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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 10

by A. K. Michaels

  Kyle laughed. “Exactly what the word means, forever. I can make sure you don’t age, don’t get sick, that we stay like this, forever.”

  Sabrina gasped, this was some weird stuff.

  “Really?” she asked with more than a little wonder in her voice.

  “Yes. Really,” Kyle answered and was now pulling her back into the house, upstairs, down the hall, into the bedroom.

  “Can you tell me a bit more about it, the actual bonding part?”

  Kyle could feel her apprehension; he needed to ease that for her, any way he could. “Well, as we, ahem, make love, we speak of our love, acknowledge the other as our mate. The words have to be spoken aloud for it to be binding. Both of us have to do it and do it willingly. I will feed from you too, to seal the bond and, you will have to ingest a minute amount of my blood too.”

  Sabrina’s eyes widened at this new information. “Blood, I have to drink your blood?”

  Her shocked tone made Kyle smile. “No, baby, just a tiny teeny bit, in future I’ll add to your food so you won’t even know far less taste it. However, for the bond to cement then you have to take some of mine inside you.”

  “Oh, I hope I can, I like my steak well done ya know?” She half laughed as she answered and he clearly felt her unease.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll do everything that’s necessary and you won’t even taste it. I have heard tales that it is even ‘orgasmic’ I think was the word used.”

  Sabrina laughed. “Like we need anything else to add to that!”

  “Ready?” he asked and Sabrina nodded. “Hell – why not.” she laughed.

  Kyle stripped his own robe off and then hers, taking her hand gently and leading her to the bed. The both got on and scooted to the top, as soon as they were there, Kyle grabbed her possessively kissing her deeply. His tongue darted in and out and it reminded Sabrina of his hardness entering her.

  She moaned and felt his fingers knead her breast then her nipple, bringing it to a very hard bud very quickly. Kyle pushed her onto her back, moving so he was between her thighs and above her.

  “I love you, my mate.” Kyle entered her slowly and Sabrina moaned in pleasure at his intrusion.

  “I love you, my mate.” Sabrina returned.

  “I take you as my one true mate, for now and forever Sabrina. I will look after you, protect you and love you like no other.” Kyle was moving very slowly in and out, his breathing now labored.

  Sabrina found tears in her eyes, his words reaching deep down into her soul.

  “I take you as my one true mate, for now and forever. I will love you like no other and place my well-being in your hands.” The words spilled from her mouth and she knew not from where they came. They just seemed right.

  Kyle smiled down at Sabrina and his fangs erupted. “Now, I seal this bond.” and as he thrust harder and harder into his mate’s deep, wet, folds he lowered his head and pierced her neck.

  Her sweet blood entered his mouth and he drank slowly, savoring every moment. He removed his fangs for a brief second, raking across his bottom lip and allowing some blood to pool there before kissing her deeply. His blood entering her mouth as they tongues danced together.

  Sabrina screamed in ecstasy, his bite then his blood entering her system, sending her over into an abyss of pleasure.

  Kyle thrust harder, letting his fangs nip her lips before pulling more of her blood into his mouth. Their blood mingled, the taste unique, perfect, as he neared his peak. He threw his head back in a roar of release as she came apart beneath him.

  He had her. His mate, and his seed erupted deep inside her core.

  Sabrina's Vampire


  Book 2


  A K Michaels

  © 2014 by A K Michaels All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  I would like to dedicate this book to Colette for getting the idea for book 2 into my head! Once there I just had to type it out and have had great fun doing so. Thank you very much Colette. I hope you enjoy it as much as the first one.

  Chapter 1

  Sabrina stretched her body on the sun lounger, languishing in the warm Vegas sun. Her thoughts a little lazy and jumbled, she still couldn't believe the change in her life.

  She was mated to a fecking vampire. Living in the kind of house she had only seen in posh magazines. She looked at the pool, trying to decide whether to go for a swim or not?

