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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

Page 16

by A. K. Michaels

  “Here give me that.” Kyle took the case and lifted it up and carried it down the staircase with Sabrina following behind.

  Sabrina was beginning to feel excited. This was not a feeling she expected to feel but she couldn't deny it. The thought of what they were on their way to do, it called to the part of her deep inside that called for justice for victims.

  “Come on, let's get on the road.” Kyle picked up all three suitcases with ease and Sabrina opened the door. As they walked out Sabrina realized her life would never be the same. This was a venture that would be with her forever.

  Kyle placed the cases in the back of the SUV and returned to lock the door. Sabrina was just about to climb up when she saw the cake box. “Bugger, we forgot the cake box last night. It needs to go in the rubbish.”

  Kyle came around and retrieved the box from the floor, he took it to their large outdoor bin and threw it inside. With them leaving this morning there was no way Sabrina would've got the chance to eat it anyway.

  He returned to the SUV and double checked Sabrina was in and fastened up. He closed her door and made his way to the driver's side. Sabrina's heart picked up as Kyle got in and they drove slowly down the driveway, on their way to Denver.

  “Ok, so first item of business, what do you want to eat?” Kyle always liked to watch Sabrina eat, she loved her food and it was a joy seeing her pleasure as she ate something she liked.

  “I'm not that hungry, a large coffee and a pastry will be ok for now.” Sabrina's thoughts were focused on their job and she realized she now thought of this as 'their job' not just Kyle's.

  “Ok, I'll stop at the bakery down the road, before we get onto the freeway. Any pastry or something in particular?” Kyle would get it for her, he was quicker than she was.

  “Anything, except anything with almonds, I don't like them.” Sabrina was looking out her side window and she watched as the houses started to pass by quicker as Kyle's speed picked up. Soon he was pulling to a stop in front of the local bakery. One that Sabrina loved.

  Kyle jumped out and headed inside and Sabrina watched him as he walked away. His ass still made her gasp; it was fabulous.

  She gave herself a mental shake, thinking of his ass when she should be focused on the job at hand. Sabrina had a flashback of the short piece of video that Kyle had shown her and she grew angry. The guy was a monster.

  She actually hoped that Kyle was going to hurt him, bad. She knew her mate wouldn't allow her to go with him but she wished she could cut off the pedo's genitals, slowly.

  How anyone could do something like that to a child was always beyond her. Her mind just could not accept or process that kind of act. She had seen a few back home, one guy professing he would never hurt any of his 'children' and that he loved them deeply. That she just didn't understand.

  He said that as his latest victim was in the hospital having an operation to repair internal damage. Luckily there was more than enough evidence to convict him and after the initial interview Sabrina went home and showered for a very long time. She was trying to wash away everything that the day had brought.

  She wanted the guy in Denver dead and she wanted him to suffer. She believed Kyle would deliver on both counts.

  “Here you go.” Kyle's words startled her. She was so intent on her thoughts she hadn't even realized he was back and sitting beside her. He held out her large coffee and a small box that held a selection of pastries.

  “I said one Kyle.” Sabrina admonished, if she ate everything he tried to get her to she would be enormous.

  “I wasn't sure which you would want so a selection is good. Take what you want and leave the rest.” Kyle only smiled at the cross look on her face.

  Sabrina picked out the raspberry pastry and ate it quietly while sipping her coffee. As they neared the freeway she saw a homeless guy sitting on the street with the usual sign asking for money. “Pull over.” She said and pointed to the man.

  Kyle wondered what she was doing but did as she asked. As soon as the vehicle was stationary she jumped out with the box of pastries, moved over and held them out to him. The man looked at her as if she was some kind of strange creature but took the box from her hand.

  “Enjoy.” Sabrina said as she went back to the SUV. The man opened the box and a smile came over his dirty face. “Thanks!” he shouted as Sabrina fastened her seat-belt and Kyle pulled away, the man now waving madly at them.

