Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

Sabrina went to the dressing area, getting a t-shirt nightie and pulling it on. She wished she had brought some sexy night wear, this was one of her oldest and tattiest.

  Kyle smirked when he saw it. “Very fetching,” he said. “Come on, I’ll give you a tour.” He took her hand and led her out the bedroom.

  The house was lovely, more than lovely. Furnishings that were comfortable but spoke of the immense amount of cash that had been required to purchase them. The living area, as she looked now, was even larger than she had thought. Several large sofas, comfy armchairs, huge TV and sound system dotted around, with soft landscapes adorning the walls.

  On the far side, there was a wall that was completely covered with bookcases, and those cases were jammed full of books. Some looked very old indeed and Sabrina thought they would be priceless. There was numerous genres, everything from sci fi to thrillers, this surprised her. For some reason she couldn’t see Kyle sitting still long enough to read, far less all these different kinds of books.

  Sabrina loved to read. She used her eBook reader, just about everywhere she went, but she could see herself curled up in the corner of one of the sofas reading an actual book.

  “I hope so,” Kyle spoke and she once again realized he could read her thoughts. It was very strange.

  “So, you like to read?” Sabrina asked and Kyle nodded. “Lots of time, so I read a lot.”

  Sabrina was only just beginning to understand what it meant to be a Vampire. A thought popped into her head, Kyle, she felt as if he was lonely. Surely that wasn’t the case.

  “I haven’t been up ‘til now. Suddenly, I realize that’s just what I am, Sabrina.” Kyle was frowning at his own words. When had he come to think that he was lonely? The thought hadn’t even entered his head until now. Not until he had come across Sabrina.

  “Come, have a look at the kitchen and the pool.” Kyle took Sabrina’s hand and pulled her along.

  A pool? He had a pool? Sabrina was excited, she loved the water, always had.

  As they reached the kitchen, she appreciated the luxury of this house. It was large with one of those islands in the middle, with the large oven and hob centered in it. What a waste, Kyle obviously didn’t eat food.

  “I know, but now you’re here, you can cook, I’ll get a delivery. Just let me know what you want ordered.” Kyle was now smiling, liking seeing Sabrina in his home, it was a strange feeling, and one he hadn’t had before.

  Sabrina was smiling too. She could see herself cooking here. She felt relaxed, even if she was standing with a Vampire.

  There were large patio doors at the end of the kitchen area, ones which led out to an impressive area. A pool dominated, with loungers set to the side. Wonder why they’re there? It’s not as if Kyle would be doing any sunbathing.

  “I like to sit out at night, it’s so peaceful, and I do like to swim.” Kyle was now laughing, he could picture himself lounging with a book, while Sabrina was next to him. The idea pleased him greatly.

  “Can we go for a swim?” Sabrina asked, the thought of the warm water against her skin making her smile.

  “Sure, come on.” Kyle walked over, pulling his robe off and jumping in naked.

  The sight of his body affected Sabrina, and she just couldn’t understand what was going on. She had only known him a couple of days but her feelings were far more than they should be. It scared her more than a little.

  “I know, Sabrina. Don’t think, just join me?” Kyle was standing in the pool, the water coming to his waist. Sabrina pulled her nightie over her head and walked to the end of the large pool. There were steps leading down into the water and she went in slowly, watching Kyle. His eyes never left hers and her stomach clenched.

  She was falling for him. How stupid was that? He was a Vampire, he was obviously rich, and he was fucking gorgeous. Her thoughts tumbled around her brain, as she made her way into the water, seeing a smile on his lips.

  Shit. The reading thoughts thingy, she blushed scarlet.

  “Come to me, Sabrina.” Kyle’s hand was outstretched, reaching for her, and she went to him willingly. Far too willingly.

  As soon as he took her hand, he pulled her against him, once more he was hard.

  Kyle had heard her thoughts, she was falling for him? That thought was pleasing to him and again he was surprised.

  If a woman had shown even a slight interest in a long term relationship, he ran very fast in the opposite direction. Never had he had one. Now, well, the thought didn’t have him running away. It had him running towards her.

