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Heir To The Nova (Book 3)

Page 34

by T. Michael Ford

  “See, I told you the math is pretty simple for dragons,” Nia chuckled, elbowing me in the arm.

  “Well, Father, it is time to make Maya our official mother,” Dusk sighed happily.

  I turned around to see Rosa crying again. “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but I can’t help it.” She wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. “I’ve only had you both for such a short time and now you’re all grown up.”

  “Rosa, you’re not going to lose us any time soon. We will always be here with you and you with us. Maya and I will always see you as our mother. Besides, from the looks of things, we’re going to be the ones who watch you grow old and gray eventually.

  She wiped her tears. “That last part wasn’t really necessary, but I appreciate the sentiment. You’ll always be my children, I just wish I could see Maya in her dress right now!”

  “What? They won’t even let you in?” Nia asked in disbelief.

  “No, those nebulia are very bossy.”

  “We know,” Dawn and Dusk growled scornfully from across the room. “We’re supposed to be her handmaidens, and her daughters! And they still booted us out as soon as the dress arrived. We don’t even know what color it is!”

  “I don’t even know where she is,” I said gloomily, joining in on the complaint session.

  Dawn smirked, “She’s in the main floor office right below us. It wouldn’t be much of a processional to the keep without the bride, would it?”

  “You mean all this time all I had to do was use my mage sight and look through the floor?”

  Rosa, Nia, and the twins huddled together for a few seconds and came back with scheming smiles. “Do it…just a peek…we’re dying to know!”

  “You’re forgetting that Winya would know, which means Maya would know, and I would be a dead man!”

  “You darn right,” Winya chimed in. “But your wait will definitely be worth every excruciating minute. This dress is just…wow! I know what I’ll be wearing in the afterlife for the next few millennia! Here we go…it’s time! Good luck, Alex! I love you, and thank you for including me in this journey!”

  A Helios staffer politely knocked on the doorframe and beckoned us to follow. Rosa attempted to kill me by hugging me repeatedly as we were going down the narrow stairs. At ground level, we walked out into the sunny main courtyard, all of which had been repaired and scrubbed of any traces of the world-in-the-balance struggle that took place here. I squinted up at the sun, and for the life of me, I couldn’t tell it wasn’t the one I had been born under. Even the pale blue moon that was just about to exit the scene for the day was familiar.

  Our two white warhorses dominated the center of the space, impatiently nickering and shuffling their massive hooves. Their coats were brushed clean and the unicorn armor was polished to the point where the sun’s reflection made them almost hard to look at. Our two stable boys, dressed in short but formal fire wizard robes, stood jauntily holding onto the reins. The smiles on their faces said this was the proudest moment of their lives.

  The door next to the stairs that I had just come down opened a crack, and we all whipped around. A sparkling emerald green, raised-heel dancing shoe edged out of the opening. My eyes followed it up as a long, slender dusky-hued leg eased out after it coquettishly. The scene froze there for a few seconds, just letting us breathlessly hang, before Maya slowly opened the door the rest of the way and sauntered out onto the raised porch. It was a full-on emerald green dress that seemed to catch every sparkle of our new sun. My mind made note of the fact that the color matched her eyes perfectly, but my attention was focused elsewhere. There was a very long slit in the fabric that showed off her amazing legs and skin with every subtle movement. A forest-leaf pattern of gems started at her left breast and descended elegantly down her side. The bottom of the dress was longer in the back, creating a train of sorts that caressed the ground when she walked. Her hair was elegantly styled up, with a vine of living purple ivy flowers holding it together, with just a few of my favorite silver curls left to hang down the sides to frame her face. Winya, of course, beautifully accessorized my bride’s wrist.

  Maya did a playful spin on the raised platform. The fanning out of her dress revealed even more leg. The top of the dress was strapless and covered almost none of her back, revealing the row of soft downy feathers that were her vestigial wings. I found them unbearably attractive. She stopped at the third revolution, planted her foot, and challenged me with her eyes. Unbidden, I closed the space between us. For a moment, my chest expanded and almost hurt worse than all those cracked and broken ribs together, I was so in awe of her.

