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Surviving Until The End

Page 21

by Vera Quinn

  “Damn babe, are you sure? I am not rushing you, but fuck that feels good. Your greedy pussy is so damn tight, and it has been so long since I have been inside of you.” Brody leans up and grabs my hips and takes control. He pushes me to the tip of his cock and then slams my body all the way to his groin, over and over. I need more, and Brody does not disappoint. He grabs tighter onto my hips and flips us over. I am on my hands and knees and Brody slams back inside me. This is what I need. Brody’s cock goes so deep I will feel it all day.

  “Have I told you that your smell is tantalizing and seductive? When we were apart I smelled it in my sleep. It is intoxicating, and I can’t get enough.” Brody says in a deep voice that sends chills up my back and then Brody takes a hand full of my hair and pulls me back to him and then pushes my hips away. “Touch yourself Charity. Make my pussy feel good.” I put all my weight on one arm and slide the other hand between my legs and the first swirl of my fingers my pussy tightens, and I hear the moan from Brody. “That’s it babe, your pussy feels like a vice on me, a silky tight vice and I can’t get enough.” His words ramp up my desire for this man. I try to slam myself onto Brody’s cock, but he holds the tempo he wants. The feel of him inside of me is over whelming. I feel so blissfully full; the feel is so tight I don’t know how he is keeping his pace. I will have bruising on my hips where his long fingers are biting into me, but it is the edge I need to feel all the sensations through my body. Brody’s pace is getting faster and deeper. I run my finger over the tiny bundle of nerves that has me clenching, I need to cum.

  “Brody, please, I need to cum, now.” I plead. Brody turns me over onto my back and pushes back inside me. Once he is in, he gentles a little. He slides in slow and easy. I am wiggly my hips. I don’t want slow and gentle. Brody brings his body down on me but holds his weight with his arms and kisses me deep and slow as if he is savoring my taste and I take in his taste. I can’t take it. I need to cum. I wrap my legs around his back and squeeze hard.

  “You are playing with fire, Charity. I am barely hanging on here. I am trying to cherish you.” I smile at the man that has taken my heart.

  “I don’t want cherish, just fuck me. Take my body and make it yours.” Brody growls and moves down from my mouth and takes my nipple in his mouth and licks and then bites my nipple and licks it better. He does the other one the same way. I tighten my legs again and Brody goes back up on his arms and he buries himself in me and then slides back out, he picks up the pace and this new position and the friction is exactly where I need it is enough to throw me into the most explosive orgasm that I have ever felt. I tighten my legs around Brody and when I relax the feeling is earth shattering. I am incoherent at this point. I hear Brody’s breath speed up and he is chasing his own orgasm. I move my hips with the rhythm that Brody has set, and I feel when his body tenses and he releases his cum inside of me. I move my hips trying to get every drop out of the man I love. I want his body to feel as stress free as mine. Brody’s body comes down over mine and he rolls us to the side.

  “I love you Charity. You are more important to me than anyone or anything. I want us to get married next week.” I am still in my bliss and Brody shocks me again.

  “What’s the rush? We are still new and getting to know each other. Why put the stress of planning a wedding on us? We can get married after the baby is born.” Brody gets a harsh look on his face.

  “Charity, I love you but no, hell no! We are getting married before our child arrives. In our future, I will try to be understanding, but this is too important to me and I will not back down on it. Mom, Faith, Mrs. Audie and Gracie can help you plan it out right here. I’m sure all the women will be willing to pitch in. It may not be all fancy, but it will be special because we are committing ourselves to each other and all our family will be here. If you want your Uncle Hem, Bubba, Paul, and Susan here then I will discuss it with Rebel. I just want it to happen next week. You will be carrying our last name when this baby is born.” This is the most forceful Brody has been since I moved in here with him. I like it. I don’t want a man that I can run over, but I also don’t want one like the bikers around here. Brody is my perfect man.

  “I’m not sure that I want your ex-wife helping plan our wedding. That might be just a little awkward.” I tease Brody.

  “I thought you liked Gracie. I don’t want you uncomfortable.” I think about it.

  “I do like Gracie, and Rebel and I can even be around each other without butting heads. I guess you can say we have come to a truce and are friendly. I don’t think Rebel has female friends. Gracie has that man by the balls and he don’t even know it. I have even come to respect Chief if we don’t have a lengthy conversation. I respect Chief for paying for Brain’s funeral even though his family requested for us to stay away. It takes a good man to honor his brother from a distance.” I have come to like Chief, Cap, and Rebel. They have rough edges, but it is because they have such some big responsibilities on their shoulders. Chief is still an asshole, but I get where he is coming from now and I would always trust him with my life or the life of my loved ones. Cap is a good man, but I see a weariness in his eyes. He may be the president of the mother chapter of the Demented Revengers MC, but he is at the age that it is dragging him down and I see the same look in Lil’s eyes. It would not surprise me that someday soon that the two of them leave to see the world like Lil wants to do. Cap loves Lil and it shows with everything he does. Lil has devoted her life to Cap and the Demented Revengers but soon, Cap will give the club life up for Lil. It’s just a gut feeling.

