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Midnight Exposure

Page 20

by Melinda Leigh

  Reed hammered back a sandwich. The phone rang and he reached for it.

  “Hello.” His eyes narrowed. “Really? Well, that sucks. Yeah, it is weird. I’ll tell her. Thanks for calling.”

  Dread curled up in Jayne’s stomach. “How bad is it?”

  “Your engine burned up. It’s done.” Reed took her hand and squeezed gently. “The mechanic thinks something caustic was added to the oil. Maybe bleach. He said the underside of the hood had these strange symbols drawn all over it.”

  “I don’t know why I’m shocked.” Jayne set down the remainder of her sandwich. “He did it to keep me here. Just like he cut my tires.”

  “He still wants you.”

  “But why? And who is he?” Frustration and fresh fear coiled inside her. “I want to try Pat again.”

  Reed handed her the phone and retreated to the kitchen.

  The call went through on Pat’s cell. Her brother’s deep voice brought tears to her eyes. Her story came out in a bubbling, incoherent rush, but Pat understood. Pat always understood.

  “It couldn’t be Jennings, could it?” she asked.

  “Nope. Phones here have been wonky for days or I would’ve called you. Conor saw Jennings hanging around the bar. The cops picked him up for violating the terms of his parole. He had a knife on him. He’s back in prison, Jaynie. For as long as they can possibly keep him there.”

  “I didn’t really think it could be him. But I thought I’d ask.”

  Pat’s frustration came through the line. “You don’t have to worry about him. Here I thought you were safe.”

  “I’m sorry, Pat. I’m such a pain in the ass.”

  “Jaynie, honey, there’s nothing to be sorry about. There are a lot of scumbags out there.” The angry edge in Pat’s voice softened. “I love you, and I’m coming to get you. I’m going to try to get a flight right now. I’ll call you back.”

  Jayne ended the call and stared through the glass door of the woodstove. An ember popped. Logs shifted. Another man coming to her rescue. When was she going to be able to fend for herself? Ever?

  “You OK?” Reed sat down next to her, first-aid kit in hand.

  “Yeah. Pat’s coming.” Pressure built in Jayne’s chest. “Ty Jennings is back in prison. He broke parole trying to stalk me.”

  Reed snipped wet bandages off her wrists. Jayne stared at the scabbed-over wounds. Two more reminders of her weakness. “Well, that’s good, right? That means you’ll be safe at home.”

  “Unless my kidnapper follows me there. I don’t even know what he looks like, Reed. He could be any blue-eyed stranger who walks into the bar.” How would she live? She’d never be able to go anywhere alone. She’d be looking over her shoulder, thinking every newcomer was out to get her. She’d go crazy.

  “If I hadn’t run away, if I’d have stayed home and faced Jennings, none of this would’ve happened. Hugh would still be alive. You and Scott wouldn’t be in danger. I shouldn’t have run away. I’m a coward.”

  “Or Jennings would’ve hurt you before they caught him.” Reed applied fresh bandages, then reached up to stroke the scar on her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “These are battle scars. Cowards don’t fight back. Cowards roll over. You’re a warrior.”

  Jayne focused on the clean, white gauze. She bet he wouldn’t have said that if he’d known she’d originally come to Huntsville to reveal his identity to the world. Warriors were honest.

  No secrets.


  Reed cupped her cheek and lifted her chin. Her eyes avoided contact with his. Was she regretting her decision?

  “I know you can’t wait to go home. I can’t blame you, not with all you’ve been through here. I’ll call you. Visit you in Philadelphia. If that’s OK?”

  Jayne only nodded. She’d been quiet since they’d made love. Did she think this was a one-night stand?

  “Good. I don’t do casual sex. I care about you.” More than he could verbalize.

  The past suddenly seemed so long ago. For the first time in years, he had hope that he could move on with his life, experience happiness without the side of guilt. But hope was an emotional double agent that could turn on him at any time and betray the very heart it bolstered.

  Didn’t matter. What was done was done. He’d been dragged out into the sunlight. Once he’d experienced its warmth, there was no shoving his soul back underground. All because of the beautiful woman in front of him. The woman who’d lost so much, yet still had something to give to him.