  “I’ll take your lust-filled gawking as approval, my King,” she murmured, leaning down to my ear.

  “More than that, more than anything I’ve ever imagined, my Queen!” I whispered back.

  “Shall we go, then?” I nodded wordlessly as Kaima pulled up alongside and kneeled. Placing my hands on my dark elf’s narrow waist, I carefully lifted her up onto the mare’s broad back sideways. As she was wearing a dress, a saddle wouldn’t be appropriate, but she was in no danger of falling off. When she settled herself, crossed her legs, and waived gently to the closest onlookers, you can be sure every eye in the place was firmly fixed on her.

  I don’t even remember getting on Somnus, but side-by-side a few seconds later, we started our guided walk up the cobblestone path to the grand keep. A number of horns sounded and claps of approval greeted us as villagers, soldiers, and staff lined up to wish us well. The closer we got to the keep, the more crowed and raucous the spectators were. Apparently, our marriage was something everyone wanted to see. Helios in full battle armor lined the road and saluted as we slowly passed. The display was stunning and also humbling; the blacksmith’s assistant from Foalshead, still a big part of who I am, was awed and befuddled to say the least.

  Maya looked over at me and smiled ever brighter, nudging me to follow her lead and wave to the crowd. Seeing the calm assurance on her face snapped me out of it, and I started playing to the crowd right along with her. With this woman at my side, I felt I could move the world!

  A little more than halfway to our destination, Maya leaned over to me and still waving to the throng, whispered in a low throaty voice, “You know, my King, you are looking pretty handsome in that fancy shirt. It’s too bad my spirit cat, the Jag’uri, has other plans for it.”

  “Other plans?”

  “Oh yes, my love. As soon as we get you alone, she wants to extend her claws and rip it off your body, and shred it into a million pieces. These past couple weeks of waiting have been hard on the poor dear, and now she’s demanding satisfaction. A lot of satisfaction!”

  “Really?” I teased back. “Well, you’re not the only one with a spirit animal, you know. I’ve got a Vakha STALLION just biding his time for this day, most creatively I might add.”

  Maya blinked and straightened up, giving Somnus and me a long appraising glance. She blushed impressively then turned away quickly to wave some more at the crowd.

  “Ooooh! Straight points for that one, Alex! That one got her thinking! Winya giggled hysterically as Somnus whinnied laughingly and bobbed his head up and down. One of these days I am going to find out what he really is!

  Finally arriving at the doors of the keep, our stable boys brought us to a halt and bowed. The Vakhas kneeled in their usual stately manner. I gingerly helped Maya down off her steed, which earned me a broad smile and a quick hug, as hand in hand we walked up the steps.

  Even as huge as the main hall was, it was entirely packed wall-to-wall with friends, family, wizards, and well-wishers. My mind was reeling with the noise as the blare of a dozen horns marked our entrance; this, over and above the din of the excited crowd. I saw Higs, Alera, Hons, and the druid girls all lining the walkway, congratulating us as we passed.

  Up on the raised dais, where our special thrones sat, stood Qleyse and Mingt; the old fire wizard still impressive in his finest robes. Directly behind the thrones were two armor st
ands that held both our sets, newly repaired and polished. A new red cape was attached to the collar of each. Behind those stood the two golden throne guardian constructs, a kite shield and massive short spear held formally in each hand.

  When we had almost reached the thrones, still holding hands, Qleyse motioned for us to turn and face the audience. I picked out my foster family right away; they had apparently enjoyed a reunion with Faeron and Renalla. Of course, both women were already wiping away tears and blowing their noses. The dark elf King and my foster father just chatted amiably. Rosa was right next to them, with Nia on her shoulder. Dawn and Dusk, in their finest glittering silver dresses, flanked both sides of the thrones. From the dirty looks some of the nebulia were giving them, I could tell the dragons were off script and not supposed to be there. But I don’t think anyone was going to challenge them about it.

