Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 18

by A. K. Michaels

  Sabrina stared, she would never have the confidence to ask for something that wasn't on the menu.

  The waiter's eyes widened but only slightly before he recovered, well. “Of course sir, if the lady wants a baked potato then she will have one. Thank you sir.” The waiter took the menu and walked away as if he was asked every day for things not on their menu.

  Sabrina hide a smile behind her hand. “You are so bad! You didn't give him a choice. What if the chef gives him trouble?” Sabrina had visions of a high strung chef bawling out the young waiter.

  “Sabrina, in good restaurants it happens a lot more than you would think. If people pay a lot to eat in a restaurant then they have to do what they can to satisfy those customers. A baked potato is nothing, now if you wanted some weird and wonderful thing from Haiti or somewhere, that may have caused a problem!” Kyle was half laughing at her shocked face.

  “I was always under the impression that what was on the menu was all I had to choose from. Obviously my experience is nowhere near yours. Either in the number of places I've been or the types of places. Jeez I would stop at the nearest fast food place for my food. Rarely did I go to an actual restaurant, apart from the Chinese places. I do like my Chinese.” Sabrina realized she was like a small child to his adult in so many things.

  “Hon I've lived for a lot longer than you and in the beginning there were no such things as restaurants. There was usually a tavern or some such in most places and you basically had to take what they were serving. No choice in the matter in those days.” Kyle thought back to that time, a hard life was normal; for anyone that wasn't born to wealth.

  The Scottish weather always seemed to make things harder, rain and wind most of the year. When he was turned he went with his sire, traveled with him for a long time. Finally they reached the young country The United States of America and decided to stay for a while, a long while. He liked the newness, the opportunities available, and the freedom and vast area. He still traveled but usually for pleasure or business only, he liked having a base and that was here in the US.

  Kyle realized that he no longer had a base. He now had a home, a home with a mate. Something he had not thought possible for him. A smile spread on his face and he reached over and took one of Sabrina's hands in his. Just wanting to feel her, skin on skin.

  Sabrina had a sense of his feelings, he was feeling happy and at peace. She stroked his hand and smiled, seeing the smile on his face brought a smile to hers.

  Sabrina sipped her wine and instead of looking around, as she was prone to do, she kept her eyes on her mate. She was amazed when she looked at him, so good looking and powerful. The power was easy to feel, it rolled off him in soft waves when he wasn't upset. When he was it was more like a tsunami. Strong enough to take her breath away.

  They sat quietly for a few minutes, holding hands and sipping wine, content to just be with each other. The waiter brought her meal, a large baked potato included.

  Sabrina reluctantly took her hand back from Kyle's grasp and started to eat. The steak was delicious and she nearly moaned aloud. She managed to keep it inside, as she didn't think this was the type of restaurant to look kindly on moaning women.

  “I'm not worried about them Sabrina. I'm more worried what it would do to me!” Kyle snickered and Sabrina's face flushed slightly. Sometimes she just plain forgot he could basically read her mind.

  Sabrina ate and Kyle talked, telling her about some of the things he and his Sire would get into. Sabrina nearly choked at one point and Kyle realized he had never done this; sat and talked about his past. He hadn't done that with anyone other than Boyd, his Sire.

  He found he liked it, immensely.

  Sabrina listened as she ate, liking getting to know Kyle even better. Some of the things he talked about were in a different land and a very different time. She couldn't quite get her head around the fact that Kyle actually lived it. He wasn't just recounting some history tale about a time with no running water or electricity, or proper medicines, or modern gadgets. It was a simple time but one that sounded very harsh. She was sure she wouldn't have liked it at all. She didn’t like the thought of not having a nice warm shower whenever she wanted or a hairdryer. She couldn't imagine a world without antibiotics if she had an infection. None of those things were available then and she wondered how the human race survived sometimes.

  She was sure if they lost power now and didn't have medicine the human race would be in jeopardy. It just wasn't worth thinking about due to the extremely bad feelings it brought.

