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Taming Kat

Page 8

by Aubrey Cara

  “No, it's all right,” he said, but an awkward silence filled the void between them.

  Kat searched for a way to get back the moment. “Ask me anything,” she said.


  She put her arms out. “Anything. I'm an open book.”

  “The first night we were months ago...were you a virgin?”

  Kat could feel herself blushing. Well, she thought, she had asked for it. She should have known he'd go straight for the sex questions. “Yes. You were my...first,” she shamefully confessed.

  Caleb smiled. “Why are you embarrassed about that?”

  He had taken her hand again and was rubbing circles on the back of it with his thumb. Although she could feel him staring at her, she refused to look at him. How could she explain how pathetic she felt having been a twenty-five-year-old virgin?

  “Umm, people don't make it to twenty-five with their virginity intact without being seen as having something wrong with them. That's a fact. I already feel like a total Peter Pan,” she said. “I just turned twenty-six back in October, and I'm still in the I-don't-know-what-I want-to-be-when-I-grow-up stage of life.” Sitting up she started getting into it. “I have friends my age that are teachers, new moms, a few are climbing the corporate ladder. All of them are doing things with their lives. My sister and mother constantly remind me how disappointed in me they are.”

  She curled up a knee and rested her chin on it. His hand wrapped around her calf, a warm comforting presence. He looked up at her without judgment or comment and it prompted her to continue. “It's demoralizing, you know, how inexperienced I am. Sexually speaking. Most women my age have been sexually active for years. I had a few fumbling make-out sessions in high school. I even sucked a boy's dick. Once. And it didn't go well, at all.” At his raised brow she explained, “I was awkward at the best of times. Fellating a teenage boy...well, when I gagged I accidentally bit down.”

  Caleb winced, “Ouch. I feel for the kid.”

  “Yeah, and I had braces. I had gotten some pubes stuck in the brackets.” Caleb started choking back laughter and she smacked his arm. “It's not funny! That was some traumatizing shit! They called me “the biter” behind my back! Robby Malone, the guy I bit, never made eye contact with me again!”

  Caleb's choked back laughter turned into full gales of hilarity. She couldn’t help but laugh herself. Once she started, her laughter grew until she was curled up next to Caleb wiping tears of mirth off her face.

  “Okay, that was pretty funny,” she said, still catching her breath.

  Still smiling, Caleb gathered her in close until her head was resting on his chest, and his chin lay on the top of her head. She hadn't done much cuddling with men, and was surprised by how natural it felt to be here like this with him.

  “That was bad,” he said. “But you're gorgeous now, and thankfully for me, braces free.”

  He chuckled when he said braces, but the way he said gorgeous almost made her believe she was. “I blossomed,” she said, and acknowledged it was true. “Sometime between eighteen and twenty my shape went from lumpy to curvy. I developed a waist, cheekbones, and a collarbone. I was still chubby, but it felt natural instead of awkward, you know?” She looked up, and at his raised eyebrows she smiled. “Well, I guess you wouldn't know. I had no idea what to do with my newfound good looks. I still masturbated my way through college.”

  He made a choking sound. “Kitten, that is a travesty.”

  She groaned. “I mean, I went on dates. Some even reached the bumbling, fumbling, awkward make-out session point. I wanted to lose my virginity. It's not like I was saving it for marriage. Every date I went on after I turned twenty I'd tell myself, tonight is the night. Just rip the band-aid and get it over with. Then I'd chicken out.”

  “You didn't seem like a chicken when you were with me,” Caleb said. “Just the opposite.”

  “Well, it's not like you gave me much choice in the matter.”

  “Excuse me? Kat, you always have a choice with me. I thought—”

  She cut him off saying, “Jeez, I know. That came out wrong. Trust me, I knew I could say no and walk away. I knew I had a choice, I just liked that it felt like...I didn't.” How could she explain how inexplicably turned on she had been by the idea of him specifically just taking what he wanted from her? Doing whatever he wanted to her body?

  “That gets you going, huh?”

