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Propositioning the Rich Italian

Page 11

by Propositioning the Rich Italian (lit)

  “What’s wrong, cara?”

  She shook her head, embarrassed when tears sprang to her eyes. He pulled her closer to him, causing her tears to flow freely.

  “This isn’t supposed to happen,” she whispered.

  “What isn’t supposed to happen?” he asked with a mixture of concern and puzzlement.

  “I’m not supposed to develop feelings for you.”

  He smiled. “You make it sound like a bad thing.”

  She looked at him with sadness and confusion. “It is. This is only supposed to be an affair.”

  “Would it make you feel better if I told you I am starting to develop feelings for you as well?”

  His expression was so sincere, she cried harder even as she shook her head.

  “What makes caring about me so bad?”

  The question made her sob harder. How could she explain the conflict she felt? Anything other than an affair between the two of them was impossible. Not with the distance between the two of them. Not after what she’d been through with Quincy. She’d given up quite a bit for a man who obviously hadn’t wanted her. She wasn’t ready to do it again. In this situation, she couldn’t afford to do that again. She stood to lose a lot more this time. It scared her when she realized how out of control things could get with Antonio. He slid a finger under her chin, making her look up at him.

  “I thought we weren’t going to think anymore sad thoughts today?”

  “How can I not?”

  She sighed as he gave her a gentle smile. “Easy, cara, you focus on the good things we have together. Even in the end, you focus on the good things.”

  * * * *

  He didn’t tell her he didn’t plan on letting her go. There was no way he could, but how could he convince her they could make it work, especially in the amount of time he had left? He knew he could prove to her that they had what it took if both of them were willing to put the effort into it. He just had to show her. Looking down at her, he realized her tears had stopped running down her cheeks, but her eyelids were still wet.

  “Tierra, I care about you. I have since I laid eyes on you. This isn’t easy for me, either, but I want to focus on what we have at least for the remainder of the time we are here. After that point, we will see what happens.”

  He placed a soft kiss on her lips before pulling back. “Promise me we can do that.”

  He watched as she stared at him for a long time before nodding. If nothing else, he could continue to try to make sure she enjoyed the rest of her time in Rome. He wanted to be good to her because she deserved it, especially after the jerk she’d put up with. He felt immense relief when she nodded her head slowly and offered him a wobbly smile.

  “I can try.”

  “Buon. Cara, molto buon.”

  He continued to stare at her, taking in her beauty, and her expression became wary.

  “What are you doing Antonio?”

  He smiled. “I am focusing on a few of the good things we have together.”

  His began to move his hands up and down her body unhurriedly, stroking every inch of soft, delicate skin he could reach. She relaxed in his embrace, letting him explore her body. He began to lavish attention on one breast, then the other until she arched into him. When he began to slide lower, her eyes closed. He was intent on providing the mind-blowing bliss they’d both grown used to. She jerked when he touched her with his fingers first. A moment later, his mouth followed, and for the thousandth time he made her whimper with pleasure.

  He caressed her, alternating between his fingers and lips, pushing her toward release. It wasn’t long before her back left the bed as she cried out his name. He loved the way she responded to his touch. Even when she said it was enough, he knew there could be more. He came up over her, and when her eyes met his, there was a sated look in them with a mixture of underlying desire. Passion that he felt as well. He needed to be inside her, where he felt closest to her. He shifted his lower body until he rested at the apex of her thighs. He watched her shake her head as he began to enter her.

  “You are killing me, Antonio.”

  He smiled as he continued to move. “I don’t want to kill you, cara. I want to please you.”

  “You are, Antonio,” she moaned.

  He continued to move, and her legs came up around his waist, urging him deeper within her. She gasped, and he watched her, knowing she was going to climax again, and he wanted her to. He felt it as well when her body began to tighten around him. He drew away from her slightly. The look on her face told him what he needed to know. He loved giving her pleasure, knowing she hadn’t experienced it with anyone but him. His own body grasped for a taste of pleasure. He lowered his chest to hers, and a heartbeat later she moaned his name as her body tightened around his, pushing him over the edge with her. Her name fell from his lips in return. It took his remaining strength not to crush her and roll to the side instead. He reached out, touching her cheek and causing her to look at him.

  She sighed softly. “Why is it like this with us?”

  He could only smile. “Because it is supposed to be.”

  He stared at her for a long time before smiling to himself. Every time he touched her, it always felt right, but it never seemed to be enough. He liked how she never demanded anything from him. It made him want to give her everything. It also scared him because he knew they weren’t at a point where Tierra would give him more. The idea of something more than a brief affair between the two of them made her skittish. She pulled him from his thoughts when she spoke.

  “Thank you, Antonio.”

  He didn’t have to ask her what she was thanking him for. He knew, for she’d given him just as much as he’d given her. Leaning over he placed a brief kiss on her lips.

  “And thank you, cara.”

