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by Sean Michael

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.



  An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers

  PO Box 2545

  Round Rock, TX 78680

  Copyright 2010 by Sean Michael

  Cover illustration by S. Squires

  Published with permission

  ISBN: 978-1-61040-027-5

  All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

  First Torquere Press Printing: August 2010

  Printed in the USA


  By Sean Michael

  Chapter One

  Bean walked into the Hammer, nodding at the bouncer at the door. They all knew he was Bake's brother and had a standing guest pass.

  It was Friday night and the place was jumping. Bean was looking for his twin, though, so he just waved to the people he knew and kept going until he saw Bake sitting at the bar, tossing back peanuts.

  Bake saw him coming and gave him a lazy grin. "Hey, baby brother."

  He stuck his tongue out at Bake. "We're twins."

  Bake shrugged. "I was born first."

  Bean rolled his eyes. "Did you get me a beer at least?"

  Bake nodded to the bartender, who handed over a large glass with a good head on it.

  "Cool." Bake owed him dinner on a little wager they'd made over last night's game. It figured his twin would drag him here to pay up. Not that he minded that much; it was fun to watch. As long as no one started bleeding.

  He took a sip of his beer and looked around the club; there was usually a show on Friday nights. It was slowly filling, but there wasn't anyone on stage yet, just the usual suspects -- people drinking and laughing and milling around. "You meeting anyone later?"

  Bake was a Top with a capital T, and he liked playing with the bottom boys.

  Bake shook his head. "Nah. I mean, if I hook up with someone, cool, but I don't have anything planned."

  "We could go out. Go dancing."

  Bake grinned at him. "We could dance here."

  "Bake, you got a minute?" The deep, husky voice hit Bean square between the shoulders before he could answer, the sound pure, perfect sex. Bean bit his lip but couldn't stop the moan; he hoped the sound of the club would cover it up.

  Bake smiled over his shoulder. "Sure, Clay. How're you doing, man?"

  Bean glanced back as casually as he could.

  Broad, solid, and so fine, a clean-cut, square-jawed man stood there, bright blue eyes flashing. "I have a couple of problems that I need help with."

  Bean stopped all pretence of casual, turning around to lean back against Bake's bulk and just stare.

  Bake chuckled. "Yeah? I bet I know their names, too."

  "Yes. The little fuckers wrecked my truck, man. I've been back for what? Five months? Six? I can't do this shit. I'm going to kill them both."

  "Oh, now, that would be a waste of pretty." Bake laughed.

  "What are we talking about?" Bean finally found his voice.

  "My irritating, aggravating, nasty, undisciplined, asshole twin brothers." Those eyes landed on him, burning like lasers. "Excuse my French."

  Bean wasn't the fluttering type, but God damn, this man was worth fluttering over. He smiled. "It's excused."

  He got a short, sharp nod. "Bake, man. I need you. You've been hunting them for a year; I know you want your chance to wear their asses out. I'll give them to you for as long as you want them." Clay waved his hand, showing two bound, struggling, gagged men who didn't look anything like their brother, being watched by a big, bald leatherdaddy.

  Bean's jaw dropped.

  Bake, on the other hand, was laughing and rubbing his hands together. "Clay, my man. I owe you a steak. Let's go have supper. All five of us. I owe my brother here supper as well."

  "Works for me." Clay held one hand out to him. "Clay Gimble."

  Bean put his hand in Clay's, which just swallowed his up. "Bean Ebony." He looked over at Bake and gave his brother an evil smile. "Bake's younger brother."

  Clay's hand pressed his, and electricity shot up his arm. "Pleased."

  He swallowed hard and smiled. "Yeah."

  He could hear Bake rolling his eyes, and he brought his heel down hard on Bake's foot.

  Clay chuckled. "Steak?" Clay was speaking to Bake, but looking at him.

  "Yeah, I like steak a lot. And if it's on Bake, it tastes even better."

  Bake swatted the back of his head, and he stuck his tongue out at his twin.

  Clay chuckled. "I'd offer to drive, but Frick and Frack left me with my work truck."

  "We can eat here," Bake broke in. "It'll make keeping Frick and Frack bound and gagged easier."

  "Those aren't really their names, are they?" Bean couldn't help but ask.

  "No. No. Devin and Darius."

  He grinned. "Is there an A and B?"

  "Andrea and Beryl. Then Elizabeth, Freddy, and Ginny."

  Bean laughed. "That's great!" He smiled up at Clay, flirting about as hard as he could.

  Bake's hand came down on his shoulder. "Come on. Let's go sit. I want to admire those naughty boys from close up." And no doubt make sure the big, bald leatherdaddy didn't get there first.

  "I swear to God, Bake, man. You let the little fuckers say one word, and I'm leaving."