  She could feel herself blushing but she couldn't help but add, “It was more than that. I had never felt...that is to say...I um, didn't feel even close to what I had felt that first time with you. Obviously. Otherwise why would I have let you do all those things to me, right?”

  He kissed the top of her head while his arms around her grew a little tighter. She suddenly was blinking back tears and clearing her throat.

  Trying to lighten the mood she quipped, “It didn't hurt that you looked like a wet dream version of G.I. Joe. I had been worrying I would die never knowing what real sex was like and I ended up losing it to the guy that looks like he should be on a poster captioned 'Save a horse, ride a cowboy.' So good job.” She patted his muscular chest that was rumbling with his laughter. “Whatever happens in life, I had a decent first experience. Not many people can say that.”

  Caleb chuckled, “No, no they can't. My first time was freshman year of high school, with a girl two grades up. Mindy Heisman. It was in the back of her Oldsmobile and it lasted all of thirty seconds. And she'd probably say that's being generous.”

  Kat snorted trying to hold back her laughter, which only made her laugh harder.

  Caleb said, “Ha, ha,” before tilting her face up and kissing her. His hand curved around her cheek, holding her in place. All humor left her as she was immersed into his kiss.

  When he pulled back she rested her chin on his chest, staring at him bathed in the light of the stars and moon. As usual he reminded her of some nefarious character in one of her romance novels. She wouldn't mind getting ravished by him. She loved tracing the planes and angles of his face. Her fingers skimmed over the sandpaper feel of his day's growth of stubble. The sensation sparked tingles to zip straight down to her hooha. “I'm glad your stamina has improved since you were fifteen,” she said.

  “Me too,” he said smiling. “For what it's worth, I wouldn't have ever guessed you had been a virgin. You know, other than the obvious difficult entry.” His lips cocked in a half grin that was all sensual. “You were so damn hot, kitten. We had some fumbling but I wouldn't call it awkward.”

  Kat thought back to that night. Her and Delia had been enjoying one too many adult beverages at a dive bar called Bucks. During an all out bar brawl Kat had turned, blindly punching Caleb full in the face. He hadn't even flinched. Then he had handled her like she weighed nothing. He'd smiled and thrown her over his shoulder, delivering a firm smack to her ass. He was such a large, imposing figure. It had been the single most thrilling and alarming moment of her life. And that was before he had gotten her clothes off.

  She marveled at the fact that she could fight him for all she was worth and he could overpower her in a second. Going back to his hotel with him had been like jumping out of an airplane with no idea how to work a parachute. An exhilarating rush, both dangerous and terrifying.

  “I'd never been so turned on in my life than when you ripped off my pants and tied my hands behind my back. I was also scared shitless,” she admitted, timidly hiding her face in his chest.

  He rubbed her back soothingly and lifted her chin to make her look at him. “I could tell the moment you got scared. That's why I asked you for a safeword. I still remember it was Westminster.”

  She couldn't believe he remembered. “It was the least sexy thing I could think of. My mom has show dogs,” she said as way of explanation. “Having a safeword made me feel better.”

  “I'm wondering—that is to say—how the hell did a little vanilla virgin know what a safeword was?”

  Kat could feel her cheeks flushing in a
blush. “I've read stuff—and girly books.”

  “Last I heard, girly books had teen vampires in them. What kind of girly books do you read?”

  That made Kat chuckle. “Okay, so I've read some really naughty girly books. Some of which happened to have a lot of domination, submission, bondage, and....stuff.”

  “Bondage and stuff, huh? That gives me some ideas.” His voice had deepened, taking on a sultry edge that signaled her clothes were about to come off. She would normally be all for it, but it was too nippy outside for nakedness.

  “Caleb,” she began hoping to dissuade him. “I don't think I could enjoy it out in the cold.”

  “That sounds like a challenge,” he said sitting up. His hands automatically went to the opening of her jacket. She slapped his hands away.

  “Are you nuts? That was not a challenge. It was a statement.”

