Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 17

by A. K. Michaels

  “Yes, I've got a meeting at the hotel with a business man, that's the cover. I came to Denver to meet him regarding some investments I have and we stayed for a little holiday. As there's really no doubt about the subject's guilt I'm taking him tonight. I've already set up a meeting with him …...”

  Sabrina interrupted - “A meeting with him? As in the guy you're taking out?”

  “Yes, he trolls some nasty sites and I made contact a while back, built up some trust between pedos. Said I was in possession of a tasty little one and did he want to 'meet' her before we spoke of a sale. Of course he jumped at the chance and we're meeting up in an abandoned warehouse. Way out of the way, nothing around, perfect spot for what I've got planned for him!” Kyle snarled at the end. He couldn't wait to get his hands on this guy.

  “Oh I see, so I take it you're not letting me come?” Sabrina was almost certain of that but she thought she would try again.

  “You are definitely not coming! No way Sabrina. Not only could it be dangerous but I'm sure I would have trouble doing what I want to that fucker if you were there. That's not a side of me I want you to see up close and personal baby!” Kyle knew he couldn't torture this guy if Sabrina was watching and he really wanted to torture the fucker.

  Sabrina watched Kyle as he spoke and she saw the tightening in his jaw, in his features. The look on his face was downright scary.

  She realized that she probably didn't want to see that part of him. To her he was her mate, loving, sexy, caring, not an assassin that did terrible things to a human being. Even if that human should be erased from the face of the earth.

  “Ok Kyle, if that's how you think it should be that's fine with me. I would still like to be included in the other work, searches, checking on evidence, stuff like that?” Sabrina wanted to feel useful to Kyle. She wanted to help him and maybe help others by doling out Kyle's own personal brand of justice.

  “Sure, that's ok with me. Right, here we are.” Kyle pulled to a stop in front of a large, posh looking hotel. The valet running forward to help them and a bus boy right on his heels with the trolley for their luggage.

  Kyle went around and helped Sabrina out of the vehicle before giving the valet his keys and a tip. The bus boy followed them inside, pushing the trolley in front of him with practiced ease.

  Kyle's arm was around Sabrina's waist and the thin cotton of her sundress did nothing to keep the feel of his hand from her skin. The usual tingles that came with his touch started to meander around the area and she moved herself closer into his side. As she did so Kyle tightened his grip and placed a small kiss on the top of her head as they walked to the reception desk.

  A tired looking but efficient receptionist took the booking details and a copy of the credit card that Kyle handed over. One in the name of Kyle Campbell. The smile she gave as she handed the keycard over was not lost on Sabrina who stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on her mate's cheek.

  The response from Kyle was immediate and he turned and lowered his head, a deep, passionate kiss that elicited a gasp from the receptionist. A gasp that made Sabrina smile into Kyle's mouth.

  Kyle tore his lips away and followed the bus boy to the elevator. The boy threw them a few glances as the elevator rose to the top floor. Mainly because of Kyle's small growls rumbling from his throat, the sound one that Sabrina knew well, he was very aroused.

  As Kyle opened the door he already had a tip in his hand and handed it to the boy. “Just leave the luggage here and go.” Kyle managed to get out but the lust in his voice was clear for anyone to hear. Sabrina saw the boy blush slightly as he dipped his head in a slight nod, got rid of the suitcases and quickly left the suite.

  They were standing in a lounge area and there were double doors to what she assumed was the bedroom. The smell of fresh coffee hit her nostrils and she moved from Kyle's side to find it.

  The pot and cups were on a tray sitting on the small coffee table in front of one of the sofas. She poured quickly and gulped some down. Knowing she didn't have long before Kyle would whisk her away to the bedroom.

  Half a cup. That was all she managed before Kyle's arms encircled her waist and his head came down to the back of her neck. Small kisses began at one side and his lips moved along the back until he got to her other side. Her ear now within reach of his mouth.

  “Bed Sabrina – now.” The command in his tone was unmistakable and Sabrina felt herself getting moist at the sound.

