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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  My body started going limp as someone caught me.

  I needed Aries.

  I wished i could call him.

  I tried to yell his name, before my eyes began to droop.

  Then my world went into complete darkness.


  After what seemed like hours, i started hearing voices.

  None that i recognised.

  I tried to move but i was chained to something.

  I tried to lift my eyelids open but i couldn't.

  "Wake up," a voice cooed.

  I tried to comply, and peeled my eyelids open, my cloudy vision slowly focusing.

  I looked around me and i was trapped in a cell.

  The walls were black brick, and i was chained on the ground.

  There was a door, a door made out of silver.

  "Ariel," the voice called.

  I looked to the source and saw Alpha Blake, sitting in front of me.

  "Now, we could be together babe." He cooed, creeping in towards me.

  What was happening?

  Alpha Blake kidnapped us, my wolf hissed.


  He wouldn't..


  I tried to tug onto the chains but it was no use.

  "Don't worry sweetheart, no one will be able to steal you away from me, these chains and cuffs are made out of Titanium."

  I growled at him, "Let me out! I order you!"

  Blake chuckled, "You're so cute when you're angry. You don't order me though," he cooed, his eyes were dark, "You're mine," he whispered, nodding to himself, before placing the sloppiest kiss on my lips while wrapping his arms around me, gripping me tightly.

  My wolf shuddered and whimpered feeling attacked while i tried to get out of his grip.

  His grip tightened while his tongue asked for entrance. I denied it, pressing my lips into a tight line, not kissing him back.

  He growled as he cupped my breast, making me scream in horror against his lips.

  I wouldn't let his tongue through so he bit my lower lip roughly, breaking skin, as hot angry, pained, and frustrated tears ran down my cheeks.

  I parted my lips due to his rough actions and he shoved his tongue down my throat.

  The ground was so cold and i wondered how long have i been out? Where was Aries? Was he looking for me?

  I missed him. I needed him.

  I banged against Blake's chest to get him off, as i thrashed against him screaming and crying.

  I was able to push him off momentarily, and i looked to the side to prevent him from kissing me further.

  I was going to be sick.

  "Help!" I screeched, my throat getting scratched in the process.

  Blake forced his hand on my mouth, "Shhhh," he ordered, "I love you Ariel. You look just like her." He whispered, "You're safe with me, no Michael can come and get you, no Aries, no one. It's just you and me."

  More tears strolled down my cheeks while i continued to cry. I couldn't believe this.

  Blake parted my legs and crawled in closer, gripping onto my hips and carrying me off the floor before placing me on his lap.

  "W-why? P-please, let me go," i begged.

  My wolf hated begging but he was an Alpha Male, i was no match for him.

  "I won't let you go," he spat, as he got up.

  "I'm not your mate! I'm taken!" I yelled.

  "Sure you are," he stated sarcastically, smirking.

  His grey eyes returned, but there was a hungry look in them, he put on some gloves then turned away from me, and left, locking the door behind him.

  Oh god, he's a nut-job!

  I tried to connect to my wolf, but i couldn't feel her anymore, it was like an unstable connection. Whatever Blake gave me, isn't strong enough to keep my wolf dormant, just to shake our connection temporarily.

  How long have i been here? Was it my birthday yet? Would i feel Aries' connection grow stronger? What did that dumbass do to my wolf?

  I yanked and tugged at the chains once more, trying to muster all of my human strength to do this. But it was no use. I was helpless, with my hands and feet chained up.

  I screamed out loud with frustration, and begged for some miracle. Something. Anything.

  Chapter 23- Gone


  She was gone.


  Here i sat, on the edge of our bed, fury running through my veins with my head in my hands.

  Could she have ran away?

  No, she wouldn't! My wolf argued growling at me.

  I was about to bark back at him, when i spotted her phone, and the charger sprawled under the night stand in an odd angle.

  She wouldn't just leave it like that. She wouldn't just leave me like that.

