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Aries (Gods & Monsters Series Book 1)

Page 37

by Hanan Sobhy DreamCatcher

  Aries growled at Jake warningly who shrugged in response.

  "It's okay anyway. It passed. I'm over it don't worry. I took out all my frustration on my darling mate here!" She said smirking while patting Aries' solid bare chest.

  Jake smiled, "As you should, Luna."

  "Excuse me guys, I still got to finish, I'll meet you two downstairs."

  The two werewolves nodded, heading to the living room while Ariel went back into her chamber to finish getting dressed.

  She washed her face and brushed her teeth in the bathroom then walked back out to sit at her vanity. She ran her fingers through her hair to fix it once more, before dabbing on some blusher to the apples of her cheeks. She then put on mascara with perfectly winged eyeliner on each eye. Then lastly, some light pink liquid matte lipstick and she was on her way downstairs heading to where the group was sitting.

  Adrien, Ariel's parents, Eric, Elizabeth, and Hermes had joined Aries & Jake in the living room. She greeted them, hugging her parents while kissing her little brother on his head.

  "You saved him..." Her mom whispered, tears of joy brimming her eyes, "Thank you." She continued.

  "Mom, why are you thanking me? I'm his sister, it's my job."

  Katherine shook her head smiling, as she cupped Ariel's cheeks, "You did more than just your job. You did my job when I wasn't capable to do it. And I'm so proud of you my darling..." she said kissing her forehead.

  Ariel smiled back at her mom before winking at her baby brother, "We've got each other's backs, don't we?"

  Adrien beamed, throwing his fist to the sky, "Yeah!"

  Elizabeth approach Ariel hugging her tightly, "Thank the goddess you're home safe."

  Ariel hugged her back tightly before smiling at her knowingly, "You were probably too busy to notice my absence anyway." She said mischievously, looking between the couple.

  Eric laughed, "Welcome back Ariel." He said, snaking an arm around his mate's waist while Liz blushed guiltily.

  Alpha Harris cleared his throat, "Actually when we woke up to Adrien's lifeless body, we had quite a spat." He said, looking sharply at Alpha Aries.

  "Dad, it's not his fault that it happened."

  "How is that? Doesn't he claim to be the guardian? Shouldn't he be making sure everyone is safe? I bet tonnes of other wolves are a going missing right now, either dead or being tortured in captivity, while he's here playing house!" He spat taking a menacing step towards Aries.

  "Stop!" Ariel said, placing a palm on her father's chest to refrain him from attacking Aries.

  "You know nothing of my plans and progress." Aries spat, growling.

  "Stop, Harris." Luna Katherine's voice sounded firmly as she coldly glared at her husband.

  He glared at her back, at first, but with her lingering stare, he submitted before swallowing tightly.

  "I apologize for my outburst, Alpha Aries. It was disrespectful of me. Soon, when you and Ariel bear our grandchildren, you'll understand the fright of a father over his cubs, no matter how old they get." He said softly, his eyes lingering on Ariel apologetically.

  Aries clenched his jaws, nodding curtly.

  "Let's all head to the clearing." He ordered.


  At the clearing everyone was gathered, all people from Aries' pack.

  Aries stepped over a large boulder clearing his throat looking over the chatting crowd.

  His people froze and bowed their heads.

  "My people, I've gathered you here today to complete the blood mating ritual, to build a superior community of werewolves. Things are changing, the environment is changing, the order is changing, so we must rise above along with this change, or else we will fall to the bottom of the food chain."

  "Today, I bring before you my mate, your Luna Ariel Harris one of the last descendants of the Shadow Lord pack."

  People gasped at the sound of that pack's name. 'How?'s and 'What?'s were whispered all over the waves of masses standing before us.

  "Now, you will all reap the benefits of having me, Lord Aries, son of Zeus and Hera, demi-god of war, protector and guardian of the werewolves, along with Ariel, a gold-streak Alpha & my mate. Those benefits, mainly include, the most important advantage of all, Immortality for you and your children, and many more generations to come." He concluded, holding my hand and pulling me up near him.

  Jake brought over an antique chalice along with an old silver dagger.

  Jake held the dagger in his hands as Aries and Ariel offered him their palms.

  Aries didn't even flinch as he let his blood leak into the chalice while Ariel took in a shaky breath as Jake gently held her hand, before slitting a short but deep wound into her skin.

  Ariel grimaced slightly but tried to keep a straight face.

  She held her hand over the chalice letting the blood drip, as she watched their blood mix together.

  The chalice had carvings on the outside that suddenly darkened as it filled slowly.

