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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  Mom smiled at me, she knew that i only used her first name whenever i was feeling better.

  "How are you feeling, baby?" She asked, her momma bear instincts taking over as she clamped both of her hands on my cheeks, squishing them together, making me look like a fish.

  "I'm good," i said, my voice sounding muffled, and my words coming out as 'I dood'.

  She smiled at me, sweetly, "Oh my darling!" She gasped as she dramatically squeezed me in a hug.

  "Mom, i've been kidnaped for a day, not a century!" I said, struggling in her bone-crushing embrace.

  "But still! I was worried sick! My baby girl was taken away from me. Who knows what that mad man would've done to you!" She stated, her grey eyes wide, wild, and filled with concern.

  My wolf involuntarily growled, loudly, when she heard mom call Aries a mad man.

  My mom jumped in place, her eyes filling with confusion.

  I tried to cover the growl that ripped out of my throat with fake coughs.

  "Did you just growl at me?" She asked, with disbelief, as she raised an eyebrow at me.

  I coughed again, "N-no, no, that must be you," i lied, secretly hoping that she'd buy it. Her eyes looked suspicious, but she seemed to let it go, "Anyway, gotta go!" I announced as i cowered towards the main door.

  "Where to?" She asked, making me stop dead in my tracks.

  I started to get nervous, as i thought of something to tell her, "Uh, i-uh, i'm looking for dad."

  "Oh, well, he's with the pack doctor, checking up on Aries." She said, making the blood in my veins freeze.

  "H-he's what?" I asked again.

  Mom opened her mouth to speak, but i stopped her, and just left before she could saying anything else.


  I sprinted my way towards the pack doctor, because i couldn't shift.

  Every time i'd try, my wolf wouldn't respond.

  I could only feel her with me, and well, that was better than nothing.

  As soon as i got to the pack building i asked around for my father.

  They all said he was in his office with Alpha Aries.

  I raced my way there, my heart beating rapidly as my palms started getting sweaty. Knots started knitting in my stomach as i approached my dad's office, nervously.

  I stared at the door for five whole seconds, before placing my hand on the golden door knob.

  Twisting it slightly i pushed the door open as i stepped into his office, "Dad?" I called as i peaked through.

  There they were.

  Aries and my father.

  In the same room.

  My dad was sitting behind the office desk and Aries was seated on the black leather at the desk.

  Aries was wearing a tight fitting white shirt, which outlined all his muscles, and he had a pair of dark blue jeans, which suited him very much.

  Both their hard gazes shifted to me as i walked in, and my dad's forest green eyes softened, "Sweetheart," he acknowledged me.

  "Good morning, dad," i said, giving him the best winning smile that i could muster.

  "Good morning," he greeted me with a small smile.

  You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, and i wanted to lighten up the mood.

  "I brought rainbow cookies," i stated in a sing-song tone, as my father spread his arms out for a hug.

  "Come here, cupcake," he ordered sweetly.

  I went over to him, ignoring Aries' burning gaze on my body.

  I gave my dad a tight hug as i grabbed a chair and dragged it next to my fathers'. I plopped myself down and opened up the cookie pack.

  I picked a cookie and threw it into my mouth, my eyes fluttering shut as i almost moaned at it's goodness.

  I felt my father stare at me, and i peeled my eyes open as i munched on the cookie, he was giving me an amused look, "Want some?" I asked with my mouth full, as i waved the pack in his face.

  My dad let out a loud chuckle as he shook his head in disbelief, "I thought you came here to bring me the cookies," he said.

  I faked an outraged gasp as i jumped out of my seat before he could get any, "You greedy cookie grabber!" I hollered as i pointed an accusing finger at him, speeding away from his desk.

  He chuckled once more, before getting up and grabbing me by the collar like the little cub i am. I tried to hold the bag as tightly as i could but in an instant, it was stolen from my grasp.

  My father sped back to his desk, as he grabbed a handful of the cookies and devoured them all in one bite.

  I screamed bloody murder and ran at him ready for a fight, but Aries got in my way.

