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Take Me Gently: A High School Forbidden Love Steamy Standalone Romance (Dirty Elite Academy)

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by Kate J. Blake

  Because I just lost the only person I loved in this shitty life. The only person I cared about is now gone, and my heart is burning with grief in a way it never has before.

  But the second I wanted to ask for a glass of whiskey to drink to the bottom, I saw her, and I couldn't pull my eyes away. When that asshole Kenny Stanton took her by the hand, I thought I was gonna kill him right then and there.

  I think this nameless girl just saved me from getting drunk and returning to the life I lived once but would never want to go back to again.

  I was sober for so many years because of the one person I respected and loved, but now they’re gone, and I don't know what to do.

  I drink a full glass of lemon ice tea to the bottom, wincing at the taste. How can people drink this shit every day? It's so syrupy sweet, I can't stand it.

  But I pour one more, pretending that it's a glass of whiskey in my hand, and I swear that for a moment, I even feel a little tipsy.

  But that moment is gone, and I'm back to my thoughts again.

  This girl is now on her way home with my driver. That means I have her address, and by the end of the night, my personal assistant Harry will give me everything they have on this girl.

  I need to know who really hacked our security system; I still don't believe it could be her. Not because she's a woman, but because she's practically a child. It takes years of practice to get skills like that.

  I try to convince myself that I'm doing this only because I worry about my company's security. I tell myself that I can't risk my clients' confidentiality.

  Every jerk in this city wants to take the club away from me. I regularly receive threats and blackmail trying to make me sell the club, but I don't give in. I don't have a family, so I'm not afraid of threats, and there's nothing to blackmail me for. They will never prove anything because I do not break the law. It’s a hotel, after all; people pay money just to rent a suite. What they do in there is not my business.

  Everyone wants my club because they know it's a gold mine. Money's pouring out of nowhere, and I practically do nothing for it. It's a legally illegal business, and that's the most interesting about it.

  Yes, I need to know this girl's name for security reasons, just because I don't want to lose my club if the information leaks somehow to the press.

  That's the only reason I need to know who she is.

  And not because I want to see her again.

  I don't.

  Chapter Seven


  "Thank you again for taking care of me," I say with a smile, looking at Sky and taking a back seat in Zac's SUV.

  "Don't be ridiculous. I did nothing!" She brushes me off, getting in the front seat. Her boyfriend slash stepbrother Zac is going to drive us to school.

  Sky really did a lot for me. She let me stay at her guest house and gave me her backup uniform to go to school today. And yesterday, she practically saved my life.

  When I texted Sky last night, I didn't have to wait for her to come for me; they were already waiting for me outside the club, although I’d told her not to worry.

  But she had been terrified that I’d decided to go to a place like that. Zac was the one who gave me a real invitation so I could make a fake one. His father used to visit that club regularly. Then he met Sky's mother Crystal and fell so hard in love that he practically turned into another person—at least that's what Zac told me.

  Sky Wilson was a new girl in our school, and before I met her, I didn't really have any friends. Nobody likes me because I'm smart, and the smart ones are never popular.

  Sky transferred here about six months ago when her mom married Zac's father, the famous beauty industry mogul Jack Harden. According to LA's multiple magazines, he was the bachelor of the year, and I had a couple of dreams starring him when I fantasized about my first time.

  Of course I didn't tell anyone about it, especially not Sky, although I trust her more than anyone else. I just didn't want her to spill everything to Zac because it's creepy if he finds out that I had sexual fantasies about his dad.

  When I imagined my first time, I always imagined it with someone like Jack Harden: rich, handsome, powerful, old enough to know what women want. I never dreamed about having sex with one of my classmates, even after I started dating Liam. And maybe it was the main reason I delayed having sex with him.

  I don't know why I wanted my first time to be with someone older. I don't have any 'daddy' issues. My father is fifty years old, he has a cute tummy, and when my mom kisses him, I still feel a little nauseous, just like when I was younger.