  Chapter 12

  Tierra came awake slowly to the wonderful smell of freshly brewed coffee and the feel of strong arms around her. The latter made her reluctant to move, but the coffee called out to her. As wonderful as last night had been, she’d lain awake half the night with her mind racing. Somewhere along the way she’d begun to develop deeper feelings for Antonio. For the first time in her life, she had no idea what she should do. But she had to figure it out soon. She sighed softly, but Antonio must have heard her, for he stirred against her.

  “Good morning, Tierra.”

  “Good morning, Antonio.”

  He nuzzled her neck, making her laugh. “Did you sleep well?”

  She rolled over to face him, taking in his tousled hair and handsome face. To wake up to him every morning like this would be a treat.

  Where had that thought come from?

  She gave herself a mental shake to clear her thoughts.

  “Yes, I did. Did you?”

  “With you in my arms, how could I not?”

  Her heart turned over at his words. He always seemed to know what to say, but more so because he meant what he said.

  “Would you like breakfast?”

  She nodded slowly, giving a slight stretch. “Yes, I would, but I would settle for some of that wonderful smelling coffee.”

  He smiled as he sat up and climbed out of bed. She couldn’t help but stare as he slid out of bed nude and walked around to the foot of his bed. His body should be in someone’s magazine ad, but then again, she would have to fight off the other women who would flock toward him. He picked up his robe and put it on before handing hers to her. Once she put on her robe, she slid out of bed, then followed him down stairs.

  By the time she reached the kitchen, he’d poured her a cup of coffee, fixing it the way she liked it, before handing it to her. She accepted the cup gratefully and took a sip. Lord help her, the man knew how to make a cup of coffee. Was there anything about him that didn’t seem perfect? She watched him as he began to move around the kitchen and noticed how comfortable he was there.

  In spite of his money, he still did things for himself. It only made him more attractive. She studied him for another moment, taking
another sip of her coffee, then figured she should do something other than stand back and gawk at him.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  He smiled. “Go back up to my room and enjoy your cup of coffee on the balcony. I will take care of the rest.”

  She went up on tiptoe and placed a kiss on his lips, then followed his directions. Who was she to argue? After all, it was his home, and she should respect his house rules. When she stepped out onto the balcony, the corners of her mouth tilted upward. She’d have to be careful on this one. It offered a little privacy, but not as much as the one at the hotel. She made sure her robe wasn’t revealing anything before she sat down.

  To be truthful, she was surprised to be up so early, considering her late night. Most of Rome already seemed to be awake. Several minutes later, Antonio appeared with a tray in his hands. She looked at the food he prepared and sighed with appreciation.

  “Everything looks good.”

  “I am glad you think so, cara.”

  He surprised her even further when she didn’t have to lift a hand to eat. With Quincy, he would have been the one sitting with her doing all of the work. Antonio fed her until she couldn’t eat any more. After heavy persuasion, he let her wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen, even though he helped. Thirty minutes later, they were walking out the front door.

  “So how many forums are we going to see?”

  He smiled as he held the car door open for her. “As many as possible. I know you said you only want to see Caesar and Nerva, but I’ll show you some of the rest if time permits.”

  He drove through the streets of Rome, and when they neared Caesar’s Imperial Forum he tried to find a parking spot as close as he could.

  “We will walk the rest of the way.”

  She nodded, following him from the car. He took her hand as he led her toward the forum. The day passed by quickly, but he managed to take her to Augustus and Trajan’s forum as well, leaving Vespasian for another day. She was tired as they made their way back to his car.

  “What would you like for dinner?”

  “A nice, soft bed,” she replied with a smile.

  He chuckled. “I don’t think it will be too palatable.”

  She shrugged, and he grinned. “I think I should treat you to an American favorite, only Italian style.”

  She shot him a teasing look. “Haven’t you done it enough already?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “With you, it could never be enough, but I was actually referring to pizza.”

  Her stomach grumbled in anticipation. He chuckled as he drove to the pizzeria. She ordered a cheese pizza while he ordered one with sausage. The rest of the ride to his home was blessedly short. While her focus was on the delicious smelling food, he made her get comfortable before they ate. She watched him as he uncorked a bottle of wine. Sitting across from him on the balcony, she enjoyed her pizza with sips of wine in between.

  When she couldn’t eat anymore, she slipped off to the shower when he volunteered to eat her half of the pizza she left behind. She loved with his bathroom. The spa tub rivaled the marble tub at the hotel, but his shower held her attention right now—spacious with three showerheads coming out of the wall. She set the temperature of the water before stripping down and getting in. It was a luxurious shower, but she didn’t stay in long. After she dressed, she stuck her head out on the balcony to let him know she was going to call her parents. He nodded as he handed her a glass of wine. Her father answered the phone on the second ring, and she settled in to talk to her parents.

  Fortunately, they didn’t have any news to report on Quincy or Hayden, so the conversation was a short one. She curled up into Antonio’s chair, loving the comfortable feel of it, inhaling the remnants of his scent he left behind. She knew he planned for them to spend another two days at his home and the last three back at the hotel. Even though she was only spending the second night here, she’d fallen in love with his home. Just like she was falling for Antonio. The more she ran from the truth, the harder it hit her. Maybe if she kept telling herself it wasn’t a good thing to do, she might prevent herself from falling any further. However, she knew it was hopeful wishing when it stared her in the face.