  “The wedding next week, is that something that we can pull off? I want this, I need it.” Brody is being sincere and looking into his eyes I can’t say no. I don’t want to say no.

  “We can do it. I can’t wait to be your wife. I’ll get the women to help me. It may take their minds off everything happening. Do you know when we might get to go to your house?” Brody kisses me breathless and when we come up for air he has a look of love for me on his face.

  “Thank you, the sky is the limit. Do anything you want, no budget. I’ll cover it. We have a meeting this morning to talk out our next step. The place in Hopes Landing was burnt to the ground when we went to have that discussion with the Hell Keeperz MC. Tito is working with Sarge to get an eye on that club and the remaining members of the community that you lived in. I need to get showered can feed you before the meeting.” I find that funny. “Oh, and it is our house, not just mine anymore.”

  “Brody, you and the others were not going to have a discussion with the Hell Keeperz MC, you were going there to destroy them, but that was a subtle way to sugar coat it. I just hope it is over soon and we can go home.” I want it all to stop. I want my happily ever after with my man.

  “That makes me a happy man. You wanting to go home with me. You and Faith, we are a family now.” Brody is being supportive to me about my sister but for the last few days Faith has been worrying me. There’s something bothering her, and she won’t let me know what it is. It’s like she is sulking about something and when Con is around they are stealing glances at each other. I will not try to keep my sister from experiencing life, but I will cut Con’s heart out if he hurts her. I need to find Faith and tell her about the upcoming wedding.

  “Let’s get showered so you can get to your meeting and I can find my sister and let her in on the news that we have a week to get a wedding together.” I kiss his nose and then roll out of the bed. I forgot I have a bit of a mess, so I rush to the bathroom and clean up a little and then turn on the water for the shower. Brody comes up behind me and puts his arms around me.

  “We’ll make this work and then we will survive until the end through everything.” Brody kisses me ear.

  “I don’t doubt it for a second. Why don’t you take a shower with me, so you can dirty me up a little more before we clean each other?” Another first for me.

  “Sounds like plan.” We step into the shower and shut the curtain that closes the outside world out and we
only feel and hear each other for the next thirty minutes. I do have my happily ever after.

  Chapter 22


  After the early morning wake-up from my woman I am feeling more like my old self, no even better than my old self. I don’t know if I have ever been this happy. We got Charity and our child fed and now it is time to take on the job of finding and destroying this group of people that keeps making our lives hell, fitting I guess, The Hell Keeperz are giving us hell. That’s a little too twisted for even my thoughts.

  I walk into the room and I see that Rebel, Cap, Chief and Sarge are already here standing on one side of the room whispering. No one is brought into their inner circle. The thoughts have crossed my mind to prospect for Rebel’s club, but the thought of putting the club above Charity is not one that I want. My family will always come first. I never understood the way Rebel could put his club above his family and I have come to understand the last few months that he doesn’t necessarily do that. It’s more like the club gives his family an extra line of defense from people that want to do them harm. Gracie, Shelby, and Tony would also be looked after for the rest of their lives if anything should ever happen to Rebel and I can see how dangerous his life is now. I think the thought of his family being protected gives him the peace of mind, so he can take care of the club. Cap is the same way from what I see.

  I watch as Shine and Con walk in and they look like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. Shine has a woman, Katie, with a baby on the way. Charity, Faith, Gracie and Katie have grown close with the lock down. I take a seat at the table and I am surprised when Kaden walks in and comes to sit beside me. “Why aren’t you at work?” I ask my cousin.

  “I took a leave of absence. Laura had a check-up last week with her oncologist and she has more lumps in her breast. After this we are driving to MD Anderson for some test. We should be back before the end of the week.” Kaden has lost weight and has bags under his eyes since Jilly died. His job is like a war zone on the best days and he is still recovering from the beat down he took from that gang.

  “We’re here if you need us, any time, any day, even if you just need someone to talk to.” I know Kaden is not going to ask for help but I need to offer, and I will make a point of checking back in with him. I see most of Rebel’s club is here and some of Cap’s. Cap goes to the head of the table with Rebel beside him. Chief and Sarge stand off to the side.

  “We are not going to keep you very long. We have the starting of a plan to rid us of the Hell Keeperz MC and there are some announcements that need to be made.” Cap has my attention. “Sarge you have the floor.” Sarge stands where he is.