  After enough blood was filled, Third Landon walked over with the champagne bottles for celebration. Every time he'd pop a bottle the crowd would howl and holler. People stood in a line to fill their cups with champagne plus a drop of the sacred blood for them to drink.

  Ariel watched as the irises of the people who drank the blood laced alcohol glowed slightly then returned to normal.

  She looked at Aries, his eyes glowed too. He looked absolutely mouth drooling.

  He cleared his throat once more, "For the rest of the day we celebrate and train!"

  Ariel sat on the boulder, and hummed a soft tune under her breath. Her mother used to sing to her when she was a baby. Although she didn't remember the words, the tune was a sound she could never forget.

  Humming quietly to herself, she noticed that the ruckus that was going on around her had hushed down, and everyone turned to her, watching her, in a trance, they were smiling, looking at her dreamily.

  Aries and Adrien were the only two who were unaffected.

  She looked up at them startled and ceased her humming, and when she did, they broke out of their daze and went about their celebration freely.

  Ariel looked at Aries worriedly, "What just happened?"

  "I... I don't know."

  Jake came along, "What do you mean what happened?" He asked with half a smile on his face.

  "Ariel just siren-ed everyone."

  "She did?" sounded Katherine's voice from afar.

  Her face broke in a smile, walking towards them, before hugging her daughter, "Congratulations darling! That means all of your powers came in. Aw, they grow up so fast!" She gushed, squeezing her daughter.

  "M-Mom y-you're going to s-suffocate me." Ariel grimaced.

  "And what exactly are her powers?" Asked Aries.

  "Well, she possesses a siren's voice, can compel, has higher agility, speed, strength, aim, she can heal way faster, oh, and immortality."

  Aries nodded, his lips morphing into a smile when suddenly a loud ferocious growl came in from the edge of the forest.

  It was Michael's wolf.

  Ariel gasped, he looked... scary... different.

  His eyes were fixed on Aries, who in return roared louder than he ever did, shifting on spot.

  Michael attacked, he was murderous.

  This was about his mate...

  He blamed Aries for her loss.

  Ariel and Liz looked at them in horror. Ariel started towards them, but Jake held her in place.

  Everyone was just watching.

  "Why isn't anyone doing anything?" She asked Jake.

  He shook his head, "Michael just challenged Aries to a fight to the death."

  "No..." she whispered, feeling guilty.

  She knew what he was going through was probably painful. His mate had died, and he probably watched her get killed but was too late to save her.

  That was pain she wished upon no being.

  Michael roared at Aries, as their bodies collided in rage.

  The crowd started cheering, t
heir words growing louder, "Finish him, finish him!"

  Aries slashed Michael's face, and Michael bit Aries.

  Aries' wolf let out growl laced with slight pain. Ariel growled lowly in response as her eyes traced Aries' figure in concern.

  Ariel tried to get free from Jake's grip but he held her tightly.

  Michael and Aries circled each other, then Aries attacked managing to sink his scythe-like fangs into Michael's flesh.

  Michael whimpered but broke free, blood oozing from his limb in pools.

  Michael clawed Aries' face, but he was unfazed, roaring at him.

  Aries crashed his body into Michael making him skid in the dirt.

  Michael shook his head, and before he could gather himself, Aries towered over his bloody figure, swiftly pinning him down with his weight as he snarled at him.

  Ariel growled pushing Jake off of her defiantly.

  Aries spared a glance at Ariel, and with that minor distraction, Michael broke free. She raced towards them, "Michael stop!"

  Michael glanced at Ariel a defiant look in his eyes, as he snarled at her stepping forward to attack Aries, who was, in turn, watching Ariel growling at her.

  "If you take one more step towards him, Michael, I will have to ask you to step down as my beta."

  Michael's eyes widened, at that moment Ariel thought that he would back down, he didn't...

  Aries and Michael fought again, rushing at each other in full force, biting & scratching, as they snarled at one another.

  Aries was fed up, he wanted to get this over with but he knew he couldn't kill the boy.

  He was just going to injure him really, really, badly.

  Aries growled, slashing Michael's face before biting down at his shoulder roughly ripping off a clump of skin.

  The smell of blood and flesh dispersed through the air.

  Blood dripped from Aries' mouth as he chewed on the flesh before spitting it out.

  Michael whimpered loudly wailing shifting back as he fell onto his knees.

  "A-ariel..." Michael called out weakly.

  Ariel shook her head turning away from him to look at Aries.

  "Are you done?" she asked him.

  Aries' wolf bowed his head slightly before he shifted.

  Ariel's eyes widened her inner wolf yipping at the sight of her mate.

  He was dirty and bloody, but still...

