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Dragonrider Academy: Episode 5

Page 7

by A. J. Flowers

  My goddess blood should have been a hindrance, a drain, but something inside of me was changing.

  Maybe our fated match wasn’t doomed after all.

  Fireworks went off behind my eyelids as he deepened the kiss. Tingles ran along every inch of my body as his emotions invaded mine, our bond allowing me to feel everything he felt. What struck me to my soul was how strongly he meant every word he’d just said. I opened myself up to him in turn, letting him feel just how grateful I was that he was here with me. That he’d reached a point where he could forgive me for trapping him in this relationship—and for trusting me long enough to bring Solstice back to life.

  He made me feel like I could do anything with him and our wyverns at my side.

  He pulled away before we both drowned in sensation, leaving me breathless as he pulled me closer. He tucked his arm under my head and cradled Solstice and Topaz around our middle.

  I smiled as I watched him, never wanting this night to end.

  He didn’t have to speak the words. I felt them.

  I love you, Viv, now and forever.

  You are mine.

  The file I had taken from Mr. Green’s office was one of the original police reports from my dad’s death that had marked it as a potential homicide. I couldn’t prove that Max Green had covered it up, but I had a report that likely had his father’s fingerprints all over it.

  It was extremely satisfying to go into the police station and give them all the evidence they needed to put Mr. Green away for a long time. Though, I felt bad for Max when he watched his dad brought in and shackled in handcuffs.

  I’d never met him, I realized as I watched the blonde-haired male stiffen as the police rattled off his rights. The billionaire towered over the civil servant, and his arrogance reeked off of him, assuring anyone watching that he would hire the best lawyer money could buy.

  His blue gaze found mine, his eyes narrowing in recognition.

  You, as if he seemed to say. This is not over.

  I had a bad feeling that the police wouldn’t hold a Knight of the Silver Order for long—especially a rich one—but James had gone to talk to his brother, so it would get sorted out one way or another. A coup would not be tolerated, especially with the evidence of a corrupted Shard of Excalibur being used in such a manner.

  We gathered in my backyard after all the legal stuff had been sorted, both human and supernatural. As much as I wanted to make sure Mr. Green got what he deserved, I had a mother to save.

  I took my necklace out from under my shirt with mixed feelings.

  Solstice keened. “Yes, yes,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’ll make a better portal this time.”

  Evie tucked her arm around the crook of Max’s elbow and he smirked at her, a new familiarity between them glowing. The other males crowded around them, patting Max on the back and welcoming him into their strange but tightly knit group.

  “Are you sure that the Wild Queen won’t be able to use the corrupted shard that’s inside of Max?” I asked under my breath.

  James gave me a grave nod. “He’s one of Evie’s, now. We’ll hold up our end of the bargain without giving the Wild Queen anything useful in return.” He glanced at the gorgeous dragon. “Evie might pay a price for putting up that obstacle, but I prefer to let the dragons play their own political games. It’ll buy us time, at least.”

  “Time for what?” I asked, not having thought further than getting my mother back.

  He grinned. “To get you fledged as a true Dragonrider. You’re going to save us all, Vivi, and I’m going to do my part to give you a fighting chance.”

  Lily smiled, snuggling into his side. “Agreed.”

  That thought warmed me and I closed my eyes, letting out a long breath I’d been holding.

  Energy funneled through my fingertips into the metal brushing against my skin. The portal opened on my command, swirling like a whirlpool, and one by one we all jumped through.

  Without the stress of Zelda trying to murder me and an army on my tail, the tunnel walled in around me, stable and serene. We walked through, a proud thrill rolling through me that I’d done this. Solstice wrapped around my neck, her tail curling along my collarbone like an ornament as she fed me golden power.

  And I had a feeling this was only just the beginning.

  I took in the academy for the first time in over a week and smiled to myself. It felt like home now. A place where I finally belonged.

  Glancing around, I found the welcoming party at the beach sorely lacking. A hot breeze curled underneath my hairline and the roar of dragons rumbled in the distance, an oddly comforting sound to me these days. “Where are they?” I asked Evie, figuring she would be the most likely to know how the hostage exchange would be handled.

  Evie held up a necklace with a black stone, one similar to mine. “We call them.”

  I raised my brow at the trinket. “You have enough magic to summon a portal?”

  She shook her head. “Not a portal—a Tunnel.”

  Lily winced. “Those are unstable. Tunnels are meant to be naturally breaches in time and space. Forcing one without the wall barriers like Vivi’s goddess magic can do is dangerous.”

  Evie smirked. “I like dangerous.”

  She clutched the stone with her fist, her skin crawling with dark magic as her features changed. Scales erupted across her skin and a phantom shadow of wings spread from her back.

  It was oddly beautiful… and terrifying.

