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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 31

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

I looked at Aries and he warned me off with a glare. My wolf whimpered as I backed away from the two. Aries' eyes softened momentarily, but as soon as it came it was gone.

  Hades' eyes turned pitch black as they burned into Aries, his resolution dissolving. He pushed Aries' hand off his throat and tackled him onto the dining table.

  Hades pinned Aries down, gritting his teeth while grabbing a hold of his throat, Aries clawed at Hades trying to get out of his grip to no avail, "I did what I did and said what I said to get you to fight you buffoon! You were helpless and unable to get out of your own mind. Now calm the hell down before I condemn you to a life sentence in the Styx river!"

  Aries growled at him, but seemed to visibly calm down.

  His eyes searched for mine and finally landed on me, their color returning to their normal vibrant blue shade.

  "Hades, let him go please," I begged him.

  Hades kept glaring at Aries but he nonetheless released him getting off the table as he hurriedly stalked towards the living room.

  Hermes, was at the doorway, looking at Hades, "We need to talk," he said, gesturing for him to follow.

  Hermes headed towards the study, probably to discuss our next step regarding the witches.

  Hades curtly nodded, before mumbling an excuse and disappearing behind Hermes.

  As soon as they left, I turned my back to Aries, as I walked out of the living room, quickly racing towards the stairway not sparing Aries a second glance.

  Aries called after me, "Ariel wait! I'm sorry," he said, hurrying hot on my tail.

  My wolf whimpered but I just didn't feel like talking anymore.

  Is that what he thought of me? I was just trying to help. It would have been wrong for me to let him beat up the one man that was responsible for his safe return & the only person that was going to help us win the war and fulfill the prophecy. I know that Aries thought otherwise from the encounter in his head, but I was right in front of him! Safe & sound at our house, waiting for him to wake up.

  He could have given us the chance to explain. But no, he had to lash out and spite the only person in this whole world that could help us. His temper was horrible and it would be the death of him someday.

  I walked into our room and quickly shut the door then headed to the bathroom to take a bath.

  I locked the door so that Aries wouldn't bother me.

  "Ariel..." I heard his voice call out in the room.

  I turned the water faucet to the middle and then upwards for warm water as I filled the tub.

  I heard his footsteps near the bathroom door, he tried to turn the knob.

  Typical Aries, not even knocking to enter. He always did have a habit of barging in on me while showering.

  "Please open the door," sounded his strained voice as it cracked slightly, "I-i miss you.." he breathed so low, I almost didn't hear him if it weren't for my wolf hearing.

  My heart broke. I missed him too.

  Taking a deep breath I sighed, as I took steps towards the door.

  Looking at the knob I ran a frustrated hand through my hair.

  I heard retreating steps as I felt him back away from the door so I reached out and unlocked it.

  He stopped in his tracks, and there wasn't a sound emitted apart from the running water in the background.

  Aries suddenly barged in and grabbed me by the waist, flushing me to his body.

  I was tense at first but then I relaxed feeling his warmth against me, as his scent engulfing me all over.

  Aries bent down, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck as he hugged me tightly.

  I hugged him back, snaking my arms around his neck as I pecked it with light kisses.

  We were standing in the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom. We were having a peaceful moment, and I felt giddy inside to finally have him with me, everything going as planned.

  But then I saw her. She was in our room, standing there, a creepy smile on her face as she watched us.

  She was wearing black, a tan-skinned woman with long curly black hair. If it weren't for the scary situation I would've called her gorgeous. Her contrasting green eyes looked at me mocking as if she knew something I didn't.

  I froze, tensing up. She placed a slender index finger on her lips, gesturing for me to keep quiet.

  I blinked, and she was gone.

  Aries' body tensed against me, "Is everything okay?" He asked pulling away as he searched my face worriedly.

  I hesitantly nodded, standing up on my tiptoes as I placed a kiss on his lips. I looked back at the place where I saw her as he kissed me back softly. I spotted a white piece of paper that was left on the dark red Egyptian rug that was stretched out on the floor of our room.

  Breaking the kiss, I smiled at Aries, "How about you get the bath ready for us? Put in a lavender bath bomb?" I suggested, a pit forming in my stomach.

  Aries grinned at me, "Anything for you my queen." He said, kissing the top of my head.

  I relished in the feeling of him so close, who knew what tomorrow held? If I would live to see tomorrow at all.

  I walked out of the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar just in case something happened. I reluctantly walked towards the paper, grabbing it off the ground.

