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Cabin Bear Heat Box Set: A Paranormal Fantasy Bear Shifter Romance (A Bear Shifter Romance Retelling of the Billionaire Redemption Series Book 2)

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by Love-Wins, Bella

  “Whatever,” Rob said distractedly. “Guys, you have to see this place! The house is definitely a mansion. I got changed in the powder room down the hall. It’s no powder room, it’s freaking massive. And you could fit my whole house in his kitchen. Hurry up and eat, guys. He showed me the bedrooms upstairs. All we have to do is make the beds. The bathrooms have fresh towels, spare toothbrushes, and pretty much anything we need.”

  “What, he’s not showing us to our rooms?” Barb asked.

  “You probably scared him off, Barb.” Trina didn’t sugarcoat the assertion. It was safe to say everyone was tired of Barb by then.

  Rob sat and had something to eat with them. “I think he turned in. He told me to leave the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and he’d take care of it later. It didn’t sound like he was planning to come back out.”

  “That’s too bad,” John said thoughtfully. “Did we even thank him?”

  “I did,” Rob said. “Several times. He’s cool. Just a little quiet, is all. By the way, I call the master bedroom upstairs. It’s spoken for, so don’t any of you even bother to try and claim it. I’m willing to throw down for it.”

  “If it’s that nice, maybe you want to give it to me, Rob?” Barb purred, twirling the end of her hair, still wet and slicked down on her head from the melted snow.

  “Nope.” He smiled. “Not even you can wrestle that room from me, Barb.”

  “Does he have a working phone we can use?” Abby felt she should call her father to let him know about the car, and where they were staying.

  “Yeah,” Rob said between bites of his sandwich. “He said there are landline phones in every room. If they’re not working because of the storm, he’ll leave a satellite phone in the kitchen tomorrow.”

  “That’s a relief.” Her dad could wait a night to hear from her. Slumping back in her chair, she slurped up the vegetable soup, relishing each spoonful. Thankfully, the only news she’d have to share with her dad was about the car, not about almost having to brave the elements camping outside on a night like that.

  Abby noticed the room had become quiet. Everyone seemed trapped in his or her respective thoughts, just as she had been.

  We’re all counting our blessings. The night could have ended in a thoroughly different way. She shook her head, trying to chase away the images of them huddling together in some snowy clearing, or breaking into a vacant cabin, if Andrew had not found them. Looking at each face in the room, she sensed a communal relief at their good fortune. She smiled when she noticed all the plaid pajama sets.

  We must look like a comical bunch.

  “Come on, Rob. Show us our rooms,” Trina and John stood up and set their dishes back on the tray. “We’re beat.”

  “Me too,” Barb agreed. “I hope I don’t have to share with anyone.”

  “No need,” Rob answered. “There’s like eight bedrooms up there. I lost count after I saw the master bedroom. Deep soaker tub with jets! And yes, I still call it.”

  “I’m just grateful for a roof over our heads and a bed to collapse in,” Ruth added.

  “Speak for yourself,” Barb snapped. “It’s bad enough you got us in this mess. And shit, we’re in these flannel getups. I had better be sleeping in at least three hundred count Persian cotton tonight.”

  Ruth looked away, her expression somber and apologetic. “I feel so bad putting you all through this. I’m sorry, everyone.”

  “You don’t need to apologize, Ruth.” Trina walked over and rubbed her shoulder. “We all agreed we’d take this route, and none of us knew the storm was coming.”

  “I’m with Trina, Ruth.” Abby tried to console her as well. “Who knows what would have happened if we had gone across Highway eighty? We’re fine now, and that’s what matters.”

  “I guess.” She was still as morose as before.

  “Abby’s right,” Rob agreed. “Come on, let’s all head up. I’ll take care of the trays after. Abby, I’ll show them upstairs and then come back to help you to your room, okay?”

  “Sure. Thanks, Rob. Good night, you guys.”