  He grabbed both of my arms, and kept me in place, his harsh and cold eyes, making my body stiffen as a lump wedged itself in my throat, "Enough," He said lowly.

  I ignored the tingles and shocks my body felt as his skin came into contact with my own.

  I glared up at him, feeling furious that he was trying to stop me from joking around with my own dad, "Let go of me!" I growled, yanking my arms out of his grip, as i walked over to my father.

  Aries growled at me, but i ignored and rolled my eyes at him.

  He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth as his blue eyes took the dangerous shade of electric blue.

  My dad was rubbing his temples with his two fingers, while he shook his head disapprovingly, as if he were surrounded by two disobedient children, "Come, princess, take a seat," He ordered, with a sigh.

  I did as he said, and sat on the black leather chair, opposite from the one Aries was sitting on.

  Aries sat opposite of me, his eyes burning into my eyes, i looked away towards my father and i could still feel his gaze on me.

  I placed one leg over the other as i graciously folded my arms under my chest.

  I heard a low growl rumble from Aries' chest, and i felt my wolf excitedly observe the scene unfolding in front of her.

  "I could see that there is a problem that we need to discuss, so we could come to a solution to this nonsense, without involving our packs," my father spoke, all seriousness returning, his voice sounding demanding and firm.

  I nodded while Aries shook his head, "There isn't a problem Alpha Harris. Ariel is my mate. She has to come home with me, and rule by my side as my Luna." He stated, his harsh voice booming over.

  My eyebrows knitted as i impatiently tapped my right foot on the floor, but kept silent.

  "Alpha Aries, you need to understand, that you have absolutely no right, to take Ariel, before her wolf acknowledges you all on her own. And sadly, your irrational actions risked her life, when you marked her, without her consent and her wolf's full maturity." My father countered.

  Aries flinched when he realized what he had done, and guilt flashed across his eyes, as he eyed my mark.

  A blush crept it's way to my cheeks as he studied his mark on my neck.

  It was deeper than any usual mark because it was made specifically by Aries, a strong werewolf, and the punctures were wider because that was a sign of an Alpha's mark, which showed other wolves the specialty of my mark. So people knew not to come near me or else they'll be dealing with a shit load of hell.

  My dad's eyes suddenly glazed over, and his features stiffened, "I need to take care of something, i'll only be gone for a while, stay here, please." He ordered, nicely.

  Aries and i nodded at him, as he sped out of the office.

  Aries' eyes raked my body intently, and i just rolled my eyes at him.

  "I don't like that." He snapped, referring to my eye rolling.

  I glared at him, "I don't care," i retorted spitefully.

  He gritted his teeth, "What you did yesterday-"

  "I'm sorry," i cut him off, my tone softening, as i recalled yesterday's events.

  His eyes widened, and he nodded at me.

  I stared at his shoes for a while, they looked like my dad's.

  My lips curled up into a smile as i tried not to laugh, "Are you wearing-"

  "Yes," he said, annoyance coating his voice as he shook his head regretfully.
  I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips, but then i remembered, Aries could eat me very easily.

  So i shut up as he looked at me.

  A smile started creeping onto his face as he let out a deep chuckle.

  And it seemed to be the most beautiful sound i have ever heard.

  Like music to my ears.

  I wondered why he didn't laugh more.

  His laugh made me smile, cause it was contagious.

  His laughing died out as he looked at me intensely with a small smile.

  My smile slowly faded away as i remembered what happened yesterday with Michael.

  My eyebrows knitted and i let out a frustrated sigh.

  "What's the matter?" His melodic voice sounded, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I shook my head, "No, nothing," i lied, no need for him to hate Michael even more.

  He'd kill him if he knew that we kissed.

  Aries raised an eyebrow at me, urging me to tell the truth, "It's just i missed Adrien & Lizzy," i said.

  He nodded at me seeming to be satisfied with that answer.

  After some more silence, i decided to step on his, actually my father's, shoe.

  His eyes snapped to mine and i sent him a playful smile.