  My dad loves me so much, and he always has. I am a long-awaited and only child in our family. My parents always gave me everything I needed and even more, spoiling me to the top, especially after realizing that I'm a computer geek who doesn't like clubbing and has never even tried pot. My mom was so proud when I won an international math competition that she started crying. And the next day they bought me a car, despite the fact that I was only fourteen and couldn't drive. But they hired a driver for me, and he taught me.

  I have the best parents ever and the best life.

  Then why was my biggest dream to go to a place like that and have sex with an older stranger?

  My secret man is ten years younger than Zac's dad, Jack, and I think it's the perfect age; it's precisely what I need. I felt an attraction to him from the very first second. It's not only about how sexy he looks, his height, muscular chest, broad shoulders, and dark eyes. It's more about his gaze: powerful, demanding, slightly menacing. He acts like he owns the whole world, and it makes me want to obey his every order.

  But that will never happen because we'll never see each other again. I ignored his driver and snuck out through the hotel lobby. He will never find out who I am. There's no evidence I ever was there, and he did it himself: the guests' privacy is the priority.

  And I'm not sure that I will ever find the courage to go into the club again, no matter how much I want to see him.

  When I see how Zac gently takes Sky by the hand while driving, my stomach twists with jealousy. I wonder if I’ll ever have a relationship like they do: strong, incredible passion mixed with tender, gentle love.

  These two hated each other for months, and then one night changed everything. They became lovers who can't spend even a day without each other, and it would absolutely make me hate them if I didn't like them so much. They're cute, and I hope to have a strong love like that in my life someday.

  "What's your first class?" Zac asks, brushing his fingers over Sky's arm.

  "Business, yours?" she asks right away.

  "Math," he says at ease.

  "Oh, I hate math." She wrinkles her nose in disgust.

  "I know you do, babe." He smiles.

  "I love math," I exclaim enthusiastically, and they both start laughing.

  "We know you do, Savi," Sky says as her smile turns a little sad. "But we have a new teacher for business today, since Mr. Vanderbilt died."

  Mr. Vanderbilt was the head of the school and the best teacher anyone could imagine. He was one of the most influential Silicon Valley angel investors before moving to LA and opening the Elite Academy. He loved to teach, and his classes were the most interesting ones. He taught about business based on his own experience. I really miss him; his unexpected death was a nightmare for all of us.

  "How did they find a new teacher when there’s only a couple of weeks before graduation?" I ask.

  "We have five weeks left," she clarifies, "and he's not exactly a teacher. It's Mr. Vanderbilt's son, Daniel. He's an entrepreneur, so I think you'll like his classes too."

  "His son is taking over the class?" I ask, raising my voice in surprise.

  No, I don't think I'll like him, a rich, spoiled guy who inherited all he has is not a person who can say a lot about business.

  I can't believe I'm being this judgmental; I haven't even seen him yet. That's probably because I know that no one will be able to replace my favorite teacher.
And I'm still hurt at how last night ended.

  "Don't worry, you'll like him. He's very handsome." Sky winks at me, but then she notices Zac's disgruntled look and adds, "according to what I've heard."

  I laugh at how cute these two are.

  We park the car, and after Zac gives Sky a hundred kisses, we are finally able to go to class.

  I can't wait to tell Sky all the dirty details about last night. I'm sure she won't believe me. I didn't want to talk about it when Zac was around because I'm embarrassed.

  Unfortunately, it's time for the period to start, so we rush into the classroom and take our seats.

  I don't have underwear since I left it in the hotel room, and I obviously couldn't ask Sky for any. So I'm wearing no panties right now, and I squeeze my legs tightly, afraid someone might notice.

  A minute later, our new teacher enters the classroom, and my breath catches.

  He doesn't notice me at first as he goes to the front of the room to introduce himself. Everyone becomes quiet the second he enters, probably because of how incredible he looks.

