Book Read Free

Delicate Promises

Page 17

by Kelly Elliott

  “That was stupid of him.”


  I rubbed the back of my neck. “What if she gets pregnant?”

  Kynslee shrugged. “I guess they’ll deal with it if that happens.”

  I shook my head. “I guess so.”

  Then we looked at each other and raised our brows. We had done the same thing.

  Clearing her throat, Kynslee said, “So, not to change the subject and all, but it’s almost Halloween.”

  “And your point is?”

  “The fall festival is coming up, the day before Halloween.”

  I placed the pitchfork against the outside of the stall. “I remember the fall festival. We used to have a lot of fun there when we were kids.”

  Another smile. “Yeah, we did.”

  I closed the door of the stall and Kynslee followed me as we left the barn.

  “Well, anyway, The Mercantile is in charge of one of the booths. I was wondering if you wanted to help me run it.”

  I headed to the corral where Maryrose was. She’d been my favorite horse when I was younger. She was the last horse my father bought before he left us, and he’d told me she was mine. I missed her when I was gone, and now that I was back, she and I were getting to know each other again. Just like me and Kynslee were. Although, I was having a hell of a lot more fun getting to know Kynslee.

  “Sure, I’d love to help out in any way you need me to.”

  “Really? Oh my gosh, Miles, thank you so much!”

  She threw her arms around me, and I pulled her closer. The feel of my cock getting harder caused us both to let out a soft moan.

  “What do I get for my generosity? Like is pay involved?”

  Her teeth dug into her lower lip before she gave me a naughty smile. Then her hands went to my jeans.

  “I can think of one or two things I could do to say thank you for your service, Miles.”

  “I’m covered in dirt and horse shit, Kyns.”

  “Have you ever heard of a thing called soap?”

  Grinning, I picked her up, causing her to let out a scream.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Back to your place, we can take a shower together.”

  “My place? Why not yours?”

  “The pump on my well went out, unless you want to get really down and dirty.”

  She scrunched her nose up. “My place it is!”

  The way she looked up at me had my heart speeding up in my chest. I loved this woman so damn much, and she was mine.

  She was finally mine.

  Kynslee laid next to me, her head up against me, her warm breath blowing gently across my chest. I smiled as I thought back to taking her in the shower minutes ago. The feel of being inside her would never grow old. The way she called my name when she came. Everything about being with Kynslee felt so right. So freaking right.

  She stirred next to me, and I kissed her gently on the forehead. I could really have messed things up with her again, and I was thanking God she had forgiven me for being a complete jackass. The sooner we got married, the better. Hell, I’d marry her tomorrow if I thought she would agree to it. But Kynslee deserved to have the wedding of her dreams. To be courted appropriately. Everything she’d ever wanted and more. I’d make damn sure of it!

  Kynslee moaned softly before she drew in a deep breath and stretched her body next to mine.

  “Hey there, beautiful. You fell asleep.”

  A sigh of contentment slipped from her lips. “You’re wearing me out, Miles. All this sex is making me tired.”

  I laughed. “We can slow down if you’d like.”

  She tossed me a wicked smile. “Slow down? That is a terrible idea.”

  “I agree. We have a lot of time to make up for.”

  Before she could respond, Whiskey crawled between us. I smiled as he hopped onto my chest. Then I saw the look in his eyes.

  “Aw, look! He loves you too!” Kynslee said in a happy voice.

  “He’s not looking at me like he likes me, Kyns.”


  Whiskey moved closer and put his front paws on my neck and started kneading, claws out and all.

  “Oh, how cute!” Kynslee cried.

  “Cute? He’s trying to choke me!”

  She looked at me with a baffled expression. “He’s trying to choke you? Honestly, Miles?”

  Whiskey stared into my eyes, a look of pure hate. “I’m telling you, he’s trying to kill me.”

  Kynslee picked up Whiskey, holding him in her arms. The damn thing instantly started to purr.

