Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set

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Sabrina's Vampire Series Boxed Set Page 19

by A. K. Michaels

  He also realized that his feelings about her had changed greatly. He now felt more compassion towards humans. He knew Sabrina was the cause of the change in him and he wanted to make sure Mistress Blood wasn't overstepping the rules that were in place in the club.

  Sabrina, her cocktail in her hand, was drinking through the straw. Her eyes were drawn back to the dance floor as one couple in particular were getting hot and heavy as they danced. The man was dressed in leather trousers and a white billowing shirt, while the woman was dressed in – well – very little.

  The girl wore a micro mini black skirt and a black lacy bra and nothing else, apart from high heels. Sabrina also noticed what looked to be some kind of collar around her neck, but maybe she was mistaken. The man now had her back to his stomach and his hands were all over her. One hand was on her breast, tweaking very hard, and one was underneath her skirt.

  The man was obviously working her clit as the girl's head was laid back on his chest and her pleasure was clear for them all to see. Sabrina blushed but couldn't look away, doing that in front of all these people? Jeez she would die of embarrassment.

  “Excuse me a moment darling.” Kyle moved and got out of the booth, stepping easily over Sabrina's legs. He moved to the couple on the dance floor. This wasn't the place for what they were doing. There were plenty places here for them to do exactly what they wanted, even with an audience but the lounge was not one of those places.

  Kyle moved quickly and tapped the man on his shoulder before leaning in and talking into his ear. The man looked around at Kyle with a frown and said something back. Sabrina couldn't hear the conversation but the look on his face said all she needed to know. The guy was not happy that Kyle stopped him.

  Kyle spoke again, this time his body language told Sabrina he was getting angry. The guy's eyes widened and then he started to nod his head and grabbed hold of the female and made his way from the room. As they passed by Sabrina she clearly heard him. “That's the owner! If I get a bar it's your fault bitch! Teasing me like that! You're going to get a whipping upstairs – come on!”

  The guy had a hard grip on the girl's arm and he was dragging her along. Sabrina got up and made as if to follow them, she couldn't stand by and let that guy whip the girl.

  Kyle caught hold of her arm. “It's ok Sabrina, he's her master and she likes pain. She'll probably come just from her punishment. I just reminded him of the rules. This room is not for getting a release. If new members who don't know a lot about the lifestyle come here and see that sort of thing it could scare them away. This room is for making people feel more relaxed, give them a sense of the place with no pressure to perform or take part in anything of a sexual nature.”

  Kyle held onto Sabrina's arm, he could feel her indecision about whether to follow the couple or not. He pulled her to him and led her out onto the dance floor.

  Sabrina relaxed a little, there were plenty of people dancing, so she let Kyle hold her and she started to move to the music.

  Kyle always held her when they danced, his touch sent little jolts of current along her skin. It was more than a little sensual and when a slow song came on he grabbed her close, his hands cupping her behind.

  Kyle couldn't keep his hands off Sabrina, the feel of her as they danced turned him on. More than a little. As the slow song came over the speakers he pulled her close and finally his hands landed where they had wanted to be since he saw her dressed earlier. Her ass.

  Her ass had been calling to him all evening. Tightly encased in the skin tight jeans. He couldn't wait 'til they were back in their room. Shit he wasn't sure they would make it back to the hotel.

  Sabrina moved her hips as she danced and she could feel Kyle's erection pressing into her. She buried her face against his strong chest to hide her smile. She loved that she turned him on in such a way that he got erections in public. She wished they were somewhere more private.

  Kyle gave a low growl as he moved a hand to the back of Sabrina's head, pulling it backwards, so he could get to her mouth. His lips pressed against hers, demanding entrance with his tongue. She gasped into his mouth and his arousal spiked. They were so not making it back to the hotel.

  Kyle moved quickly, so quickly that Sabrina didn't realize what was happening until she was in his arms and he was stalking towards the doors. Kyle moved rapidly taking the stairs two at a time as he ascended them.

