Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 9

by A. K. Michaels

  Her breaths now coming quicker, he could clearly hear her heart beating wildly. He could smell her arousal and his reaction was visceral, snarls erupting from his throat.

  As they reached the bedroom he placed her down on her feet, undressing her quickly. He took the rose from her hand, placing it on the dresser, before pointing to the bed. She moved towards it as he undressed, using his Vampire speed, he was behind her before she had even got onto it properly.

  Kyle’s hand snaked round and grasped her around the waist pulling her tight against him. Her back to his front. One hand on a breast and tweaking the nipple between two fingers, rolling it around until it was hard and sensitive.

  Sabrina sighed, leaning back into Kyle’s hard body, loving his touch on her skin. His lips were at her ear. “Are you ready Sabrina?” And she wondered what he meant.

  Then it hit her. What he had said, about her ass. A gasp escaped her as her heart rate shot up, whether with fear or arousal, she wasn’t quite sure.

  “Yes, Sabrina, your ass, I’m taking it tonight baby. Just relax, let me do everything.” At this, Kyle moved her onto the bed completely. On all fours and started to kiss her back.

  His lips trailing all the way down, until they reached her ass cheeks, which he kissed and licked until Sabrina was gasping. His mouth softly suckled her ass before gently nipping it with his teeth, as his hands gentle kneaded her mounds. She moaned as she felt herself becoming more and more turned on.

  Kyle moved from behind her, again using his speed, so that he was back just as she complained at his absence. He was on his knees right behind her, moving her thighs apart a bit more, before rubbing her gently.

  Sabrina was aroused, but scared. Was this okay? Would he hurt her?

  “Just relax, Sabrina, it’s fine, really. I’ll be gentle and you don’t have anything to worry about.” Kyle was still rubbing her ass. He couldn’t wait to show her how good this could be.

  Kyle’s fingers reached down and into her wet folds, moving past and reaching her nub, circling slowly as Sabrina moaned.

  Kyle worked her a bit more, wanting her highly aroused before he progressed. It wasn’t long before she was sopping wet, trying to grind herself onto his hand, her moans getting louder as he smelled her scent in the air around them.

  He picked up the lube, which he had retrieved from his holdall, the one with all his toys in, and opened it. This one smelled of oranges and it was quite pleasant, one he used quite often.

  Moving her ass cheeks apart, he squirted some over her puckered entrance. Sabrina yelped at the coldness and he chuckled. “Relax, baby, it’s just lube.”

  “Lube?” Sabrina whimpered wondering if this was going to be okay.

  “Yeah, lube, lubricant, Sabrina, so it won’t hurt. Relax.” Kyle rubbed the lube all over, gently massaging her tightness, then pressing his fingers, covered in the orange smelling substance, against her tight ass. Slowly his finger entered and then he took it out, used more lube and entered again, this time using two fingers. Christ she was so tight.

  “Relax, baby, yeah that’s it, let me take care of you.” Kyle murmured as he got her ready, wanting her completely at ease before going on.

  When he sensed she was as relaxed as she was going to get, taking hold of his hardness and placing his head at her entrance. Sabrina jumped forward a bit, so he placed his other arm around her waist, holding her firmly in place.

  He pressed a little harder, and a little more, then he felt it give. Her ass opening to allow him entrance. Fuck! She was so tight, his eyes watching as he slowly, very slowly, started going inside her. The sight turning him on so much it actually hurt.

  His heart was beating way too fast and so was Sabrina’s, he could hear it. She was gasping, he thought more in fear right now, he would soon change that. He would show her so many different ways they could garner pleasure from each other, so many ways that he was sure she probably hadn’t heard about most of them.

  He was still moving so slowly it was painful to him, he wanted so much to thrust deep inside, but knew he had to be careful her first time. When he was almost fully in, he stilled, letting her body adjust to the intrusion of his cock filling her, then he felt it happen. Her tightness easing just a little, at the same time as he felt Sabrina relax. Her fear was leaving her, she was trusting him not to hurt her.