  “He’s purring!”

  “Yeah, cuz you’re holding him. I’m telling you, he’s in on a murder plot with the rooster.”

  With a roll of her eyes, Kynslee walked to her bedroom door, her glorious naked body on full display, and set Whiskey down in the hall.

  Crawling on the bed and on top of me, she rubbed herself over my length. “What were you saying about needing to make up for lost time?”

  I grinned.

  Kynslee pouted. “I’d say we could go for it again, but I really need to get back to work.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Work is so overrated.”

  Kynslee giggled, then kissed me quickly on the lips. “I agree, but I do love my job and my folks are my bosses, so let’s not get them asking me why I took such a long lunch break!”

  I slapped her ass, and she yelped.

  “Your dad is already giving me dirty looks every time I see him.”

  Watching Kynslee crawl off me left me feeling empty. How in the hell had I walked away from her? What was I thinking when I pushed her toward another man?

  You stupid idiot.

  “Don’t forget we have dinner over at my folks’ place tonight.”

  “I won’t,” I replied as I got out of my bed and pulled my jeans on, sans underwear.

  “And we need to talk about our outfits.”

  I watched as Kynslee got dressed. Every movement made me hard. From the simplest act of slipping on her bra and panties, to pulling her jeans on and shimmying them up over that beautiful ass. The way her blonde ponytail swung around when she moved made me think of how I had grabbed it earlier when I took her from behind.

  Shit. My cock was rock hard, and I wanted her again.

  Then her words registered in my head. “Outfits? For dinner?”

  She laughed. “No, outfits for the fall festival!”

  This time it was my turn to laugh. “Kyns, I love that we’re together and all now, but are we seriously going to start coordinating our outfits? Cuz that’s just weird.”

  Kynslee was hopping on one foot as she slipped on her cowboy boots. She looked over at me with a confused expression. Then she scrunched up her nose, and I fell even more in love with her. How in the hell was that possible? I loved this woman with every ounce of my soul.

  “What?” she asked, laughing. “No! I’m talking about our Halloween outfits for the fall festival booth!”

  That’s when it hit me. The booth. For The Mercantile. Halloween.

  Oh, holy mother of all creation. What had I gotten myself into? Images of Kynslee’s folks over the years dressed in costumes for their booth flashed through my memory. One year, Steve dressed up as a milk carton and Ally was a chocolate chip cookie. I had no idea how either of them moved around in those things, much less took a bathroom break. Then there was the hotdog and hamburger couples’ costume. Who could forget the bacon and egg? Or the time they dressed as M&M’s, and Steve wore black leggings. I shuddered at the image.

  My hands scrubbed down my face and I groaned.

  “You didn’t remember about the costumes, did you?” she asked in a soft voice. “That’s why you agreed so quickly.”

  Dropping my hands to my side, I forced myself to smile. “Nah, but it’s okay. We’ll have fun.”

  A beautiful smile appeared on her face, and she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m so glad you think so. I’ve got some great ideas! Meet
me at my folks’ place later?”

  I nodded, then took her mouth in a kiss that said I’d miss her. Kynslee melted against my body and I wrapped my arms around her, lifting her up and holding her for a moment until we ended the kiss.

  “I love you, Kyns.”

  God, it felt good to just say it. To finally be standing in front of her and pouring out the words I’d kept inside for over a decade.

  Her eyes searched my face before her gaze connected with mine. “I love you, too.”

  I set her down and slapped her ass. “You better get going before I strip you again. I really do need to get back to the farm and work.”

  “See you later!” she said, grabbing the rest of her things and heading toward the door.

  I walked her out to her car and leaned into her window to give her one more kiss.

  “See ya soon, princess.”

  “See ya soon!”

  As I watched Kynslee drive off while I headed over to my truck. I slipped inside and said a quick prayer. “Please don’t let any of the costumes be food. Please!”