  Feeling his mate in his arms and his arousal in his trousers he knew where he was going. The hotel was too far, he couldn't wait, so carried her up to the second floor, along the corridor and up another flight of stairs. On this floor Mistress Blood and Thomas had their own private rooms where they lived. Kyle no longer stayed in the club but he still had his own rooms.

  He almost ran to the end of the hallway and opened the door with ease, even with Sabrina in his arms. He kicked the door closed behind him and saw the room was as he had left it, nearly ten months previously.

  The curtains were open and the light from outside took the edge off the darkness. He moved to the bed and placed Sabrina down on the edge. He turned and switched on one of the lamps at the side of the bed, casting a soft glow around the large bed.

  “Clothes – off now.” Kyle gritted his teeth. His need was so great he wanted to rip her clothes from her body.

  He settled with ridding himself of his own and saw that Sabrina was fumbling quickly with hers. Soon, her clothes lay scattered on the floor and she looked up at him with hooded eyes. Kyle groaned at the look and opened the drawer in the bedside cabinet, pulling a small tube of lube out.

  Sabrina saw what was in his hand and she gasped, knowing what was going to happen. She turned and got onto the bed, on all fours, got some pillows under her to get comfy and waited. The anticipation ran through her body like an out of control freight train and her breaths came quicker and quicker.

  “I can hear your heart baby! Excited?” Kyle moved onto the bed and between her thighs which were spread as wide as she could get them and still be stable on her knees.

  “Mmm mmm” was all Sabrina managed.

  “That ass has been calling to me all night! You know what those jeans do to me Sabrina.” Kyle squirted the lube on to his fingers and started to gently pressing against her tight behind, getting it ready for his invasion.

  Sabrina moaned at his touch. When he first spoke of taking her ass when they first met she was more than a little scared. Excited, but scared. They didn't do this that often but when they did she always experienced the most amazing orgasms and felt as if her body was going to explode.

  Kyle watched as his fingers moved inside smoothly and used more lube on his hardness, making sure all would be as smooth as possible. His hand raised and gave her ass cheek a quick slap, eliciting a small yelp from Sabrina. His hand raised and hit her again, harder this time, then he massaged it for a few seconds before once again slapping her, hard.

  As the rosy glow spread on her ass his arousal hiked higher. Especially as the noises now coming from Sabrina were low, sensual moans. God he loved her.

  Sabrina held her breath as she felt the head of his cock at her tight entrance. Waiting on that first push had her heart stuttering wildly and she tried to relax her muscles. Something she always found hard to do.

  “Relax baby, yea, Sabrina, that's it.” Kyle snarled as his hardness entered slowly into his mate's tight ass, the feeling was so intense he fought to control himself. He wanted nothing more than to thrust in hard but didn't. He would do, as always, slow and gentle until she was stretched to take him. He would never hurt her, he would die first.

  Sabrina's body was on fire with the sensations running through her. Each and every place Kyle touched her came alive with pleasure. She wondered at the magic he held in his body that his hands could affect her in such a way. As that thought entered her head Kyle entered her fully and she gasped at the intrusion and the feelings that started anew throughout her body.

Sabrina now thought nothing, not a single coherent thought passed through her mind as her body went over into just feeling. Feeling her mate's hands caress and fondle her as his hardness started to move, slowly, too slowly.

  Sabrina moaned and pushed back, trying to get Kyle to quicken but he held her firmly and her movement was limited to almost nothing. Kyle moaned as he felt Sabrina try to move back onto him but he was taking this slow, obviously she wanted fast.

  “No Sabrina, I don't want to hurt you baby, just relax and feel.” Kyle's teeth were clenched as he strove not to thrust in deep and fast, using his vampire strength and speed. His eyes watched as his cock pulled all the way out and entered her tightness slightly faster. The 'yes' that Sabrina breathed spurred him on, taking her a little harder and faster. Fuck, he could sense and hear her thoughts and it was so erotic and sensual being inside her mind at such a time.