  Oh, boy.

  She’d gotten herself into a mess, she thought sleepily.

  * * * *

  When Antonio came to find Tierra, she was curled up in his chair. He smiled when he realized she was asleep. He stood there and stared at her, his heart turning over at the sight of her. She seemed to look more and more beautiful every time he laid eyes on her. Taking a chance going to the bar had paid off more than he ever thought it would. Even though it had been somewhat of a calculated risk, he still hadn’t known it could end up with them being here. He studied her a little longer, then scooped her up into his arms and carried her upstairs to his room. She stirred slightly as he laid her on the bed before stilling once more. He watched her for another moment, then he began cleaning up the remnants of their leftovers. When he finally joined her in the bed, her body instinctively sought his out, curling into him. He tightened his arms around her. If this was the one sure thing he could have from her right now, he would take it.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?” she asked Antonio for the third time that morning.

  He stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching her get ready for her day of shopping with the girls. She couldn’t believe she’d been in Rome for nine days and she hadn’t done any shopping. To be truthful, purchasing souvenirs was the last thing on her mind until Amalía called and suggested it. Since she and Antonio didn’t have anything planned for the day, he insisted she go.

  “No, I don’t mind. I will keep busy by going to the hotel to check on a few things.”

  She gave him a knowing look before smiling. He’d been checking on things at the hotel daily via phone, and she knew it.

  “Try not to have too much fun.”

  He walked toward her and placed a kiss on her neck before stepping back. “As long as you try to do same.”

  She shot him a look of mock disbelief. “How could you make such a request? Did you forget I am a woman?”

  He chuckled before bumping his hips against hers, showing her he sported a semi-erection. “Cara, there is no way I could forget that.”

  He stepped away from her, but she was already distracted. One touch from him could do that. She closed her eyes briefly, then resumed the task of getting ready. As much as she wanted Antonio, she didn’t want to be late. Besides, she could just imagine the enjoyment Amalía would get out of finding her disheveled because of Antonio. Several moments later, Tierra was ready.

  “How much longer will it be before Amalía arrives?”

  Antonio looked down at his watch. “She should be arriving any minute now.”

  Antonio handed her a spare key to his home in case he wasn’t there when they came back from shopping. They made their way downstairs, and he opened the door just as Amalía pulled into the driveway.

  She turned to look at Antonio. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she was breathless. When he released her, she stared up at him in a dazed fashion. He gave her a little nudge in the right direction.

  “Have fun, Tierra.”

  She nodded, continuing toward the car and sliding into the only empty seat. When she turned to look in the backseat, three smiling faces greeted her. She spoke to everyone as she put on her seatbelt. Amalía backed out of the driveway and began to travel on the roads that still left Tierra dizzy no matter how many times she traveled them. How anyone could learn how to maneuver the streets was beyond her.

  “Are you having a good morning so far?” Talia asked.

  She nodded. Every morning in Rome had been a good one, and in a way she had Talía to thank for it all. The advertisement Talía wrote on the hotel was the reason why she chose to stay at Hotel Carabelli. Tierra turned her attention back to the road before the four private investigators picked up on her thoughts.
  “Where are we going shopping?

  Amalía looked over at her and smiled. “We are going to park near the tourist shopping area and visit as many shops as you like.”

  Tierra nodded her agreement. It sounded like a good idea to her. It didn’t take them long to reach the shopping plaza. She picked up coffee mugs and few other knickknacks for her parents and Hayden. After she paid for everything, they made their way through the rest of the various shops.

  She stopped outside of a boutique that would let her make perfume and cologne. The idea intrigued her. It didn’t take long for her to pick out fragrances for her parents, brother, and herself. After a moment of hesitation, she decided to make one for Antonio. Yes, he could afford one more expensive and probably more exotic smelling, but she wanted him to have something from her. A gift that every time he looked at it, or removed the lid and put the fragrance on, he would think about her.

  She finally picked out a few scents that produced a woodsy, masculine aroma. It definitely suited Antonio. With the purchases made, she announced she was finished shopping for the day. Amalía smiled at her, telling her they wanted to browse some more stores. She groaned inwardly, knowing she would find something else she liked if she stayed any longer, but gave in. After all, she was outnumbered. She continued to wander from boutique to boutique, stopping when she arrived in front of a jewelry store.

  Turning to look at her companions, she told them she wanted to go in and look around. When they agreed, she quickly stepped inside. It only took her a second to find the item that drew her into the store. A yellow gold chain necklace sat in a display case before her. It was very tasteful, which surprised her because she didn’t normally like yellow gold. She also knew it would be the perfect gift for Antonio.

  A glance at the price tag made her wince. The cost of it would put a dent in her savings, but it would be worth it. Then again, there was the engagement ring she’d given to her mother for safekeeping before she came to Rome. She’d planned on giving it back to Quincy, but his actions over the past few days made her change her mind. It would go for a nice asking price, providing it wasn’t a fake.


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