  “Why did you do that?” Kyle asked and Sabrina shrugged her shoulders. “I only wanted one, the rest would've gone to waste. He looked hungry, probably needs a good wash and a steak but hey I only had extra pastries.”

  Kyle smiled. “You're crazy – you know that?”

  Sabrina chuckled. “Yea I've been told that on more than one occasion Kyle.”

  Kyle drove on and soon they were chatting about normal stuff. Everything and anything, music, films, books. Especially the books. Both loved reading and with the extensive library Kyle possessed there was more than enough for both of them to enjoy.

  They discussed what they liked, what they didn't, what books they thought were particularly good and ones that were particularly bad. Kyle really didn't like books that were littered with bad grammar or spelling mistakes.

  “So if you start a book that you think you're going to like, and say in the first few pages there are spelling mistakes or obvious grammar errors, what do you do?” Sabrina wondered how deep his dislike of those went.

  “It depends, if it's really bad spelling mistakes and the grammar is really bad in the first few pages I don't usually continue. Why, what do you do?” Kyle was curious as to what Sabrina did in the same circumstances.

  “Like you it depends. If I've been hooked in those first few pages I continue, if I haven't gotten into the book I give up. Depends on the story and how much I've liked it up til then. I usually wait until I've read the first chapter and then decide. I rarely give up, if I'm being honest. I just keep thinking that it'll get better or I might miss a great story if I stop!” Sabrina thought on the last book she gave up on and it still niggled that she may have lost out on a good book.

  “There's so many books Sabrina, even if you do give up on one there's a hundred thousand to take its place. I don't think even I will live long enough to read everything; there are so many new ones written every day. Books have been my friends for so long now I could never give them up. If someone said I couldn't read any more I think I would combust!” Kyle knew that books, at times too often to mention, were his only friends and release from a lonely existence.

  Sabrina's stomach rumbled and Kyle's attention was on her straight away. “Hungry?” He asked although the rumbles coming from her insides were a dead giveaway.

  “Yea, jeez we've talked for hours, can we stop soon?” Sabrina realized that more than half their journey was over. Where had the last few hours gone?

  “Of course, I'll pull off at the next town. We'll get you something to eat and drink then back on the road.” Kyle once again realized he had to think of her needs, take them into consideration at all times. Usually he would just get in his vehicle and only stop if he needed fuel.


  “I'll fill up on gas when we stop, then we can have a straight run through to Denver.” Kyle couldn't wait to get there. He thought this had been the longest time during their waking moments that he hadn't felt, touched, or kissed, his mate and he didn't like it at all.

  “I'll not drink too much then, or I'll need to pee again before Denver!” Sabrina laughed, as she knew that Kyle never thought about those things. She was human, well almost, or was she?

  “Kyle, since I have a bit of your blood to keep me young and healthy now, does that mean I'm not human any more?” Sabrina hadn't thought about this until this moment. Surely if she was going to live a longer life than normal, she couldn't be classed as human?

  “Good question baby. I'm not sure. Apart from the age
and health thing, you're just the same so I'd go for yes.” Sabrina had a point but he didn't have an answer.

  “Ok, it's a bit strange all this living forever stuff. I must say though I do like the not getting ill part. I haven't suffered so much as a cold since we mated. Hope it keeps up. Trust me I'm not pretty with a red nose and runny eyes.” Sabrina thought back to the last cold she caught, she had felt awful. She knew she had looked bloody awful too.

  “I'm sure you would still be adorable but I think I would panic a bit, I'm not used to seeing anyone sick.” Kyle thought back a few centuries when 'the plague' was rife. He shivered, the thoughts bringing very nasty pictures into his head. He could only pray that he never saw anything like that ever again.

  “Here's a place, we'll pull of the highway and get you fed, get some fuel and get back on the road.” He slowed his speed as he took the off ramp and came down into what looked like an industrial area.

  Kyle drove for a short distance and a small row of shops came into view. At a small cafe in the middle, he stopped in front and got out. He came around the front and helped Sabrina, who was now a bit stiff. She stretched her back and shook her legs before taking Kyle's hand that he held out to her.