  Kyle sometimes tried to block her at these times, mainly because it brought him so near to his own release. Tonight he wanted to feel and hear her, wanted to participate in her pleasure as well as his own. Wanted to make absolutely sure she was having as much as he was. Wanted to make sure she was totally and utterly in bliss, as he was.

  Kyle moved deeper and faster now and Sabrina was having trouble breathing. Her pleasure so intense and her brain was so focused that it forgot to tell her to take oxygen in. She was near, so near and as she heard the snarls that erupted from Kyle's throat it sent her over. A loud scream tore from her throat as she felt herself come apart and it was only Kyle's arm looped around her hips that stopped her from collapsing forward onto the bed.

  As Sabrina screamed Kyle felt it all. The orgasm tearing through her entire body. Her mind fragmented with the power of the feelings rampaging throughout her system. It pulled him over in his own release and he roared loudly, his head thrown back and his body shaking as his seed erupted deep inside her.

  Many minutes passed before either of them came anywhere near back to normal. Kyle now lying over Sabrina's back, his arms supporting most of his weight, his lips caressing her shoulder with soft, gentle kisses.

  “You ok baby?” Kyle always asked after taking her this way. Scared he may have hurt her with his enthusiasm and passion.

  “Hmm mm.” Sabrina whimpered into the pillow which her face was pressed against. Kyle smiled, he took that as a 'yes'.

  Gently he pulled free and fell to the side of his mate, drawing her to his body as he went. “Feck, Sabrina – that was beyond words darling. You have no idea what you do to me.” Kyle murmured into her hair and one of her hands came up to cover one of his.

  Sabrina smiled as he spoke, felt his hand, gave it a squeeze and just wanted to drift off to sleep.

  “No baby, I'm not leaving you here alone. We'll have a shower then I'll take you back to the hotel.” Kyle let her lie for a few minutes more before moving. Once he was up and at the side of the bed he reached down and picked her up, he carried her to his bathroom and the waiting shower.

  Chapter 11

  It didn't take long for them to shower and get dressed. Sabrina still wore that after sex glow that she got. Kyle loved seeing it on her face and pressed a kiss to the side of her mouth.

  He didn't kiss her lips because he knew if he did he would want her, again.

  Kyle led her back downstairs, Mistress Blood was still absent from her place behind the desk. Kyle took a notepad from the drawer and left a message for her. He gave their hotel and suite number and told her again what he wanted delivered. He was getting a bad feeling and the sooner it was dealt with the better.

  As they moved to the door Thomas got up from his chair to the side of the main door. “It was nice to see you Sir.” Kyle smiled, which got a frown from Thomas. The wolf wasn't used to seeing the ancient vampire smile.

  “Thomas, can you come outside with me? I want to ask you some questions.” Kyle kept the smile on his face, he didn't want the wolf to think he was in any trouble.

  “Yea sure.” Thomas said as he opened the front door and followed Kyle and Sabrina outside.

  Sabrina held onto Kyle, her legs still a little shaky from their lovemaking. Kyle's arm was around her waist holding her close and aiding her in standing upright.

  “Close the door Thomas.” Kyle said and the wolf frowned again, wondering what was going on.

  “Is there something I can help you with Sir?” Thomas asked and wondered what was on Kyle's mind.

  “Firstly stop calling me Sir. I've told you often enough, it's Kyle. Secondly, and I want you to be honest with me Thomas, just what the hell is the Mistress up to?” Kyle watched the wolf for any signs, sent his powers out to the wolf's mind. Kyle could feel intense dislike and something akin to hatred emanating from the wolf?

  “I'm not sure it's my place to tell tales Kyle.” Thomas wanted to speak but was more than a little worried about the repercussions.

  “Thomas, I've asked you outright, I know something's wrong but I need facts.” Kyle could sense the wolf wanted to talk but he was.... what?.....afraid?

  “Thomas, what are you scared of?” Kyle asked, finding it hard to believe he would be scared of anything......other than an angry and spiteful vampire.

  “She's warned me if I talk she'll 'have her revenge' – her words not mine. I'm strong Kyle, but I'm not sure I could take her.” Thomas now looked to the ground, he should've contacted Kyle before this.