  He growled, and it did funny, melty, things to her. Taking her face in his hands, his mouth descended onto hers. When she was good and muddle-headed, he pulled back. “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded without even thinking about it. She did trust him, with her body, her pleasure and her comfort. It was little things like her heart she didn't want to think about.

  “Good. You're going to let me take off your clothes and trust I'll keep you warm.”

  She let him strip her bare. Before she knew it she was shivering in the night air. Goosebumps prickled along her skin. Strangely it only added to her arousal. She could feel her moisture heavy at her opening, threatening to trickle out.

  She bit her lip and warmed at the look Caleb gave her. His gaze ran from where she was perched on her knees to where she was biting her lip, devouring her with his eyes. He took an extra blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders but held it open in front as his head dipped down to suck a nipple into his mouth. He worshiped one breast then the other— sucking, nibbling, and biting each in turn. The little pinches of his teeth awakened every nerve ending of her body. Her breath was coming in little pants of air. Her whole body felt flushed and impervious to the chill.

  He widened her knees. His gaze locked her in an intense stare as he skimmed his fingers over her wet folds, making her whimper. She couldn't look away even if she wanted to.

  While his fingers ran back and forth he leaned in and gave her a light kiss, his eyes still trained on her. His lips just hovered over hers and she could feel them kick up in a lazy grin. “You're so wet, kitten. I haven't even gotten to the good part.”

  The shiver that ran through her body had nothing to do with the cold. His voice was dark and smoky, and his fingers were wicked in their torture. He was lighting a fire that was warming her inside out.

  He sat back on his heels and her mouth watered at the sight of his hard cock pressed against the front of his pants. He began slowly unbuckling his belt. No one could have paid her enough to take her eyes off the strip of leather as it slid through every loop. The bottom dropped out of her stomach at the thought of what he was going to do with that belt. She had only been spanked with his hand. She wasn't sure if she could handle being strapped by a belt.

  When he tilted her chin up, her focus was once again on his face. He wore a wicked grin that looked particularly menacing with his face shadowed by the night. “You want to feel the sting of my belt, kitten?” he asked, like he could read her thoughts. He folded the belt and pulled it tight, making a sudden snapping sound.

  She jumped. Her mouth suddenly felt dry and she knew she was staring at him with wide eyes. The smacking sound of the belt had sent electric sizzles down all the way down to her toes and back up, awaking every nerve ending in her body.

  He chuckled as he looped the belt behind her neck to pull her into a hungry kiss. She let go of the blanket to grab the front of his jacket. She felt wanton as she rubbed her breasts against the coarse fabric, tantalizing herself, before he pulled back tsking.

  He pried her fingers off his coat, nipping her bottom lip and making her whimper.

  “Naughty kitten. I think you were trying to claw me.”

  She shook her head. “Nu-uh,” she said weakly.

  “Put your hands behind your head, and open your mouth.”

  She did so without even thinking. He placed his belt between her teeth and tied it behind her head before wrapping the ends around her wrists to secure them at the back of her neck. Her mouth filled with the taste of leather. It was strangely appealing. Her heartbeat kicked up another notch at her feeling of helplessness. Her bonds were tight enough that she couldn't escape, but they weren't so tight to cut off circulation.

  He leaned in and said softly at her ear, “Next time I wear my belt it's going to have your teeth marks on it. Every time you see your marks on my belt you're going to remember what I'm about to do to you.”

  She flushed at his words, knowing they were true, but also realizing everyone else was going to see her bites on his belt.

  She sat wide open. When he was done binding her he ran a hand down the outside of her arms to her breasts, making her squirm. The pose put her breasts on full display and he took advantage by pinching and pulling on her nipples. The sensation sent zings straight to her clit. She closed her legs, rubbing her thighs together at the feeling.

  “Okay kitten, if it gets to be too much you can put up two fingers, and squeal three times in quick session and I'll stop. Understand?”

  She awkwardly nodded her head in the affirmative.