  Someone took her.


  Third Person.

  With one long loud insidious growl, Aries ripped through his clothes, his murderous wolf unleashing as he sprung out of the window landing gracefully on the ground with a light thud.

  Anguish and peril took over his features. His eyes were two dark storms. He was livid and incensed, all he saw was red. His shrilling howls shook the whole pack with fear.

  In an instant his Beta Jake was at his side, in wolf form, following his lead. Pumping their hinds as hard and fast as they could go.

  Alpha Aries didn't exactly know where to go at first, but he suspected Michael, Ariel's Beta, was behind this.

  He found his feet leading him towards the Unmated Males' Pack-House (UMPH, for short).

  Michael was a mess in his room. He couldn't believe that Ariel had chosen Aries over him. He knew for sure that she wasn't Aries' mate. He was almost certain. What hurt him more, is that she didn't even try to contact him via mind-link, to try and explain anything.

  With his head in his hands, he found unwanted tears blurring his vision over the girl he loved the most. He was in love with her, and she didn't return his feelings. Not in the way he wanted her to. He felt like someone plunged their hand through his chest and squeezed his heart tight then ripped it out. His lower lip trembled when he remembered all the times they spent together, all the times he hugged her tight when she needed it, and all the affections he held towards her that got thrown out of the window like yesterday's news.

  Suddenly a crash from downstairs caught his attention.

  He quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hands, clenching his jaw, as his ears perked up in alert.

  He listened in, and everything was quiet. Too quiet. Until the door was rammed down as Aries' dark black midnight furious wolf came into view.

  Aries' wolf growled, and Michael looked at him with sheer confusion mixed with hatred.

  Michael ripped through his clothes, shifting, as he tried, but failed, to size Aries' wolf up.

  Aries' wolf looked savage. The look in his black pools of eyes, said that he was out for blood. Michael's blood. And there was no Ariel to stop him this time.



  I pounded the door down to his room as soon as i caught his scent.

  My wolf despised him.

  He hated everything about Michael and he wanted to spill his blood for any reason.

  I have been waiting for this for so long. I've been waiting for Michael to make the slightest mistake so that i could rip off his head and get it over with. But Ariel loved him, in some sort of sickening stomach-twisting way, so i couldn't do it. But now. Game over. I was going to rip that bastard's insides to shreds and feel his blood drip down my throat, and i was going to enjoy every single moment of it.

  I unleashed a loud shriveling roar.

  Michael's eyes looked bloodshot, confused, and angry...with me.

  He ripped through his clothes and shifted, his wolf trying to size me up. But he couldn't. I was an Alpha. Not just any Alpha at that. Did he really think he could beat me?

  His Beta ranked wolf growled right at me and i roared back taking threatening steps towards him so he could submit.

  Michael didn't back out a
nd it infuriated my wolf even more.

  I began to take an attack stance right before Jake invaded my mind.

  I don't think it's him, he started.

  Why do you say so? I inquired.

  Because, he looks pathetic and his scent is covered with defeat and the smell of tears. Jake stated firmly.

  It could be an act, i growled before blocking him out and taking in Michael's appearance. He looked unwilling to fight, but prideful enough to stand his ground.

  I looked at him, showing no visible emotion and he tilted his head to the side in confusion.

  Michael suddenly shifted back, showing off his nude body.

  I was much more worthy in terms of manly-hood.

  He was nothing compared to me, I thought, giving myself a mental pat on the back.

  "I thought you and Ariel left," he stated lowly, looking me right in the eye.

  His eyes showed pain, hurt, and envy, but nothing about his defeated demeanor gave off a wrong feeling that he could be the culprit.

  I shifted back, straightening up, as i walked past him, into his room.

  Pride filled inside of me, when i felt everyone's eyes on me from the neighboring rooms in the house. The men had obviously gathered to see the reason why i, their Alpha, had come and caused a commotion. Once i find Ariel, i'm going to rock her world. I am going to bury my face in the crook of her neck and take in her melting strawberry-sugar scent as i drown in her arms.