  “You okay?” He asked and his voice sounded strange to his ears, the strain showing through.

  “Uhm yeah, you’re not hurting me.” Sabrina got out, realizing the truth of her words. The feeling was strange, not something she had ever felt, but it definitely wasn’t sore.

  “Okay, I’m going to start moving now, baby. We’ll take it nice and slow, until you feel alright with it. If you want more tell me, okay?” Kyle was now speaking through clenched teeth, using all his self-control to ensure her first time was not painful. He was determined to make sure it was, in fact, pleasurable for her.

  “Mmm hmm,” she mumbled.

  Kyle started, slowly, in, out, slow and gentle. All the while watching himself enter her. His jaw now ached from his clenched teeth and he clenched tighter. Determined he would do this right, her first time had to be done right.

  Sabrina relaxed a bit more, centering her thoughts to the feelings she was experiencing. The fullness, the different sensations, the sheer naughtiness of the act.

  Soon she started to move too, slowly at first, pushing back onto Kyle. He groaned loudly and she could hear the lust in it. It aroused her further and she moved a little more. Taking over a little of the control of the speed and depth of the thrusts.

  “More,” Sabrina gasped and was shocked that the word had come from her mouth.

  Kyle moaned even louder, entering more forcefully now, going a bit deeper. When he thrust in fully for the first time he almost exploded, but kept hold on his climax. Not wanting to come before Sabrina. Wanting to give her the greatest pleasure that he could.

  Sabrina now felt as if she was ready to fall apart, the feelings so deep inside her, well, she couldn’t use words. It felt, fuck, good!

  Kyle laughed, hearing her thoughts and moving faster now. Each thrust going all the way in, watching his cock disappear in her ass. He knew couldn’t last much longer.

  Sabrina was now shouting Kyle’s name over and over, each time it left her mouth he was nearer. Closer to spilling his seed deep inside that fucking glorious ass.

  He felt it start in her, deep, deep, inside her. Her muscles contracting and spreading from her pussy to her ass, as she roared his name, her head thrown back so her face looked to the ceiling.

  That was it, he couldn’t hold on any longer and he came hard, deep inside her. His seed spilling forth from him in quick bursts of intoxicating ecstasy. It went on for much longer than normal, he was amazed at the feeling of his seed erupting for such an extended time. Never had that happened before.

  Kyle fell over Sabrina’s back, his arms either side supporting him so that he didn’t hurt her with his weight.

  “Oh my fucking god!” Sabrina breathed out on a large whoosh.

  “My thoughts exactly,” Kyle managed. He sat back, pulling out slowly, then fell to the side, pulling Sabrina to him in a tight embrace.

  “Kyle... that... fuck... I’ve no words – it was bloody good!” Sabrina’s breathing was coming back under control as she looked with hooded eyes up into Kyle’s face.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, and Sabrina, thank you.” Kyle’s look was tender, the realization that he couldn’t lose her hitting him hard. He loved her deeply.

  “What? For what?” Sabrina asked, wondering at his words.

  “Thank you for letting me take you like that. I was your first and will be your last. Nobody else will ever have you there, or anywhere else for that matter.”

  Sabrina was a little taken aback at his words, he was serious, deadly serious. She could hear it in his tone, see it in his face.r />
  Kyle held her close and she settled into his arms, as if accepting his words. He hoped so, he would use whatever means he needed to keep her with him.

  “So, what do you want to do later or tomorrow?” Kyle’s hand was now rubbing up and down her back gently, as he felt something strange. He felt at peace, something he had never felt before, it took him a few moments to understand that’s what it was.

  “Well, we really need to do some food shopping. One meal a day isn’t enough for me. I need to eat more than that.” Sabrina realized that she had hardly ate since meeting Kyle. She had noticed her jeans earlier were a little loose.

  She was already slim and if she lost any more weight she would begin to look ill. She also missed her snacks. She was a grazer, eating little and often, so the one meal per twenty four hours she had been having was not nearly enough for her.

