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Page 3

by Stacey Kennedy

  Porter gave a firm nod. “We can dig deeper.”

  “Have they gotten any information at all?” Chloe asked, grabbing a piece of paper to take notes.

  “Nothing useful,” Sawyer said. “If Travis is staying with family or friends, they’re doing their best to protect him. Kyler told me that two search warrants were issued for his parents’ and his sister’s houses, but Travis wasn’t at either location. And his family says they don’t know where he is.”

  Porter asked, “You don’t believe them?”

  “Of course I don’t,” Sawyer snapped. “They’re protecting the fucker.”

  Chloe’s heart clenched. She didn’t know Sawyer personally, but she sensed his sadness and frustration. Seeing him upset bothered her. “Are you worried that Travis will come after your sister again?”

  Sawyer nodded. “It’d be stupid of me not to worry about that.”

  A heavy silence settled in as they absorbed the weight of that statement, understanding the danger Sawyer’s sister was in. Porter broke the silence: “You don’t need to hire me, Sawyer. Of course I’ll help you. That isn’t even a question.”

  “Thank you,” Sawyer said, relief evident in his voice. Then he added, “But I wondered if Chloe could handle the case.”

  She gulped, her heart fluttering at the intensity visible in his eyes. What this guy possessed that other men didn’t, she didn’t know, but it certainly spoke to her. He made her so damn hot with one look. “I can have someone handle my current cases.” She slid her glance to Porter. “If that’s what you want to do.”

  Porter regarded Sawyer with a curious edge. “Why Chloe?”

  “I thought having Chloe there might comfort Ashlyn. I imagine she’ll be more comfortable talking to a woman who is closer to her age than me and you, Porter.”

  Porter blinked and rose from his chair. “All right.” To Chloe he said, “Give me the files you’re working on and I’ll take them on.”

  Chloe hesitated, feeling her face go red. Jesus H. Christ, she’d be working with Sawyer up close and personal? For how long? Will we be alone? She hadn’t been able to control her thoughts about him over the last month, and he hadn’t even been there.

  When both Sawyer’s and Porter’s brows rose at her silence, she gathered the open files on her desk and handed them to Porter. The slight curve of Sawyer’s mouth sent her heart racing. Her fantasy man sat right there in front of her.

  Dear God.

  She powered off her computer, rose from her seat, and pushed her chair back under the desk. “Where do you want to start?”

  Sawyer stood with her, all man and muscle. “At the hospital with Ashlyn.”

  Jelly legs and all, Chloe came around her desk and said to Porter, “If the files don’t make sense, call me, okay?”

  “I’m sure the files are fine.” Porter turned into his office to start getting acquainted with her clients. “Please keep me updated on Marks.”

  “Will do,” Chloe replied. She knew her files were in top-notch condition. Porter had trained her to document everything.

  Doing her best not to notice Sawyer’s fantastic backside, she followed him out of the building. Her focus slid upward to his gray T-shirt, and she noticed how tightly the fabric hugged his body. She couldn’t stop herself from admiring his forearms and noticing a black dragon tattoo.

  Porter had the same one. How odd. A sign of friendship, maybe?

  Next her attention fell to Sawyer’s hands—large, but the type that would make a woman feel safe. Thinking it over, Chloe couldn’t find one unattractive thing about Sawyer. Nothing at all.

  He had to have a flaw. Everyone did. But she was having trouble finding his.

  The hot, dry Vegas sun beat down on Chloe’s shoulders as Sawyer stopped at a black pickup truck. He opened the passenger door for her and smiled. “Thank you for helping me, Chloe.”

  She grinned in return. “No problem. I’ll help you find Travis.”

  “I know you will. You’re damn good at your job, which is why I came to you.” He shut her door, then walked around to the driver’s side.

  An odd sense of pride filled her as she settled into her seat and reached for her seatbelt. She’d worked hard to be respected in her job, and dammit, it felt good to be recognized.

  Once he’d joined her inside the truck, he started the engine, then said, “I must admit, this wasn’t how I expected to see you again.”

  She froze before clicking her seatbelt. “You expected to see me again?”