  Sabrina finished her wine, drinking more than a couple of glasses. Kyle having filled it each time he felt she needed a top off. Her food now eaten she used the napkin to wipe her mouth and let out a long sigh.

  “That was good.” She smirked and Kyle raised an eyebrow. “Room for a sweet?” he asked but Sabrina was shaking her head.

  “No absolutely not. I couldn't eat another thing, I'm full.” If she didn't watch herself she would end up huge. Kyle always seemed to enjoy watching her eat and the more the better as far as he was concerned.

  “Ok, well there's a little private club close by. I don't want you to freak when we go in, ok? We're not going there for anything but a dance, they have music playing in one of their rooms and as it's still early so it seemed the best place to go.” Kyle knew her curiosity would be peaked. Sabrina always liked to know exactly what they were doing or where they were going.

  “Uhm ok, I take it I'll be safe there?” Sabrina wondered what kind of place would have him telling her not to freak?

  “You will be absolutely safe Sabrina. You are always safe when you're with me, you should know that.” He smiled and the smile was more than a little mischievous.

  Just where was he taking her? Sabrina's body shivered in response to the look on his face and she was more than a little curious.

  The waiter arrived with the bill, but Sabrina hadn't even seen Kyle signal for it? Kyle put far too many bills in the little leather folder, without even checking to see what it came to.

  “You should at least check it Kyle, you know you could save yourself a lot of money if you did.” Sabrina still felt a little odd at times like this. She had always known exactly how much of her salary was left each month and how much she could spend. To not even check a bill would never have entered her head.

  “Sabrina, really, it's a restaurant, it's not a problem. I've got more than enough money so that I don't have to worry baby. Relax. Come on, I really want to dance tonight.” Kyle rose and moved to help her up, his arm was at her waist as soon as she stood.

  Their SUV was in front of them in a matter of minutes and Kyle gave the boy a large tip. One that elicited a very big smile and plenty of 'thank yous'. Kyle helped Sabrina up into her seat and once again fastened her belt. She wondered why he always did that? She was more than capable of fastening a seat-belt

  “The club we're going to, I'm a member, but don't get all freaked out on me.” Kyle sported a little smirk on his face and Sabrina started to worry a little.

  What kind of club would he take her to that he was worried she would freak out?! A strip club? No, she couldn't see Kyle in any of those. What then?

  “Nearly there.” Kyle's voice broke into her thoughts and she saw they were on a nondescript street, there was nothing indicating where he was taking her.

  Kyle found a space and parked, got out and came around. As he opened the door to help her down Sabrina's was looking around, trying to figure out where they were going.

  “It's a very private club so there are no signs. Only members and those that serve them know where it is.” Again Kyle smirked and Sabrina wondered just what she was walking into?

  Kyle led her back the way they had came for a little bit and towards a large black door. It seemed to be a very large house?

  As they neared the door Kyle pulled her closer. “It's a BDSM private club, but we're not here for that, I just want to
dance and they have great music. Breathe Sabrina, come on baby, take a breath.”

  Sabrina had stopped walking but only Kyle's arm around her kept her moving forward. A BDSM club?! She was not at all sure she wanted to go in there.

  Chapter 10

  “What?!” Sabrina gasped, as the door swung open. A very large man was barring the way.

  As the man saw Kyle he smiled. “Hello Sir, nice to see you again.” The man moved out of the way and Kyle pulled her inside.

  “Kyle! Why are we here?” Sabrina was trying to take everything in, they were in the entrance way to a large house, a reception desk stood in front of them. Stairs led up to god knows where, and stairs went down to Jesus Christ knew where.

  A very tall woman moved from behind the desk. Dressed in what at first looked like a business suit, as she came closer her attire no longer looked as it had. The skirt was very short and she wore thigh high, black patent boots that sported the largest stiletto heels Sabrina had ever saw. The white blouse gaped at the bust, showing what looked suspiciously like a black lace peek a boo bra. The woman's nipples were clear for anyone but a blind man to see.

