A Mate for Lance (The Program Book 5)
Page 13
“Have a good night.” What a lame thing to say. Argh!
He smiled. “I’ll try not to cry myself to sleep.”
Amber rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”
Brynn laughed as he strode away. Her gaze moved to her right and she had to smile. Bethany and Joshua were staring lovingly into each other’s eyes. They become inseparable since the guy had stayed with her when she had overindulged. He had stayed the whole night. He’d fed her the next morning. Literally held the fork and fed her. He never once tried to take advantage. Bethany had been the one to make all the moves, which did not surprise Amber at all. They had since done the dirty and her friend couldn’t stop raving about what a good lover he was. Something in her squeezed. There was only one thing to do about this Lance thing. She had to end it. He was holding her back. She couldn’t meet other people while they were sleeping together.
She sighed.
“Hi, beautiful.” Kai beamed at her.
Oh boy.
“Can I get you a drink?”
If she accepted, it would only be because she was trying to delay the inevitable. A face off with Lance. Being the egotistical asshole that he was, he wouldn’t accept her request that he leave her alone. He would think that she was being coy or playing games with him. Thing was, she was done playing games. Hopefully, she could get him to see that.
Best she get it over with. Amber shook her head. “No thanks. I’m bushed. I think I’ll head for my room.”
“You have an unhealthy fascination with your vibrator.”
She felt her cheeks heat. “Come again…” Then she realized that he would take the request as literal and quickly added. “No, I don’t.”
“Don’t get me wrong.” He gave her a half smile that most women would find incredibly sexy. “There’s nothing wrong with a healthy sexual appetite or sexual gratification. I just wish you would give the real thing a try some time. By your scent I can tell that you use the device frequently. Know that I am here should you change your mind.”
They had explained in training that vampires were very open about their sexuality. That this type of conversation was perfectly normal. She would never get used to it.
“I can see that I have embarrassed you. It was never my intention.” He laced a loose stand of hair behind her ear. “I like you, Amber. It wouldn’t be merely sexual. I hope you know that.”
She nodded, not sure what to say.
“I’ll leave you now.” Kai gave her a wink and left.
She really didn’t need another conversation like this. It embarrassed the hell out of her that they all thought she was…using her vibrator regularly. That they could smell it on her. It would be way worse if anyone found out about Lance though. She grabbed her purse and headed for the hotel. Titan fell in next to her.
He gave a little laugh.
Amber glared at him, wishing he didn’t know about her and Lance. Would they laugh at how humorous it was, like Titan was right now? “It’s not funny,” she said, pursing her lips.
“It really is.”
“No it is not.” She tried to sound stern but he wasn’t buying it.
“You do realize that there have been, no less than, nineteen orders placed for vibrators.”
“What?” Her voice was filled with disbelief.
“Yup.” Titan nodded his head. “Since the humans discovered that vampires like the idea of a female using one, many of them have placed an order. There have been plenty of orders placed from online clothing stores as well. All for business suits and dresses. You have made quite the impression.”
“They’re crazy,” she said, dumbfounded. “I don’t think using a vibrator is going to make a vampire want you more…would it?”
He shook his head. “Some of them are desperate…or so it would seem.”
“Wow.” She giggled. “And to think that I don’t even own a stinking vibrator. Not even one.”
“That’s what’s so funny.”
“It still isn’t funny though. Not really.” She chewed on her lip. “I have to break it off with him.”
Titan held up his hands. “I’m the last person you should be talking to. I’m bad with females.”
She frowned. “No, you’re not. I think you’re awesome.”
He shrugged. “Thanks. I told you that I almost hurt a female once, well, the vampire females know about it. None of them will give me the time of day.”
“Sheesh! That’s harsh,” she said, turning to face him. Her suite door was to her back.
He shrugged again, his face took on a strained look. “I deserve it.”
“You’re being a bit hard on yourself, Titan. Maybe if you let it go and stopped beating yourself up about it, others would too.”
He nodded, looking deep in thought. “Maybe you are right.” Then he folded his hands behind his back. “Goodnight, Amber. I enjoy our talks. Thank you.”
“No problem. Goodnight to you too. Do you have to go back?”
He nodded. “Yeah, unfortunately. It will go on long into the night.”
He scowled. “I’ll try.” Titan nodded once. She knew he would wait right there until she was safely inside.
Amber let herself into her suite. Lance wasn’t there. She actually sighed, feeling relieved.
After a shower, she put on her nighty. She was just slipping into bed, when a knock sounded. Amber pulled on her robe and tied it twice. She needed to be dressed for this. Next, she slipped on a pair of slippers and opened the door, just as Lance was about to knock for a second time.
He grinned, looking genuinely happy to see her. “I thought you had fallen asleep.” His hair was gelled. His shirt was white with black buttons. He wore blue jeans. The dark kind. In short, he looked really good. Bastard! Smelled good, too. Really, bloody good. Asshole!
For a second she was tempted to tell him to go away but since that wasn’t going to work, she opened the door and gestured for him to come in. Instead of walking into the suite behind him, she folded her arms, choosing to stay at the door. “You aren’t staying.”