  His eyes slowly darkened, as he grabbed my foot pulling me off the chair, making me land on the floor on my bum, "Ow."

  Aries smirked at me and started to drag me by my two feet towards him.

  "No, no, i'm sorry, i was kidding!" I defended, but he wouldn't take it as he pulled my two legs onto his lap.

  We were in a really weird position, and if my father were to walk in on us, i'd be in big trouble.

  I was laying on the ground on my back with my legs on his lap and my bum on his feet. My skirt started to slid down to my bum, revealing my underwear.

  I tried to reach up but he wouldn't let me.

  "Please!" I pleaded, my cheeks burning red.

  Aries chuckled loudly, "I've already got you begging," he teased, "Plus, i kind of like the view from here," he continued, as he got a good look at my underwear, "Oh, and i love this black lace." He said as he inched his face closer between my knees.

  I gasped, and kicked him right under his chin.

  He growled and glared at me, seeming unfazed by my kick, and then refused to help me up.

  I growled in annoyance, "Ugh! Fine! I give up, please. Please help me up. Please," i continued to plead.

  Aries' eyes darkened, as he smirked at me, "I love it when you beg," he stated suggestively.

  I groaned, and tried to lift myself up, but i only served in flaunting my lower part in his face, as his grip on my knees tightened.

  He chuckled and then placed his hands on my hips, lifting me up and seating me on his lap, as i straddled him.

  I huffed, and folded my arms under my chest, making his eyes darken in response.

  "This outfit is way too revealing, Ariel, i don't like it," he growled, his eyes lingering on my chest area.

  I leaned in closer, as i grazed my lips on his ear, "On the contrary, i think you love it," i whispered, earning a deep, husky growl from him as his grip on my waist tightened, and his fingers dug into my skin, making sparks ignite all over my body.

  I giggled and got off of him, forcefully, as i backed away, "You have no right to tell me what to wear, not until we see whether or not you're my mate, on my birthday. So i'll enjoy my freedom while i can," i said as i twirled around, and threw myself back onto my chair, "And i suggest you do too." I continued, with a chuckle.

  Aries' eyebrows knitted as he shook his head, "I don't want my freedom, i want you." He said, looking at me like i was the most important thing in the world.

  My heart fluttered at his words, and all i wanted to do was hug him tightly. How could someone with a reputation like his, be so cuddle-friendly?

  "I want you to understand, that if i were to be trapped in one room with you, for the rest of my life, and was suddenly granted freedom, i would never leave. I'd still choose you," he said, with a gentle voice, "I'll always choose you." He continued, making my heart swell as tears threatened to gather.

  I stared at him like he was the most insane person in the world while he stared at me like i was the most beautiful person in the world.

  Suddenly, my dad barged in, "Sorry, i took so long," he mumbled.

  "What was it?" I asked.

  He rolled his eyes at me, "You're mother," he said.

  I let out a chuckle and shook my head.

  "Anyway, back to the issue at hand," he stated, looking all serious again, "Aries, you cannot take my daughter, not unless you have her consent." He said firmly, with a demanding tone.

  Aries nodded, and looked at me, as if waiting for me to give him my permission so that he can whisk me away from my friends and family to his dark castle.

  Ok, i might be a bit melodramatic, but still.

  "I need to think about it," i said, my voice sounding shaky, before Aries' eyes grew hard, as he shot out of his seat.

  "I'm not going back without you," he growled, as he stormed out of the office angrily.

  I sighed, and slumped my shoulders, pouting slightly.

  Back to square one, again.


  As i walked on the pavements, i found myself making my way to Lizzy's house.

  She hasn't talked to me ever since the barbecue and didn't come over to check up on me since i came back.

  Knocking on her door, nobody answered.

  I groaned and decided to search under the mat for the spare key.

  I finally found the gold key, and unlocked the door.

  "Lizzy!" I yelled, from the staircase.

  No reply.

  I rolled my eyes, assuming that she was either at school or still sleeping.

  I sprinted up the stairs, as i heard a few sounds.

  As i approached her room, the sounds became clearer as they turned into moans.