  I unfolded it and read it inwardly:

  It seems to us

  You've made a mistake

  One so grave

  You cannot save

  Do not fuss

  He is ours to take

  We'll take his life

  On the crack of day

  The king of the underworld

  Shall not stay

  One by one

  You will all pay

  What is this? Who was theirs to take?

  Suddenly the note caught fire and burned, turning to ashes.

  Aries came out of the bathroom, shirtless, smirking at me, "Ready?"

  "Ariel!" Hermes' urged voice sounded through our bedroom door.

  My head snapped towards the door as my heart raced. This couldn't be good. My hands shook as I felt the blood in my veins run cold.

  Aries looked at me, worry evident on his face, "What's wrong?"

  "Open the door," I said grimly, feeling my voice strain.

  Aries confusedly nodded, opening the door for Hermes.

  "What is it, Hermes?" Inquired Aries, curiosity lacing his voice.

  Hermes' eyes locked with mine, looking apologetic.

  I gulped as I took small steps towards him, a frown on my face.

  "Ariel, your parents are here, your mother is hysterical. She's waiting for you downstairs."

  "W-what happened?" I asked my voice just above a whisper.

  Hermes bit his lower lip nervously, "I-it's your baby brother...he's gone."

  Chapter 37- The Fates

  The note.

  The witch.

  Crack of day.

  The god of the underworld.



  He needs to leave.

  "Hades!" I growled, getting up.

  "We'll find him." His voice sounded from the doorway, his eyes soft but determined.

  Aries was standing next to him and Hermes, while Eric stood by Elizabeth.

  "You need to leave," I stated bluntly, wiping away my tears as I sniffled pointing at him.

  His soft silver eyes hardened, hurt flashing through them fleetly before turning icy cold.

  He started stalking towards me, "Is that so? Why is that? And more importantly, what on earth gave you the absurd idea that you could order me around?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me, his voice void of emotion but filled with something mocking.

  "You're the reason he's gone," I spat, before looking dead into his eyes, "i-i wish you never came here."

  Hades' jaw tightened.

  Aries intervened, pulling me into his warm embrace.

  My body relaxed as soon as he touched me. I hugged him tightly before breaking down once more.

  "We'll find him, Ariel, I won't rest u
ntil we do.'ll be okay." He cooed as he rubbed my back soothingly.

  "N-no it won't be, we don't have time." I stuttered.

  Aries pulled back, looking confused, "What do you mean?"

  "When we were in the bathroom, upstairs, I saw her. A tan petite woman with green eyes. She was in our room. She left a note." I explained babbling incessantly.

  "Who?" Urged Hermes as he walked towards us.

  "A-a witch I think," I replied.

  "What did the note say? Where is it?" My father spoke up lowly, getting out of his seat.

  I turned to him, "It said that we made a mistake bringing Hades here. And that they were going to take someone's life at the crack of day. But I didn't know they had Adrien. I-I didn't know, I swear."

  "Where is the note sweetheart?" Asked Aries calmly.

  "It burned and turned into ashes as soon as I read it."

  My dad looked a little more in control of himself, "At the crack of day. That's at dawn, we don't even know where he is? How are we going to get him? Were there any clues?"

  I shook my head, "But the note was clear. They didn't want Hades here. It said we would all pay if he stayed."

  Hermes looked at me, conjuring a pen and paper out of thin air, "Could you try and remember the exact words please Ariel? Maybe we could find a hidden clue as to where we could find him?"


  Okay. I'll remember.

  I rubbed my temples, nodding at Hermes' request.

  "It said, uh- it seems to us you've made a mistake, one so grave, you cannot save-i-uh. Wait I'll remember the rest, I will just give me a moment." I babbled, walking in circles, trying to rhyme it in my head over and over again to get it right, "You cannot not fuss, he's ours to take. We'll take his life, on the crack of day. Yeah, that's right. Uh.." I mumbled, Hermes was looking at me intently, writing it all down. "The king of the underworld, shall not stay, one by one..." I stopped mid-sentence looking at Hermes, "you will all pay.." I said in a whisper.

  Hermes seemed a bit out of it, he looked at me with a frown, "You said she had green eyes?"

  I nodded reluctantly.

  "Clotho," he breathed in realization, looking to Hades who seemed more angry than usual, "They're here. The Fates. They've inhabited the bodies of sacrificed witches. But they couldn't be here unless..."

  "The Furies.." stated Hades.

  "But that's impossible, they were trapped with the rest," he said shaking his head.

  "Unless they betrayed you all for their own freedom," Hades spoke finishing for Hermes.