  Sabrina stared as the woman moved towards them, a huge smile was on her deep red painted lips. “Master Kyle! So nice to see you. It's been far too long since your last visit!”

  Kyle nodded at the woman. “Mistress Blood always a pleasure.”

  The woman smiled as she shook hands with Kyle, her eyes didn't even touch on Sabrina. Sabrina could only stare at this woman, the lipstick she wore was so dark red it made her lips look as if they were covered in blood. Probably where she got that weird nickname, Sabrina thought. Who the hell calls themselves Mistress Blood?

  “So Master Kyle, what room takes your fancy tonight? We have a good show in the main play room. Some knife work from a Master who is on a visit from Japan.” Mistress Blood still held Kyle's hand and Sabrina didn't like the predatory feel that washed over her from this woman.

  “Now you know I don't like the extremes Mistress, no matter how expert the Master may be. However, we're here for some dancing. I assume music is still playing in the lounge?” Kyle removed his hand from the woman's and Sabrina noticed him tugging it to get it free.

  “I can always hope Master Kyle that our more ….. intense.....practices may take your fancy. Of course music is still playing in the lounge, there are a number of new members who are here tonight. They're unwinding in there first, before exploring all our club has to offer.” Mistress Blood still kept an intense eye contact with Kyle.

  The way this woman stared at her mate was making Sabrina very uneasy, and more than a little annoyed.

  “Good, my mate, Sabrina, and I wish to dance. Mistress Blood, please may I present my true mate, Sabrina. Sabrina, this is Mistress Blood, she manages this little club.” Kyle smiled at Sabrina who only stared at the woman.

  Mistress Blood was now frowning, an unhappy look on her face. “Your mate? Really Kyle, I would've thought you would get bored with only one female. You always have in the past.”

  Mistress Blood was now looking at Sabrina with a haughty look on her features. Then a look of curiosity came across her face. She moved her head to the side as she stared intently at Sabrina, as if she was inspecting some kind of strange creature.

  Sabrina smiled, tightly, but did not move to shake the mistress's hand. Sabrina didn't like her at all, her cop senses telling her this woman was trouble.

  “Yes she is my mate, we've been together for more than six months now and I've never been happier.” Kyle's hand around Sabrina's waist tightened, pulling her body closer to his. Sabrina leaned into him, the feel of him against her made her feel safe.

  It was at that second she realized that she hadn't felt safe from the second she entered this place. Certainly Mistress Blood had her feeling more than a little off. A host of feelings were running through her, first and foremost was the sense of being some kind of prey to this woman.

  “Six months? Now that does surprise me, usually you get bored after only being with a female a few times. Sometimes once is enough for you Master Kyle. Six months? She must be very special.” Mistress Blood now looked more closely at Sabrina, as if trying to see what it was that Kyle saw. The frown on her face made Sabrina very nervous and self conscious.

  “Well Sabrina here is indeed very special. She's the only one for me and Mistress Blood she is under my protection and if anyone, and I do mean anyone, upsets or harms her they will live to regret it. My response will be immediate and decisive. Do you understand?” Kyle's tone hardened and Mistress Blood took a step back and lowered her eyes. Something the woman did to nobody.

  “Indeed Master Kyle, your Sabrina is most welcome and of course safe here.” Mistress Blood's tone had quieted and her body language changed, showing her submission to Kyle.

  Sabrina let out a low breath, not realizing she had been holding one inside. She didn't like this woman, nothing about her, the way she held Kyle's hand, ignored her, then looked at her as if she was some kind of insect.

  “And.......Mistress Blood, I haven't received the books for the last quarter? Is there a problem?” Kyle now asked in a tone that told of his annoyance.

  “Not at all Master Kyle, I'll get them sent over straight away, the usual email address?” Mistress Blood now seemed more than a little anxious.

  “No. I want the proper paper books, everything, from members, staffing, outgoings – the whole lot. We're staying in town for a few days and I want to go over them personally. I'll let you know the hotel and suite number. I want them by tomorrow evening.” Kyle now narrowed his eyes, he felt something was not quite right here.

