Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 8

by A. K. Michaels

  Sabrina relaxed, that didn’t sound so bad, yes, she could do that.

  “Okay, Kyle, now could you come and join me?”

  Kyle shook his head. “No, you come here, this lounger is nice and big and comfy.”

  Sabrina moved, far too quickly, and got out of the pool. Not nearly as easily as Kyle had earlier, but she managed, coming to the side and pulling herself up.

  As soon as she was out of the pool he was at her side. Pulling her to him and kissing her deeply.

  Arousal pooled deep down in her belly, as she moaned loudly against his lips. Kyle moved them, while his mouth still devoured hers, and soon she was lying on her back on the large lounger, Kyle on top.

  Sabrina noticed he had rid himself of his robe, his hardness pressing into her lower belly. She stared up at his face now, as he pulled back to look at her. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Sabrina, gorgeous!” And his lips found hers again.

  He used his knee to open her legs, but she opened them willingly, and he pushed once more inside her. The slight pain was welcome, she felt as if he belonged there.

  “I’ll go gentle, baby. I know you’re sore.” Kyle murmured and Sabrina moaned louder. She didn’t want him to go gentle, but knew he would have to, she was getting raw “down there.”

  Kyle moved slowly and was careful not to thrust too hard, he didn’t want to hurt her. He wished he had already taken her ass. If he had he could be there right now, so her other place wouldn’t be taking all the action and getting sore.

  He spoke as he moved inside her. “I fucking love this Sabrina. Your body was made for me, only me. Damn, Sabrina, I can’t wait to take that ass of yours. Your virgin ass, only I will ever know it.”

  Sabrina shivered at his words, her ass? Really?

  “Yes, really. You don’t know what you’ve been missing, baby. I’m glad. I want to be the one to take its virginity.” Kyle’s voice was low, husky, and full of need, lust, want, and Sabrina’s senses were once more on overload.

  His words were turning her on. Could she? Would she?

  “Yes, you will. I’ll be gentle baby, won’t hurt you, promise. Tomorrow, Sabrina, tomorrow I’m taking that ass and making it mine.”

  With those words Sabrina went over. Her orgasm hitting her hard again. She was sure he was going to make her pass out.

  She made a noise as she came, like a growl, and it sent Kyle stampeding to his own release. His seed emptying deep within her, his mate.

  He just had to convince her, bond with her. He would do it and do it soon.

  Chapter 9

  Sabrina was lying in Kyle’s arms, in bed, naked, warm and cozy. She had slept for hours and so had Kyle. She snuggled closer, placing a hand on his chest, feeling the heart beat underneath her hand. “Weren’t Vampires dead? So why did he have a heartbeat?” she thought as she kept her hand on his chest.

  “I’m not dead. The turning takes places just prior to death.” Kyle answered her unspoken thought and she jumped, looking up at him.

  Kyle had been awake for a while but lay still, not wanting to wake Sabrina. When she awoke and moved closer into him and placed her hand on his chest he had sighed. She felt so good next to him and he had no intention of letting her go.

  “Hey, you gave me a fright. So, you’re not dead but you’re not human any more. Sorry, I’m not exactly an expert in all things Vampire.” She smiled sheepishly up at him.

  Kyle reached over, running a hand up and down her arm. “Not human, no. I’m sure there will be things you need answers to so just ask me. I’ll try and answer as honestly at possible.”

  She nodded, thinking of the moment she had woken. She had felt good. No, she felt great. She felt at home, here in bed with Kyle and she wondered at that.

  How could she feel like this so soon after meeting him? Was it this mate thing he had told her about? Did it affect her the same as it so clearly affected him?

  She had no idea, only that she felt what she felt and she didn’t want to think too deeply on it. She only want to feel. Feel good in his arms. Feel good when he was buried deep inside her. Feel good when his cock filled her mouth. The feelings he gave her were like none she had come across before, and knew she would never feel like that with anyone but him.

  As soon as the thoughts hit her she trembled and felt his hold tighten on her. God, what was she going to do? Would she stay here in Vegas with him?