  “You blush whenever I look at you.” He exaggerated that point by glancing her way with a sly grin, igniting her pinkish cheeks. “You can barely sit in your seat when I do. And your eyes do this sexy smoldering thing when you stare at me—almost if you’re imagining touching me.” He chuckled, low and smooth as silk. “Damn right I planned to see you again.”

  You have been single for one day, her head screamed at her.

  One brow arched at her silence—a move that seemed far more arrogant and confident than anything she’d seen Porter pull off. “Nothing to say in response?” he said at last.

  Sawyer might have been the reason she ended things with Josh. But she couldn’t dive right into another relationship, not this soon. One day she’d open herself up—literally—to Sawyer, but today was not that day. Besides, she had a job to do. “What hospital is your sister at?”

  His laugh sounded easy. “Ah, is that boyfriend of yours still in my way?”


  His eyes widened in surprise. “No?”

  “No, I mean…” She clicked her seatbelt on. “We broke up, but—”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear that particular obstacle is gone.” He put the truck into reverse with a shrewd grin. “As to your question, my sister is at Sunrise Hospital.”

  Chloe frowned and couldn’t help but comment, “Most people aren’t so happy when two people break up.”

  “You and I, Chloe, aren’t most people.” He backed out of the spot before addressing her again with—was it passion? Possessiveness? Hunger? “Of course I’m thrilled you’re single. The only thing keeping me from you is no longer a concern.”

  “You…” Shocked by his bold statement, she couldn’t even finish her sentence. Stranger yet, his determination didn’t scare her.

  The side of his mouth slid up in a sexy arch. “Want you?” He stepped on the gas pedal, propelling them forward. “Yes, I do.”

  Chapter 3

  “Mom, Dad, this is Chloe Nash.” Sawyer turned to Chloe, who was standing behind him in the hospital room. “Chloe, these are my parents, Beth and Roger Quinn.”

  Chloe offered her hand to his father. “I’m sorry to meet under these circumstances, Mr. Quinn.”

  His father shook her hand, arching a curious brow at Sawyer.

  Sawyer smiled in return, as his parents were well aware that he hadn’t had a girlfriend for more years than he wanted to count. He explained, “Chloe is a private investigator who works for a good friend of mine, Porter Marshall. She’s offered to help us locate Travis.”

  “Oh, wonderful. Please call me Roger.” His father shook Chloe’s hand more firmly now, enclosing her hand in both of his. “We appreciate any help we can get.” His concerned eyes swept toward Sawyer’s mother, who sat in the chair next to her sleeping daughter. “I’m worried for Ashlyn, with Travis still out there.” The dark circles beneath his eyes confirmed his concern. It was clear that neither of Sawyer’s parents had slept much since Ashlyn’s attack, and Sawyer figured it’d stay that way until they caught Travis.

  “Ash wakes up every couple of hours,” said his mother. “But she’s pretty out of it when she does.” She ran her fingers through her curly hair. “Do the police have any leads?”

  “I’m afraid not,” Sawyer answered, noticing how his mom’s body sagged against the bed with disappointment. “Have either of you eaten anything today?”

  His father shook his head. “We haven’t wanted to leave her.”

hy don’t you go to the cafeteria?” Chloe interjected, her voice soft. “We can stay with Ashlyn while you get something to eat. The coffee is terrible, but it’s better than nothing.”

  Sawyer’s heart warmed as he saw the sincere compassion in Chloe’s eyes. Christ, she was a beautiful woman. Her long chocolate-brown hair flowed over her shoulders, and her striking blue eyes reminded him of the ocean in Mexico. So clear. So pure. So honest. Her body, lush and full of curves, was perfect for his hands.

  What he found more beautiful was her sweet concern for his parents and sister. When he first met her, his attraction had been a sexual one. For a month now she’d haunted him. How sweet would she taste? How pink would her cheeks become with pleasure? How would she sound when she moaned in ecstasy? But he hadn’t counted on the way his heart tripped around her.

  Smart. Strong. Caring. Beautiful. She had that something the others didn’t. Which interested him, and soon became something he couldn’t ignore.