  "Hello, everyone. My name is Daniel Vanderbilt, and I'm going to be your new teacher," he says with a low voice, and my heart stops.

  "I can't believe how hot he is," someone whispers from behind me.

  "Yeah, I know. And he's also the new head of the school since he inherited it from his father," another girl whispers in response.

  Then he notices me, and for a moment or two, our eyes lock, and it feels like there's no one else in this room except for us.

  It feels like we're in his hotel room again, just the two of us, together, naked.

  My secret man is my new teacher.

  Chapter Eight


  "He’s cute, right?" Sky leans closer to whisper. "I couldn't confess to you that he's drop-dead gorgeous because, you know, Zac was near."

  She winks at me with a smile and then turns to look at Mr.Vanderbilt again.

  I have to admit that, under the daylight, this man is even more stunning than he was last night. And it's not because he was unshaven yesterday, his shirt was unbuttoned, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. It was evident that he was concerned about something. I felt he was angry the second he started speaking to me.

  This morning he looks different. He looks rested. You would think he'd been sleeping like a child instead of spending half the night at the club. His perfectly tailored navy suit emphasizes his athletic body. The light blue shirt contrasts with his dark eyes. His tie, tucked into a vest, makes him look even younger than thirty-four, even though I don’t think he was thinking of that when he chose it. Or is it because his hair is neatly styled and his face is fully shaved? Probably his slight stubble added a couple of years.

  I wonder what it would feel like if he kissed me there when his face is shaved. Would it be just as pleasurable as it was when he brushed his hairy cheeks against my lower lips?

  I realize that I'm getting wet again just from looking at him, and I squeeze my legs tightly, reminding myself that I don’t have any panties on.

  I'm sure he doesn't find me as attractive as I was yesterday, and I’m already regretting that I didn't wake up earlier to freshen up. I know I look like shit: substantial dark circles under my eyes, pale skin, no mascara. I was in too much of a hurry to put on any makeup or even wash my hair; that's why it’s up in a bun.

  He’s probably wondering what he saw in me yesterday when we kissed.

  I take a deep breath and lower my gaze because I can't stand watching him anymore. He's too gorgeous, too confident, too perfect. His voice is soft and calm; he talks measuredly and unhurriedly, the complete opposite of the person I saw yesterday.

  "How did you know he was hot if you haven't seen him before?" I ask Sky, trying to whisper as quietly as I can.

  When she opens her mouth to answer my question, I hear a low, demanding voice.

  "If you have something to say, you should speak louder."

  When I look up again, I realize that Daniel—I mean Mr. Vanderbilt—is talking to me.

  "Ms..." he continues, expecting me to answer, but it seems like the words are stuck in my throat.

  "Jones," I say finally, clearing my throat. "Savannah Jones."

  "Savannah," he repeats, and I notice a barely visible grin on his face.

  Why does my name sound so sensual on his lips? As if he's whispering in my ear while there's only two of us, lying in bed naked...

  "Ms. Jones, if you have something to say, please speak louder," he continues, destroying my fantasies, making me come back to reality. "I don't like repeating myself."

  For a couple of moments, he keeps staring at me, and that look makes me shiver.

  I open my mouth to apologize, but he turns away and continues his speech.

  When I take a look at Sky, she seems worried, and she gives me a pitying look, probably worrying that I have already pissed off our new professor.

  She has no idea how much I pissed him off.

  I try to keep my head low and my mouth shut for the rest of the lesson, waiting until it's over, which seems almost impossible since minutes pass like hours.

  The second the bell rings, I jump off my seat and grab my bag, rushing to the door, pushing Sky to go faster, and she looks at me with surprise.

  "Ms. Jones, hold on a minute," he says, and I freeze in place, unable to look at him.

  Sky must see the terror on my face, so she reassures me. "Don't worry, it's probably just about the interruption," she says as she passes on the way to the door.

