Book Read Free

Stay Sharpe Box Set

Page 39

by Lisa B. Thomas

  Gary stared at the center of the table for a minute as though the answer lay somewhere between them. At last he said, “When you first quit teaching, you seemed lost until you took the job at the newspaper. After a time, you quit. Do you remember why?”

  Deena felt a headache coming on. “Sure. Ian offered me a job as an investigator for his law firm and I took it.”

  Gary shook his head. “That’s not exactly right.”

  The annoyance level kicked up another notch. “What is this, This Is Your Life? Can’t you just say what you want to say?”

  Apparently not.

  Gary steepled his fingers. “You said you didn’t want to work for the newspaper because you were worried you’d become cynical like Dan.”

  That rang a bell with Deena. She remembered the conversation. Was Gary trying to say she was turning into Dan?

  “You loved working for Ian. You said it fulfilled that part of you that was all about finding justice for those who were falsely accused.”

  She bristled. “As you recall, I got fired from that job.”

  “Not fired,” Gary said, “let go because of funding. That’s why you took the job working major crimes for the newspaper.”

  “Great. Now that we’ve reviewed my wonky career moves, can we talk about dinner? I’m starving.” She started to get up.

  “Deena, think about it. Dan is sucking you back in. You’ve only been on this case two days and already I’ve seen a change in you.”

  She sat back down. “How so?”

  “I’ve made the biggest move in my career in thirty years and you couldn’t even be bothered to come to the office with me to pitch in.”

  Deena rubbed her forehead as her temples began to throb. “Is that what this is about? You feel neglected?”

  “In a way, yes. But it’s not me, it’s you. You aren’t neglecting me to find justice for someone who was wronged, you are trying to impress Dan. Write a good story. Get recognition. And there’s nothing wrong with that as long as you’re honest with yourself—and with me.”

  Deena stared at her husband. He was right. She’d lost sight of her purpose and had shifted priorities. Not only that, but it was affecting her marriage. She had hoped Gary could help her sort things out, and now he had.

  She got up from the table and headed toward him, throwing her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight.

  Gary pulled her into his lap and brushed back her hair. “Why are you crying?”

  Through sniffles, the words flooded out. “You are right. I’ve gotten my priorities all mixed up. I was serving the newspaper instead of my own conscience. How did you get to be so smart?”

  “And handsome. Don’t forget handsome.”

  * * *

  BEFORE LONG, DEENA was elbow deep in red meat. She molded the ground beef into large patties as Gary prepared the grill. They ate hamburgers on the patio even though there was a slight chill in the air. They clinked their beer bottles together as a toast to Gary’s new business.

  Deena laughed as Gary told her the day’s exploits with Vera suggesting inappropriate taglines to add to her telephone greeting. Apparently, Russell and Cliff had offered up a few X-rated ones. He showed Deena a picture he’d taken of all the leftover hardware from the furniture assembly, saying he hoped the conference room chairs would hold up.

  Eventually, they got around to discussing the latest details Deena had learned about Kitty and Clay at the bank.

  “Before you came home,” she said, “I was wondering what to do with the information.”

  “Seems obvious to me,” Gary said and swallowed down the rest of his beer. “Tell Guttman.”

  She nodded. “I was thinking about telling Ian.”

  “You could tell them both, but I’d start with the police. You wouldn’t want to be accused of withholding information relative to a crime.”

  “What crime?” she asked.


  Deena and Gary picked up their dishes and went inside.

  Deena set hers on the counter. “The police will want to know what happened to Rocky and what the couple had to do with his death, if anything. Maybe Kitty and Clay know his real identity.”

  Gary rinsed the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher. “I sure hope they weren’t involved in anything more than ripping off her grandfather, which is probably a crime in itself.”

  Deena threw down the dish towel. “Really? Do you think the police know?”

  “You said you talked to Ian, right? He may have told them.”

  Deena’s cell phone rang. She saw it was Dan and almost didn’t answer.

  As usual, he skipped the greeting. “A source at the station said they just picked up Kitty Cooper on charges of elder abuse. I don’t know if it’s related to the case, but you need to get down there right away. See if she’ll talk to you before she lawyers up.”

  Deena let out a deep breath. “Don’t you have Crosby covering the police beat?”

  “Deena, this is your story.”


  He hung up before she could pin him down. She set her cell phone on the counter.

  Gary closed the dishwasher. “Dan?”

  “Yep. You were right. Apparently, Kitty was arrested on a charge of elder abuse. He wants me to go down there now and interview her.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Deena looked around and saw Hurley sitting by the door where his leash hung on the coat rack. “I promised Hurley I’d take him for a walk, and I think I should keep my promise. I can go to the station and talk to Kitty in the morning. Then, unless she confesses to murdering Rocky B. or something, I’m going to talk to Dan and ask him to reassign the story.”

  “Good for you.” Gary followed her to the front door. “Hopefully there won’t be any major crimes to deal with for a while.”

  They hooked the leash on Hurley and headed out for a nice, relaxing walk around the neighborhood.

  Chapter 16

  Deena was sound asleep when her cell phone rang and woke her up. She grabbed it, thinking Gary was still asleep and not wanting it to wake him.