  Aries looked at them both, "how do we fix this?" He asked.

  "Fix what, who betrayed who? I don't understand. Explain." I growled, feeling confused.

  Aries sighed, "The Furies, are three sisters. Part of the Olympians. But they represent jealousy, vengeance for murder, and anger. They've negotiated their freedom from the prison world, by helping the witches summon The Fates. Any Olympian can only be summoned by the blood of another. And The Fates, of course, could not be in-prisoned as the other Olympians, like Hades. Because they control life and death. Clotho, she shapes the string of life and twists it into formation, while Lachesis measures out the length of a mortal's life, and Atropos, she cuts the Thread of life. They all work under Hades in the underworld. But they probably wanted revenge from the Olympians for shunning them away. The green-eyed witch was possessed by Clotho."

  My father looked furious, no pun intended, "And why wouldn't they just kill him without those so-called Fates."

  "Because killing a child is punishable by getting your regenerative liver eaten by two vultures every day in the Field of Punishment," Aries stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

  My eyes widened, "By who?"

  "By me," said Hades, a wicked smirk making it's way to his face, "So the witches thought they were smart, to bring The Fates here, to kill for them. And of course, this way they wouldn't be punishable for any crimes because The Fates are only doing their job. Now that they know I'm here, they're angry, and mostly, they're scared, and they know they're all in trouble. They want me to leave to ensure their safety."

  "Then leave," I said softly, "please, I only want my brother back. He's only a baby, he shouldn't be involved in all of this. He's probably scared, crying this whole time, god knows what they're doing to him! Please just leave!" I begged, sobbing as I lightly pushed his chest, urging him to go.

  Hades' jaws tightened, before he nodded, "On one condition."

  I looked up at him hopeful, a small smile on my face, and nodded, "Anything! Name it. I'll do anything."

  "After you bring him home, I'll come to collect you."

  I frowned, "What?"

  "No." Aries growled, pulling me back by my arm, "You cannot have her! She's mine!"

  "This is my one condition."

  "Why! Why are you doing this to me?" I yelled at him.

  "Just until we free Selene. Then you can come back home."

  "That's too long Hades. I-i can't stay apart from Aries that long."

  Hades sighed, his eyes softening, "For two days then. We're friends, aren't we? Consider it a...what do you girls call it? A Slumber party? Am I correct?"

  "No." Aries spat.


  "What?" Aries growled looking at me, his eyes turning black.

  "Aries please-"

  "No! Forget it! It's not happening!"

  "Don't you trust me?" I growled, "I won't let my little brother die for this!"


  I cut him off with a kiss, "I love you, and only you. Please, Aries."

  Aries opened his mouth to speak, then bit his lower lip.

  He's so hot.

  He sighed looking defeated, "Okay."

  He craned his neck to plant a kiss on my lips, it was soft, passionate, and sweet.

  I loved him so much. God, being apart from him was going to be the death of me.

  When I looked back to make the deal with Hades, he was gone.

  Hermes looked at me apologetically, "He said he'd come back to collect you after you brought your brother home safely."

  I nodded, "So what's the plan now? Will they bring him back? Should we search for him?"

  My dad offered me a small smile, "Thank you, my little princess."

  I nodded giving him a side hug as he kissed the top of my head kindly.

  "We need to send a search all over the lands," said Aries before his eyes glazed over as he mind-linked Jake.

  "We need to find him before the crack of day. Who knows if they'll keep their promise?" Stated Hermes.

  We all nodded in agreement.

  It was 2 am.

  We still had two more hours to find him.

  Elizabeth piped up, "I'm coming with you."

  I smiled at her gratefully, hugging her thankfully before looking to her mate, "Take care of her Eric."

  Eric nodded with a kind smile, "You don't have to tell me twice."

  We all shifted, heading out the door, as we searched the lands our paws softly thumping on the ground in sync.

  We came at the edge of the forest and split up, each two together.

  Father and Jake went to the right.

  Eric and Liz went to the left.

  And Aries and I went straight ahead.

  Hermes was teleporting through the roams in search of him.

  Michael was still nowhere to be seen and well, I really tried not to think about our spat because I had too much on my plate right now.

  Aries' wolf looked at me, making sure I was alright, I gave him a wolfish grin as we continued running.

  Suddenly I stopped in my tracks.

  Feeling an urge to go somewhere else.

  Aries stopped as well, looking at me questioningly.

  Follow me.

  Aries' big head nodded, as I turned back the way we came.

  I approached the mansion, but instead, went through the maze garden.

  For some reason, it was more difficult to pass through.


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