  Where she lay was the only part of the house and grounds that let the direct sun through. The pool area was enclosed and covered with some kind of fancy mesh that kept out the sun's rays and damaging UV. The walls were made of a mix of the same mesh and special glass.

  In fact the whole house was now fitted with the special glass. After all, although Kyle, could go out in the sun it tired him and he didn't like that. Kyle couldn't stand to feel anything but the extremely powerful being that he was. A very, very, old vampire.

  Sabrina laughed, a short burst of laughter, she was so happy that sometimes she was sure it had all been a dream.

  “Sabrina! Where are you baby?” Kyle's voice reached her ears and she jumped up, heading towards him. She had on a skimpy bikini; unlike Kyle, she loved the sun and insisted on this portion of the house being open for her to sunbathe.

  Her skin was now a light brown; she loved the way her body looked tanned. One of the perks of being Kyle's mate was that she didn't need to worry about things like sun damage so she tried to catch a few rays when she could. Even if just for a little while.

  Kyle's voice reached her again. “Sabrina! Where are you?!”

  Sabrina picked up her pace. He didn't like waking up to find her not at his side. “I'm here!” She shouted back and as soon as the words were out of her mouth he was in front of her.

  Kyle had woken up in a rather aroused mood but Sabrina wasn't in bed with him. Now that was just wrong.

  “Kyle, stop doing that, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” Sabrina half laughed as her hand moved to the middle of her chest.

  “Well I wouldn't need to do it if you were where you're supposed to be wench!” Kyle bent his head down and took her lips. His kiss was demanding and left her under no illusions of his intentions.

  Sabrina's mouth opened his kiss, his tongue began darting inside and she knew he was tasting her. Kyle couldn't seem to get enough of Sabrina's unique tastes. He loved the taste of her mouth, her skin and her most intimate place. Kyle just couldn't get enough.

  Sabrina moaned into his mouth, letting his lips devour hers and the sensations flood through her. She knew her heart was beating way too fast and her 'nether regions' were more than a little moist.

  A blush crept onto her face as she realized that Kyle would be able to see the evidence of her arousal on her bikini. Shit. He would also be able to hear her thoughts.

  She could also sense his arousal. Since they had joined together as mates she could sense how he was feeling. Nothing like the way he could read her but she cherished even her limited access to him. She could now tell if he was upset, angry, happy, or aroused.

  At this moment he was very, very aroused. As she felt his arousal growing she moved a hand to cup the side of his face, her finger slowly stroked the soft skin. Kyle moaned and she knew he liked it. He loved her to touch him and she loved to do it.

  “Now that's better. My woman in my arms, where she should be.” Kyle whispered and Sabrina felt him lift her up, he held her close, like a mother cradling a much cherished babe.

  Sabrina all but whimpered; his strong arms touching her bare skin eliciting the response it always got.

  “Bed or here?” Kyle asked, his voice low, husky, sexy as hell. Sabrina didn't want to wait, not even for him to
carry her to their room.

  “Here – now!” Sabrina's voice showing her own lust to him.

  Kyle moved a few steps and laid her down on one of the very large loungers they had. Sabrina stretched and placed her arms above her head and looked up at him from hooded eyes and he groaned. Fuck, she was so damn sexy when she did that.

  Kyle's eyes raked her body, her perfect body, in it's skimpy bikini. Sabrina had a whole collection of bikinis and this one was a burnt orange color, a color that showed her need clearly. The dampness between her legs was clear to see and Kyle's own hardness fought to be free of his boxers, twitching in response to her.

  Kyle's smiled down at her with a sexy smirk, Sabrina smiled back at him and asked. “What?” All the while knowing exactly what he saw.

  “Sabrina, you look as if you've been waiting on me baby?” Kyle knelt down at the side of the lounger, his hand tracing down the side of Sabrina's body. His touch sent little shocks to her very center.

  “Kyle! No playing! No Teasing!” Sabrina's voice whined but she couldn't help it. She wanted him and she wanted him now. Right now.