  “We can do the food shopping online, we’ll do that after our shower. They deliver whenever, if you pay extra, they’ll have it here in a couple of hours. Would that be fine?” Kyle realized he had been neglecting her human needs and vowed not to do so again.

  “Okay, yeah, that’ll be good. Kyle we also need to talk, really talk. I’m due to leave the day after tomorrow...”

  Kyle grabbed her. “No! Sabrina you can’t leave, you can’t leave me.”

  Sabrina heard the fear in Kyle’s voice, she knew that he had told the truth. He loved her.

  The realization hit her hard. The thought of leaving him making her feel sick again. She fought it back, refusing to puke twice in one day, but knowing they needed to discuss this. It wasn’t something that could just be ignored.

  “Okay, but how will this work? I don’t have the necessary paperwork to stay here. I don’t have any money, I don’t have a job, I don’t have anything.” Sabrina’s mind was going far too fast and she was having trouble keeping up with it.

  “First, I have everything we need. Money does a lot of things Sabrina. You don’t really need paperwork, but if you want it I’ll get you it. You don’t need a job, or money. I have enough for ten lifetimes. I just need you. We can travel, stay here, read, swim, eat, make love, anything you want we can do, so long as we’re together.” Kyle was staring into her gorgeous green eyes. If she didn’t answer the way he wanted he would use his powers. Make her stay.

  “Really? Kyle, you would take me as I am, nothing to my name?” Sabrina was only now coming to understand the depth of his feelings for her. The wealth that he had. Everything.

  “Yes, Sabrina. You are my mate. I love you.” Kyle smiled, God she was gorgeous.

  “Kyle, can I have a moment. I need to think and I can’t with you next to me. We can shower, order the food and then I would like a bit of alone time. So I can sort through all this, okay?” Sabrina asked quietly.

  In Kyle’s arms she would say anything, anything he wanted. She needed to think, really think, on her own feelings. She knew she felt deeply for him, but did she love him? She had to consider everything, and she couldn’t do that with him so close to her.

  The shower was glorious, Kyle making love to her gently, while he held her up against the cold tiles, her legs wrapped around his waist.

  He kissed her with every fiber of his being, hoping to show her how he felt for her.

  His fangs came out, piercing her skin as he fed from her throat. The taste just reminding him of how much he had to have her. The unique sweetness sliding down his throat, as she moaned in pleasure.

  This time he didn’t even try to heal it, wanting to see the marks and bruise. Imprinting on his mind that she was his. He also hoped that if she caught sight of them, the significance would influence her too.

  Kyle gave Sabrina the pick of his robes, he had quite a few. She picked a dark red, red obviously being a favorite color of hers. It was a bit big on her, but she tied it tight and it fit not too bad. It wasn’t so long that she would trip on it so that was fine. It was nice and warm around her and she could smell the faint scent of Kyle, which she liked.

  They spent a good hour ordering food online from a local store. Jeez, just about everything here was open twenty four hours, Sabrina thought.

  “Yes, it’s one of the reasons I stay here. I can do anything I want at any time.” Kyle smiled, trying to let her know that she wouldn’t be compromising on a normal life, if she decided to stay with him.

  At the checkout process Kyle ticked a box and paid a hefty fee to have it delivered within two hours. Sabrina was surprised; at home if she did an online shop she was lucky to get it the next day.

  After they had done that Kyle got a bottle of wine from the fridge. It was the same one they had at the Bellagio. He opened it, pouring two glasses, giving one to Sabrina, their fingers touching and a spark like little pins and needles running up their arms. Sabrina’s eyes widened at the sensation, wondering what on earth caused that.

  She then thought on other times their skin came into contact and it having the same effect. Maybe it was the mate thing again, she had no clue, only that it made her feel...special in some way.

  “Oh! I’ve just realized you drink? You don’t eat though do you?”

  Kyle smiled. “I can drink whatever I want but no, I don’t eat food. Your blood is now my sustenance, Sabrina.”

