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Torment (Shattered Secrets Book 2)

Page 23

by Bella J.

  He couldn’t control it. He couldn’t contain it any longer.

  He shoved the knife into Brent’s stomach, and then twisted the blade, hooking it upward. Brent’s eyes rolled to the back of his skull, close to passing out from the pain. When Hunter removed the blade, he tossed it to the floor and moved in behind Brent, gripping his head in his hands, forcing him to look in Scarlet’s direction.

  “Look!” Hunter yelled. “Look at her!”

  Brent opened his eyes, his breathing so shallow his chest was hardly moving at all. Hunter met Scarlet’s eyes, and they silently conveyed to each other what needed to be said.

  “You see that woman? You see the seventeen-year-old girl you destroyed? Do you?” Hunter tightened his grip, threatening to snap Brent’s neck.

  “Yes,” Brent said almost inaudibly. Hunter’s eyes remained on Scarlet, and she nodded, which was all Hunter needed.

  “Good, because her face will be the last thing you ever see.”

  And then Hunter twisted Brent’s neck, feeling the bone snap, the eerie crack and the sound of death echoing through the dining room like a war cry.

  Scarlet closed her eyes, and tears slowly trickled down her cheeks. Hunter could see her body go lax in her father’s arms.

  It was over. Scarlet’s fight, her nightmare was finally over.

  Brent was no more, and she was finally free.

  Chapter 25

  There was no guilt, no remorse as she watched Brent’s head loll to the front, his lifeless body hanging from the very chains they had her bound to earlier.

  In fact, the only thing she felt was relief. It was finally over. Her demon had been slayed, and by the hands of the man she loved.

  It was fucking poetic.

  She saw the anger and the rage consume Hunter as he carved his way through Brent’s flesh. And honestly, she didn’t have the urge to stop him once. He was doing it for her, she knew that, and she loved him for it—completely.

  Scarlet felt her body relax in her father’s arms and she closed her eyes just for a few seconds before someone started to clap.

  When she opened her eyes and saw Rex walking around Brent’s body, still clapping, a look of self-satisfactory on his face, gleaming with amusement, she knew it wasn’t over yet.

  “Well done. Even I got chills throughout the entire performance.” He stopped in front of Brent and tilted his head to the side as if he wanted to see Brent’s dead face, maybe take a mental picture of it and stash it inside one of those twisted archive drawers in his mind.

  Hunter eyed Rex suspiciously, and Scarlet knew Hunter was still on edge, waiting for Rex to make the wrong move.

  “It’s over, Rex,” Hunter said. “Now I’m taking my woman, and I’m leaving.”

  Rex held his hands up in the air. “Of course. She is yours now after all, so I have no objections whatsoever.”

  Hunter nodded, picked up his shirt from the floor, and started to wipe the blood off his hands as he made his way over to her. James gently put her down, and she gave two steps before falling into Hunter’s arms.

  The way he wrapped his arms around her, the way his warmth swept through her body, it was like she had finally found home after all these years.

  “I love you, Scar,” he whispered as he kissed the top of her head, stroking his fingers down her hair.

  “I love you too.” The more she said those words, the more she wanted to say it. This entire experience, everything about it, had solidified their bond. Hunter killing for her, letting her torturer bleed by his hands—it was as if nothing in this world would ever have the power to break what had been strengthened between them.

  Hunter lifted her chin and placed a tender kiss on her lips. It was soft, delicate, but had the power to electrify her entire body.

  He looked down at her. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  Just as they turned around, Rex cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to him.

  “One last thing.”

  Scarlet’s heart sank to her stomach, her gut heavy as she turned to face him.

  That smirk was still on his face. “Since this all worked out for all of you, because…well, because of me,” he said arrogantly, “I only ask for one favor in return.”

  Scarlet glanced up at Hunter and saw the tick in his jaw.

  Rex shrugged. “It seems only fair that I get something out of this as well, don’t you think?”

  Hunter gave a step forward, and gently urged her behind him. “I’d say you got plenty out of tonight’s events.”