  Qleyse called the room to attention in his booming voice and started his speech, with Mingt chiming in periodically. By this time, my bride and I had turned to face each other, our hands still intertwined, simply lost in each other’s eyes. I saw pure love and acceptance in those depths; we had been through so much. Our joined soul threads were now truly just a single unbreakable strand. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you very much of what was said; the only thing that broke us out of our trance was Qleyse poking me after the long pause when he gave us permission to kiss. And kiss we did, to the enthusiastic cheers and stomps of the crowd.

  Darroth came trudging up in what served as his finest clean work clothes; he was carrying a large blue pillow. He glanced nervously into the crowd until his eyes rested on Elsa, who gave him an encouraging smile and a nod. Obviously, the two of them must have made up yet again. Resting on the pillow were two golden crowns.

  “Here you are, your Majesties. Fresh and still warm from the forge!”

  Dawn and Dusk swung around and picked up the crowns reverently, giving them a quick breath of cold air to cool them down a bit. Darroth wasn’t kidding, they were still warm. The silvers then walked over and placed the crowns on each of our heads to the thundering applause of the assembled guests. They were masterpieces, each with the symbol of the Nova etched into the foremast. A pair of comets raced across the side bands and each crown was finished off with inset blue gems and other precious metals. Maya’s, of course, was smaller, and I thought it looked wonderful on her. Personally, I didn’t think mine suited me, at least not yet.

  The castellan motioned for us to sit on our thrones. After we were seated, he leaned in and whispered, “Don’t worry, we’re almost done. The next part is the Benediction of Light ceremony, and we will need your assistance for that.” At first, we were puzzled, but then he smiled brightly and folded his hands together, making a slight bird flapping gesture. Ah, it was time to brighten up the room. Maya, of course, caught on to what he was saying faster than I did; and with a huge dazzling smile, she extended her wings to the amazement and delight of most of the attendees. I was a few seconds behind but still impressive enough to those who were caught unaware. And wow, were our parents caught unaware! It seriously looked like Renalla and Melinda {Merilda} were going to faint dead away, and Faeron and my foster father kept looking around with amused expressions, expecting at any time someone was going to let them in on the joke.

  But the look I saw in my lover’s eyes was no joke. She was ecstatic enough to light up the place alone. But that look kindled the same desire in me. Suddenly people were clapping and cheering wildly, but the noise quickly died down as nearly everyone in the place was forced to stop what they were doing and shield their eyes. It was interesting to see the reaction by the nebulia. Normally so proper and reserved, they were actually smiling, laughing, and embracing each other. The Helios, too, were enjoying the warmth of the light, absorbing it gleefully like a dachshund in a sunbeam.

  Finally, Qleyse brought his arms up. “All hail, King Alex! All hail, Queen Maya! All hail, the Comets, rulers of Sky Raven!” And the keep’s walls reverberated for several minutes with lively celebrations.

  We spent the next hour, wings retracted, standing around the steps of the throne area, as people came up and gave us their blessings and congratulations. Thankfully, we were saved by the dinner bell, and the nebulia maidens came by and directed us to our table. Another of the larger halls had been set up for our party. No one in the keep or even the fortress was left out, the nebulia even set up huge tables of food and drink in the main courtyard so everyone within the walls of Sky Raven could enjoy the festivities.

  Maya and I were seated at the ceremonial head table, of course, with all three sets of parents and Rosa at the table to our right, and our daughters and closest friends to our left. The meal seemed to go on for hours, with countless courses brought and returned by the relentless nebulia. Winding down, people were stuffed to the gills and some started drifting off to visit in small groups at other tables or on the steps of the keep. My real parents drew us aside to a private corner and hugged us both.

  “Alex, Maya, you have no idea how proud we are of you two and what you’ve accomplished.”

  I looked my father squarely in the eye and asked a question that had been bothering me. “The Kerr claimed its death would trigger a war, should we be worried Father?”

  He put a large mitt of a hand on my shoulder. “Son, I still don’t think we’ve managed to convey the scale of time involved, at least in a form that you understand. But I’ll try to give you some piece of mind. Listen, in game terms, the Kerr went all in on this one with their best champion, broke rules by the hundreds, and still ended up losing badly. In practical terms, it will be at least ten thousand years before the results of this ‘game’ are finished being tallied by our kind. Even beings as long-lived as you and Maya will be dust by then.”