  After they left, Abby removed the ice pack from her leg. She leaned back in the easy chair and pulled the covers up around her shoulders. Her body ached and her ankle throbbed. She could not keep up the strong, brave facade now that she was alone. As she closed her eyes, a wave of fatigue came over her. Images of gripping the steering wheel replayed in her head.

  It was a fight against the storm, trying to keep control of the SUV as she drove though the blinding blizzard. Slowly, those thoughts were replaced with images of Andrew holding up his lantern, his eyes piercing through to her mind, and then carrying her over his threshold. A light sleep welcomed her for a few minutes.

  Chapter Six

  ANDREW walked down the back stairs with care after showing Rob where to find everything for the bedrooms. The vibration in his knee did not let up. This storm was going to be a long one. He let out a barely audible growl just thinking about them. He was already dreading that they would be with him for days, at best.

  Already, they didn’t include Abby. She was different somehow. He could barely ignore the fact that touching her did not set off any alarm bells in his head, as it did for most people since the accident. When he brought her in from the cold, he sensed an instant connection. He could carry her everywhere.

  Why do I feel like I know her?

  He guessed she may have done a nursing stint at one of the local hospitals back when he did his residency.

  Residency. Those were some of the best days. That was all before it happened. He had partitioned all his memories into two groups—before and after the accident. There weren’t many good ones in the “after” category. Andrew sighed and did his best not to think about it. Not that he had any choice. The memories seemed to flood in on their own at times. A night much like this in New York. A blinding blizzard. That God-forsaken, frozen, icy bridge.

  His left foot hit the floor at the bottom of the stairs beside the dining room, and the warmth of its radiant heating yanked him back from the past. He cursed the memory for the billionth time, hoping to ban it from his mind, at least while these guests were around.

  He spent a few minutes preparing Abby’s room. As he walked through the kitchen to the main hallway, Andrew heard Rob and his friends head upstairs. He had mentally nominated Rob as the visitors’ representative. Rob looked like the most laid-back of the group. The least likely to ask questions. So far, Andrew had been right. The fewer questions about his past, the better.

  As Rob was still busy upstairs, Andrew walked to the living room to check if Abby needed help. With her ankle injury, she would probably need the most attention of the group, yet she already seemed to be the least demanding. Andrew chalked it up to her nursing background. He stood at the wide doorway before entering, hoping for a little more than a brief glance at her. She was asleep.

  Maybe it will help me remember how I know her.

  He tried to rationalize his staring, knowing full well that what he really wanted to do was admire her from afar. There was just something about her that he found to be…captivating. He pushed the thought away the second it entered his mind. Now was not the time to fall for anyone. Maybe never. He didn’t deserve love anymore.

  Who could ever love what I am now?

  Andrew noticed Abby wincing in her sleep. He decided to wake her. Her ankle would be better off stretched out in a bed, instead of propped up on an ottoman. He walked to the side of the chair.

  “Abby.” He said her name in a little more than a whisper.

  When she didn’t respond, Andrew debated leaving her for Rob to help. He held back from touching her, as he had felt shock waves of electricity charging through his hands while he examined her ankle.

  I just need to get laid.

  It was true, but it was also fundamentally a lie. It had been a long time since he had touched a woman, but he already knew she was different. The idea of getting laid was only an excuse to dismiss what he sen
sed from Abby on a much deeper level. It was more than just sexual arousal that he had felt. She saw him. She recognized what he was—and more importantly, she was not afraid of it.

  After fighting his inner dialogue on the question of whether or not to wake her, he took a breath and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

  “Abby,” he called again, and noticed her slowly waking up.

  “Oh, sorry,” she said, looking up after a slight yawn. “I must have dozed off.”

  “No problem. How’s the ankle?”

  “Throbbing a little, but much better than it would be if we were still out there. I can’t thank you enough for helping my friends and me. I don’t know what would have happened to us if…” Abby looked away.

  “It’s all right,” he told her.

  “I should have just headed back to Highway eighty after we picked up Ruth.”