  Mistress Blood looked up at Kyle, he sensed worry from her but not a lot else. Mainly because she was excellent at hiding her mind from him. Something she learned to do more than a century ago.

  She was then a starving vampire when he had first come across her. Not knowing how to feed without killing, she had been hunted by the townspeople who realized what she was. Not strong enough yet to defend herself properly she stayed in the shadows and alleyways and that's where Kyle had found her.

  He had taken her in, had set her up to run this property that had always been some kind of pleasure place. First a gentleman's club, then a high end speakeasy, then a whorehouse, and finally an elite BDSM club. He had left Mistress Blood in sole charge for a long time but Kyle now had an inkling she may not be in charge for much longer.

  “Of course Master, I'll go now and get everything organized. Enjoy your visit and if there's anything I can do please just ask for me.” Mistress Blood nodded and turned on her impossibly high heels and click-clacked away from them.

  Sabrina's eyes were wide. Kyle owned this place? In a way it didn't surprise her but then she hadn't actually asked him what businesses he owned or held a stake in.

  Kyle moved to a set of double doors, one was open slightly and music could be heard coming from the room. He pushed the door open and walked in, pulling Sabrina behind him.

  Sabrina looked around, not expecting what she saw. There was a long bar at the far side of the room, tables and booths dotted around the outskirts of the room. A small stage set up in the corner with a deejay. A bloody deejay in a BDSM club?

  The dance floor was in the middle and already there were more than a few dancing. The only difference was the way they were dressed. Most were in weird and wonderful clothing. Leather was a large feature and so was that black, shiny, rubbery stuff, what it was actually called Sabrina had no idea but it looked very hot and constricting.

  Kyle moved to a booth near the door and sat down, pulling Sabrina after him. She looked all around, taking everything in, a look of wonder and curiosity on her face.

  A waiter appeared and Kyle asked her what she wanted. “A cocktail, something fruity and very alcoholic!” Sabrina thought she might need more alcohol in her system being here.

  Kyle ordered a malt whisky and s
miled at Sabrina's face. “Try not to stare baby, it's considered rude.”

  Sabrina turned her head from the sights in front of her and looked at Kyle. “You own this place?” She asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yup, and a few more, dotted all over. BDSM is a big thing Sabrina. People who live the lifestyle want somewhere safe to go to indulge themselves. I give them that, for hefty membership fees of course.” Kyle smiled at her still wide eyes.

  “Oh, well I suppose that makes sense. I have to say Kyle I DO NOT like that Mistress Blood!” Sabrina shivered, remembering the way the woman inspected her.

  “I could tell baby. I'm pretty sure she doesn't like you either! She's been trying to catch my attention for nearly a hundred years and has gotten nowhere.” Kyle almost laughed at the look on his mate's face.

  “A hundred years? Is she a vampire?” Sabrina guessed the name didn't come from the color of her lipstick.

  “Yes, long boring story, but I've employed her to run this place for a long time. She has her faults though. Like wanting to get me into bed, I've had to have serious words with her on that score. Plus she likes blood a little too much and I don't mean feeding. She likes to administer pain, a little too much for my liking. I'll have a word with Thomas, the big guy on the door, he's been here a long time too. I'll see if he has any interesting news regarding her.” Kyle looked thoughtful as he spoke. He had more than a hunch that Mistress Blood was up to something, although he didn't know what just yet.

  “Thomas, is he a vampire too?” Sabrina caught the fact that the man had been here a long time and he looked to be in his late thirties.

  “No, he's a wolf. His pack land was decimated by the city. The city grew and grew and finally encroached completely on his pack's land. The pack split up and moved, Thomas ended up here in Denver and he's worked for me ever since. He's a good man with good morals. I'm sure he'll have some information for me on what she's been up to.” Kyle was drinking his whisky that the waiter dropped off at the table earlier. His thoughts were on just what the Mistress was up to.


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