  I opened a couple of drawers, rummaging to find a pair of black shorts. Succeeding, i put them on quickly.

  Michael glared at me for not asking for permission to wear his shorts, but i ignored. I didn't need permission. It's my territory.

  I turned around and looked deeply into Michael's eyes, coldly, with a murderous glint in my own, as i felt my wolf start to rise at bay with the thought of Ariel.

  I could feel my eyes turn pitch black as i fisted my hands to my sides, clenched my jaws, and gritted my teeth menacingly.

  "Where is she?" I spat venomously.

  Michael's eyebrows knitted, "Who?"

  "Who do you think, pup! Where is my mate!" I growled, speeding up to him as i latched my hand around his throat and lifted him off the ground while slamming his back onto the closet that croaked with the impact.

  He was pinned up and he tried to claw at my grip but i wasn't going to let him go that easily. I was thirsty. Thirsty for his blood. I wanted to kill him. And it felt good admitting it to myself for once.

  I began to tighten my grip around his neck, purposely squeezing his windpipe effectively, as i heard his struggling voices and croaking sounds fill my ears. He kicked, and clawed at me, but nothing would faze me. I just couldn't feel anything anymore. Not without her by my side. I felt vicious and murderous, and i wanted to kill him. I wanted to kill everybody.

  I laughed loudly, mockingly, as i saw the troubled look in his eyes, "It's the end of the road for you, pup! You stole her away from me and i'm going to make you pay with your life." I spat, as i squeezed the daylights out of him.

  Suddenly, something hard, and fast slammed into my side and knocked me off of him and we flew, crashing into the wall.

  I recovered almost instantly and i threw off my attacker, speeding towards him to finish him off.

  As soon as i got a hold of him, i came face to face with Jake.

  I gritted my teeth, growling at him, before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, "Why did you do that!"

  "Stop, Aries, this isn't what Ariel would want you to be like. Let's focus on finding her, first."

  "What do you mean finding Ariel," croaked a scratchy voice from behind me.

  I looked back to see Michael, on the ground, grasping his breaths and rubbing his neck.

  "You know nothing of Ariel's kidnapping?" I asked him coldly.

  Michael's eyes widened in alarm all of a sudden, as they slowly darkened, "She's been kidnapped?" He growled in a dark but raspy voice, getting up off the ground, and stepping towards me.

  I nodded stiffly.

  "Now, we have a common goal. To get Ariel back. Could you two settle your differences till then?" Jake suggested.

  I looked at Michael my eyes void of emotion and he nodded, agreeing to the terms.

  I took in a deep breath and let it out, "Send out a search party Jake. You will stay here, take over the pack, and ask Landon to join me in the search for your Luna. And if you suspect anyone or if anyone has seen her, inform me, immediately." I ordered him, before looking towards Michael, "What are you waiting for pup? Let's get a move on!" I ordered him, before storming out of the room and heading towards my house to inform all of the Alphas and to ask Alpha Harris to help send a search party.

  I needed Ariel. I didn't realize how attached to her I've become until she was gone. I needed to take in her scent. I needed to hear her soothing voice. I needed to touch her velvet skin. I felt nothing. Nothing without her. I felt like a hollow shell. And just when she was beginning to accept me, in a way.

  She was gone but i will bring her back. And i am going to raise hell upon whoever took her. The person who took her will wish he or she never laid their filthy hands on her. That person will want to meet death. That person, will want Hades to rip their soul and throw them to burn and rot in the depth of hell. I am going to kill them slowly, so that they stop at the brink of death, but never taste the comfort of it.

  Because i am Aries. And nobody, nobody is allowed to tread all over what's mine.

  Ariel, is mine. And i am going to make sure that all hell breaks loose.



  Alone, all i felt was alone.

  Time here, froze.