  He set out the two pillows he had brought outside and then laid her over them, so her upper body lay on one and her stomach and hips on the other. He set the blanket over her, so only her head and arms were exposed. She heard rustling and thumping then the bottom of the blanket was pulled up, exposing her legs and bottom. She had only a moment to wonder what he was about to do before he was pushing her legs wide open. The cool night air rushed over the heat of her exposed, wet sex. If anything, the sensation caused her to grow even damper. She could feel arousal painted on her upper thighs already. She felt his hairy legs pushing against her thighs holding her open and wondered when he had taken his clothes off. His skin felt hot against her chilled legs.

  Callus-tipped fingers glided over her opening before his mouth was on her. His tongue lapped at her clit and folds making her moan in pleasure. She instinctively tried closing her legs at the intense sensation of his stubbled cheeks abrading her delicate thighs, but her motion only made him push her thighs even wider. She squealed as he delivered three stinging swats to her bottom in reprimand for trying to shut him out. Her breath huffed out as he pushed at least two fingers inside her. Her core felt swollen and over sensitive from their earlier activities. Her body wasn't accustomed to so much sexual use.

  “We've had this conversation, kitten,” he said, his voice laced with a dark edge. “This is my pussy. You don't try to keep me out of my pussy, do you?”

  She made a negative sound that just came out garbled “nu-uh” behind her mouth full of belt. With one hand still at her core, his other peppered smacks all over her bottom, making her want to squirm. She didn't dare. His fingers started a drag and pull rhythm in and out of her. The whole time his swats to her bottom were getting harder and harder, making her bite down on the belt the closer she got to orgasm. She could feel herself getting poised for cataclysm. Her body tightened further. She was ready to go over. Her eyes rolled back as her toes curled. Her body began to pulse as his next strike lit up her ass.

  She cried out behind her gag as he yanked his fingers free of her. He bit her bottom right over one of the swollen spots from her spanking, sending bolts of need straight to her core. She wanted to beg for him to fill her. She squirmed and waved her sore bottom.

  “Be still.” He delivered a sharp smack to her already stinging rump and held her hip with one hand as he trailed a finger through her moisture, bringing it up to circle her bottom hole.

  She whimpered at the feeling of his fingers getting her nice and wet before pushing in. Little by little. On
e finger, then another. She fought not to thrust back against him. She thought she might be able to come just from the burning stretch of his fingers pumping in and out of her ass. Her internal muscles squeezed, wanting to milk his fingers. Now she was begging, pleading him to let her come in garbled utterances.

  She felt his hot length heavy against her thigh, lining up to her core. “Is this what you want, kitten? You're so hot and wet. I bet you'll start coming on my cock the second I get inside you.”

  She cried out behind her gag. She thought he'd slam inside her. She needed him to take her hard, but he just slid in. Slowly filling her inch by agonizing inch. His fingers still firmly filling her bottom. She felt overfull, the sensation making her head spin. Her breath was coming in pants and she just wanted him to move.

  He brought his weight down over her as his slow thrusts came harder, faster. His free hand came down next to her to prop himself up. She didn't care. She wanted his weight. She wanted all of him covering her, conquering her body.

  “God, you feel good,” he groaned. His voice gravelly and rough. “Next time I'm going to take this little hole, kitten.” He pumped the fingers he had lodged in her bottom to make it clear which hole he meant. “I'm going to own it just like I own your pussy. And you're going to come for me like a good, little girl.” He pulled his fingers out of her bottom only to push them back in with a third.

  The feeling sent her over. Her whole body demanded more and her core convulsed. Her spasms gripped his cock tighter and tighter as he pounded into her. She heard her own muffled scream, as her body bowed on what felt like an endless orgasm.

  She was dimly aware of Caleb's growl of completion and the warm splash of his seed. His cock was still twitching inside her, sending delicious aftershocks through her body when he rolled them both to their sides and undid the belt bindings. He wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her wrists and kissing her cheeks and temple. Only when he pulled the spare blanket up and over them did she realize how cold she was. She quickly warmed in his arms. His body curled around hers was like a furnace.


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