  “KNOCK, KNOCK,” I said as I pushed the screen door open and stepped into my parents’ kitchen.

  “Kynslee, darling, you’re early,” my mother said as she wiped her hands on her apron.

  My father gave me a quick hello before he went back to putting a spoonful of cookie dough on a cookie sheet. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  “That salad looks amazing!” my mother said, a little bit too excited. From the moment I asked about dinner and Miles coming over, she had been on a mission. She left the store, headed home, and started to make her famous lasagna that Miles adored.

  “Are those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?” I asked, scrunching up my nose.

  My father sighed. “They’re Miles’s favorite, so your mother insisted we needed to make them.”

  I glanced over my shoulder and called out to my mother, “I thought you were making cherry pie!”

  When she walked back into the kitchen, she huffed. “Cherry pie is your favorite, not Miles’s.”

  My mouth fell open.

  “Welcome to my world,” Daddy whispered next to me. “Now I’m third in ranking.”

  “Third?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes as if I should have already known this. “I was first, until you came along,” he said, jerking his head in my direction. “Then I dropped to second. Now, Miles is back, and your mom envisions grandbabies in her near future, so that bumped you into second, me into third.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from laughing. “Daddy, I didn’t bump you to second and Miles hasn’t bumped you either.”

  “Father’s Day last year. I wanted to grill some steaks. You were in the mood for hotdogs, so what did I grill?”

  Pressing my mouth into a tight line, I attempted not to giggle.

  “Hotdogs. That’s what I made. And we had cherry pie.”

  I moaned at the memory. “Oh man, I love cherry pie.”

  He huffed. “It’s the only dessert your mother will make anymore because she knows you like it.”

  “She didn’t make it tonight!” I said, still trying hard not to laugh when he shot me a look that said not to even go there.

  “So, I’m guessing things are going well with you and Miles.”

  I took a scoop of cookie dough and placed it on the cookie sheet. “Yes.” Our eyes met and something passed over my father’s face. “You don’t have a problem with Miles, do you?”

  He shook his head. “I never understood why you waited around for him, but then again, I don’t really know what has transpired between the two of you over the years. I know you’re close.”

  I chewed my lip. “Daddy, I tried to move on, but I think deep in my heart I’ve always known Miles was the one.”

  With a soft smile, he nodded. “I know, baby girl. It’s still hard for me to let you go, no matter who it is. You’re my daughter, and it’s my duty as a father to give Miles a hard time. He’ll see some day when you have kids.”

  That thought had me doing a little dance. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m not going anywhere, Daddy.”

  “Miles is here!” my mother cried out with excitement.

  I placed my hand on his arm and gave it a slight squeeze. “I love him, Daddy. Please remember that.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Be careful, Kynslee Marie. He’s only been home a short time. I know the two of you were best friends, but being friends and more than friends is…different. This man has hurt you before.”

  I drew my brows in. “That’s why we’re going slow, and also he’s never meant to hurt me. I know that in the depths of my heart.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked, concern laced in his voice.

  I could hear Miles greeting my mother. Their cheerful voices moved closer to the house.

  My father sighed. “I just don’t want to see you hurt…again.”

  “He’s not going to hurt me. He loves me and I love him.”

  Our conversation left me with an odd sensation that my father knew something I didn’t. Or he still doubted my relationship with Miles. Both ideas left me feeling off.

  My mother and Miles walked into the kitchen. Daddy reached his hand out and shook Miles’s. My stomach dropped, and a warm feeling moved within my chest. Miles looked around until his eyes found mine. He smiled, and I felt my own smile erupt over my face. My body had ached to be with him again since the moment I walked out of his little cabin earlier today. To feel his touch and get lost in his kiss. Miles walked up and placed what looked like homemade bread on the table, then made his way over to me.

  My heart raced, caused my breathing to pick up. Dear God, he had a look on his face that said he was going to claim me right here, in front of my parents, and he didn’t give a damn what they thought.