“Bullshit, I’m not.” He turned, his blue eyes boring into hers. “At least, I’m not leaving until I get what I came for. It’s what we both want.”
Her tummy did this flip-flop thing at the sight of his forearms, of the tattoo peeking out at the bottom of the left sleeve. She pushed her need for him aside. Her body could go to hell. “I mean it, Lance. Please just go. We need to stop this. It’s not healthy.”
“We’ve gone over this. Not having sex for three and a half years is unhealthy.”
“Stop. My sex life, or the lack thereof, is no concern of yours.”
“We’ll have to disagree on that as well. I’ve made it my concern.” He closed the distance between them so that she had to crane her neck to maintain eye contact. “Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re stuck with me.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah right. Me and half the female vampires you’re sleeping with. No, just no.”
“Is that what this is about?” He narrowed his eyes.
She shook her head. Was it? Would she keep doing this if he agreed to being exclusive?
He didn’t give her a chance to finish the thought. “I heard you turn Brynn down. I knew you couldn’t go through with it.”
“Well, good for you.” She knew she sounded a bit like a child be couldn’t help herself, he made her stark raving mad. Then she shook her head. “Just so you know, I didn’t do it for you.”
“I know that, otherwise I would be worried.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Yeah, that I’d developed feelings for you…” She mumbled that mainly to herself. A little louder, to Lance, she said, “Well, know what? I really haven’t. I probably dislike you more than ever.”
Using just a finger, he hooked a wayward strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear in much the same way Kai had done. Only this time butterflies went wild in her stomach and she had to fight a shiver. Why him? Why?
She shook her head, weary. There was nothing about this that was funny. “Look, we don’t like each other. Let’s stop this.”
“I have never said I didn’t like you.” He cocked his head slightly. His eyes had that amused look.
“You have a funny way of showing it.” She huffed but she realized he was right. Still… “Look, if you really wanted our…arrangement to continue, you would’ve agreed to being exclusive. You can’t even give me that. It’s not all that much to ask. It’s not like I ever want more from you, it’s just—”
Lance nodded. “Okay.”
Wait a minute. Her eyes went round. He wasn’t supposed to say that. She’d planned this. He was supposed say no and then she was supposed to kick him out, easy.
“Don’t look so shocked.” He cupped her cheeks with his hands. “I really want to keep fucking you and if that means agreeing to being exclusive then yes”—he clenched his jaw— “I agree.” He kissed her, softly, almost intimately. Shit! It made her knees feel weak and her heart race. She gripped his shirt and tugged him closer.
He broke the kiss, moving just a fraction away, leaving them almost nose to nose. “What? No slaps. No kicks. I’m oddly disappointed.”
Amber could only blink. Then she sucked in a breath. “You shocked me. That’s all. I’m shocked.”
“I stunned you silent.” He smiled. “Let’s see if I can shock you in other ways. Except I want screams not silence.”
And there it was. A zing of need that moved right through her.
He narrowed his eyes for a second, looking really serious. “We’re exclusive but the arrangement hasn’t changed. You know that, don’t you?” He let go of her face, his hands moving to the knots on the tie of her robe.
“Yes…of course.”
“We fuck and that’s it.” His gaze had moved to the tie, which he got loose. His long lashes fanned his cheeks. He pulled her robe from her shoulders.
“Yeah, I know.” She could hear the irritation dripping off her words.
“There will be no roses. No romantic walks or whatever the fuck couples do. We are never going to do those things. We’re not a couple, we never will be. I will fuck you until I get tired of you or until you go, whichever comes first.”
And after tonight, she’d have one more day, then it was game over, for the both of them. “I could get tired of you first. You’re so damned arrogant.” She slapped his hand away as he tried to hook his arm around her. “Just go. I don’t want you anywhere near me, you pompous piece of—”
Lance smiled, then he growled and yanked her against him. His lips were hot and heavy. His hands clasped her ass.
As much as she hated to do it, she melted against him, wrapped her legs around him. She moaned as her nipples made sweet contact with his chest. Her back hit the bed. When had he moved? He pulled her silk nighty up over her breasts as he unzipped his pants.
He ripped a condom foil with his teeth. “I can’t fucking wait to be inside you.” His eyes glowed and his fangs erupted. Lance pulled her legs up higher and thrust into her. They both groaned. He felt so good. Too good. They were both panting.
Why was she feeling so damned happy? Relieved even. Lance had agreed to be exclusive with her. Could that be it? Or was it because their…thing…whatever it was…wasn’t over. At least, not yet. Then he began to move and she lost all ability to think.
Chapter 13
Not a fuck!
No way!
Just no!
He felt his heart palpitate. The thing skipped beats. Then beat like a motherfucker. Then skipped a few more beats, before half racing out of his chest.
He must have made a noise because Amber stirred. He tried not to move even though his first instinct was to throw the covers aside and hightail it out of there. The problem was that she was draped over him. He needed to be gone. It didn’t matter that he was buck fucking naked.
Sun streamed in through the window. Sun, god dammit. Jesus fuck! He could count the number of times a female had still been in his bed, come morning, on one hand. One. It was normally if a female passed out. And only if he was unable to rouse her. His solution, on those few occasions, was to make himself scarce until she disappeared. He’d never had a sleepover at a female’s place. Ever.