  As soon as that thought hit she then thought of leaving. Going home on the plane back to Glasgow, her stomach clenched at the thought, the thought of leaving him, and then she felt sick. Physically sick, no, she didn’t just feel sick, she was going to be sick.

  She jumped up and ran for the bathroom, only just making it in time. She fell to her knees and threw up in the toilet. Her body tensed and sore, her skin clammy as her stomach heaved and cramped.

  Kyle was at her back, holding her hair up and out of the way. “Are you okay, Sabrina? What’s wrong?” His voice sounded worried, and at his words she knew she was lost completely and utterly.

  Her body started to relax immediately. As soon as she had admitted that to herself, her body stopped puking. She stood up on shaky legs, Kyle helping her. “Teeth.” She got out and he took her to the nearest sink, getting the brush she had been using and handing it to her.

  Sabrina cleaned her teeth thoroughly, rinsing her mouth over and over. When she felt it was clean enough, she stopped, placed both hands on the sink and breathed deeply.

  The realization that she was indeed his mate was now deep inside her, she knew it as well as she knew her own name, she turned to look at his face. A beautiful face, that was marred at this moment, with worry. Worry for her.

  “Sabrina, too much is going through your head. I’m finding it hard to find what’s wrong.” Kyle had one hand on her shoulder and one at the side of her face. She leaned into it and let him caress her face softly.

  “Nothing’s wrong. Kyle, when I thought about leaving, going home, I felt sick. I felt really bad, Kyle. I don’t think I can go.”

  Sabrina spoke as if she was scared. Kyle didn’t like hearing fear in her voice, in her words. No, he didn’t like to hear her scared at all. His own reaction was visceral and primal, he would do whatever it took to take that fear away, anything at all.

  “Sabrina, you don’t have to go anywhere. I don’t want you to go anywhere. Baby, I want you here, with me.” Kyle tried to let her know how he felt. The tone of his voice soft, low, loving.

  Sabrina shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Her feelings were now astronomical and that did scare her. She had never felt like this in her life. It was as if she had no control over her own emotions, her own body...that terrified her.

  “I’m scared,” she admitted and Kyle pulled her into his arms.

  Holding her tight as he spoke down into her hair. “Don’t be scared, Sabrina, I’ll look after you, take care of you, always. You are my soul mate Sabrina. I.... I..... fuck this is hard – I’ve never said this in my life. Sabrina, I love you.” As Kyle forced the words from his mouth, he understood the truth of them, as his stomach roiled at the thought of his losing her.

  “Really?” She asked, pulling back so she could see his face. Had to see his face as he spoke. She hadn’t lied when she had said she was a good detective. She was sure she could tell if he lied.

  Kyle’s hands were now on either side of her face, holding her still, and staring right into her eyes. “Yes, Sabrina, I love you and I want you to stay with me, I will look after you, always.”

  Sabrina didn’t think he was lying. Did she feel the same? She wasn’t sure, only that the thought of leaving him made her physically ill.

  Kyle moved them back to the bedroom, lay her down. He kissed every part of her body, eliciting moans and groans of pleasure from her. His fingers found her wet folds, entering gently, finding her g-spot and started to pat and rub it in gentle circles.

Her breath hitched, the feelings his fingers were causing like nothing she had encountered before. What was that he kept touching inside her?

  Kyle kept the movements up, he bet she had never had a g-spot orgasm before. His ministrations were expert, knowing exactly what he was doing and he was damn good at it.

  Sabrina’s head moved from side to side, her moans getting louder. His fingers seemed to be causing something like little fireworks going off inside her. What the hell was that?

  Kyle watched her as he continued to pat and rub her spot inside. Soon, he knew she would come, soon. He kept his eyes on her, needing to see this first orgasm from that spot. He wanted to witness it with his own eyes, see it, as it took her over into ecstasy.

  Her breathing got quicker, quicker and quicker still and then – there – he felt it start. Deep inside her, starting from the middle of her g-spot, small little contractions which radiated outwards. Soon, every muscle inside moved, spasmed and Sabrina screamed.