  Kyle clasped her to him and she giggled. “I thought we were going for a swim?” She asked and Kyle kissed her gently. “In a bit,” he spoke into her mouth.

  Sabrina was lost, lost in his touch, his caress, and his lips. She was going to get hurt.

  “I won’t hurt you, Sabrina,” Kyle murmured and Sabrina tried to pull away.

  “Not physically, Kyle, but as you’ve obviously read my thoughts, I’m feeling a lot for you. Even in this short time, it’s bizarre.” Sabrina sighed heavily as Kyle’s lips kissed her again.

  “I won’t hurt you, in any way, Sabrina. Something’s going on with us. I have no idea what. I’m going to phone my Sire who may be able to help, in a bit, once I’ve taken you here in the pool.” As he finished talking Kyle picked Sabrina up, her legs snaking around his waist, he entered her immediately.

  This wasn’t something Sabrina had done either, sex in a pool. Her head swiveled around, could anyone see?

  “It’s secluded and private, there’s nobody that can see us.” Kyle answered her fear and she relaxed.

  That would’ve been just great, a video of her on YouTube, having sex in a pool.

  Her thoughts went to complete and utter mush. Her body responding once more to Kyle. His touch, his kiss, his hardness entering her folds. God, it was too much.

  This time it was over quickly, both coming with grunts and moans. Kyle kept himself inside her for a few moments, relishing holding her in his arms.

  Finally, he pulled out and placed her feet back on the floor of the pool. She smiled up at him with a satiated look on her face.

  “You swim, I’m going to make a phone call.”

  Sabrina watched as Kyle moved to the side of the pool, nimbly jumping up, completely out of the pool. Wow, the sight was both shocking and exciting at the same time. What power he held in his body.

  Kyle threw a smile over his shoulder, as he grabbed his robe and pulled it over his wet body. Sabrina moaned at the loss and started to swim.

  Kyle retrieved a phone from just inside the kitchen, he sat on a stool at the breakfast bar. He had clear sight of the pool and Sabrina swimming up and down. Her strokes straight and confident, she looked good in his pool.

  He dialed a number he knew by memory alone, the rings from the other end were loud in his ear. He hadn’t spoken with his Sire in a long time and hoped the number was still his.

  “Hello?” the voice in Kyle’s ear was one he knew well and he relaxed slightly.

  “It’s Kyle.” He said and waited on the response, would Boyd be happy to hear from him or not?

  “Kyle! How are you boy, haven’t heard from you in a long time.” Boyd’s voice was smooth, friendly and Kyle tried to think on how to word what was on his mind.

  “Boyd, I’m well, how’re you?” Kyle wanted to get the pleasantries out of the way, before getting down to what he really wanted to talk about.

  “I’m grand boy, just grand. However, I don’t think you’ve phoned just to pass the time of day. What’s wrong?” Kyle smiled at his Sire’s words, he always knew when something was up with him.

  “Sorry, Boyd, I know I should keep in touch better, but you know how it is, and yes, there’s something I need your advice on.” Kyle stopped, still trying to put together what he wanted to say.

  “Ah, Kyle, I do indeed know how it is, however, you sound troubled? Can I help
?” Boyd’s tone was low and sincere and Kyle just started talking, trying not to think too much about his words.

  “Boyd, I’ve met a woman, a human, and well, something’s strange. I’m drawn to her like none other, like none I’ve come in contact with before. She’s like a drug. I can’t get enough of her.” Kyle stuttered at the words, realizing that this was indeed how he was feeling.

  “Have you fed from this woman, Kyle?” Boyd asked quietly.

  Kyle was nodding to himself as he replied. “I have, but there’s something weird about that too.” Kyle didn’t know how to tell his Sire about the bites not healing as they should.

  “I take it your bite is visible on this woman, Kyle? They have not healed as a Vampire’s bite should?” Boyd asked and Kyle wondered how he could possibly know this?

  “Boyd. How do you know that? Yes, my bites are visible, even though the second time, I made sure they would heal. It’s still there, both bites are visible.” Kyle finished and was again worried about this aspect. It had never happened before.