  Well, this was going to make my mother happy. My father? Not so much.

  Miles stopped in front of me. “I missed you,” he softly whispered before leaning down and gently kissing me on the lips. The instant zap of energy nearly jolted me. I wanted to grab him and bring him in for more. At least one of us was in control, because all I could think about was how many ways he could make me come.

  “I missed you, too,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady and not full of need.

  His brow lifted before he smiled even bigger. Then he gave me a sexy wink that made my insides melt. “You look beautiful, and I fully plan on taking you back to your place and having my way with you.”

  Heat built in my cheeks as images of Miles doing naughty things to me raced through my mind. Then he took a step back, and I instantly missed the heat of his body. My eyes went past him to my folks. They had been busy getting things ready for dinner and hadn’t noticed our little exchange.

  “Miles, I made you my lasagna. And for dessert, Steve made you your favorite, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.”

  Miles placed his arm around my waist. He acted as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. I, on the other hand, stiffened before relaxing. Why in the world was I so nervous? Miles and I had been friends forever. He’d spent countless days and nights in this kitchen. Of course, he had never whispered naughty things to me or put his arm around me. He’d never kissed me in front of my parents. This was all so new, yet it felt so right.

  Wasn’t it? The way my father was studying Miles…I felt rattled.

  “Miles, are you glad to be back in Hunt?” Daddy asked.

  I grabbed the cookie sheet, allowing Miles to walk over to my father.

  “Yes, sir, it feels really good to be home. I’ve missed everyone, missed working on the farm.”

  “I’m sure your brother is glad you’re home, since you pretty much left it up to him to work the farm while you left.”

  I nearly dropped the tray of cookies I had taken out of the oven. “Daddy!” I said. Where in the hell had that come from?

  “Steve, what in th
e world? I’m so sorry, Miles,” my mother instantly said.

  Miles grinned, but I could see the anger behind his eyes. “I’m sorry you feel that way, sir, but if I hadn’t gone into the Marines, there wouldn’t have been a farm for Rich to work.”

  “Miles,” I softly said, placing my hand on his arm.

  “It’s okay, Kyns. If this is how Steve thinks of me, now is as good a time as any to clear the air.”

  My father had the decency to look embarrassed.

  “Had I not left my family and everyone I loved behind, my mother would have lost the farm. My father left her so far in debt she could barely make ends meet. He didn’t give two shits about us or the farm. I did what was best for my family…sir.”

  “Daddy, if you can’t treat Miles with the respect he deserves, we can leave.”

  “That won’t be necessary, will it, Steve?” my mother said, with a harsh tone.

  “I just don’t understand why the boy was gone for so long and strung our daughter along like he did. Was there another woman in the picture?”

  My eyes widened in horror. My father was comparing Miles to his father, and I knew that was like a knife into Miles’s heart.

  I turned to Miles, ready to tell him we could leave. His jaw was clenched tight, but he relaxed it and cleared his throat. “I was offered a position working alongside the CIA and was rewarded with a pay raise that I knew would take care of Momma, Rich, and Lana. As well as leaving me a nice chunk to start a future with Kynslee, if I was lucky enough to be able to do so. So, I took it. I might have done things wrong and gone about my relationship with Kynslee all wrong, but she and I have already talked about that. We’ve worked through our issues. She understands why I did what I did, and by the grace of God, she has forgiven me for my past mistakes, and to be honest, her forgiveness is the only thing that matters.”

  Before anyone could say a word, Miles stormed out of the room, slamming the door so hard everyone jumped.

  “What in the hell was that about?” I said, walking toward the door.

  “Kynslee, I’m so sorry,” my mother said as I quickly made my way out. Miles was walking toward the barn.

  “Miles! Wait!” I called, running to catch up with him. He was walking so fast I nearly had to go into a full-on run. “Miles, please!”


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