  Kyle didn't wait for an answer, he reached round and took the coffee cup from her hands and placed it down on the table. He took her hand in his and led her in the direction of the double doors.

  As they entered Sabrina saw a very large and lavish room with a gigantic bed in the middle. The color scheme was of muted tones and everything inside the room spoke of expensive tastes.

  Kyle grabbed hold of her in his arms and the kiss he planted on her lips made her inhale sharply. The need was evident in the way he devoured her mouth and she was like putty in his arms. Kyle broke away long enough to pull her dress over her head, getting rid of her bra and thong and standing with his hands on her naked waist as his eyes raked over her.

  “No fair vampire – you've still got your clothes on!” Sabrina whimpered and her man moved with his incredible speed and then stood before her as she was, stark naked.

  “I've been thinking of this since we got in the bloody car in Vegas! I think on the way home we'll stop off somewhere halfway, it's too long for me not to be touching you Sabrina. Far too long.” Kyle knew his need was great, he needed her, now.

  Sabrina felt his need, deep down inside her she felt it. Her own mingled with his and her legs suddenly felt more than a little wobbly. Kyle picked her up and placed her on the bed, flat on her back, her face staring up at him.

  Kyle wanted to make love to his mate. No games, no restraints, just plain and simple, make love to her as he stared into her eyes. Those eyes that partly mirrored his own, both green, both now darker with arousal. Sabrina's eyes were now hooded, the way they went when she was very aroused. The sight made his cock twitch in reaction and he moved so his head was at her ankle.

  Kyle used his lips on her skin, soft caresses with his tongue, moving up the inside of each leg, from her ankle to her mound. Sabrina moved her hips upwards trying to get his mouth to linger on her sensitive nub but he continued on and upwards.

  His tongue licked around her belly button, the taste of her like ambrosia in his mouth. Her breasts were next, each nipple already hard and standing upright, his mouth taking each inside and sucking hard. Sabrina's moans increased at his attentions and her hands were buried in his shaggy, fair hair. With one last flick of his tongue he moved to cover her lips with his.

  Her mouth opened to take his tongue inside and she groaned into his mouth as she felt the head of his hardness pressing at the entrance to her sex. Her wet folds enveloped the head of his cock and he moved his hips to gain access inside.

  Sabrina let out a loud whimper as she felt him enter her and the feeling of being owned by his body engulfed her system. The sensations elicited with his hardness filling her deep inside only resulted in more moans falling from her lips and into Kyle's mouth.

  Kyle pulled back, detached their lips, and stared down into the face of his mate. “Open your eyes baby – let me see you come.” Kyle's breathing was ragged, his body now straining with his need.

  Sabrina fought to open her eyes. They just didn't want to obey her command. Finally her eyes fluttered open and she saw Kyle's face a few inches from hers. His eyes were so much darker than normal. His features strained as if every muscle in his body was tensed.

  His strokes brought his pelvic bone into contact with her nub and he knew just how to do so to exert the most pleasure from her. Her body was afire with need and she was covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  “Kyle!” His name a strangled groan in her throat.

  “My mate.” Was his repl
y as he felt her rise higher, so near, and finally she exploded around him. The look on her face was what sent him over into his own release. A look of ecstasy and bliss as her body shook and convulsed, her sheath tightening around his cock as he buried it deep inside her. His seed emptying into her warm, wet, depths.

  Sabrina screamed his name loudly and he roared hers in reply and fell over until his body covered hers. Their breathing labored until they slowly got it under control.

  Kyle moved his weight onto his elbows and gently kissed along her jaw until he came to her mouth. A soft kiss on his mate's mouth as he wondered again at his great fortune in finding her.

  “I love you Sabrina.” He murmured against her mouth and she whispered “Ditto.” back to him. A joke between them from her favorite film from quite a few years ago – Ghost.

  Kyle stayed where he was, still inside her, lying on top of her and watched as she came back to him. Her eyes cleared and she smiled up at him. “That was – intense.” Sabrina's words no more than a soft whisper.

  “Yes it was, that's what happens when you deny me baby!” Kyle chuckled and watched her eyes widen in retort.