Amber’s head was on his chest, her leg over his thighs, her little hand over his heart. Which was still beating like crazy. His eyes were wide. His right hand still palmed her thigh, the other, was on her lush ass. This was asking for trouble. Any sudden movements would wake the female. Lance stayed where he was, unable to move. The hand on her ass clenched a little tighter. She felt damned good in his hands. So good at his side with her hot breath on his chest.
No freaking way.
He needed to leave and right fucking now.
“Why are you breathing like that?” Amber pulled herself up onto her elbow. Her hair fell in a dark tumble about her shoulders. It was wild. Lance wasn’t surprised. He’d had her on her back, on her knees and then Amber had ridden him. The female knew how to let herself go, how to listen to what her body was telling her. There was no fear or inhibition, just…
“Oh my god…” She gave him a long look. “You’re freaking out.”
“Am not.”
“You so are.” She smiled, clearly loving every minute, flattening her hand and feeling his racing heart. “You look like you’re about to have a heart attack or something. Is it the exclusive thing?”
He shook his head. “Vampires don’t have heart attacks.” Surprisingly he felt okay about being exclusive on the condition that it was sex only. Just as long as he got to keep doing this…make that, her. This, not so much. He needed to avoid this type of situation, at all cost. He moved to the edge of the bed, away from her, even though his dick had decided that morning sex was in order. It was like the bastard had already forgotten about last night. Typical.
She gasped and her mouth rounded. Amber looked like she was having a fabulous time. “You’re freaking out because you spent the night?” She clasped a hand over her mouth for a few seconds. Then she smiled at him. “Don’t worry about it, it doesn’t change anything.” She shrugged, averting her eyes. “You were worn out. Both of us were. No big deal! You’re welcome to shower before you go.” She frowned, her eyes meeting his. “You need to try and leave without anyone seeing you though.”
Then she sucked in a breath and her spectacular chest heaved. Shit! Amber was fucking beautiful in the morning. No human face goop. No clothes. Wearing nothing but sunshine. Hell, his eyeballs were doing somersaults and his dick was doing hand-fucking-stands.
So damned beautiful.
Maybe they could…
“You’re leaving right now.” She jumped off of the bed. Lance groaned at the sight of her heart-shaped ass. “Stop gawking at me.” She picked up his jeans.
Lance had to grab his dick at the sight of her bending over like that.
“Oh no you don’t. Get your mind right out of the gutter and right now. Here”—she handed him his jeans— “you’re right. Sleeping over is not a good idea.” She shook her head, her eyes were…panic-filled.
“Would it be so bad if others found out?” He felt oddly…unhappy…that she hated others knowing. What difference did it make? At least it would stop the other males from sniffing around. Amber was his, at least, her pussy was his. He would prefer it if others knew.
“Yes. It would be terrible. Here…” She thrust his shirt at him. “Why aren’t you dressing? The later it gets the more chance there is of someone seeing you.”
He began putting on his jeans. “It’s not a big deal if—”
“No way!” Her eyes were wide. “We aren’t even in a relationship.” She gestured between them. “This…is nothing. Less than nothing. I would be embarrassed if other people found out.”
“You would be embarrassed of me?” Fuck that. Fuck!
She nodded. “Yes…well, don’t take it personally…not you, just this whole thing. What we are doing is so shallow. Oh god…” She rubbed a hand over her face. “I don’t want to be seen as one of your conquests. Make that, one of your many conquests. Please humor me on this.”
What could he say to that? The female wasn’t wrong. He still didn’t have to like it. He finally nodded. “I will sneak out and make sure that no one sees me but you will fucking owe me.”
She looked relieved. “Yes, sure, anything.”
“Anything?” Lance loved the sound of that.
“Yes, just go already.” She pushed him towards the door. Pushed his shoes into his free hand, then he was out in the hall, the door closed in his face. In his fucking face.
Lance made a sound of frustration. What had just happened?
One day later…
Kai stepped forward, his eyes firmly on Amber. It was no surprise when he said the female’s name.
Lance had to work hard to fight a smile. This was perfect. Now that they were here, he had been a worried that none of the males would end up choosing the female. What then? He sure has hell didn’t want to pick someone. Granted, his choosing her would’ve been strictly for sex but it would’ve been…uncomfortable. He drew in a breath. Problem fucking solved.
Two more males stepped forward, each picking females of their own.
Then it was Brynn’s turn. The male was like a puppy dog where Amber was concerned. He hadn’t backed down one bit since the female had made it clear that there would be no future for them. Yet, he insisted on pursuing her regardless. Fucking pathetic. Never again. He’d been there, done that, he had the scars to prove it.
“Amber.” The male winked and smiled like he actually stood a chance. Pup didn’t have a clue.
Amber looked distinctly embarrassed. Her face was a bright red. Her arms were tightly folded in front of her. She avoided any eye contact with Lance. His only solace was that she avoided eye contact with all three of them.
Amber’s friend, Bethany jumped up and down when Joshua picked her. The two of them couldn’t take their eyes off of one another. It was almost too sweet to watch.