  Chloe was, in fact, unlike any other woman he’d met. Too pure. Too innocent. Not in the BDSM lifestyle. Somehow knowing that made her all the more special. Deep down in his gut, he knew he hadn’t asked her to help him find Travis only because it would comfort Ashlyn. He had asked her also because of Sawyer’s curiosity over her. He wanted to discover why this little woman had captivated his mind for a damn month.

  Snapping back into the moment, he turned his attention to his father. “Chloe’s right—you could use some food.” He placed a hand on his father’s shoulder. “We’ll stay here until you come back.”

  His father nodded at Sawyer before taking his wife’s hand and helping her up from the chair. “Come on, Beth. A little break will give us strength. We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of Ashlyn.”

  “You’re right,” she agreed, if a bit reluctantly. It came as no surprise to Sawyer that his mom went straight to Chloe and wrapped her in a tight hug. “I don’t know you, dear. But if you’re helping us, that makes you a friend. I cannot thank you enough.”

  A slight smile curved Chloe’s lips as she returned the hug. “No thanks required. Anyone who hurts a woman needs to be put behind bars.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” said his mother. She released Chloe, took her husband’s hand again, and added to Sawyer, “We won’t be long.”

  Sawyer waited until his parents left the room before arching a brow at Chloe. “You see why finding Travis is so important?”

  Chloe nodded. “They look beside themselves.” She approached the bed where his baby sister lay. A flurry of emotions passed over her face. “How old is Ashlyn?”


  A soft curse issued from her mouth. “She’s so young to have to deal with something like this. You will get her counseling once she’s healed, right?”

  “I hadn’t thought about it.” Sawyer went around to the other side of the bed, taking the seat where his mother had been. “But it’s a good idea. I’ll look into it once Travis is behind bars.”

  “Good.” Chloe’s chin lifted. “She’ll need it.”

  Sawyer hesitated, listening to his instincts. “Do you have experience with abuse?”

  “Not personally.” Her strong glance swept to Sawyer. “But in high school one of my friends got beaten up pretty bad by her boyfriend. Her parents tried to hush up the whole thing—they were embarrassed, I guess.”

  Another thing he liked about Chloe was the strength and confidence she emanated when she spoke. “What happened to the girl?”

  “She killed herself.”

  Sawyer looked at Ashlyn, resolving that such a thing would not happen to his sister. He’d make sure no one would ever blame the victim. “I would never allow Ash to go down such a dark path.”

  “That’s good.” Chloe smiled softly at him. “She’s lucky to have you.”

  Something in her smile stole his damn breath. He couldn’t pinpoint why Chloe had gotten to him on such an intense sexual level. Her mere presence—even her scent—was a trigger for him. On a very deep level, he seemed attuned to her.

  Chloe’s voice dragged him from his thoughts. “Were Ashlyn and Travis having problems?”

  “She never said anything to me.” He folded his arms, leaning back into the chair. “But I’m also her big brother. We’re tight and we talk often, but she doesn’t share things about her love life with me.” He hesitated, shaking his head in frustration. “I’ve never been a big fan of Travis. He’s an MMA fighter, and more than once I’ve seen him show anger, but it’s never been directed at her.”

  “So something changed?” Chloe offered.

  Sawyer nodded. “He clearly snapped.” He swept his hand over Ashlyn’s beaten face. “Anyone who does this to someone is in a fit of rage they can’t control.”

  “Yeah, no kidding.”

  With that horrific thought hanging in the air, silence settled over them. Sawyer could sense Chloe’s mind working, trying to figure out next steps. He glanced at his sister, who was still asleep. There was nothing he could do for her now. And the chance to learn more about Chloe wasn’t something he would pass up. “So, tell me a bit about you. Were you born in Vegas?”

  “Yep, but I didn’t grow up here.” Chloe leaned her hip against the hospital bed, amusement in her eyes. “My parents are what you’d call free spirits.”

  Interested by that, he stretched out his legs and laced his fingers behind his head. He noticed her thorough once-over of him, and he liked it. “Free spirits?”