  “Ah, my boy, you are very lucky, lucky indeed. You’ve found her!” Boyd’s tone was one of what? Awe? Yes, Kyle thought, he sounded in awe, why?

  “What do you mean, found who?” Kyle asked, almost scared of the answer.

  “Kyle, you’ve found your mate, your one true mate. It is rare indeed for a Vampire to find his mate. I myself have looked for far too long and have never found mine. They say there’s one out there, for each of us, but I know of only a few that have found them.”

  Kyle’s breath stuck in his throat. Mate? Sabrina was his mate?

  “How can you be sure, Boyd? I mean really sure?” Kyle’s voice was now showing the shock in him and he thought it had even quivered.

  “If you feel drawn to this woman, and your bites are visible, then it is only because she is your mate. At no other time is a bite visible. They will stay visible until you both accept this and bond fully. If you do not bond with this woman, Kyle, you will never find another. She is the one on this earth that is for you.” Boyd’s tone was stern and reproachful and Kyle was now staring at Sabrina again. She was his mate?

  “So we need to bond fully? Speak the words of the bond while making love?” Kyle asked for clarification. As he had never known another Vampire that had done this, he didn’t know exactly what he must do.

  “Yes, Kyle, both of you must speak of your love for one another, that you are for each other and no other. You can obviously feed from her, and I assume her blood is like nothing else you have tasted until now?” Boyd asked and Kyle was again nodding to himself.

  “Yes, her blood is unique, glorious. Every other blood I’ve fed on till now dulls in comparison.” Kyle realized the truth of his own words and knew he couldn’t go back to feeding elsewhere, no other blood was suffice, it had to be hers.

  “Ah, my boy, she is definitely yours. You know that if you wish to keep her young and with you always, she has to have some of yours every week. Whether she bites you or you put it in her food, she will need it to stay youthful. If not, she will age and die and you will be alone. There is never more than one mate for a Vampire.”

  Kyle was trying to process all of this. Christ, his heart was hammering hard in his chest and he was finding it difficult to breathe.

  “Boyd, you know how I earn some of my money, she used to be a police detective. Fuck, she would never be okay with that.” Kyle knew this to be so, Sabrina would be shocked and upset if she knew about that part of his life.

  “My boy, you do not need to tell her. She doesn’t need to know you are sometimes an assassin. Just omit the facts on how you get some of your earnings. Do not let her leave you, Kyle, you will waste away and die. You will not be able to feed on another. Listen to me as your Sire! I am telling you, do not let her slip away.” Boyd’s voice had risen and his words were no longer just small talk, they were a command.

  Kyle shivered, the power of his Sire’s words impacting on him greatly. Even without them, he had no intention of letting Sabrina get away from him.

  “Okay, Boyd, thank you. I had a thought in the back of my mind that that was what was going on. Now I know, shit, I’ve found a fucking mate.” Kyle’s voice was now a whisper and Boyd replied instantly.

  “Now now, Kyle, what’ve I told you about that foul language? Take care, my boy, and if you need any more information just phone. You could also visit once in a while.”

  Kyle laughed. “Okay, Boyd, we may just do that. Thanks again. Bye.”

  Kyle hung up the phone and stayed in place, watching Sabrina who was still swimming up and down the large pool. How did he tell her this?

  How would she react? He had no idea, but he was going to wait, a couple more days. He was going to lavish her with love and gifts, make her fall for him. Then she would want to stay, wouldn’t she?

  Chapter 8

  Sabrina kept glancing towards Kyle while he was on the phone, looking pensive. What was wrong? Her cop instincts were telling her that something was going on. Something that had him uptight and looking more than a little worried.

  She kept swimming, willing him to come back out. She had a need for him to be close, deep down inside of her, she desperately wanted him back in the pool with her. What in bloody hell was happening to her?

  Kyle walked back out slowly, a glass in his hand, and sat down on one of the loungers. Sabrina stopped swimming and smiled at him and the smile made his cock twitch to life.