  Her face was flushed and the scream tore from her throat as the rapture hit her. Then she felt a gush leaving her, what the fucking hell was that?

  Kyle’s fingers were still inside her, when the gush that the g-spot orgasm brought, hit him. The feeling of it erotic in the extreme. When it was done he pulled his fingers out and licked them. Tasting the special taste of that type of orgasm.

  It was sweet and tangy at the same time and it felt like ambrosia in his mouth. Sabrina’s first g-spot orgasm, perfect.

  Sabrina was trying hard to catch her breath. “What? Kyle what the hell was that?” She gasped and Kyle laughed.

  “That, Sabrina, was your g-spot. Good, wasn’t it?” Kyle was still tasting the orgasm on his lips and he licked them to get all of the taste inside his mouth.

  “Bugger, I didn’t even know that bloody existed! Kyle, did I pee?” Sabrina asked, mortified that she had wet herself.

  Kyle laughed louder this time. “No, Sabrina you didn’t pee. That’s the orgasm that spot elicits. I must say, it tastes bloody good!”

  Sabrina looked up at his face, noting he had his fingers inside his mouth suckling. Her face was red in embarrassment and he laughed all the more.

  “Come, shower, and get dressed. We’ll go for dinner and maybe finally get to see a show.” Kyle pulled her upwards and pushed her towards the bathroom, giving her behind a hard slap on the way.

  The sting made her yelp and she moved a bit quicker then waited on him catching up.

  After they had showered, with no sex, much to Sabrina’s chagrin, she was looking through her clothes. She hadn’t brought a lot of dressy stuff and had worn one of her three dresses the night before. Of course the second of her dresses she had been wearing when Kyle had rescued her. So that left one, one dress left.

  “I’m taking you shopping first!” Kyle shouted through and she knew that he had heard her thoughts, again.

  “No, it’s okay, I’ve still got some money.” Sabrina replied, nobody had bought her anything in so long that it felt a bit awkward.

  “Sabrina, I have plenty of money, let me. Please? It would give me great pleasure to buy you things.” Kyle’s tone was now cajoling and Sabrina wondered if she should. She didn’t want him to think she was with him because he obviously had money.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I can read you, remember? If that were your reasons I would know, trust me.”

  Sabrina found this communication so weird. She would have to get used to it though. That is, if she stayed here with him.

  “Put something casual on. We’ll go shopping and you can pick something out for tonight and anything else we buy can go in the car.” Kyle’s voice felt good in her ears, it was as if his words affected her in a way nobody else’s had and she was growing used to the feeling.

  If she stayed much longer she knew she wouldn’t have the will to leave.

  Sabrina grabbed some jeans and a blouse getting ready quickly. Her excitement at shopping getting the better of her, she was rather giddy as she walked back into the bedroom.

  Kyle was waiting on her. So handsome in a bespoke suit, complete with dress shirt and tie. God, he was hot.

  He laughed. “Well thank you, Sabrina. I must say your thoughts do a lot for a guy’s ego!” She blushed but still stared, she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  “Come on, baby, or we’ll not get out the door.” Kyle grabbed her hand and literally dragged her out. Down the stairs and out the front door.

  Sabrina stopped dead. There in the driveway, right next to Kyle’s sports car, was a very large, very expensive, SUV. The seats of which she was certain, would recline all the way back.

  Kyle sniggered. “Yup, had it delivered earlier, you like?”

  Sabrina’s heart had started to quicken. Oh my, and she tried hard not to think of what the two of them could get up to in that vehicle.

  “Stop it!” Kyle admonished and she laughed, a deep, throaty, laugh. One she didn’t recognize.

  Kyle opened the door for her and helped her in, went round and got in, then drove away. Sabrina relaxed into the large leather seat, smiling widely. She so liked this car, SUV, whatever, she liked it, very much.

  Kyle drove to a small shopping mall, one that had a host of shops, but he pulled her onwards to a small designer boutique. The kind of place she would never have entered. Knowing that the things inside would be way out of her price range.