  “Really? How do you figure that?” Rex challenged.

  “Well, you certainly tested Piper’s gag reflex to the limit, didn’t you?”

  Rex waved it off. “Like I told you, my first is way better at sucking my cock than Piper.”

  Scarlet raised a brow. “Your first is Carla, right?”

  “Yes, Carla. I call her my first because she is my favorite.” He straightened his sleeves and shot his cuffs. “I just hope the damage you did isn’t permanent. It would be a shame if I had to put her along with the rest of my used collection.”

  Hunter snorted. “You do realize you’re talking about a person, right? A real live person?”

  “A real live person whose only goal in life is to please me. If she can’t do that anymore, what use does she have?”

  Hunter just shook his head, dumbfounded by Rex’s disregard for human life, and for the body of a woman.

  “So, back to what I want out of this deal.” Rex went to sit back down in his chair—like a king.

  Hunter pulled his hand through his hair, and Scarlet noticed some streaks of blood. “Did I miss the part where all this was part of a deal?”

  “I’m the joker, remember?” Rex winked. “I change the rules by diverting the direction in which the game is currently going.”

  “Fine, I’ll bite. But don’t think for one second I don’t know that you had your own reasons for wanting me to kill Brent.”

  Rex lifted a brow. “I like you, Mr. Keaton. I really do. It’s a pity you don’t have a taste for the darkness—although, after what I witnessed tonight, I think there might be some kind of monster you’re hiding, lurking in the shadows of your soul.”

  Hunter didn’t answer.

  Rex grinned. “But never mind that. The favor I’m about to ask isn’t from you.” Rex focused his gaze on James. “As a matter of fact, it’s with you…Mr. James Baxter.”

  Scarlet’s breath hitched, and her mouth instantly went dry. James stiffened, and Hunter continued to glare at Rex.

  “Yes,” Rex started. “I know who you are, Mr. Baxter. I know all about your operation, infiltrating our world, pretending to be a buyer and then saving—as you put it—the girls by putting them back into society.” Rex got up from the chair, slowly sauntering across the room toward James. “You have caused me a lot of trouble the last few years, Mr. Baxter, and I’m afraid that needs to stop.”

  James straightened. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Rex smiled. “That’s real good. Keep up the front. First rule of admission—deny, deny, deny. But I know all about you.” Rex stopped in front of James and glanced at Scarlet. “I also know all about your daughter.”

  That was the moment Scarlet’s blood no longer swooshed through her veins, but rather froze solid. Rex had known all along. Rex had known who she was, known who her father was. But why would he pretend? Why would he…

  Scarlet narrowed her eyes. “You knew, didn’t you?” She slanted her head to the side, studying him. “That’s why you came here. You knew Brent had me hidden here, and you knew my dad and Hunter would come. Brent couldn’t figure out what you were doing here, but this is why you came.”

  Rex stared at her like a proud teacher at a student. “Well done, Scarlet. You really are one smart woman.”

  Hunter grabbed Scarlet’s hand and pulled her back. “What do you want, Rex?”

  “Oh, that’s easy.” He turned to James. “I wan
t you to stop. I want you to end this operation of yours and move the fuck on. Stop messing with my business, and stop fucking with my clientele. After saving your daughter from that psychopath, I don’t think it’s too much to ask, is it?”

  James never took his eyes off Rex for a second. Scarlet could see the hate swirling in James’s eyes as he stared at the man who would force him to throw away his life’s work, to step down and pretend there wasn’t a dark world out there.

  “If I do this, if I stop, you will not come near me or my daughter or anyone she holds dear.”

  “Done,” Rex answered without hesitation.

  James stepped up and pushed his face inches from Rex’s. “You will pretend that we no longer exist, and if you get word of anyone plotting against me or my family, you will take them down.”

  Rex lifted a brow. “That’s a very specific request.”

  “I’m a very specific man.”

  Rex studied James for a few seconds, while Scarlet continued to hold her breath.