  He sunk to the blanket next to her. “Still hungry?”


  Reed moved the dinner tray aside. A feral longing to claim her, to show her how he felt, passed through him. He rose onto his knees and crawled over her body.

  Jayne fell back onto the blankets. Her robe parted and a pink nipple peeked out from between the lapels. Reed’s blood surged to his groin.

  Heat from the stove washed over them as his body covered hers. “Well, I am. I barely got a taste of what I wanted.”

  He pressed his lips to her temple. The scent of his soap on her skin was like a brand. His lips traveled down the side of her face and paused to kiss the scar on her cheek.

  He worked his way down her neck to run his tongue along her collarbone. Beneath him, Jayne shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head.

  “Good.” Reed nuzzled the robe open, exposing a breast. Soft and full, it fit perfectly in his palm. He plumped it with his hand and licked her nipple into a stiff bead. He went hard as a tire iron in one heartbeat.

  She arched toward him. “More.”

  “No rush.” He had one night to show Jayne what she meant to him. She kept saying that he’d rescued her, but in reality she’d saved him from a lifetime of darkness. “We have all night.”

  He uncovered her other breast and laved it with his tongue. Jayne’s fingers twined in his hair, pulling him harder to her. He opened wide and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Jayne groaned, a deep and throaty sound that made his erection throb.

  Her warm hand slid down his abs toward the waistband of his pants. Said erection practically crawled toward it.

  Much to its dismay, Reed moved lower down her body before she could touch him.

  “Come back here.” She pouted.

  “No way. This time you’re going to be the one who loses control.”

  Jayne’s turquoise eyes went wide, then darkened.

  Reed sat back on his haunches and untied the sash on the robe. “I feel like I’m opening an early Christmas present.” He folded the flannel back to expose her smooth, creamy skin.

  “Well, do it faster.” Her skin was flushed with heat and excitement. Jayne shifted her legs restlessly. They were long and lean, and Reed’s mouth watered.

  “I’m going to taste every inch of you.” He looked up at her. She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and bit down on it. Watching, a shudder coursed through him.

  He started at her ankle and ran his tongue up the length of her calf. His hands followed, stroking up her soft skin. When his mouth found the sensitive spot behind her knee, the breath rasped from her mouth. Blood hummed through Reed’s veins, pulsing, throbbing harder in his groin every time she moaned.

  Reed’s pulse pounded as he cruised up the inside of her thigh. She groaned and scissored her legs. But he continued up to her hip bone and teased her, licking at the dent next to it.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. He kissed his way across her pelvis and settled between her legs, pushing her thighs open wider until she was spread out before him like dessert.

  Their eyes met. Hers were dark and unfocused.


  He explored every inch of softness, paying attention to her whimpers and moans to find just the right spot until Jayne’s body quaked with a violent orgasm. Her limbs went pliant and sank back to the floor.

  “Jayne, look at me.”

  Blue eyes opened, dazed.

moved over her and slid inside. She was wet, still tight and throbbing. She bowed back as he thrust forward. His body took over, finally where it wanted to be, so deep inside her he no longer could feel where he ended and she began.

  “Reed.” Her nails dug into his back, and she clamped around him.

  Reed tried to hold back, but her response wrung him out in just a few hard thrusts. The pressure built from his spine. His heart jackhammered. His lungs heaved. He had no choice but to follow her over the edge. It would be like this always. He collapsed on top of her. His limbs twitched as he shuddered with aftershocks.

  So much for maintaining control. Jayne made him feel things he’d never before experienced.

  He levered onto his side and watched her recover. Her body was limp and damp, flushed all over, tempting him to start again. He would never have enough of her.

  The phone rang and Reed reluctantly picked it up. The caller ID screen displayed a Philadelphia exchange. Not trusting his voice, he handed the receiver to Jayne. She answered in a sleepy voice Reed hoped her brother would attribute to actual sleep.