  “Well, that’s reassuring, I guess…”

  “Oops, sorry; totally inappropriate again.” He winced and then chuckled, “Gone but not even remotely forgotten, I assure you. This experiment, which involved your mother and me and led to your birth, and even today’s wedding to your amazing bride, was an unprecedented success. The ramifications will ripple out for eons. The fates of thousands of galaxies will change for the better and involve races that you cannot even begin to fathom. And it all started with a soft-hearted young man who felt sorry for a pack of orphans and ruined a cooking pot! Sometimes, the domino effect that rules the universes astonishes even me. Again, well done, Son!”

  He actually had to pause and wipe tears out of his eyes. “Now, I’m sorry to tell you this, but it is time for us to leave.”

  “What? Why?” I asked. I still felt like I barely knew them.

  “You need room to grow and have your own adventures. Don’t get me wrong, we aren’t abandoning you like before; but even we know we can’t be looking over your shoulder forever.”

  My mother hugged us both and looked at her husband with glistening eyes. “We will stop in every now and again for holidays and such. So it will be just like how normal human families work. And I expect to visit grandchildren someday soon here as well!”

  I coughed nervously about the grandchildren part and then concentrated on what they were really saying, and deep down I knew they were right. “Where will you be going?”

  “Oh, here and there. Each universe is a big place. One of our assignments is to train the newest generations of Nova how to love, pair up and raise more comets exactly like you two; well, maybe not exactly. There is this clueless young sea slug on Batav Six that I’ve been keeping an eye on that shows a lot of promise…”

  “What, another Alex?” Maya smiled, putting her arm around me.

  My father grinned. “I believe at this stage of its life cycle, it would more appropriately be called Alexandra, but you never know what can happen. Anyway, today is still your wedding day, and like all good parents, we have a gift for you. You’ll be able to see it best when it gets a little darker out, about the time the dance really gets going. I think it will be a night that is never forgotten.”
/>   They hugged and kissed both of us and said their goodbyes to everyone else before they disappeared in a huge flash of blue light.

  Suddenly, we were alone again; well, except for a cute little pixie who couldn’t stay away any longer. “Mr. Alex! Maya!” she cried out as she happily hugged our faces. “It’s official now! I’m your daughter! Ohhh, and you’ve got to see the dance party the nebulia are setting up in the gardens. It makes the one after the tournament in Xarparion look small and pathetic. I’m gonna go check out the sweets table!”

  Ebony appeared then, moving through the crowd like a bull. Behind her was another Helios, but I couldn’t make out anything else. She headed straight for us and stopped about ten feet away. With a sigh, she spoke, “My King and Queen, may I present the kingdom administrator candidate that you requested.”

  The Helios walking in Ebony’s wake now stepped out from behind her. For a few seconds, I was confused by the radiant gold skin, but then I recognized a familiar face.

  “Bel!” Maya screamed and launched herself across the distance between them, throwing herself into Bel’s arms and hugging her affectionately.

  “Lady Hornalde,” I grinned, following my mate.

  “Only Bel, my King,” she asserted, returning Maya’s embrace. “Helios leave behind all worldly titles when they pass…and look.” She showed us a huge smile. “No fangs any longer, either. And I’ve actually been outside to stand in the sun…it was so beautiful!”

  “La…I mean Bel, we owe you a debt we can never repay, and you are the real hero of the battle against the Lifebane. But how do you come to be here?” I asked completely astonished.

  Bel smiled, a real genuine smile. Somehow she looked like a pretty young woman again. If I would have to guess, I would say this was her original appearance before she was turned. “Apparently vampires, at least the ones that do not fall completely to evil, still retain a part of their original souls–who knew? Since I died again within the walls of Sky Raven, I was delivered to the blue crystal, which I hear you have met. He gave me a choice, and here I am. As far as your debt to me, there is none; I did what I did for my own reasons. But if it would assuage your conscience to grant me a boon, I wouldn’t object,” she said slyly, and I saw a glimpse of the old Belrothe we knew so well.


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