  Abby seemed to relive the entire afternoon again, in her distant stare. Andrew was familiar with reliving past tragedies. He could relate, and he recognized the vacant look in her face only too well.

  “Hey,” he called to get her attention. “Don’t worry about it. Except for that ankle, you’re all fine now.”


  He stood silently for a moment, staring into her eyes, and then remembered why he had woken her up in the first place.

  “You’d probably be better off sleeping in my bed…um…I mean in the bedroom beside my room,” he stammered nervously, cursing to himself after making the slip.

  “I could probably use some sleep.” She appeared not to notice his blunder, although she was probably being polite.

  “I’ll help you. It’s easier if I just lift you, okay?”

  “Um, sure.” Abby leaned forward as he put out his hand to help her stand.

  More sparks. I wonder if she’s feeling that too?

  He quickly dismissed the thought when she smiled up at him. Andrew bent forward and gently scooped her up into his arms with ease. She had a slight frame, and even with her height, her slender, athletic body was easy to carry.

  He remembered how he had seen her in just her bra and panties when her friend helped to dress her. Even though he had just gotten a glimpse, the image of her long, silky hair swaying near her waist as she tilted to get a leg in her pajama bottoms had permanently imprinted on his psyche.

  God, how I’d love to run my hands through it right now.

  Pushing away the thought, he made idle conversation. “It’s just down the hall,” he informed her taking her into the hallway and past the entrance to the kitchen.

  “Okay.” Abby gave a slight nod of approval.

  Andrew noticed the sensation of her right arm wrapped around his neck as he walked. Her hand had come to rest on his opposite biceps. Her touch was electric, and he hoped she wouldn’t notice the erection that was growing without his permission.

  Get a grip, Drew.

  His silent order did nothing but make his cock twitch as he held her provocative body in his arms. He was relieved when he finally made the last turn and saw the door to the guest room.

  “It’s this door over here.”

  He was nervous, and heard the nervousness in his own voice. He bumped slightly against the door with one leg so it would open enough to walk through. As he carried her over to the bed, he couldn’t shake the feeling of dismay, now that he had to let her go. With the utmost care, he lowered her to sit.

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’m sorry to mention this, but…can you help me to the bathroom? It’s been a few hours.”

  “Of course. Sorry, I didn’t even think to ask.” He swore under his breath that he could have been so neglectful. “There’s one beside your closet. You won’t have to leave your room.”

  “Awesome, but this time, you don’t need to carry me. Not that I’m ungrateful for your lugging me around, but I’ll need to figure out limping and hobbling sooner or later.”

  “Not a problem.”

  His body tensed up. He looked away, embarrassed. She had probably felt his cock twitching when he carried her. Trying to shake off his shame, he moved around to her injured side and offered his arm. Abby was able to support some of her own weight as she walked.

  “The bathroom counter runs the length of the room,” he told her when they made it to the door. “You should have enough support.”

  “That’s great. Thanks.” She took a swift limp-step inside.

  “I’ll just wait right here…” She shut the door. “Shit.” Andrew cursed softly, certain he probably sounded like a teenage buffoon, the way he drooled after her. He waited at the foot of the bed, not sure whether to stand outside her bedroom or leave completely. He didn’t know what to do with himself, and that was even more unsettling than his attraction to her. Just as he turned to leave, he heard the bathroom door open.

  “All good?” He spun around and rushed to her side.

  “Perfect. Now I can sleep.” She accepted his arm to get to the bed.

  I’d love to join you.

  It was clear his urges did not want to remain trapped in his subconscious. He walked her to the side of the bed, forcing his mind not to get too sucked up in idle fantasies.

  “There you go. Need anything for tonight? Water, extra pillows or blankets?”

  Or a horny widower who finds you irresistible?

  “I see bottled water there,” she pointed to one night table. “I think the four pillows and comforter on the bed should be enough. Thanks for your help, Andrew.”

  “Okay. You’re welcome.” He stood for a moment, lost in her eyes.

  “Well, have a good sleep,” Abby said, pulling him out of his daze.