  “I didn't deny you! We were in the car for ten hours!” Sabrina let out a little laugh, knowing he was teasing her.

  “Yes, well, whatever, as I said earlier, far too long Sabrina. So, do you want something to eat now?” Kyle knew she hadn't eaten a lot, a small pastry and a burger and a few fries. He didn't want her getting ill.

  “Later, after we've slept. I'm tired Kyle.” Sabrina's eyes were almost closed so Kyle moved his body and then moved hers. He got both of them under the covers and pulled her into his arms before covering them both up. Before he even finished he could hear her even breathing, she was sound asleep.

  It took Kyle longer to get over their lovemaking. His eyes stayed on her face for a while as he watched her in her sleep. Then his mind wandered to the coming night, and what he was going to do.

  He had no qualms about the retribution he was going to give to that man. None whatsoever. However, he worried that Sabrina would think less of him now that she knew what he did. He hoped not because he didn't think he could stand it if she did.

  With those thoughts in his head he drifted off to sleep and held her close, his arms encircling her entirely.

  Chapter 9

  Sabrina awoke alone in the large bed. Where was Kyle? Usually she woke first and most times she would stay with him until he stirred. Rarely did she wake alone and she found she didn't much care for it.

  She moved to the bathroom and had a much needed pee and brushed her teeth before going back through to the bedroom. A fluffy robe lay across a chair and she picked it up and put it over her naked body.

  As she did this she listened for her mate was? She didn't hear him so she made her way through to the lounge. He wasn't there either.

  An piece of paper was on the coffee table, under a tray with what smelled like fresh coffee in a thermos type jug. She walked over, poured a cup, picked up the paper and sat down.

  With her coffee in her hands she read the note. 'Gone to meeting be back soon. Love you. Kyle'. She completely forgot about the meeting he had planned for this afternoon. She hoped he wasn't too long, she didn't like being apart from him.

  Sabrina sat back on the sofa and cradled her coffee cup in her hands, enjoying the hot feel of it. The coffee was good, she drank two cups before deciding to take a shower. She took her time and washed her long hair thoroughly before using the hotel hair dryer.

  She wandered about the bedroom and opened her suitcase, unpacked, and noticed Kyle's was already done. When had he done that?

  As she wasn't sure what they were going to be doing she put on a pair of her favorite jeans. Ones that were tight around her ass and that Kyle liked just as much as she did. A silk blouse went on over a small, lacy bra. A little bit of make up and she was done. Her stomach rumbled and she realized how hungry she was.

  What to do? Order some room service or wait on Kyle? She checked her watch and wondered if he would be much longer. Sabrina wandered about the suite, running her hands over the soft furnishings, the luxury evident under her touch.

  Just as she was going to decide what to order from room service the door opened and Kyle walked in. Dressed like a high rolling business exec in a dark suit, shirt and tie. God he looked handsome.

  “Hi baby, you ok?” Kyle asked as he entered and saw Sabrina standing at the window. She was wearing 'those' jeans and she looked sinfully sexy.

  “Yea, I forgot about your meeting. It felt strange waking up and you not being there.” Sabrina smiled at her man and saw his smirk.

  “Well it won't happen again, not if I can help it. Now, should we go and get you something to eat?” Kyle could hear her stomach making little noises, a sure sign of her hunger.

  “Yes please, I'm starved.” Sabrina moved back to the bedroom and grabbed a pair of strappy sandals with a heel, and a small handbag, throwing her phone, a compact and a lipstick inside.

  “I'm ready.” She said as she went back through and Kyle thought she looked so hot. Christ he thought she looked hot no matter what she wore.

  “Ok, there's a nice little restaurant the concierge recommended, does good steaks.” Kyle knew she loved her steaks and he made inquiries as to where they would get a good one. The restaurant came highly recommended and he hoped she liked it.

  “Good, I could do with one.” Sabrina took his outstretched hand and let him lead her.

  The SUV was already out front, Kyle telling them he would be leaving again soon. He helped her up into her seat and buckled her belt before going around and getting in.