  My eyes widened and eyebrows knitted as i thought of Lizzy watching porno this early in the morning. The whole concept was disgusting.

  That girl really needs a hobby, i thought to myself.

  I shrugged my shoulders before barging in yelling, "Caught ya sunshine!" Quite dramatically.

  I almost screamed as i found Liz and Michael straightening up in her bed, both naked.

  My mouth almost fell off as i stared at both of them shamelessly, in shock.

  Liz looked, well, like she was finding this funny, while Michael, looked like he was going to cry.

  "It's not what it looks like," he stated, defensively, trying to get and cover himself up.

  I glared raising an eyebrow at him, finding his actions ridiculous. I mean if he was going to sleep with Liz, he might as well put it out there. There was no need for him to hide it. I didn't care.

  "What do you mean its not what it looks like?" Asked Liz, as she huffed, annoyance evident in her voice.

  He glared at her, as he put on his jeans and shirt, "Shut up," he growled.

  Liz put on the robe that was sprawled on the floor, "Did you just growl at me? I thought you came to me last night, in desperate need, because you, and i quote, 'missed us'." She snapped, glaring at him.

  I waved my hands in the air, to get their attention, before looking at Liz, "Yeah, hey! Nice to see you too, Liz, after being kidnapped and finally escaping! Not that you care," i spat distastefully, with a fake happy voice.

  Her eyes softened and she looked at the ground shamefully, "I do care," she piped up.

  I snorted, very unlady-like, "Yeah, say that to Michael, who was in your bed all night. It's so obvious that you care. In fact, you care so much, that you've been having fun all night, while I've been running away from Blood Prowler territory, injuring Alpha Aries in the process!" I sneered, throwing my arms in the air, before letting them hit my sides.

  I spared a nasty glare at Michael, "And you!" I growled as i pointed at Michael accusingly, who was looking tormented at the moment, "You don't get to go aroun
d, telling me that you love me, after kissing me, then sleep around with Liz, on the same darn night! We are not play things, Michael! I don't care that you two slept together, but i don't want you faking your fondness of Liz, telling her things that aren't true. Don't lead her on! It's not right, it's not what best friends do to one another."

  "You said what?" She growled, glaring at him, with her arms folded at her chest as her clear blue eyes darkened.

  Michael ignored her as he moved towards me, as he shook his head, "No, you're right. I made a mistake. Liz and i, we're nothing. We were just having fun, and i shouldn't have done that. You know you're all that matters Ariel. You know you're all i think about," he said before, moving my hair to the back and leaning in to kiss me.

  My eyes widened before i pulled up the nerve to slap him, hard, across the face as i pushed him away, "No! You will stop this nonsense!" I ordered him, my Alpha tone taking over.

  I looked at Liz, who had her mouth hung open, as she stared at Michael with disbelief.

  She gritted her teeth, ready to kill him as she took threatening steps towards him, i stopped her with one cold glare and a threatening Alpha growl.

  She stopped dead in her tracks, and bowed at me, with submission, "You two need to cut this out. We're a team. In a few weeks, my birthday is coming up, and my father is stepping down. As soon as that happens, the three of us will be responsible of this whole pack! How do you think we'll be able to do that when the two of you can't settle your differences? And the funny thing is, you're acting like you two don't have mates waiting for you out there! Get a fucking grip, and calm the fuck down!" i spat, feeling the stress of everything suddenly weigh down on my shoulders.

  Michael approached me and wrapped his arms around me comfortably, as he rubbed my back soothingly.

  I sighed and accepted his hug as an apology for being a dick, as i stuck out my hand, for Liz to join the group hug.

  Liz stubbornly shook her head, "No, i don't want to be anywhere near him."

  I gave her a glare, and she just sighed as she joined the hug.


  After the dramatic turn, in today's events, i exhaustedly decided to walk back home.

  On my way i heard Michael call my name repetitively as he tried to catch up to me.

  "Hey, hey, I've been calling you all the way from Liz's house," he said, grasping his breaths.


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