  “Ok Thomas, well you know that I can deal with her so please tell me.” Kyle was getting more than a little annoyed, what the hell had been going on?

  “To be honest there's a few things. She lets folks do stuff that are against the rules. Hurting folks, forcing people, if one of her cronies asks she says it's ok. She tells me it's none of my business; says she's the one in charge and she can do as she pleases. There've been times I've had to take someone to the emergency room. Things have gone way too far, safe-words are ignored, and mostly laughed at. She particularly likes to hurt her own subs. Twice I've taken one of hers to the hospital, one was real bad Kyle. She's all nicey nicey beforehand, then lulls them into a false sense of security, gets them to sign a disclaimer saying it's all consensual. Fuck, the last wee girl she hurt was so bad it turned my stomach! I'm also sure she's taking kickbacks for these extras; a lot of money is changing hands Kyle, for her to allow them to do as they please. I've thought of phoning you but she can read me pretty well and whenever I thought of it she came down on me hard. Telling me what she'll do if I contact you. I'm not worried about me but if I'm not here then there would be nobody to look out for the subs. I've not been able to do much but I can do some and I'm sure if I hadn't taken them to the hospital they would've died. Neither her nor her sick fucks would even bother to check on them much less help them. They just leave them and walk out the rooms. Kyle I'm sorry but I didn't know what to do.”

  Kyle was seething, his body humming with anger and power. This needed sorting, now, tonight.

  Kyle checked his watch; he was due at the meeting with the pedo in two hours. He still had time but first he needed to get Sabrina back to the hotel and out of harms way. He heard her gasps as Thomas told them everything and he could clearly hear her disgust and hatred for Mistress Blood.

  Kyle turned to speak to her but before he opened his mouth she was shaking her head.

  “Oh no you don't buster! You hear me, no fucking way! I'm staying and I want to see you taking that bitch down!” Sabrina was shaking in anger. Her first instinct to dislike the female vamp had been right, the bitch needed some cold hard justice. The kind Sabrina knew Kyle could dole out.

  “Sabrina, please, let Thomas take you back to the hotel. I'll deal with her.” Kyle didn't want her anywhere near this scene, knowing if she had a chance the Mistress would use Sabrina against him.

  “No Kyle, absolutely not! I'm not arguing with you over this, you hear me?!” Sabrina's voice risen; she tried to get it under control, but failed miserably.

Kyle was about to argue some more when Thomas stepped closer. “I'll keep her at my side Kyle, I won't let her get hurt.” Thomas thought it was the least he could do because he felt he had let Kyle down badly.

  “Ok here's what we're going to do. Thomas you keep Sabrina at your side, do not let the Mistress near her. She'll try to hurt her to distract me. I take it she's in the office? Obviously trying to sort the books to hide what she's been doing, but it's too little, too late. Sabrina, I'm not sure you really want to see this baby. It's going to get ugly, and I can only see one outcome, so if you think you can't handle that stay outside the office with Thomas.” Kyle's voice hardened slightly, he didn't want Sabrina thinking he was just going to fire the Mistress.

  “Don't worry about me.” Sabrina's voice also hardened. The thought of that vicious bitch hurting people who trusted her, made her angrier than hell.

  “Ok, let's go. Remember what I said Thomas, your only job is keeping my mate safe.” Kyle looked straight into the eyes of the wolf; Thomas inhaled sharply, “Mate? She's your mate?”

  “Yes she is, so you understand how important it is that she is kept safe!” Kyle was still staring at the wolf that now had a shocked expression on his face.

  “Yes Kyle I do.” Thomas moved to Sabrina's side and stayed so close there was barely any space between their two bodies. Sabrina felt like a child next to this huge bear of a man.

  Sabrina's heart sped up, the way it used to before going into dangerous situations when she was a cop. She took several deep breaths and let them out slowly, calming her breathing and focusing her mind.

  Kyle moved back to the door, opening it quickly and moving inside. Sabrina followed closely behind him with Thomas right at her side.


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