  Alpha Blake didn't come back from the last time he visited me, and he never sent anyone to bring me food or water.

  My throat was dry and scratchy and i was hungry, but i could handle it.

  I could handle anything. At least that was what i kept telling myself.

  But i couldn't shake this hollow feeling inside of me.

  My wolf remained dormant for the time being, and i felt completely and utterly alone in this cell.

  I found myself wondering what Aries was doing. How he was, what he was thinking and feeling. He was all that was on my mind. I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to jump out of this prison and into his safe arms. The arms i felt like calling home.

  Aries was home.

  I needed him more than anything.

  If i knew that i would get this attached to him, i would never have been such a bitch.

  My heart felt like there were pins and needles striking at it, one at a time. It hurt and i couldn't make the pain go away.

  I was alone, tired, scared, and worst of all, filled with regret.

  The worst part about not being able to see someone before they're gone, is the feeling of regret and guilt you feel for all the unspoken words, untold tales, and seized affections that i hid because of my prideful and stubborn nature.

  All i wanted was a second chance. Another chance to apologize. Another chance to kiss him, hold him, and touch him. I'd give anything to feel his warmth drape over me like a blanket. I'd do anything to gaze into his beautiful striking blue eyes. I'd kill to taste those lips of his mold with mine. I want to feel the threads of his soft and luscious hair between my fingers. I want to trace my finger down his jaw line and over his lightly stubble chin. There're so many things that are left unsaid, that i'd love to tell him.

  All i want is a second chance.

  Chapter 24- Eric


  The hours kept dragging on and my wrists began to hurt. The cuffs were so tight, i could hear them scraping my skin off, before my body began to re-heal itself.

  Alpha Blake hadn't stopped by once since his first visit. I wondered what happened to him. I hope that he's drowning in a bath of his blood.


  Alpha Harris was furious. He had all the right to be. I was angry myself. It's been six days since she disappeared and we weren't even clos
e to finding her. We searched uncharted lands, dungeons, and all the graveyards. There was no sign of her.

  "The question i keep asking myself, since you informed me of this conundrum, is how could she have gotten kidnapped right under your noses?! How could this have happened? She was in the house of the strongest werewolf ever created, with her own Beta, as well as Beta Jake and all the patrollers that tread your territory!" He growled, and repeated over and over again, his eyes dark as coal and his body shaking with fury. He kept walking back and forth. "I should not have trusted you with my daughter! Neither of you!" He roared accusingly pointing at Michael and i.

  I couldn't answer him. I had no answer. How did this happen? How couldn't my patrollers catch the culprit? None of them had sniffed for an intruder or heard anything. But how?

  "Please, Alpha Harris, try to calm yourse-" Jake began before being interrupted with Alpha Harris' hand around his throat.

  Jake choked and squirmed in the Alpha's grip.

  I knew he could've taken him on if he wanted to, but he didn't want to harm Ariel's father.

  "Alpha Harris," i called out coldly as i slowly approached them, "Please, we need to find her, let's concentrate on what's important. Killing my Beta will do no good. It'll only terminate any alliances we formerly agreed upon, and cause a hassle that is not needed right now."

  Alpha Harris growled before letting go of Jake and walking away to sulk on the couch in my office. See Ariel's parents came as soon as i told them about what happened, and they've been like this ever since. Katherine, Ariel's mother, was constantly balling her eyes out next to her husband.

  A part of me wanted to sit next to them and do the same.

  But the other more logical part of me, said otherwise.

  "I've called all the Alphas of state, and they all agreed to step in and help, should we need it." I informed everyone, "All except one, Alpha Blake who is not returning my calls. I've decided to travel along to Nightcrawler territories and contact him. I have an odd feeling about that man, and i want to get to the bottom of this." I stated clearly.

  Jake nodded at me, and headed out to get some of our men ready. We were shifting because we needed to get there. Fast.

  Michael stepped up, "I'm coming with you."


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