  As soon as they entered, a small, elegant lady in her mid to late forties approached, a large smile on her very well made up face. “May I help?” she asked in a friendly tone and Sabrina stood a little way back. Not used to this kind of place.

  “Yes, we want clothes, lots of clothes. My girl here needs everything, starting with a dress for this evening. Including all that goes with it, underwear, lacy I think, shoes, bag, everything. Then we’ll go from there.” Kyle’s tone was confident as he spoke and Sabrina felt herself getting aroused at the sound of it.

  Kyle turned around and raised an eyebrow. “Now, now, Sabrina, none of that.” He whispered, so only she could hear. She blushed but smiled and placed a light kiss on his lips.

  The saleswoman’s smile had broadened, as she obviously understood she was going to make a hefty commission.

  In a very short amount of time they left the shop. Arms full of bags and boxes and Sabrina’s head was whirling with the thought of the cost of it all.

  “I’ve plenty of money, don’t worry. Oh and by the way that dress looks magnificent on you. I can’t wait to tear it off you later!”

  Sabrina shivered, knowing she would probably enjoy him doing just that.

  She loved the dress, it was deep ruby, figure hugging but not too tight. She felt like a princess. It was long at the back and shorter in the front, coming to half way down her thighs. She held her head high with her shoulders back, feeling so good dressed like this, and walking next to her handsome Vampire.

  The shopping went into the back of the SUV and Kyle helped Sabrina into her seat. He drove to one of the large, five star, hotels and the valet once more took the keys, with Kyle helping her out. They walked in and Sabrina was sure that eyes followed them as they passed by.

  “Thought I would do both at once this time, save us some time before, well, before I ravish you! Meal and a show, hope you like it.” Kyle was smiling at the shocked expression his words had evoked in Sabrina.

  Just before the restaurant Kyle stopped. “Wait here a moment.”

  Sabrina stood still and watched as her Vampire walked over to a small, elegant stall selling flowers. Her heart sped up as she saw him take his time before picking out a perfect, single, red rose. He paid the lady and walked back towards her, a smile on his face.

  “Here, one perfect red rose, for another perfect red rose.” Kyle handed her the rose, and kissed her gently on the side of her lips.

  Sabrina held the rose and looked down at it. It was the exact shade of her gown. A perfect ma
tch. She smiled up at Kyle and she knew she had a tear or two in her eyes.

  “Thank you.” She managed to get out, past the lump in her throat.

  “You are most welcome, Sabrina, come, the show will be starting soon.” Kyle took her arm and led her to their table.

  The evening progressed, with Sabrina enjoying herself. Her dinner was very good, which she scoffed down, far too quickly. After the meal, however, she didn’t really see the show. She couldn’t concentrate on it and kept stealing glances at Kyle.

  Each time she did she saw him watching her instead of the show. Soon, she couldn’t take it anymore. She leaned over so her mouth was at his ear. “Take me home, please,” she whispered and Kyle’s reaction was instant.

  He stood up quickly, pulled her up after him, and stalked out. She only just had time to grab her rose before following quickly behind him.

  “Slow down!” She squealed and he did so, but only a little. Sabrina was having to do a sort of jog to keep up. She didn’t want to stumble and have him pick her up and carry her again.

  As soon as she thought it, he whirled round and grabbed her to him and kissed her deeply. Right there in front of everyone.

  As he kissed her, she felt his hands go around her, and hells bells, he did it again. Picked her up and carried her, still kissing her, as she wondered how he didn’t trip or bump into anything.

  As soon as they were in the SUV, he growled, a sound she had come to know, as his mounting arousal.

  “Not tonight baby, not in here. Tonight I’m taking you home and I’m doing what I told you last night!” Kyle’s words and tone turned her legs to jelly and she was glad she was sitting down.

  Chapter 10

  The journey home was quick. Kyle drove fast, he couldn’t wait to get Sabrina in his bed.

  At the house he stopped quickly, almost running around the vehicle, before opening the passenger door then picking Sabrina up and out of her seat. Carrying her all the way from the driveway and to the bedroom, his long legs eating up the distance as her excitement grew. He could sense it and it only raised his own arousal.


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