  “What did you find out from the Cooper girl?”

  “Dan?” She blinked her eyes into focus.

  “Yeah. What did she say?”

  “Nothing.” Deena could hear the shower running and realized Gary was already up. It must have been later in the morning than she thought.

  “You mean she wouldn’t talk to you? Who’s her lawyer?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t go to the jail last night.”

  There was a long silence on the other end of the line. When Dan didn’t say anything, she said, “I’m coming to the office to talk to you. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Not until you’ve interviewed the girl.” He hung up.

  She was in hot water now, but she didn’t really care. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal to swing by the jail and see if Kitty was still there. Chances were she’d seen the judge early this morning and had already bonded out.

  It was Edwin she was more concerned about. Did he know about the arrest? It was unfathomable to think he went along with the charge of elder abuse, but then maybe she didn’t know him like she thought she did. He could be a little cantankerous at times. As soon as she finished at the jail and talked to Dan, she’d go over to check on Edwin.

  Without bothering to shower, Deena dressed and tried to make herself look as presentable as possible. It wasn’t easy since the bags under her eyes were the color of coffee.

  Coffee. Just as she headed to the kitchen, she heard the shower cut off. She made two cups and sat at the kitchen table, trying to decide exactly what she intended to tell Dan. She’d just about had her little spiel memorized when Gary walked out of the bedroom dressed in khakis and a polo shirt.

  “You’re up early,” he said and took the cup she offered.

  “Dan called. I told him I would come down to the office, but he wants me to go by the jai
l first.”

  Gary opened the patio door to let Hurley out. “Don’t let him manipulate you. Remember, major crimes only. I don’t think ripping off grandpa falls under that category.”

  “Got it, chief.” She took a big gulp and went to the kitchen to fill her travel mug. “I assume by the way you’re dressed that you aren’t seeing clients yet.”

  “Not until Monday. Vera bought us ad space in the newspaper and has just about gotten the mailout ready.”

  “Are you having a grand opening? Maybe you should get one of those colorful banners and big blow-up elephants to put out front.” Deena hid a grin behind her mug.

  Gary cut his eyes at her. “Have you been talking to Vera? She suggested the exact same thing.”

  Deena laughed. “Yeah, she told me. I said it was a little over the top for a financial planning business.”


  “I suggested a clown and magician instead.”

  * * *

  IT MUST HAVE BEEN A slow day because only one visitors’ parking space was taken at the jail. Deena got out of the car and headed toward the entrance, wondering if Kitty was even still going to be there or if she was already home. The wheels of justice didn’t generally turn that fast in Maycroft.

  She went to the front desk and asked to see Kitty Cooper. The older woman behind the glass pane looked as tired as Deena felt. Deena didn’t know her and wasn’t in the mood for a get-acquainted conversation.

  “Are you family?” the woman asked.

  “Um, no. I’m a friend.” That was a stretch, of course, but saying she was a reporter would probably mean a long waiting game. She was ready to get this over with.

  “Sign here,” the woman said and shoved a clipboard toward her. “Have a seat and I’ll let you know if she wants to see you.”

  Deena knew the routine from when she worked for Ian and would visit clients at the jail. She sat down in the waiting area, which looked to have been styled after Outdated & Uncomfortable Magazine. Deena looked at the selection of reading material on the table and opted to pull out her notepad and make a list instead.

  She had been planning a small vacation with Gary but hadn’t decided on a destination. Since Russell and Estelle had gone to Paris, she was getting the itch for a romantic getaway. It would be a hard sell now that Gary was opening his new business, so she would have to plan it, schedule it, and pay for it without him finding out. She’d let Scott know before booking anything so as not to interfere with any major work they might have.

  At the top of her list was Napa Valley. Gary loved wine and they’d often talked about going there. Next was Lake Tahoe.

  “Mrs. Sharpe.”

  Deena looked up to see the receptionist calling her name.

  “You can go back now.”

  The door on the right side of the front desk clicked open. A guard was reading the Tribune outside the visitors’ room door. He put down the paper and stood up as though the effort might break a bone. “Purse, please.” He pointed to the table.

  Deena set down her handbag and took off her blazer.

  “You must be a repeat offender,” he said, taking the jacket from her.

  “Pardon me?”

  He shook it a little, then handed it back. “I just mean you must have been here before since you know the routine.”

  “Oh. Got it.” She started to pick up her things.

  “Hold on a minute. I’ve got to swipe you.” He pulled out the Garrett handheld metal detector from under his chair.

  “That’s new,” Deena said and assumed the position they used at the airport.

  “Yep. Got it about a month ago. Nothing gets past us now.”

  As he waved the wand around her body, Deena recalled hearing about an incident a few months back where a man got in the jail with a bowie knife. He tried to slip it under the door to the area where prisoners were kept, but it got stuck and he was arrested. That’s probably when they beefed up security.

  “You can go on in. Sit at that first window.”

  Deena did as she was instructed and waited for another guard to bring Kitty out. She looked tired and fairly clownish with her pink hair clashing with the orange garb. At least the nose ring was gone.

  They both picked up the phone receivers. Deena spoke first. “How are you doing?”