  "No, no. I'm happy to have them just sit and look pretty." Bake stood up and headed toward the twins. "Show Clay to my usual table," he threw the words over his shoulder at Bean.

  Clay chuckled. "Bossy old man." One arm wrapped around his waist. "Come on, lead the way."

  "He is." Bean couldn't help but notice how well he fit, tucked up against Clay's body. "He's also got a great table every second Friday night." He led Clay over to the table fairly near the stage.

  "Are you a member here?"

  There were things going on onstage, but Bean didn't care anymore what they were. "No, I'm just here on Bake's card. The food is good and the scenery is..." He grinned. "Interesting." Not as interesting as Clay, though.

  "Ah. I put in the tile here -- Oliver and Xavier gave me a membership."

  "So you're one of those bossy tops, then." There was no way this man was a bottom. No way. Bean hoped.

  "No. I'm a man who likes to fuck, likes to have a good time, and likes the friends he's made. I'm not... interested in the oh-beat-me-now crowd."

  Bean laughed, extremely happy with Clay's answer. "Cool."

  They sat, but Bean wasn't interested in the menu. He wasn't interested in wondering why Bake hadn't come over yet. His entire focus was on the stud sitting next to him.

  Clay didn't crowd him or puff up; the man sat solidly, read the menu. "What do you do for a living, Bean -- is your real name Bean?"

  "Might as well be. I'm James and Bake is Jacob, but my mom always called us her little baked beans. I guess we were pretty small when we were born, and the nicknames must have suited us better than the real names she gave us." He laughed a little. "It stuck and so I'm Bean and he's Bake and always have been. As for work -- I'm in landscaping with Bake." They had a little company. He did the designing, the paperwork, and the gardening. Bake did the majority of the heavy lifting.

  "Yeah? Cool. I like a man who can work with his hands."

  "What about you?" Bean found he wanted to know every little thing about Clay.

  "I'm gettin
g back into tile work. I took a break, did a tour in the service."

  "Yeah? How long?"

  "Five years."

  "Oh, man. That's rough. How long have you been back?"

  "About three months. Long enough to be glad to be out."

  Bake waltzed over to the table, Clay's brothers in tow, still bound and gagged.

  "You two can kneel, and if you're good I just might let you have some dessert."

  "You'd better not be talking to us." Bean winked at Clay.

  Bake snorted. "As if."

  Clay chuckled, not even looking at the two bound men who wriggled and grunted through the huge ball gags.

  Bean was barely aware of moving closer to Clay; he wanted to get to know the man, not watch Bake play with his new toys.

  Clay looked at him, right at him. "You okay, Bean?"

  "Yeah, I do believe I am." He gave Clay his best smile, touched the man's arm.

  "I have to tell you before we go any farther, pretty man. I'm not looking to play games."

  "Thank God for that." The problem with being the -- slighter -- twin brother of a big, bad-ass Top was that people just assumed you were in the lifestyle, too.

  "Good deal." Clay relaxed back, then looked at Bake. "I appreciate you taking over my little problem for me."

  Bake grinned wolfishly. "I'll be sure to come up with a good way for you to pay me back."

  "I have zero doubt." Clay's lips tightened, eyes landing on the twins. "My truck. Little fucks."

  Bean eyed the twins; Bake had tied him up plenty of times when they'd been growing up, playing cowboys and Indians. This was something else completely.

  "So what did they do?" he asked Clay.

  "I asked them to clean up the house, since they both had the day off. Then I get a call at my job from the sheriff; they took my pickup on a joyride and wrapped it around a tree. They could have been hurt."

  "That's a pretty stupid stunt."

  "Yes." Clay shook his head. "They know better."

  The two bound men were glaring -- well, one was glaring, shooting daggers. The other one looked ashamed, at least a little.

  "Don't you worry, Clay. They're mine now." Bake rubbed his hands together, giving the twins a speculative look.

  Clay nodded. "They are. They need a firm hand."

  One twin snorted, chin lifted. The other one sat there and vibrated, eyes wide.

  "They'll have one." Bake reached out and stroked the non-snorter with gentle fingers. The other one got his ass popped.

  Bean shook his head. "Do you think we're going to be able to order anytime soon?" He was far more interested in Clay than in Bake and his two new playthings.

  "It's busy in here tonight." Clay's eyes met his. "And about to get a little wild. I'd suggest going somewhere else, but the waiter's on the way."

  "I'd go anywhere you'd like." They hadn't actually ordered yet, had they? So it wasn't like they'd be charged or putting anyone out or anything. Bake would never miss them. And even if he did, well, Bean wasn't put on this earth for his twin's entertainment, no matter if Bake thought he was or not.

  "I wouldn't mind a burger and a milkshake and then giving you a good, hard fuck, honestly." Clay hadn't been teasing; the man was straightforward.