  “So I take it your meeting went ok?” Sabrina asked.

  “Yea, all done and dusted, the guy is going to take over some of my portfolio. He's good at what he does so it kills two birds with one stone. A reason for us to be here and some of my investments get taken care of.” Kyle had many investments and company shares, most of which Sabrina had no idea about.

  It wasn't that he was keeping things from her. It just hadn't come up. She was looking at him questioningly so he guessed now was a good time to discuss it.

  “I've got many investments Sabrina, some I manage myself and some I have Investment Managers for. This guy today is at the top of the game regarding that so I've let him take over some of my investments. Nothing too big until I see how he does. If he does well I'll send more his way.” Kyle saw her nodding her head.

  “I have no idea about all that stuff so don't worry about giving details. It would all just go right over my head anyway.” Sabrina always found financial stuff boring and she hoped Kyle didn't go into details about his investments.

  “Boring? Well I guess to some folks it is but I've made some good money from mine. Let's not dwell on that, what do you say about going to a club after dinner?” Kyle wanted that ass in those tight jeans in his hands as they danced and had some fun. He wanted some fun before he went to do what was planned.

  “Really? Don't you have somewhere to be?” Sabrina was sure he said he was going after that guy this evening.

  “I do, but not til later, we can get some dancing in first, if you want?” Kyle wanted her to say yes but if she wasn't in the mood for dancing he was sure he could think of something else for them to do.

  “Ok, that'd be nice.” Sabrina smiled to herself, she loved dancing with Kyle, his hands usually cupping her behind.

  They drove in silence for a few minutes and Kyle checked his sat nav, just round the corner and they would be there. It was a small eatery but there was valet parking and the food came highly recommended, he hoped Sabrina liked it.

  There were three valets out front as he pulled to a stop and got out, he handed the keys to the nearest one and went round to help Sabrina out. She smiled up at him and her eyes were full of mischief! Looked like his mate was going to be a naughty girl tonight

  The Maitre D t
ook them straight to a table and Kyle held her seat as Sabrina sat down. The wine waiter there as soon as the Maitre D walked away.

  Kyle ordered the wine, one which Sabrina liked immensely, and turned towards her and stretched his hand over the table. Sabrina placed one of hers in his and his thumb ran little circles around the top of her hand. Little jolts roamed outwards from his touch and she marveled at how his touch did that to her?

  “No idea but it sure feels good.” Kyle answered her thought and she nodded. “Yes it does, but it can be a little distracting.” Sabrina was already feeling the effects of his touch and hoped the waiter would come and take her order soon.

  The wine waiter arrived and as he opened the bottle another arrived with menus. Sabrina took hers in her hands quickly, the feelings that Kyle's touch started was putting her off kilter. When he touched her she just wanted to rip his clothes off. As that thought entered her head she saw a smirk on his face.

  “This is not fair Kyle. I've said it before, you get everything and I just get tiny little glimpses. I should be able to have some secrets.” Sabrina's words were softened by the look on her face as she spoke, the love shining in her eyes.

  “That's the way it is. I can't change that Sabrina, I do like it though. Knowing what you think, feel, hope for – all of it – it makes me feel very close to you.” Kyle was trying hard not to smile, her lusty thoughts having come through loud and clear.

  “So what do you fancy?” Kyle tried changing the subject.

  Sabrina looked over the menu, there was plenty of choice but she wanted a plain steak and baked potato. However, she couldn't find a baked potato on the bloody thing. Her frown deepened as she looked again and again, nope she couldn't see that on the menu.

  “Your usual steak and you want a baked potato?” Kyle asked as he saw her frown getting deeper. Sabrina looked up and nodded her head, but it wasn't on the menu.

  Kyle motioned for the waiter, who moved quickly to take the order. “The lady wants a sirloin, well done, mushrooms and onion and no sauce. She also wants a baked potato, plain with butter on the side. She's a little perturbed that it isn't on the menu but I'm sure that won't be a problem.” Kyle ended the sentence not so much as a question as a statement of fact.


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