  The Tunnel burst to life, swirling with black mist as the air itself groaned. A few short moments later Zelda stepped through, her pace matched by two larger dragons dripping with corruption.

  We all moved into fighting positions, not trusting the Wild Dragons to hold their end of the stalemate.

  Zelda ignored our aggression and instead her gaze landed on Max. He shrank back as a malicious grin spread across her face.

  I narrowed my eyes at her. “Where’s my mother?”

  She tore her gaze away from her prize to regard me, seeming irritated by my presence. “Safe, for now.” Zelda drawled. “Once the human returns with me, we’ll make the exchange.”

  “You’ll bring her now,” Killian demanded.

  I clenched my fists in grim agreement.

  Evie stepped forward, her Hovakim moving with her as one. Max walked with her, chewing his lip as he took in Zelda’s dragonian appearance and long fangs.

  “I can guarantee his security,” Evie said, straightening with her regal form. She wasn’t a queen, but she sure did act like one. “Max is now one of mine.”

  Zelda raised her eyebrows. “I don’t think the Queen will be very pleased with you taking the target as one of your Hovakim.”

  Evie turned a glare on us as if everything we did disgusted her. “They would have killed him had I not gotten to him first, but I managed to make them honor our original deal. Max is coming with us and they won’t come after him again if we hand over the siren.” She raised her chin at me. “Right, Dragonrider?”

  I gave her a jerky nod. “That’s right. If you turn over my mother, I won’t come after Max again.”

  Zelda watched our exchange. I wasn’t sure if she bought the act, but all she seemed to care about was getting Max to Avalon. “Very well.” She turned to bark an order at one of the dragons. “Bring the girl’s mother.”

  The dragon slunk back through the portal and when he emerged again, he was dragging my mother with his teeth. I looked her over, trying to discern whether she had been injured or not in the week she’d been held captive. Aside from a few scrapes and bruises, she seemed relatively unharmed.

  The dragon dumped her on the ground and I flinched, but she smiled at me, reassurance in her gaze.

  “Don’t get too comfortable,” Zelda said, grinning in what was more of a snarl than a smile. “Our Queen won’t stand for Dragonrider Academy’s blasphemy for much longer. You will bow, one way or another.”

  I glared back, defiance in my gaze.

  I would bo
w to no one.

  The dragons left, the Tunnel hissing until it disappeared into nothing.

  Running to my mother, I crashed to my knees and wrapped my arms around her neck. “Are you okay?” I asked, my voice suddenly hoarse and scratchy.

  She stroked my hair as Solstice keened between us. “I’m fine, dear.” She pulled me away, tears in her eyes and she cupped my face. “You did well. I was afraid you would turn over the boy without understanding what he was.” She glanced at Killian, James and Lily. “I should have known that your friends wouldn’t let us down. Thank you, all of you, for everything.”

  Dragon roars pierced the skies, a welcoming party on the way from the Academy. I spotted Jasmine riding her emerald dragon Jade, and Vern behind her with his dragon that glittered like midnight. Wings spanned the horizon, a collective roar trumpeting our return and I smiled.

  Killian rested a hand on my shoulder, the energy between us burning hot as our wyverns joined in the call of their brethren.

  Finally, my loved ones were safe and I could figure out how I was going to live in this new life of mine.

  Until the Wild Dragons decided to strike again… at least.

  Two years later

  The sun warmed my face as I closed my eyes and breathed in the mountain air. Peace filled me as I laid on the mountaintop next to my mate. We had decided to play hooky today and had escaped to Vyorin, the beautiful realm that Lily was from. I’d never been brave enough—or powerful enough—to make the trip.

  I’d grown in my powers, that much was clear. The strain on Solstice’s growth had gotten easier and even though I was a Conduit, Killian and Topaz seemed to thrive the closer I got to them.

  I wasn’t sure what had changed, or how I no longer drained them of their energy—rather I seemed to sustain them. Perhaps it was kismet, or maybe something else had happened within me that I didn’t yet understand.

  Whatever the cause, I had a feeling there was yet another secret about myself that I would soon figured out.

  I opened my eyes in time to see a massive dragon swoop through the red sky over us. I stiffened as fresh fear swept through me.

  Killian nudged my shoulder and nodded toward the dragon I hadn’t seen before. “That’s Damian. He was Lily’s high school friend, and probably one of the best people I’ve ever met.” He tucked me against his chest. “He’s one of the reasons that James decided to stay at the Academy. He met him when his dragon side had been suppressed, got to know him, and realized that Lily wasn’t the exception. Other dragons can be like her if properly guided. She’s a pureblood with a kind heart.”

  Our peaceful conversation was interrupted as a roar came from the skies. Topaz and Solstice soared overhead, play fighting with each other in mid-air as the Vyorin dragon ventured off into the horizon. Ignoring his departure, they swooped and dived, nipping at each other’s tails as they raced around the sky.