  “Since the Hell Keeperz have disappeared again, I am concentrating on Charity and Faith’s people. A lot of them are dead now, or missing with the Hell Keeperz MC. I know that we don’t make a habit of working with the law, Kaden excluded, but we are turning a watered-down version of our information over to the Rangers and the Bureau. We also gave them information about Hope’s body being buried on the property. They found a lot more bodies than just Hope’s. That piece of land had many bodies buried on it. They have been taken to Dallas for autopsies. We also gave them a list of the founding group and every one of them have warrants for espionage. They stole the technology they were selling from the government and they were close to an invasion and warrant sweep on the property when all this shit started. Now the Hell Keeperz and the group are not only going to need to avoid us, but they are going to need to avoid the law also. The good thing we found out was the software and programs they have are becoming obsolete by recent technology and their money is going to dry up. I think that is why they were trying to find new ways to bring money in. They were panicking. My club is going to focus on these assholes but if I find them they will be dead before they are sent to prison.” I look at Kaden to see what his reaction is to that statement. He seems unfazed. “Chief is also going to have some brothers on it.”

  “Not wasting my breath to repeat it, what he said.” Sarge laughs at Chief. They both look over at Rebel and Cap.

  “The sooner the better.” Rebel says. Everyone is looking at Cap.

  “Next thing is, I am stepping down as President of the Mother Chapter. It’s time, I am tired. I will be hanging around, but we are having a ceremony at the Tyler clubhouse tonight to patch Shine in as President. Con is going to be his Vice President. Everyone is invited. Which brings us to the next subject, the lock down here is over. My club is going back to Tyler and Rebel will let you know about the Quitman club.” Cap looks at me and Kaden. “Brody let your dad know that the Demented Revengers appreciate the help and we are in his debt. We will also be paying for all clean-up and utilities for two months. I have talked to him, but he is stubborn. I think that is an old man thing, I have it in spades.” Cap looks out over all of us. “Do not let your guard down. We will still be working closely every day, but this many people cannot stay in one place indefinitely before the fights start.” Cap is finished, and Rebel takes over.

  “The lock down for the Quitman Chapter is on a voluntary basis now. If you feel safer with your family at the clubhouse then keep them there, but if you feel your homes are safe, then go home. My family is staying at the clubhouse it is just easier for me to be there. Kaden and his family will have prospects on them and so will Brody’s. You are both welcome at the clubhouse with your families, but I didn’t think that was going to fly. Brody is still working with us and Kaden has an announcement also.” All eyes are on Kaden.

  “I have taken a vacation for the next week and then will be taking all my other days coming to me, but I will be resigning after those days are up. I wanted to give everyone heads up and even though I am leaving the Sheriff’s Office I will still be here helping as much as I can.” This surprises me, but I know Kaden never makes impetuous decisions. I am going to talk to him about becoming my partner when they find more out about Laura’s health.

  “Does anyone have anything else to add or ask? Our goal is still to take this group that has banded together and deal with every one of them. We will show no mercy. One of our own was killed, others were injured, we have been betrayed, and we will not tolerate it. Old man Connors is no longer a problem and he gave no information. He was a waste of space and air.” Rebel stops. There is a somber feel to the room.

  “Charity and I will be getting married within the week.” Rebel smiles.

  “About damn time.” Con adds.

  “She is a good woman, a bit mouthy, but loyal as hell. She’ll be a good woman for you.” Chief says, and it shocks me. “The BlackPath MC will having a service for Brain, in the next week or so. When we get home, we will narrow down a date.” Everyone goes quiet until Kaden turns to me.

  “What took so long?” Kaden asks. I think about it.

  “I had to get her to quit running from me first and then I had to make sure that we would “Survive Until The End”.

  The End

  Until next time…

  Do you still need more answers? I do. Do you want to know more of what happens in Charity and Brody’s story? I do. Do you want to know how Shine does as the President of the Mother Chapter and how him and Katie are doing? I do. Do you want to know who really is behind all the chaos that keeps hitting the Demented Revengers MC? It may shock you. The last book in the Demented Revengers MC, Surviving The Chaos Of Life, will give you all the unanswered questions and we will see how Rebel and Gracie overcome another challenge in their relationship.



  I know my sneaking out is going to disappoint Charity and I am saddened by the thought of not seeing her walk down the aisle, but I can’t stay here anymore. Everyone either stares at me or treats me like a child. I am the freak that might betray them, or they need to save me. Charity is getting her happily ever after and has found her place in the outside world and I want mine and to get that I need to become a strong woman on my own. I know that means going out in this world by myself and fi
nding my way. I don’t believe I will ever find my happiness, but I can make sure I don’t ruin everything for my sister and her new family.

  Epilogue 2


  I knew it wouldn’t be long before I would get one of those sisters by themselves. We have planned for this moment and prepared for it. It is our time for revenge. We watched Faith leave the bunker and we will have her in our grasp before she hits the city limit sign. This will bring the Demented Revengers Mc to their knees when we deliver Faith back to them one piece at a time…Surviving the Chaos of Life is not in the cards for Faith. The only question is, how much will Faith scream before I put her out of her misery?


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