  He smirked at her as Jake threw him a pair of shorts while the paramedics carried Michael's battered body onto the gurney.

  "Let's go home," whispered Aries as he wrapped an arm around Ariel's waist.

  Jake shot Aries a wink then howled.

  Ariel's face was as red as a beet.

  The whole pack howled as they bid their Alpha & Luna a goodnight.

  The pair walked in the direction of the manor, "I was thinking a double shower? Together?" Aries whispered in a husky voice as he seductively pinched her behind.

  Ariel giggled increasing her pace trying to add distance between them.

  Aries pulled her arm flushing her back to his front as he nipped on her neck.

  Ariel squirmed as she moaned lowly.

  Pinning both her hands down with one hand, he reached down with his other hand and stroked her core.

  Ariel blushed her heart bursting into a thousand flames as she felt her core throb, "A-aries w-wait." She whispered, biting her lip.

  "You promised..."

  Ariel gave him a shy smile, nodding before escaping his grabby hands and racing to the house.

  Aries growled playfully running after her, knowing well enough that as soon as she stepped into the mansion, she couldn't slip away from his grasp.

  Chapter 43- Sunshine


  Ariel rushed with all her speed to their room, unfeigned gleeful giggles filling the once lonesome castle while Aries chased her, hot on her tail. A sun of smiles had finally come to shine its rays, banishing the darkness, as it fell upon the sheath of ice that coated the manor for as long as Aries could remember. Her presence was a breath of fresh air to him, forcing the blue, cold, and keen air out of his lungs.

  Ariel had reached their room and Aries had gained on her, she smiled at him mischievously as she backed up while he stalked towards her a predacious glint in his eyes.

  "How I've missed this... this cat and mouse game..." He growled playfully.

  "Hmm? Is that what this is?" Ariel asked provocatively raising an eyebrow.

  Aries nodded, his eyes gleaming with desire.

  "And who is who?" She asked as she bit her lip, batting her lashes.

  Aries gawked with yearning, "I am obviously the cat..." he boasted.

  "That's a matter of perspective! Who do you think becomes who if I decide to deny you what you desire most?" She retorted with a tauntingly mischievous voice.

  It was Aries' turn to laugh, his voice ringing in the most harmonious melody, a symphony that would put Beethoven to shame.

  It seemed that desire had them both in turns because Ariel's eyes were transfixed on her mate, riveted in bliss. She remembered when she first met him; he was so coarse and unrefined, his mind's eye as lonely as this castle and his heart as dark as a well.

  Ariel had backed up until her weak, spaghetti-like legs touched the bed threatening to unbuckle.

  Aries came closer, closing in on her, his shadow looming over as he flushed them together trying to make them one.

  His eyes traced her face, looking at every detail, memorizing her every feature, as if trying to burn them in his skull and engrave them in his heart.

  His dark eyes flickered between her sliver gleaming ones, to her plump, full, pink luscious lips as he leaned downwards, his larger hands cupping her cheeks, the tips of his fingers twining with her soft hair. He brushed their noses lightly as he nuzzled her, their eyes fluttering shut, reveling in their proximity.

  For such a coarse man, he handled her in an extremely gentle manner and that's one of the things she loved the most. She rejoiced in the feeling of being the only one who could affect him so.

  Aries leaned in closer, gently placing a soft and slow kiss on her lips then parted.

  Ariel smiled before pulling him close once more, kissing him a little deeper, with more passion, as she savored the taste of him on her taste buds.

  Aries snaked a hand to the back of her neck pressing their lips even closer, as he started pushing her down to the bed. Ariel complied and crashed downwards onto the plush sheets, flicking her sandals off in a haphazard manner, not bothering to unbuckle them but rather forcing them off.

  Aries pulled down his black sweatpants as he climbed on top of her, not breaking their kiss once.

  He parted looking down at her lustfully, as she gazed up into his dark eyes.


  "Yes," she breathed.

  Aries pursed his lips as he thought of his next words intently, "Promise me forever."

  Ariel's eyes softened as she caressed his cheek, "You already have my forever..."

  "Promise me. No matter what I do, no matter how many mistakes or fights or just anything... Swear to me. Swear that you're mine. That you'll be mine, now and for eternity."

  "I swear to the goddess I'm yours for all of eternity Aries, you have me. Body, soul, & mind, I'm yours..."

  Aries let out a relieved shaky breath, "And I yours..."

  He dipped down and kissed her again, slightly sucking her lower lip softly before parting.

  "I'm completely in love with you..." he whispered.

  Ariel's heart felt like a tiger that had just been whiplashed, racing through a hoop of flaming fire.

  He stole her breath away. The way he said it this time, it left her high on her own cloud.


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