  The words went straight to his cock, his whole body going tight. Bean nodded. Fuck, yes. "Please."

  "Come on, then. Bake's busy."

  Bean nodded, kicking his brother under the table before standing. Bake glared over at him and Bean waved. "See you later, B."

  One of Bake's eyebrows went up, but Bean ignored him.

  "Call me if you need me, man." Clay shot a look at the twins as he spoke.

  "I won't. Be nice to my baby brother."

  Bean rolled his eyes. "Let's get out of here, Clay."

  "I'm with you." Clay's hand landed on the small of his back, warm and solid. Which might have been just as well, because that voice and the touch were conspiring to melt his spine.

  "I'm in the black truck." No 'do you want to meet me somewhere?' or 'would you like to drive?'

  Bean liked the take-charge attitude. "Work truck?" he asked.

  "Yeah. There's ceramic dust everywhere, but I threw a couple of towels in."

  "A little dirt never hurt anyone, huh?"

  "Nope. Chuck's Burgers work for you?"

  "Oh, I love their fries." He'd have guessed the right black truck anywhere, as it had a good layer of the dust on it.

  "Yeah. Good burgers, too." Clay walked him up to the truck. "One thing, Bean."

  Clay spun him around and planted a kiss on him, tongue pushing into his lips, one hand on his hip, the other on the back of his head. Bean did the only thing he could think of -- he wrapped his arms around Clay and opened wide.

  The kiss was deep and hard, taking no prisoners but making sure he was well-tasted. He felt it right down to his toes, too, which curled inside his shoes. His fingers dug in, his head spinning. Clay hummed, dragged him closer, and proceeded to kiss him until the entire fucking world disappeared. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think, and he didn't care. Little, needy noises were pouring out of him and into Clay's mouth.

  When Clay backed off, he held Bean steady until the world stopped spinning. When Bean had some of his wits back, he smiled up at Clay, the man still making up most of his world. "I like your one thing."

  "Needed to make sure we had chemistry, hmm?"

  "I knew that the minute you opened your mouth." That shiver hadn't been for Bake, that was for sure.

  "Good." Clay opened the truck door for him.

  He brushed Clay's arm as he went past the man and climbed in. One of those big hands squeezed his ass as he went. Bean was all but purring; Bean did love a man who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to take it.

  They headed toward Chuck's, rock music low on the radio. Clay parked the truck under a street light, looked over at him. "Hungry?"

  He stared right back. "Starving." And not just for food.

  "Yeah." That smile burned him, deep.

  He licked his lips, and he swore he could still taste Clay on them.

  "Tell me about you, man?" Clay asked as they headed in. The place was busy, crowded. "How do you feel about take-out?"

  "I think take-out leaves a whole lot of possibilities open." He grinned, please as hell that Clay seemed as eager as he was to get the eating part over with. "What did you want to know?"

  Those eyes met his again, straightforward as fuck. "Everything."

  That one word started something warm in his belly. "I'll start with the alarm clock in the morning, then, and stop me when you get bored. I hate getting up in the morning -- I much prefer snuggling and burying myself, especially if I'm with someone -- but once I'm up, I'm pretty much awake. I like Lucky Charms for breakfast, but only if Bake hasn't eaten all the marshmallow bits out of it already."

  "I'm a big eggs and bacon man, myself, although I get up early, work out, then come back for food."

  "I'd love to watch you work out." He reached over and slid his hand up and down Clay's muscled arm. Seeing all those muscles at work had to be a thing of joy.

  "I have a room for it at my house. Nothing fancy. So, after cereal?"

  Bean took a moment to imagine waking up from a big, warm bed and going to watch Clay work out. It was a nice little fantasy. There were still a few people in front of them, and he already knew what he wanted, so he went on.

  "Me and Bake meet in the office and figure out our day. Some days we don't coincide at all, but as often as not we do, and we make sure we're on the same page, so we go to the sites together. He can drive me nuts, but on the whole he's a good guy." Bean figured time from time you'd wind up snarking at anyone you worked with closely, not just if it was your twin.

  "Are you two lovers?"

  "Me and Bake?" He started to laugh. "I'm sorry; I'm not laughing at you but at the idea of the two of us..." Still chuckling, he shook his head. "Oh, we did some experimenting -- he was the first boy I kissed, an
d we jacked off together and stuff. But no. I love him to death, but so not like that."

  "Good. I'm not interested in groups." He loved how sure Clay was, about everything.

  "No, I don't share well." He didn't play, he didn't share, he wasn't interested in boinking his brother. He was, however, very sure about how much Clay turned him on.

  "Me, either." Clay looked right into him. "I love having sex, though. I'm a big fucking fan."


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