  Kyle chuckled; she was such a little minx. His hand moved to the side of her bikini bottoms and pulled the strings that were tied in a bow; first one side then the other. He pulled the small piece of material free and Sabrina gasped, her back arching, waiting on his touch.

  Kyle's hands then moved to behind her head, moving it forward to allow him to untie the bikini top. Once again he pulled the material free and she lay in front of him naked. The sight making him growl deep inside him.

  She was a goddess. His Sabrina, only his, and he bent to take her lips once more. Sabrina groaned, she wanted more than his lips on hers.

  Kyle moved, never letting their lips detach, lying down at her side. A hand caressed the swell of her breasts and he knew this was going to be quick. He couldn't wait for a long, slow, lovemaking.

  With his vampire speed he got rid of his boxers and spread her thighs. He positioned himself between her legs and rested his weight on his elbows as he looked down into her glorious face. Her lust was plainly showing in her eyes and she licked her bottom lip. God, did she know what that did to him.

  His hardness was now pressing at her entrance and she opened herself more, allowing him full access, as her breaths came quicker.

  “You're fucking beautiful Sabrina!” Kyle could only groan as he entered her. The feeling still as it had been the first time he had done this. Bliss. Pure and utter bliss.

  Sabrina snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him down towards her. Wanting to feel his entire weight on her, covering her, completely.

  Her back arched, pushing herself up into his tight body; she felt as if she was in heaven. There was no other feeling like this. As he entered her with forceful thrusts she knew she wouldn't last long. She had wanted him since she had awakened.

  Kyle's eyes never left her face and his fangs descended, he was going to feed, in a moment. He wanted to bring her to the brink before he did so.

  Kyle was an expert lover; after all he had had centuries to perfect it. His hips moved in such a way that he brushed her nub both on entering and leaving her tight sheath. The moans from his mate telling him she was close. Her glazed eyes no longer seeing him, she was lost in the pleasure.

  Kyle lowered his head, straight to the point on her soft neck that called to him. He bit down and Sabrina screamed, her orgasm shaking her to her very core.

  She felt as if her entire body was sensitized, every single touch causing pleasure. Even the slight breeze through the mesh around them caused her to gasp and thrust to meet Kyle's movements.

  Kyle lapped her blood for a few long, deep, mouthfuls and then his own release came. His head thrown back and a roar of ecstasy falling from his lips, before he fell atop her sweat slicked body.

  A few minutes passed before either moved and it was Kyle that did so first. Moving so his weight didn't fully land on his Sabrina.

  “Now that's a bloody good start to the day!” Kyle quipped and Sabrina only nodded. She didn't think she was capable of speech just yet.

  Kyle was sometimes struck dumb with his feelings for this woman. Never in all his many centuries did he think he would find such a woman. For him to find one as perfect as Sabrina was nothing short of a miracle.

  The house he had rented in Vegas was now theirs. After their mating he bought it and made some changes, like the special glass and coverings over the pool and outside area. It meant he could spend much more time with Sabrina out here. She loved the sun and being outside in the heat.

  She said it was because she came from Scotland, with all that rain and snow, with very few truly warm sunny days. She lapped up the weather here in Vegas and Kyle wanted to spend as much time with her as he could.

  Even after six months together it felt so new, so right, so perfect.

  A frown came over the vampire's features. Kyle had some things he wanted to talk to Sabrina about and he just wasn't sure if he should? Or if he did, how she would react.

  Later, he would talk to her later. Today. He had been putting it off for weeks and knew he had to speak to her. He could easily have lied, either outright or by omission, but that just didn't sit right with him.

  Sabrina had been totally honest with him, about her past, about her job working undercover, everything. Kyle thought she deserved the same kind of disclosure and truth.

  After all, if she reacted badly he could use his powers. Make sure she didn't remember the conversation. He would only do that if things went badly though.

  Kyle stood up, picked Sabrina up, moved to the side of the pool and jumped in. Sabrina shrieked and only just managed to close her mouth before she went under.