  He held it tightly as they entered the cafe; it was his first contact with Sabrina in far too long. Several hours without his skin against hers had him wishing the trip was over and they were walking into the hotel instead of a cafe.

  As they entered the cafe Sabrina's nose was assaulted with several good smells. She wanted a good old-fashioned burger and fries.

  A cheery waitress led them to a small table for two and asked what they wanted to drink. Kyle ordered a coffee and Sabrina ordered a diet cola, she also ordered her food. Declining the menu, as she knew what she wanted, the waitress wrote it down with a smile and went to turn in the order.

  Sabrina looked at Kyle who was surveying the area as if they were in hostile territory. “What's up? You look very serious and tense Kyle.” Sabrina looked around and could see nothing that would have caused him to look as he did.

  “I'm not keen on new places. You never know what you're walking into. Since I take my role as your mate seriously I'm a little tense. I don't want you anywhere there is even a chance of trouble.” Kyle's eyes were still roving, looking at everyone and everything and she could feel the tension in his body.

  “Kyle, it's a cafe for goodness sake. We're not in the middle of a war zone. Relax, look here's your coffee, drink and enjoy vampire.” Sabrina almost laughed at the frown that came over her mate's features.

  The waitress left their drinks and moved away, the cafe was busy for so late in the evening, and she was run off her feet. Sabrina had a drink of soda but remembered how long long they still had to go. She only sipped at it, trying not to drink too much.

  Kyle couldn't relax; he didn't know this area, for all he knew it could be right in the middle of some turf war with local gangs. He wanted to get Sabrina away as soon as he could. He sighed in frustration, as the food seemed to be taking forever to come.

  “Kyle, relax, you're making me nervous now!” Sabrina could feel his intense stress at having her somewhere he didn't know. She realized he liked to be in control of every situation, albeit he was trying to keep her safe. If he weren't a bloody vampire he would have ended up with an ulcer.

  The waitress brought her food and Sabrina checked it before starting to eat. She liked to make sure all was as it should be before she put it in her mouth. A small chuckle escaped her throat as she realized she and Kyle were more than a little alike.

  “Everything ok?” Kyle asked, motioning to the food.

  Sabrina nodded, as her mouth was full of burger and bun. She chewed and swallowed and then she wiped her mouth before replying. “It's good, the meat is juicy. Burgers taste so good here. Back home, unless it's a homemade burger, they all taste like paper. Some places do make their own patties and those are fab, like this one.” Sabrina took another large bite and savored the moistness of the meat; it really was a good burger.

  Kyle sat silently, eyes roving, as Sabrina ate and she didn't even try conversation. She just concentrated on eating; trying not to give herself indigestion by eating too fast. As her plate emptied she could feel Kyle relaxing somewhat, possibly because they would be leaving soon.

  Kyle took money out of his wallet and placed it on the table before Sabrina was finished. She took the hint and finished quickly.

  Sabrina picked up her drink, it had a lid and a straw, and so she was taking it with her in the car. Kyle was already on his feet and at her side, helping her from her chair. She smiled at his still worried face and lifted herself up on her tiptoes to plant a small kiss at the side of his mouth.

  The growl that rumbled from his throat made her think that she may not have made a smart move. His eyes were already growing darker, with lust and arousal. Jeez they were in the middle of a busy cafe.

  Kyle led her outside and once again helped her into her seat, he buckled her seat belt and then went around to his own side. He got in and took several deep breaths to dampen down his need for his mate.

  “Kyle are you ok?” Sabrina was a little worried, the stress she felt from him in the cafe and now this?

  “Yes, no, it's just this is the longest I've not been able to have you in my arms, kiss you, or felt your skin. Apart from when we're sleeping that is! I don't like it Sabrina.” Kyle took another deep breath and pressed the start button, the engine coming to life quickly.