  Two minutes later she tossed the phone aside, rolled over, and draped an arm across his chest. Her eyes flickered with regret. “No flights tonight. My brothers are driving up. They’ll be here midday tomorrow.”

  Reed stood and scooped her off the floor. He carried her to his bed and crawled in with her. The sheets were cold. Jayne curled up against his body for warmth. He had only one night to hold her close. He was going to savor every second of it. Regardless of his intentions or the fullness of his heart right now, Jayne had a life halfway down the East Coast, one that didn’t include a stalker. Her brother’s call confirmed that she’d be much safer at home.

  It would be wrong to ask her to stay. He brushed a hand over her hair. But his heart was a selfish bastard. That’s exactly what it wanted.

  He descended into the bowels of his house. Even through the soles of his boots, a chill settled into his feet as they hit the concrete.

  With skeletal fingers he set a Tupperware bowl containing oatmeal cakes in the box next to a Ziploc baggie of mistletoe pollen. His hands were gnarled, bone-thin from weight loss, and his grip weaker than it should be for a large man.

  He retrieved the wooden bowl and set it in the box with the other things for the ceremony. And the note he’d carefully written for his loved ones. If he wasn’t saved by the ritual, he didn’t want to go on.

  No question. No hesitation. No indecision.

  He knew what was coming. He’d seen other members of his family waste away. If this didn’t work, there’d be no more living for him, just a slow torturous death. Better to die on his own terms, with a shred of dignity. He could start over in the afterlife. Not so awful for him. He was tired of it all, anyway.

  He needed to think about his family here on Earth, though. His salvation would be theirs as well. This disease had plagued his kin for generations. There was no reason to think it would end with his death. More hinged on this upcoming ceremony than his own wretched existence. Much more. His bloodline. The suffering of future generations.

  A few minutes later he climbed the stairs and closed the basement door. The hinges squeaked. He winced at the noise and shot a look to the recliner in front of the TV. The body sleeping in the comfortable chair didn’t stir.

  His body ached to sink into blessed unconsciousness. He could no longer remember when he’d last even dozed. Yesterday? The day before?

  Would death be a relief? Would he be rid of this disease when he moved on to the afterlife? He could only hope.

  He tucked the package under his arm and crept into the mudroom. His heavy outerwear hung neatly on pegs, dry and ready. He shrugged into the parka, ski mask, boots, and gloves. The storm had abated, but he was not so foolish as to ignore winter conditions. His life was in its last season, his time as limited as the remaining days of winter.

  He slipped out into the night. Above him, moonlight filtered through blowing clouds. The weather would be cold and clear for the solstice. Tonight he’d check on Jayne, make sure she was safe, and present her with a gift befitting a goddess.

  A goddess whose sacrifice could save him. As befitting her station, he must pay homage to her with an offering.

  Then he had to get rid of the man who stood in his way, Reed Kimball. As soon as Kimball was dead, Jayne was his.

  He opened the shed and started up the snowmobile. The shed was far enough from the house that the engine noise wouldn’t wake anyone.

  Hopefully, he’d be finished with his quest and back in the house before the rest of the household woke. He turned the machine in the direction of the woods and the game trail that led north, toward Reed Kimball’s house.


  A noise jerked Reed out of a light sleep. In his arms, a sated and exhausted Jayne slept on. Her sleek limbs were curled up, her smooth back pressed into his chest. Reed glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. Two hours remained until dawn. He listened for a few seconds, then pressed a kiss to her soft shoulder and rested his head on the pillow.

  A low growl came from the other room. Where was the dog?

  Reed eased away from Jayne and slid out from under the thick comforter into the cold of his bedroom. He stepped into a pair of jeans on his way into the hall. At the threshold to the living room, he paused, eyes searching the dim room.

  Sheba stood facing the window. The dog growled again, deep in her throat. She took a stiff-legged step toward the back of the house. Keeping to the shadows, Reed moved to the side of the window and peered through the gap between the blinds and the wall. Behind the glass, darkness shrouded the yard.