  As Kyle surfaced, still with Sabrina in his arms, he was laughing. Sabrina was frowning.

  “Kyle! It may be Vegas but the pool's not THAT warm!” Sabrina looked at his face. The smile that reached up and into his green eyes; the laughter now bubbling from his mouth, made her happy.

  Jeez she loved it when he laughed. He hadn't done nearly enough of it when they first met. She hoped it was her that made him like this. Relaxed, free, happy, she couldn't believe her luck at him finding her.

  Well, not exactly finding, but saving her, from what she thought of as a fate worse than death.

  Her hand stroked his chest as he still held her and she placed a small kiss on his cheek. “So what're we up to today?” She asked and saw a small frown come onto his perfect face?

  “I've got some research for a job. I was going to talk to you later about it.” Kyle was still frowning; he thought she might totally freak out when he spoke to her.

  “Ok, but why is that making you frown? What's wrong?” Sabrina didn't like him frowning, especially not if it was anything to do with her?

  “Sabrina, it's just I think you may not like what I do. Especially since you were a detective …. law and order and all that.” Kyle had played the conversation over and over in his head for weeks. Not once did he think it would start with her naked in his arms in the pool.

  “Kyle, you're scaring me! You're not involved in stealing? Or selling sex slaves?! Shit Kyle, you need to tell me!” Sabrina was panicking. Fuck, if he did any of those how would she react? She loved him so much it hurt her to breathe sometimes but she had been a police officer for a long time.

  Kyle held her tight; he wasn't letting her go until they this discussion was over.

  He moved to the walk in steps and sat down, the water coming up to both of their necks. Sabrina stared at him with wide eyes.

  “Ok here goes. Sabrina, I … shit... I kill people.”

  Chapter 2

  Sabrina stared into Kyle's face, was he joking? Surely he must be joking.

  Kill people? That's what he had said. He said he killed people. No. That can't be right.

  Kyle's eyes were boring into hers, trying to gauge her reaction. He s
aw shock and a flicker of fear? No, she couldn't be scared of him, she was his mate. He would never hurt her.

  “Kyle, what do you mean you kill people? What people? And just how is that a way of earning money?” Sabrina had to know, all of it. She just had to.

  Kyle sighed and pulled her even closer, making sure she couldn't get out of his arms. He tried to sort the words in his head to make her understand.

  The feeling was strange to him. He had never given a damn about other people before Sabrina. He couldn't care less what anyone or anything thought of him.

  Now he had Sabrina. His mate. He had to at least try and make her understand. If it didn't work he would just make this conversation disappear from her brain. As if it hadn't happened. Then, well he would just lie, make something up for his upcoming absence.

  “Sabrina, I need you to hear me out, ok baby?” Kyle looked into her face. A face that was now whiter than it had been a few minutes ago.

  Sabrina nodded her head, words stuck in her throat.

  “Well a couple of times a year I take a job. It usually involves killing someone, don't interrupt baby, let me finish. I get offered quite a few each year but I turn most down. I do my own research, find out all I can about the person. If I don't think it's merited I turn it down. I also get information to the person that someone is trying to eliminate them. On the others, if I think they deserve it I then go further, deeper. I get every piece of information on them, down to what they eat, what they wear, read, places they go. Everything. Only and I mean only if I think they deserve it I take the job.” Kyle waited at this point, watching Sabrina's mind working hard to figure this out.

  “So what kinds of people are we talking about Kyle? And what gives you the right to decide?” Sabrina's stomach was heaving, she thought she was going to throw up.

  “Stay calm Sabrina, please baby. I'm not a monster. I don't just kill for the fun of it. Usually it's bad people......really bad people. Surely there were times in your job that you knew you had the right guy; a really bad guy, but because of some piece of evidence going missing, or a witness refusing to take the stand or even being killed, the guy got away with it. Christ bad guys get away with stuff every day Sabrina; you should know this.” Kyle was getting anxious because he couldn't read her. She was thinking so many different things at once it was impossible for him to latch on to any of her thoughts.


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