  “Just not the norm.” Her soft laugh warmed the room. “I’m an only child and we traveled a lot, so they home-schooled me. They wanted me to explore the world, they told me.” Her eyes twinkled. “They always said that experiencing the world was better than having my nose stuck in a book.”

  Sawyer smiled. “Neat way to grow up.”

  “It really was, but once I became a teenager I asked to stay in Vegas to go to high school.” She paused, glancing over at Ashlyn, then focused on Sawyer again. “My parents respected my wishes and settled down for a handful of years. Now they’re sailing across the Mediterranean Sea with a group of their friends.”

  “Do they work?”

  She nodded. “Both my parents have tech jobs, so they can work from anywhere. They aren’t the type to stick around home. And they only work so that they can play—money has never been something they cared about.”

  Now Chloe’s reaction to his mother’s hug made sense. Perhaps she missed the warmth and love of her family. Thinking it over, he suspected Chloe wouldn’t dwell on how much she missed them. She seemed far more put together than he had been at twenty-five, and he found that particular trait sexy.


  Ashlyn’s murmur jolted him out of his seat. One of her eyes fluttered open, and the whites of her eye were red. His heart banged in his chest as he reached for his sister’s hand. “Yes, Ash, I’m here.”


  “Travis is responsible. Yes, I know.” He fought off emotion as a single tear escaped her open eye. In what kind of fucked-up world could something like this have happened to his sweet, vivacious baby sister? “Shhh…stay quiet. Just rest. He’s going to pay for this, don’t doubt that.”

  Ashlyn turned her head against the pillow, taking in Chloe next to her. “Who…?”

  “I’m Sawyer’s friend, Chloe.” Determination filled her eyes. “I’m the one who’s going to find the asshole who did this to you.”


  An hour later, and still feeling sadness for Ashlyn, Chloe stood in the middle of four large condominium complexes that created a mini-community with manicured lawns. “Is this Travis’s condo?” she asked Sawyer as she followed him up the cement stairs.

  “No, it’s Ash’s place.” Sawyer reached the top of the stairs, then headed toward apartment 103. “My parents helped her purchase the condo when she finished college.”

  “Nice parents,” Chloe said with a smile.

  Sawyer opened the screen door and
used a key on his keychain to unlock the door. “Ash is a good kid. She works hard and deserves a break now and again.”

  Chloe’s heart squeezed against the hint of sorrow in his voice. Having heard the way Sawyer spoke to his sister in the hospital before she fell asleep again, it had become clear to Chloe that they had a close relationship. That looked cute on such a tough guy.

  “Expect a mess in here.” Sawyer opened the door and stepped inside. “A fellow cop and friend of ours, Kyler”—a name Chloe had heard before, from Porter—“told me that investigators have been here to gather as much evidence as they could.”

  Chloe crossed the threshold and frowned, taking a quick look around. Mess might’ve been an understatement. Everything looked turned upside down. “You’d think cops would clean up after themselves,” she muttered.

  Sawyer snorted, shutting the door behind her. “They don’t get paid to put things back.” He moved toward the papers on the kitchen floor, but when Chloe went to help him, he shook his head at her. “I can clean up before Ash comes home. I’ll take the kitchen and see if anything stands out. You take the living room.”


  Chloe had just turned to go into the living room when she heard Sawyer growl, “Fucking hell.”

  She ran into the small kitchen, and when she saw what was there, she didn’t need him to explain. Blood drenched the laminate floor, the countertops, and even the refrigerator door. “Sawyer?”

  He stood with his back to her, stiff.

  “I’m fine,” he said after a few tense seconds, and turned to look at Chloe. A muscle in his jaw twitched, a telling sign that he wasn’t fine at all. “Let’s get what we can and find him. A cleaning crew can handle this once the cops have given the okay.”

  Chloe stood there in silence, desperate to reach out and comfort him. But she also knew that the best way to help Sawyer was to catch Travis. Confident she could do exactly that, she turned and headed back into the living room.

  The furnishings in Ashlyn’s small condo were typical of a twenty-two-year-old. The furniture didn’t match. A brown microfiber couch sat against the wall, an old television rested upon an antique stand, and a bookshelf holding movies rested along the other wall.


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