  Sabrina noted what he had said and worried again. She needed to think.

  “Do you want to stay in here or go outside, on your own, to think?” Kyle asked quietly and Sabrina sighed, this was going to be hard.

  “I’ll go outside, if that’s okay?” Sabrina took a sip of her wine and once again tasted the fineness of it. If she stayed, she was sure she would have a far richer life than back in Scotland. But was that enough?

  Kyle nodded and moved back into the living area. Sabrina saw him get a book and sit in one of the armchairs, placing his glass of wine on a small side table.

  He looked so normal, reading and drinking wine. But he wasn’t, was he? No, he was a Vampire.

  Sabrina walked slowly outside, a million thoughts running through her mind. She had to sit down and think, think of it all, work it out.

  She walked to a large table near the loungers and sat down, sipping her wine.

  She thought of the first time she saw him – walking confidently towards her while that thug held her in that dark, dirty, alley. How he brought her to his home to keep her safe.

  The first time he kissed her, the first time they fucked, and it had been a fuck. Since then they had a mix, sometimes they made love, soft, gentle, and sometimes they fucked, hard.

  Both were good, no more than good, bloody out of this world. He made her feel like no other ever had. Eliciting responses from her she didn’t even know she had. He could play her body like a master and it responded each and every time.

  Sabrina sighed, sipping her wine, as she thought of the things he had her doing. He had put a mask on her, he even tied her up. Then there was the spanking. She wouldn’t have dreamed of letting anyone do that to her before.

  Kyle though, she let him, and enjoyed it, immensely.

  She thought of how she had been physically sick earlier, when she thought of leaving him. What the hell was that all about? Her mind spun. Too much, too much was going through her head, and she was finding it difficult to think coherently.

  Another deep breath, another sip of wine and she decided to feel, not think.

  How did she feel about Kyle? How did she feel about what he had said about her being his mate? How did she feel about staying in Vegas? About her being kept by him and his money?

  First, Kyle. She felt deeply for him, far more than she should have in the short time she had known him. Far, far too deeply. If she didn’t know better she would say she loved him. But how was that possible, to fall in love so quickly?

  His mate, he had said she was his mate. Weird word but she got the gist of what he meant. Was it possible? Was she his mate? According to his Sire she was, and she k
new next to nothing about it all, so had to concede to his better knowledge. So could she leave Kyle? Without his mate?

  Vegas? Could she stay here? That was easy, it had the strip but it was also a normal town, with normal shops and life going on, so yeah she could.

  What about his keeping her? Not having a job, earning her own money? She wasn’t sure about that. She knew she could do it to begin with. Would love to be looked after, cherished. In the future she may want more, would he be okay with that?

  So, what to do?

  She thought on leaving, going back to the UK, to the embarrassment of being sacked from her job.

  As soon as she thought of leaving Kyle she felt queasy again.

  She thought there may be more to this mating malarkey than she knew. She didn’t know if she could leave.

  Her heart stuttered. Did she want to leave? Leave Kyle? His smiling face came to her thoughts. The way his face looked when they made love. The pleasure on his face when she had taken him into her mouth. The pleasure she also saw on his face while buying her clothes, taking her out, playing black jack in the Casino.

  No, she didn’t think she could leave him.

  She stood up, decision made. She turned around and Kyle was standing there watching her.

  A small smile was on his face, a smile crept onto her own face.

  “My mate?” Kyle asked and she went to him, his arms wide taking her body to his.

  “My mate,” Sabrina said quietly and she felt happy, peaceful, and more than a little aroused.

  “So how does this work?” She asked and Kyle couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Well, we need to speak the words of the bond while making love. Our bond to one another, our love for one another, together forever.” His hand was touching her lips, gently moving back and forth and she opened her mouth and licked his finger. A groan escaped him and he was just about to kiss her when her eyes flew wide.

  “Forever! What exactly does that mean?” Sabrina was aware that Vampires were basically immortal, what did that mean for her?


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