  “Yes. Have a good night,” he said abruptly and hurried to leave.

  He exited her room and pulled the door shut, stopping to let out a long breath.

  This unexpected visit is going to be harder than I thought.

  Never mind my cock.

  He walked back to the living room to clear their dishes. There was no way he would be able to sleep quickly. The extra cleaning work would be a welcome distraction.

  “Oh, hi, Andrew,” said the flirtatious woman who had attempted to stake her claim on him the second she had walked into his house.

  He almost bumped into her as he entered the living room, to his consternation, but apparently it was to her relief. The woman wasted no time, and immediately laced her hands around his neck.

  “Pardon me,” Andrew said, attempting to subtly pull away from her insistent grasp.

  “Why do I feel you and I would make a great couple?” she asked seductively.

  It didn’t work on Andrew. He wanted her off, but she tightened her grip as he pulled at her forearms.

  “Ma’am, what was your name?” he asked, hoping to distract her long enough to get her to loosen her clamp-like hold around his neck. By now, it felt like human-size vise grips that had locked in place.

  She tiptoed and whispered in his ear, “It’s Barb.”

  “Miss Barb,” he started, realizing she was not going to unfasten her arms from him without force. “Will you please release my neck?”

  “Oh, don’t be so informal with the woman who’s going to share your bed tonight,” she chided him.

  “Share my bed?” he shouted, turned off by the assumption. He wasn’t even remotely attracted to her.

  “How else am I going to thank you for your…your hospitality?”

  Andrew knew she would not let up, so he opted for a terse rebuke.

  “Look, woman, I didn’t invite you or your friends here. At best, you’re a headache. If it weren’t for that raging storm outside, I’d have you out of here. It’s best if you stay away from me while you’re in my house. Understood?”

  “Okay, okay, I understand,” she answered in a huff. “Will you let my arm go? You’re really hurting me. Unless you like it rough, big boy.”

  She winked as he released her arm. He had not realized how tightly he had gripped her to get her off. His fingers left a clear red
mark where his hand had been.

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized abruptly and turned to pick up the food and drink trays. “I meant every word I said. Stay away from me, or you can stay in the guesthouse outside starting tomorrow.”

  As he turned to escape the vixen, Rob entered the room. Andrew stormed past him without a word.

  “Hey, man. I was going to clean that up,” Rob offered, following after him.

  “Fine. Here. Take these and throw them in the dishwasher, will you?” Andrew asked, unable to hide his frustration.

  “Sure. Everything all right?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Look, keep that Barb woman away from me, okay? Maybe she’ll listen to you.”

  “She’s a handful, isn’t she?”

  Rob sounded like he was enamored by the woman.

  “Wait a minute. You…you like her?” Andrew was in disbelief, thinking Rob had to be insane, when he and Ruth clearly looked better suited to each other. It was damned obvious to Andrew, anyway.

  “I don’t know. I thought I did, but I’m not sure anymore.”

  “Well, I’m not one to tell people what to do, but you seem like a decent guy. That woman is clearly nuts. In any case, whatever you do, keep her a safe distance from me.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Great. I’m off to sleep. If you kids get up before me, make yourselves at home. There’s lots of food in the fridge and cupboards, and a pantry with more food. It’s the door beside the fridge.”

  “Thanks, man. For everything. And sorry about Barb.”

  “No problem.”

  Andrew left the kitchen through the far door, away from the living room. When he finally got to his room, he shut the door and locked it. He had no intention of giving Barb the slightest opportunity to try anything more. Another woman with no sense of boundaries. He wondered whether there was something in his cologne or his pheromones that made women like that naturally gravitate to him.

  The last one was the female pharmacist who worked in town. Janine was her name. She made sure he knew it, because she would write her first name and phone number on all his receipts, and place condoms in the bags with the medical supplies he kept at the house for emergencies. He had little choice but to visit the little pharmacy. It was the only one in town, unless he wanted to make the hour-long trek around the lake to the next town.


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