  I loved seeing them like this. Happy and free.

  They were both oversized now, though they seemed to forget that at times. They dived toward us, flashing their wings out to catch themselves at the last moment causing a blast of wind to hit us.

  We laughed and threw sand after them as they looped back up, still play-fighting.

  “What are we going do with them?” I laughed as I sat up.

  He smiled back at me, his eyes shining with happiness. “We are going to ride them instead of being the targets of their air bombs. Then, they’ll have to listen to us.”

  “Right,” I said, skeptical that Solstice or Topaz could be tamed.

  Killian squeezed my hand, that familiar energy zinging through my heart that never ceased to take my breath away.

  Or perhaps I was just excited about the ceremony next week. The wyverns were finally big enough for us to saddle, and we would get the chance to ride them for the first time at the Academy’s celebration for Juniors.

  I couldn’t wait to fly through the sky with my wyvern under me and my mate at my side.

  It was time to become a fully-fledged Dragonrider.

  It was time to fly.

  What new adventures are in store for Solstice, Killian, and Vivienne Reid? Rumor has it the Dragonrider Ceremony is exactly what the Wild Dragons have been waiting for…

  * * *

  Find out in the next installment, Dragonrider Academy: Episode 6!

  Coming Next: Dragonrider Episode 6

  Today is the first day I ride my dragon.

  It’s been two years after I’d put my father’s murderer behind bars and made Dragonrider Academy my permanent residence. I’m ready to celebrate and finally ride together with Killian.

  * * *

  Except, the second we take to the skies, we fly right into a trap.

  * * *

  The Wild Dragons have been waiting for this moment to strike. My bond with Killian and my dragon will be tested like they never have before.

  * * *

  I hope we’re ready for this, because this’ll be the fight of our lives.

  Dragonrider Academy: Episode 6

  Read James and Lily’s Story!

  Did you know that Lily and James have their own novel? Be sure to read Daughter of Dragons, a standalone tale complete at 62,000 words!

  Ever get that sense you just don't belong?

  I should be happy. It's my sixteenth birthday and my best friend and boyfriend are pulling out all the stops. No parents, plenty of friends, and a wild party that'll test my relationship with Nimrock Ohio's local small-town police.

  Nothing exciting ever happens at Nimrock.

  At least, not before James arrived.

  He came blazing in on his motorcycle with entirely inappropriate leatherwear for the hot climate, but when he takes off his jacket those tattoos would make any good girl question her life choices.

  There's something about James that I can't shake.

  I'll soon find out James is my knight in shining armor... and I'm the dragon he's meant to slay.

  Click Here to read Daughter of Dragons

  A Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading the fifth installment of Dragonrider Academy! Vivi’s adventure to track down Max Green took a bit more word count than I expected, so this episode ran longer than intended. I don’t think anybody minds more words though, ha! It was fun unraveling some core story threads as we near the end of Season One. (If you’re paying attention, yes that means there are more seasons!)

  Episode six and seven have a lot of ground to cover before we can wrap up the threat of the Wild Queen, so I have a feeling that these latter episodes will be running longer as well.

  Thank you as always for being a loyal reader! Be sure to leave a review and share a post on social media about what you enjoyed.

  See you next time!

  * * *

  Also by A.J. Flowers

  YA Fantasy Romance

  Valkyrie Allegiance (A Complete Series)

  * * *

  Valkyrie Landing (Book 1)

  Valkyrie Rebellion (Book 2)

  Valkyrie Uprising (Book 3)

  The Magical Realms Universe

  * * *

  Daughter of Dragons (Standalone)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 1)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 2)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 3)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 4)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 5)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 6)

  Dragonrider Academy (Episode 7)

  * * *

  Crown Princess Academy (Book 1)

  Crown Princess Academy (Book 2)

  Celestial Downfall: Twisted Angelic Realms (Complete Series)

  * * *

  Fallen to Grace (Book 1)

  Rise to Hope (Book 2)

  Stand for Justice (Book 3)

  Manor Saffron (Book 4)

  Epic Fantasy

  Soul Legacy: The Dweller Saga Duet

  * * *

  Soul Bound (Book 1)

p; Soul Child (Book 2)

  The Ancient Realms Collection: Books 1-6

  Grimdark Fantasy


  Reborn Online Book 1: Dungeon Worlds

  Reborn Online Book 2: Dungeon Seeker

  Reborn Online Book 3: Dungeon Master

  Post Apocalypse

  40 Days: The Atomic Fall Series

  Dragonrider Academy: Episode Five Copyright © 2021 by A.J. Flowers

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  Cover Art by Rebecca Frank

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  All Persons Fictitious Disclaimer:

  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.

  * * *

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system.

  Published in the United States.


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