is still upstairs with Pamela and Jessica."

  "We can try the back stairs,” Sarah told Antonio.

  "Good. Ann, you go with her. Eric, Samantha, get to Elizabeth and make sure they get out of here."

  A raven flew through the open door and circled above the fire. A puff of yellow smoke filled the hall, and Lilith appeared in the doorway. Slava and Sarah inched toward the kitchen and tugged Ann along. Eric turned to the rumbling library as he and Samantha backed toward the flames. Lilith focused on Antonio, and his glare was mutual.

  She grinned. “Do you like what I've done to your castle?"

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 44

  Chips of wood fell to the floor, and charred bits fell through the ceiling. Books dropped down from the shelves.

  "We have to get out of here, now!” Victoria said to her mother. They leaned over James to protect him from the debris.

  "I can get up.” He sat up on the hard table.

  "No.” Catrina held his shoulder.

  "Victoria, we cannot move James in his condition,” Elizabeth said.

  "What condition?” Victoria looked at James. “He's fine."

  "Listen to Elizabeth,” Catrina said.

  "You stay out of this,” Victoria snapped.

  "James is too weak to move,” Elizabeth began.

  "We can carry him."

  "We gave him too much blood,” Catrina said.

  "He will be dead if we don't get him out of here!” Victoria pushed Catrina away and put her arm around James. He sat up again, but the room shook. A massive hunk crumbled from the ceiling. The walls caved in, and the books tumbled from the shelves.

  * * * *

  "I think I see the door to the library. It's open.” Eric stood to his full height to see above the black thickness. He held Samantha's hand as they stumbled through the heat.

  "Elizabeth!” Samantha called for her kindred aunt.

  Catrina sat outside the door with James huddled next to her. He recognized his half-sister's hail.

  "Samantha.” He yelled. “Samantha!"

  Samantha appeared from the thick black smoke, and James smiled. Eric kept watch above them.

  "Elizabeth and Victoria are still in there,” Catrina said.

  "I can get these two out,” Eric volunteered.

  "Go out through the courtyard. We will be right behind you.” Samantha stepped over a pile of charred books and entered the library. She looked up at the burning hole in the ceiling.

  "Victoria? Elizabeth?"

  Elizabeth opened her eyes and let go of Victoria's hand.

  "Mother!” Victoria kicked her legs and wiggled under the fallen beam.

  "Samantha? Over here!"

  Samantha followed Elizabeth's voice. “Where is Victoria?"

  "Get me out of here!"

  Samantha stepped over the lumber and gave it a slight push. Elizabeth wrapped her hands around her wrists and pulled, but Victoria moved slightly. Samantha sighed and braced herself. She held the hot wood up for a few seconds, and Elizabeth yanked with a
ll her might. Victoria slid away from the beam and drew her legs close.

  Samantha dropped the lumber. “Through the courtyard. Come!"

  * * * *

  Jessica teetered on the edge of the crumbling floor. Stephen grabbed her and backed into Antonio's study with Pamela.

  "There is no way out!"

  "What do we do now?” Jessica asked.

  "We could fall down with the floor,” Pamela contemplated.

  "That might be our only choice,” Stephen agreed.

  * * * *

  Sarah came to the top of the stone steps and pushed on the closed entrance.

  "Why isn't it opening?” Ann's irritation grew.

  "It should open outward. Something on the other side must be blocking it."

  "What is that?” Pamela looked up.

  "The roof must be buckling. Move!” Stephen held his women and shielded them from the fire.

  Jessica pointed. “The bookcase!"

  "I do not want to be crushed by falling rubble!” Stephen yelled.

  "I don't think they can hear us.” Sarah stopped pounding on the entrance.

  "Maybe they are dead?” Slava dared.

  "From what?” Sarah resumed her pounding.

  "There it is again.” Jessica stepped away from Stephen and closer to the bookcase. “Someone is on the other side."

  Stephen and Pamela stepped over the overturned furniture and leaned their heads against the bookcase.

  Pamela listened. “Slava? How did you get back there?"

  "That's Pamela!” Slava exclaimed to Ann and Sarah.

  "There is a hidden stair behind the bookcase.” Sarah raised her voice. “Is there something in front of it?"

  Stephen looked down. “Yes, some wood is in the way."

  "If you can move it, we can get you out."

  Stephen hoisted one end of the board then slid it away. He turned to the second piece with his vampire strength. Ann heard the beams move and squeak, and cracks of light finally traced the entrance.

  "We haven't got much time.” Sarah skipped down the winding stone steps and out of the kitchen. Stephen and his fledglings quickly followed.

  * * * *

  "Alone at last.” Lilith sneered at Antonio again.

  "I suspected you were hell spawn,” he said. “No brimstones?"

  "If you wish.” Lilith raised her arm, but no bolts of fire spurred from her gifted hands. Lilith was stunned and yanked her arm out again, but no brimstones came. It seemed whatever magical powers she had were gone. A laugh echoed through the hall.


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