  She was bloody human. He couldn’t keep taking her again and again without hurting her. She had already said that she was a little sore and he knew he had to curb his appetite.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked and raised an eyebrow.

  “Who says anything’s wrong?” He replied with his own eyebrow raised.

  “Kyle, I was a cop, a good detective, I can see it. Your body is tensed, you kept looking at me with a weird look. Jeez, I can almost see the tension rolling off of you. So, please, don’t say there’s nothing up, ‘cause I can see clearly there is.” Sabrina tried another smile, hoping he would return it. She loved seeing his face as he smiled.

  Kyle’s lip curled upwards and Sabrina remembered about the reading minds thing again. “That’s not fair, Vampire! You get to see mine but I have no idea what’s going on in yours.” Sabrina whined and she wished she did. She wished she knew exactly what was going on in his head.

  Kyle stared at the woman in his pool. She was glorious, his intentions of not saying anything to her went out the window.

  “Okay, I’ll talk, but can you stay there?” Kyle asked and it was obvious Sabrina wondered why, her skin puckering between her eyes in a slight frown.

  “Well, Sabrina, if you come any nearer, I’m going to fuck you on this lounger. If we want a conversation stay there, okay?”

  Sabrina laughed lightly, jeez, he was insatiable. However, she wanted to know what was going on with them and she had a good idea that he knew exactly what it was. So, she would stay here, in the warm water of the pool.

  She nodded. “Okay, tell me, Kyle.”

  Kyle sighed, taking a large drink of his single malt whisky before starting. “I phoned my Sire, told him about our connection and the most important part, your bites haven’t healed.......”

  Sabrina interrupted, “Are they supposed to?”

  “Yes, they are. Vampires are mostly solitary creatures and we stay way under the radar. If bites didn’t heal immediately, then people would know they had been fed on. Most times we use our power so that they have no recollection of it and the bites always heal. Yours have not healed and that worried me.”

  Sabrina frowned. “So what did he say, your Sire, about me? About the bites?”

  Kyle gave her a large smile, one that took her breath away, and she wished he was in the pool with her.

  “Stop it! I told you we need to talk. Stop those thoughts, Sabrina, I’m finding it hard enough having this distance
between us.” Kyle groaned, taking another sip of his whisky.

  Sabrina tried hard to focus on the conversation and not on his body.

  “So, my Sire has told me, about you, about the bites, everything. It’s big, Sabrina, fucking huge!” Kyle was going to tell her, he was, he was just trying hard not to grab her into his arms as he did so.

  “And?” Sabrina queried, she was now worried.

  “Don’t worry, baby, please. Right, I’m just going to say it, but you’ve got to promise you won’t just run, okay?” Kyle’s voice now had a quiver in it, the thought of her running from him scared him to death.

  “Okaaay, though you’ve really got me worried now, Kyle.” Sabrina’s breathing had quickened, fight or flight kicking in.

  “Well, it’s really quite simple. As I said Vampires are solitary, we spend a lot of time alone. We feed when we need but always come home alone. I had heard of what I’m going to tell you, but never thought it was true, but it turns out it is. It is said that Vampires have only one chance, one chance at happiness. With one mate only on this earth for each of us. They can search for centuries to find theirs, and most don’t. My Sire has never found his. In fact I’ve only heard of a very few that have. I thought it was a myth. However, Boyd has told me, you, Sabrina, are mine. You’re my one true mate. That’s why we are drawn to each other and that’s the only reason your bites haven’t healed. It’s the one absolute sign of a mate. The bites don’t heal, not until we bond fully that is.”

  Kyle finished and he thought it was the most he had spoken at one time in centuries. He wasn’t one for chit chat.

  Sabrina gasped, hearing the words but not knowing if they were true. Or if they were true, what were her feelings? Her reaction?

  “We’ve only just met!” She managed to get out.

  “Yes, I know, but those are the facts. I think we should just carry on for now. Enjoy ourselves? See what happens?” Kyle knew he couldn’t just up and tell her they were bonding. No, he had to woo this woman.

  He would do that. He would make her see that she was his.


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