  And then Rex stepped back. “Deal. You close down your little rescue operation, and I will make sure you and your family remain unharmed for the rest of your days.” Rex smiled. “I’ll pretend I’m god.”

  It was astounding at how blasé Rex was. It was like nothing fazed him, nothing affected him. The dead bodies were pooled around him, and yet he still remained so unmoved, so cold.

  James extended a hand, and Rex took it. There they were, two men shaking hands like they just signed a business contract.

  Scarlet’s head was starting to spin, and she felt her knees go weak.

  “Scar,” Hunter called out as he caught her just in time. “Fuck, we need to get her out of here.”

  Rex rubbed his hand down his jacket. “Well go, then, be free, my little birds.” He waved them out, urging them to leave. “And please, don’t let me see your pretty little faces again.” He winked at Scarlet, and shot her the most charming smile—a smile which hid the purest form of evil imaginable.

  “Oh, Colton, is it?” Rex called out, and Colton stepped closer.


  Rex glanced at the dead bodies on the floor. “It seems that a few spots on my crew just opened up. You interested?”

  Colton quickly glanced from James to Scarlet. His eyes conveyed all his regret, and also the hardship he carried around with him. She knew that going with Rex was his only option, so she nodded slightly, showing him that she understood this was something he needed to do. This was what he had worked for all these years—a chance at finally finding his sister.

  Colton walked up to stand next to Rex, showing everyone the decision he just made. Scarlet understood, and judging by the way James stared at Colton…so did he.

  “Come on.” Hunter lifted her up and cradled her in his arms.

  When he walked past Rex, he nodded his head. “Rex. Hope I have the pleasure of never seeing you again.”

  Rex laughed. “So do I, Hunter. So do I.”

  Scarlet put her arms around Hunter’s neck and nestled her face into his chest. She never wanted him to let go. Scarlet never wanted to experience what she went through when she thought he was dead. It was far worse than any kind of pain she had ever endured. And coming from her, that was saying a lot.

  “I’m sorry, Ace.”

  “For what?”

  “For trying to push you away.”

  He snorted. “And look, I’m still here.”

  “Yeah.” She tightened her hold around his neck. “You are.”

  Hunter carried her down the steps of the back porch, and hearing the rhythm of his heart beating inside his chest, and the soft lulling as he walked with her in his arms made her feel more relaxed than she had felt in years. It was the best place to be—Hunter’s arms.

  Closing her eyes, she continued to listen to Hunter’s heartbeat when she felt them stop.

  When she opened her eyes, he gently set her down and they were all looking at the barn in front of them.

  “Hunter, what are you doing?”

  He cupped her cheek in his palm. “I’m slaying one last demon for you, Scar.”

  He walked closer to the barn, leaving her a few steps behind. James stepped up next to her and they both watched as Hunter lit a match, the flame burning between his fingers. Hunter flicked the match inside the barn, right onto a stack of hay, and Scarlet silently watched as the flames grew bigger and brighter, her demons slowly burning to nothing but ash.

  Within seconds the hay lit completely on fire, and Hunter walked back to her. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the chain he had given Blue years ago—the chain that had weighed heavily on them both the last few days.

  Hunter stared down at it, rubbing the silver trinket with his fingers. “I loved her, Scar. I really did, with all my heart.” He looked up at her with his emerald eyes. “But I love you more.”

  And then he threw the chain into the burning barn.

  It was him finally letting go—letting her go. After everything they had been through, Hunter was finally letting go of his regret, and Scarlet watched all her torment go down in flames.

  While they stood there watching the yellows and oranges of the fire, they didn’t talk. There wasn’t anything to say really. They were finally able to let go of every bad thing that had happened to both of them.

  At that moment, right there, Scarlet made the decision to let the haunting memories burn along with the barn where all her nightmares started. Never again would she let her past determine her future. Never again would she allow her pain to dictate her life, to control the way she lived…and the way she loved.