  “Oh well I hadn't really thought about it like that but you're right. My vampire it seems like you're going to have to risk a few speeding tickets. Find somewhere for fuel then hit that road with your foot to the floor!” Sabrina had a small smile on her face. The power she felt at times like this was enormous, erotic, and damn good.

  “Yes Sabrina, however, I try NOT to get speeding tickets while on a job. I'm pretty sure that rule is out of the window on this one though. I've got a good cover in place, business contact and of course you're with me, my alibi. So hell yea, speeding tickets here we come!” Kyle pulled away and drove to a small gas station next to a truck depot, he stopped and filled the tank. They weren't stopping for anything, not 'til they got to the hotel in Denver.

  Chapter 8

  Kyle drove as fast as he could, the other traffic seemed heavy for the lateness of the hour and he was more than a little annoyed. As the journey progressed the traffic lightened and he pushed his speed up further. His only goal to get to the hotel in Denver as quick as possible.

  Sabrina was tired, traveling always made her sleepy and she yawned a few times and tried to cover it with her hand. Kyle noticed though. “Go take a nap Sabrina. I'm ok driving, I usually do it on my own anyway.”

  Sabrina was trying hard to stay awake and thought a nap would be a good idea. “Ok, if you're sure. Wake me if you get bored.”

  Kyle grunted, bored? Boredom was not what was bothering him at all.

  Sabrina moved her seat back to a more comfortable position and curled up, her head resting on one of her arms. Soon she was out for the count and Kyle could hear her even, deep breaths inside the vehicle.

  He snuck glances at her every few minutes. Taking in everything about her. She looked so peaceful as she slept and he noticed that her dress had ridden up her thighs somewhat. Fuck. Kyle tried to concentrate on the road, the last thing he wanted was an accident. He couldn't bear it if she got hurt because he was too busy focusing on what he wanted to do to her rather than the road.

  The time moved too slowly, jeez would this journey never end? Slowly, far too slowly, they drew nearer Denver and Kyle realized they had made very good time. Instead of the eleven plus hours it should've taken he was going to get there in just over ten.

  As the outskirts of the city came into view he roused Sabrina. “Hey baby, wake up, we're nearly there.”

  As Sabrina felt his hand on her shoulder she jerked, his touch sending the us
ual little shocks through her system. She sat up straight and fixed her seat and smiled sleepily at her vampire.

  “You should've wakened me, you've been driving all this time while I've been probably snoring my head off!” Sabrina was never quite sure if she snored or not, nobody had every told her.

  “You don't snore, not exactly, little noises every now and then but that's it. You do, however, talk in your sleep, although it never makes much sense.” Kyle smiled broadly now, he was a lot happier that Sabrina was awake and they were nearly at the hotel.

  “It won't be long, another fifteen minutes or so. You hungry?” Kyle was making a huge effort to remember that she needed proper food. Sometimes he forgot entirely and when he remembered then tried to get her to eat loads at the one time.

  “No, I'm fine for now, but I could go some coffee.” Sabrina stretched her arms up above her head, loosening her body from the cramped way she had been sleeping.

  Kyle pulled his phone out and as he drove found the number he wanted. He pressed to dial and the phone was picked up almost immediately. “Yes – I have a reservation and we'll be arriving shortly. Name is Kyle Campbell and could you have fresh coffee delivered to the room for our arrival please? Say in fifteen minutes. …....Ok.....Thanks.” Kyle hung up and Sabrina frowned.

  “Kyle Campbell?” She asked and her vampire just smiled.

  “One of my aliases, you are, of course, Mrs Campbell.” Kyle looked over and saw the small smile on her face.

  “Well it's better than Mrs Smith! I don't have any ID though.” Sabrina wondered if she would need to prove who she was at the hotel?

  “It's ok I do, the booking is under my name only so won't be a problem.” Kyle was feeling happier now that the hotel wasn't far. He wanted his mate in his arms.

  “So we rest up and do some work tomorrow or later tonight I mean?” Sabrina wasn't sure what else Kyle was having to do regarding this job.


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