  It was a fairly innocuous opener. Apparently, Kitty didn’t think so. “How do you think I’m doing? I’m in jail and it’s your fault!”

  Whoa. Deena hadn’t seen that coming. “What do you mean? I didn’t do anything.”

  “You are the only one I told about the money and the ring. You called the cops.” Her eyes glistened with tears and rage. “I’m surprised you didn’t put it in the newspaper. Or maybe you did.”

  “Hold on,” Deena said. “I didn’t tell the police and I didn’t put it in the newspaper.” Yet. Once she told Dan and Guttman, that might change.

  “Liar. If it wasn’t you, who was it?”

  Deena shook her head but then stopped. The only person she had told—besides Gary—was Ian, Edwin’s lawyer.

  Kitty must have sensed something. “Who was it?”

  “I did tell Ian Davis about it.”

  Kitty threw out her free hand. “Who in tarnation is Ian Davis?”

  Deena bit her bottom lip. Should she tell Kitty their conversation was on the record for the newspaper? Who would that help? For one, Kitty would probably clam up on her and storm out. It was never her intention to get Kitty in trouble. Why would Ian have taken such extreme measures to help his client? “He’s your grandfather’s attorney. I thought telling him was helping.”

  “Sure you did. That’s why I can never trust people like you.”

  That one stung. She thought about all the times she had helped Ian set innocent people free. Of course, Kitty wouldn’t know that, and she was probably in no mood to hear Deena defend herself as a seeker of justice. “Look, I can help you. Has your lawyer arranged for bond?”

  “My lawyer is younger than I am and has a unicorn backpack. The judge set bond, but I don’t have the money to pay it. Not even with a bondsman. And—” Tears started to flow but she wiped them quickly from her cheeks.

  “And what?”

  “I can’t get ahold of Clay. He didn’t answer my call and hasn’t come to see me. I talked to one of the guys at work and they said he hadn’t come in. I never thought he’d just take off and leave me. Especially since this whole thing was his idea in the first place.”

  Deena leaned in. “You mean the bank job?”

  Kitty nodded, almost imperceptibly.

  “And what about the man from the park? Was that Clay’s idea too?”

  Kitty nearly swallowed the phone. She looked over at the uninterested guard and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Who told you about that?”

  Deena tilted her head like a scolding parent. “The truth never stays hidden forever. Also, you know this call is recorded, right?” Deena pointed to one of the many signs on the wall.

  Kitty blew out a sigh. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not going anywhere anyway. My grandfather is the only one with five hundred bucks to spring me out of here, and the judge said I was forbidden to contact him.”

  As Deena reached for her checkbook, she stopped herself and remembered the admonition Ian used to give her. If a person couldn’t figure out how to come up with their own bail money, they might just be better off staying in jail awhile until their attorney could work things out.

  But she had another thought too.

  “Maybe I could ask your grandfather for you. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to see you like this. Do you know if he is aware of your arrest?”

  “I don’t know, but I’d hate to worry him. I’ve put him through enough with that whole John Doe situation.”

  “Speaking of that, I want you to tell me the truth about what happened. That’s the only way anyone is going to be able to help you.”

  Kitty didn’t think long before she laid the whole thing out. “I guess yo
u know that we made a plan to go to the bank when our friend Leslie would be able to open the safe deposit box for me. Anyway, I knew Granddad would never agree to stay in the car while we went in. He loved going to the bank to talk to that friend of his. So that’s when Clay found a guy under the bridge who said he’d be willing to go with us if we’d give him a little money. Twenty dollars, actually. Clay arranged for us to pick him up the next day at the park.”

  Everything Kitty said fit the story as Deena knew it from her talk with Tiny. “Did you find out his name?”

  “I didn’t really talk to him,” Kitty said as she twirled the phone cord with her fingers. “Clay said his name was Rocky.”

  “Did Rocky say anything about himself when you were in the car together? Any little nugget of information might help identify the man.”

  Kitty shook her head. “He said he wasn’t feeling that great. He was wheezing a bit.” She stared at the linoleum counter in front of her as though reliving the incident. “Oh yeah. He said something about the doctor telling him he might have an ulcer.”

  “Doctor? Maybe there’s a record of him receiving treatment somewhere recently. We’ll have to check it out.”

  The look on Kitty’s face turned bitter. “I can’t believe the cops still haven’t figured out who he is.”

  “And I can’t believe you had nothing to do with him ending up dead at the Highway Café.”

  Kitty set her jaw. “We didn’t kill him, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “Then what did happen?”

  She leaned back and gave Deena a long stare. “Are you asking these questions because you want to help me or because you want to put it in the newspaper?”

  That was the one-hundred-thousand-dollar question. Deena wished she had an easy answer. “Look, if I were your attorney, I’d advise you not to talk to me. But since I haven’t told you that this conversation is on the record, I can’t report any of it in the newspaper. It would be unethical.”

  “Ethics.” Kitty spat the word out as though it had a bad taste.

  “I can assure you I won’t write anything in the newspaper without asking you first. But you should know this, I am concerned about what happened to Rocky B., so if you tell me anything, I will probably tell the police.”


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