  The old was gone—dead, burned, and destroyed. Nothing remained of her old life, and that was how she intended it to stay. What happened at Bella Vista during the last twenty-four hours would stay there and burn with the rest. The walls around her heart were shattered to nothing but dust, and from that moment on she would let herself feel hope, feel love, and dream of a future—with him.

  Hunter stepped closer and slowly lowered his lips to hers, kissing her so tenderly, she didn’t know if it was a dream or really happening. Then he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer against his hard body.

  Yup, definitely happening.

  When he pulled away, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth like he was savoring her taste, for the first time in her life Scarlet felt butterflies. Hundreds of butterflies were going completely apeshit in the pit of her stomach—and she loved it.


  Hunter pulled back when they realized James was right there. It would have been a real weird moment for father and daughter if weirder, more twisted shit hadn’t gone down that night.

  Scarlet looked at her dad. “So what will you do now?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve been contemplating retirement for a while. I guess now is as good a time as any.” He smiled. “And you? You’re a rich young woman now.”

  Through everything that happened, Scarlet hadn’t thought about the inheritance once. And frankly, she couldn’t care less about the money, the estate—any of it. It would all just be a painful reminder of what she had to go through, and why she ended up with the inheritance in the first place.

  “I don’t want it,” she answered simply.

  James lifted a brow.

  “Really. I don’t want any of it. I’m sure you will find good use for it…Dad.”

  The way James’s eyes lit up when she called him dad was like the Fourth of July. “Thank you,” he replied, his eyes soft as he stared at her.

  She knew he wasn’t saying thank you for the money.

  James turned to Hunter. “I owe you everything, Hunter. Thank you for saving my daughter.” When they shook hands, James glanced from Hunter to Scarlet. “I’ll wait for you by the car.”

  When James walked off, Hunter took her hand in his. “It’s over, baby. It’s finally over.”

  Scarlet closed her eyes, trying to imagine what her life would be like now, without Brent’s shad
ow hanging over her, without running, without constantly fearing getting caught. It felt almost too good to be true. But it was. And the best part of it all—she had finally opened her heart and allowed herself to love, and to be loved.

  Hunter squeezed her hand, and she looked up at him.

  “Let’s go home, Scar.”

  “And where is home exactly, Ace?” She glanced down at their hands when he placed his finger beneath her chin, letting her look up at him, the shadows of the flames dancing across his beautiful face.

  He placed a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth and whispered, “Home is us.”


  Somewhere in Chicago

  Rex walked into his house, the tension of the last few hours slowly easing out of his shoulders. The Cain mansion has been his home ever since he could remember. This place held a lot of memories—some good, some bad…some deadly. But that was the curse he had to carry by having Cain blood running through his veins. No one could save him from the path his father had put him on…no one.

  For years he had planned and plotted, worked his ass off to finally be the king of the empire his father had built, to finally have the control he needed. Lies, betrayal, and deceiving those around him were the only ways he would be able to protect what was his.

  His father, Victor Cain, deserved his fate. He deserved to look into his son’s eyes, the thought of why his own flesh and blood would have him killed the last thing he pondered, before being sent straight to hell. Rex didn’t regret his father’s demise. The only thing he did regret was not being able to deal the death blow himself. But he couldn’t afford to get his hands dirty with his father’s blood. There was too much at stake, too much to lose, and he needed to act carefully, strategically, for his plan to work.

  After today, all the loose ends had been tied up. Brent, the lucky bastard who had the honor of slicing Victor’s throat, was now dead too. Best part, Rex didn’t even have to do the dirty work. All he had to do was keep his hand of cards close to his chest, watching, waiting for everyone else to make their move, and to play the game as everyone expected him to. Every now and then he gave them a little nudge, a little push without them realizing he was, in fact, the devil sitting on their shoulder, whispering all the things he wanted them to do. He was a master manipulator, the joker who swayed the game, guiding it in the direction he wanted it to go. He knew Hunter Keaton hated Brent enough to want to kill him. He already had the motivation to see Brent bleed to death. All Rex had to do was give him the opportunity, and it all worked out perfectly.


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