  His gaze scanned the tree-ringed clearing. Reed could just make out the dark shapes of trees and outbuildings on the all-white background. Something flashed in his peripheral vision. The hairs on the back of his neck tingled as he shifted his line of sight to the corner of his workshop. A dark shape faded into the shadows. Then it was gone.

  Reed blinked. Had he imagined it? No. He’d seen something out there. He glanced down at the dog. And so had Sheba. Her ears were still pricked toward the window; her hackles stood on end. But what was outside?

  An animal?

  He eyed the doorframe above his workshop entrance and estimated the height of the shape was within a foot of the top trim. Deer, elk, moose, and bear were all tall enough.

  So was a man.

  Tension vibrated down Reed’s spine.

  Could be nothing. Could be a moose. Hell, it could be his closest neighbor Jim, chasing after his kid’s pain-in-the-ass pony again.

  But on the other hand…

  Reed slipped back into the bedroom and glanced at Jayne, sleeping soundly, her face a perfect, pale oval in the darkness. One slim, bandaged hand poked out of the covers. Resolve solidified in his gut. He wouldn’t take the chance that a threat lurked outside. She’d been through enough.

  Better safe than sorry.

  “Jayne. Wake up,” he whispered on his way past the bed.


  He entered the closet and sought the safe on the top shelf. For the first time in five years, he welcomed the weight of the nine-millimeter Glock in his hand. He curled his fingers around the familiar grip and removed the trigger lock before loading the weapon. The magazine slid smoothly into its well and clicked into place. Though he hadn’t carried the weapon, he’d practiced regularly and kept the gun clean.

  Tucking the gun into his waistband, Reed ducked back into the bedroom and tapped Jayne on the shoulder. The metal was cold on his belly as he leaned over.

  Reed tapped her again. “Come on, Jayne. Wake up. It’s important.”

  Reed’s sharp whisper caught her awakening attention. She rolled over and blinked up at him. “What?”

  “I saw something outside. I’m going to check it out.”

  “No. Wait.” Jayne stumbled out of bed and grabbed his robe from the foot of the bed. She nodded at the gun. “Do you have another?”

  “Can you shoot?”

  Jayne nodded. Her eyes sharpened. “Oh, yeah.”

  Reed retrieved his backup piece, a subcompact baby Glock, and pressed it and a magazine into Jayne’s outstretched hand. While he tugged a sweater over his head, she checked for a round in the chamber and loaded the weapon with reassuring competence.

  Jayne followed him into the mudroom. He slid his bare feet into boots and drew on a parka. Then Reed headed for a littleused side door, where there wasn’t an overhead light fixture to highlight his presence. Pointing the barrel at the floor, he pulled back on the slide and released it. The bullet entered the chamber with a comforting snick.

  The dog butted her head against the closed door and growled. Reed pushed her back. He didn’t need her getting in the way, tangling with a bear or whatever else was out there. If he needed to pull the trigger, he didn’t want to worry about hitting his dog. Nor did he want her to spoil any element of surprise. In the house. Sheba could protect Jayne. “Stay.”

  Jayne grabbed her collar and tugged the dog away from the doorway. “Be careful.”

  Sheba whined. Whatever was out there, she wanted a piece of it.

  “Lock this behind me and stay out of sight.” Reed stepped off the small stoop. Ice crunched underfoot where the top layer had melted and refrozen. There was no way to walk silently, but he stayed in the shadows as he circled around the house. He stopped at the corner and peered around. Ice pellets blew off the roof and barraged his face.

  His workshop sat on the rear of the yard, right at the edge of the trees. A man could move in the thick woods with less difficulty than out in the open, where the drifts were thigh-high. In his dark jacket, he’d be an optimal target against the backdrop of pure white. Reed scanned the area, looking for a place to cross the open space and come up behind the workshop.

  He chose a line of shrubs. Adrenaline pumped hot through his veins as he crossed to the trees. Ice crunched underfoot. He exhaled as he stepped behind a mature oak. An intruder would have to be stone deaf not to hear him coming. He, however, didn’t hear any indication of a trespasser. Maybe it had been just an animal. Leaning against the fat trunk, he scanned the perimeter. The area behind the workshop was clear.


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