  No, it's not, I think but cannot tell her because she's already gone.

  And now I'm standing in the middle of the classroom five feet away from my teacher slash secret man.

  Daniel doesn't even look at me at first, sorting through papers on the table.

  I freeze, trying not to breathe when the door closes behind Sky.

  When he looks up at me, my heart stops.

  I'm scared, precisely the way I was yesterday, when he accused me of setting him up.

  "Savannah," he starts, placing his pen on the desk and taking a step closer to me as softly as a lion preparing to attack, "do you know what it means when someone tells you he'll drive you home?"

  I swallow. He doesn’t expect an answer, does he? He’s just pointing out that I disobeyed him, and now he's waiting for me to try to justify myself.

  I won't do this. He might be the head of the school, but he will do nothing to me because he can't tell anyone that I was there.

  "Answer me," he commands, louder this time, but I keep silent.

  Then he steps closer, so close that I smell his cologne. I want to step back, but that would mean that I'm a coward, which I am not, and I don't want him to think of me like that.

  "I had another driver," I say carefully, finally able to breathe again.

  My confidence slowly returns as I realize that this man can't hurt me while we're at school.

  He clenches his jaw tightly out of anger, obviously dissatisfied with my answer.

  "So you're the new head of the school?" I try to sound at ease, but my voice is trembling a little.

  "I'm not; that's not how it works," he answers, to my surprise. "My father's deputy is now in charge. I will just give lectures till the end of this school year."

  So he's not going to continue as a teacher in this school. What a shame. He would be the hottest teacher who ever worked here.

  Why am I so disappointed? I'm leaving for college in a couple of months.

  "Combining two jobs, huh?" I ask with a smirk. "A day job and a night job, so to speak."

  "Don't tell this to anyone," he hisses. His gaze is cold and menacing, and I see how his fingers clench into fists.

  He can't scare me. We're at school, not in his sex club.

  "Why?" I smile slyly, trying to show him how unattainable I am for him when we're here, despite the fact that my legs are slightly shaking out of fear, and I can do nothing about it. "Do you think y
our reputation might be tarnished?"

  The second the last word slips from my lips, Daniel rushes closer and grabs me by the waist. I gasp out of surprise, clutching his shoulders for support. He throws me harshly on his desk, placing his hand on my throat.

  He’s not pressing hard enough to cut off my air, but it is enough to scare the hell out of me, exactly as it was yesterday.

  "Don't you dare try to blackmail me," he threatens through clenched teeth. His eyes are dark and terrifying.

  I try to pull away, but he places his other hand on my back, not letting me.

  "Someone may come in," I say, trying to terrify him, but the only person it scares is me.

  "Oh, you think I really care about that?" he smirks in response, brushing his thumb over my lower lip. "I could fuck you on this table right now, Savannah, and I don't care if someone sees us."

  He spreads my legs with his hips and presses his body to mine.

  He's hard.

  "But I do care about my father's reputation. That's why no one should know that his son owns a sex club. Do you understand?" He looks at my lips when he says it, and I hate the desire that’s starting to build in me.

  I clench the edge of the desk to stay still.

  "Let me go," I say, afraid that he can feel how soaked I am, with no panties between his pants and my pussy.

  He's a monster, and I cannot be attracted to him. I'm not the kind of girl who falls for abusive men.

  I try to push him away from me, but he doesn't let me.

  "I'll scream, Daniel," I warn, trying to sound menacing, but he only chuckles in response.

  "I love it when you scream because of me," he whispers into my mouth and presses his lips to mine.

  I grab his shoulders in surprise, parting my lips involuntarily as his tongue penetrates them.

  He presses his stiffness harder to my center, holding both my neck and back with his arms.

  I have to push him away; I need to fight back.

  But this man is awakening something indescribable inside of me, something I can't control.

  "Fuck." He pulls away from me just as abruptly as he kissed me.


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