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Once Upon a Lady (The Soul Mate Tree Book 8)

Page 5

by Addie Jo Ryleigh

  “Still, you should give warning. You could have capsized this wooden death-trap.”

  He moved closer, blocking out the morning sun. “I would have rescued you.”

  “Having learned to swim years ago, your gallant efforts are not needed.” Without conscious thought, her fingers traced up his neck and wove through the thick strands of his hair.

  “Kate, you are always safe with me. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

  Their lips hovered a breath apart. “What if I need saving from you?”

  “Even me,” he vowed as his mouth settled over hers in a kiss so deep it felt as if the bottom of the boat had fallen away, sinking her into the water. With each caress of his lips she floated further, until only Jackson and his kiss remained.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jackson wasted no time pulling Kate forward and anchoring her to him as he deepened the kiss. Her surprised gasp opened her mouth just enough to grant him entry. The moment her adventurous tongue tangled with his, heady lust broke free.

  He pulled back to mutter against her lips, “What have you done to me? I can’t get enough of you.”

  Not waiting for her answer, he plunged into more kisses. Intense kisses. Her small hands tugged on his hair, revealing all he needed to know . . . the mystical force pulling them together held her equally captive.

  Despite his desire roaring for him to pull her to the floor of the boat and make her his, he knew he had to keep his head. When he’d enacted his ruse, seduction hadn’t been his intention. Factors, namely her station and impending nuptials, prevented him from bedding Kate. As wicked as he might be, deflowering an innocent before her marriage wasn’t part of his bag of tricks.

  More importantly, his stance on marriage hadn’t changed. Whatever fueled him to make senseless decisions regarding Kate, it wasn’t a wish to wed her.

  Yet he couldn’t find the strength to pull away—or to keep his hands from splaying across her back, tugging her tighter against his chest.

  In danger of becoming breathless and tipsy on more than just her intoxicating allure, his lips released hers. Trailing light kisses over her cheek, he paused at the delicate skin behind her ear and nuzzled there.

  “Jackson.” The single word feathered over the air but he heard the plea tangled within.

  Though he sensed her body craved more, it was clear she still held tight to some doubts. Nonetheless he meant what he’d said; he would always protect her . . . even from him.

  Regretful, Jackson brushed a final kiss against her lips and breathed her in. Pulling away, his hands were slower to comply as they brushed along the sides of her breasts.

  As if she too wanted to linger, Kate caressed his jaw, one last time. Her warm brown eyes studied his face as she shuffled back on her seat and clasped her hands on her lap, signaling the end to their interlude.

  It was when she spoke that she truly sent his head spinning. “Why me? You could clearly have anyone. Why come into my life when I’m about to obtain everything I ever wished for?”

  Having no clear answer, he wanted to ignore her question. Given her steady gaze, he surmised she wouldn’t be forgiving of such action, so he resumed his seat across from her and strove for all the honesty he could muster. “I have no explanation other than some part of me needs to be with you. As much as I try to convince myself to stay away because you are promised to Blackthorn, I’m powerless against it.”

  He held her shocked gaze. “You pull me. My body craves yours but I’m starting to think it isn’t simple desire leading me. You intrigue me. As wrong as it is, all I think about is spending time with you.”

  Silence fell after his impromptu admission. Would she deny experiencing the same connection? She wouldn’t be here if she didn’t.

  He may have lured her with her ring but they both knew with a single word, he would have returned it. He wasn’t a villain.

  “Jackson, I can’t.” Her voice broke, echoing the same emotional sting he suffered.

  His future rested away from England—and Kate—yet he couldn’t deny his disappointment in not knowing this woman intimately. Jackson didn’t have the fortitude to send her away and discourage further torment by releasing her from her promise. She owed him two days.

  Perhaps by then he’d manage to remove her from his every thought.

  Chapter 9

  “Kate, please accept my apologies for not accompanying you to Lady Laura’s party yesterday,” Blackthorn stated in his typical forthright manner as he sat across from her in her family’s morning room.

  Where she normally would have let such a comment pass with a murmured word of comfort, a jesting retort came to mind.

  To her dismay, she quickly identified the origins of her need for a witty reply; the very man she fought to keep out of the conversation. Jackson might appreciate such a rejoinder but she doubted Blackthorn would find the humor.

  Kate worded her reply as would befit a future duchess. “You have nothing to apologize for. Helena practically dragged me out of the house. You couldn’t have known.”

  “Still, I’ve neglected you. So much demands my attention at the moment,” he continued.

  Blackthorn’s ambition was one of things Kate admired about him. He wasn’t a man to sit idle and let his title work for him.

  “Honestly, think nothing of it. I had a wonderful time.” Guilt ate at Kate as the simple words fell far short of explaining how her time had been spent yesterday. While alone, her deceit had been terrible. Sitting across from Blackthorn, as he asked for her forgiveness, felt suffocating.

  She searched his classical features for a spark of . . . something, the unknown facet Jackson possessed that caused her to act unlike herself. If only she could transfer the excitement Jackson incited to Blackthorn. Her life would be so much simpler.

  What am I thinking? Jackson would never be a factor in her life. She had two more outings to endure and then he would return her ring. And be out of her hair, the very thing she’d wanted since they’d first met.

  So why did the thought cause her chest to ache?

  “Are you well?” Blackthorn’s question interrupted her musings.

  “Er . . . yes, why would you ask?” The words stumbled out most improperly.

  As he studied her, she fought against shying from his attention. “You don’t seem yourself today. Is it my request to delay the notice of our betrothal? I swear it is not because I don’t wish to have you as my duchess. I’m simply in the middle of an important investment and don’t wish for my impending nuptials to intercede. If it unsettles you though, I will have the announcement placed in tomorrow’s paper.”

  More than guilt burrowed through Kate. Brought about by responsibility or not, here sat a remarkable man who wanted to spend his life with her. Why couldn’t she silence the voice whispering it wasn’t enough?

  Discounting what some hidden place inside her desired, she would marry Blackthorn. He was her duty. Her future. Nothing and no one would take away her chance at being a proper daughter and succeeding as her sisters had.

  “Don’t be silly. There is no harm in delaying the announcement.” She forced a smile to add believability to her words.

  Even with the door sitting open to preserve her reputation, she felt uneasy when he took her hand. An act that should be expected from the man she was about to marry.

  “You, my dear, are too good to me. I don’t deserve you.”

  Jackson, his kiss, their morning together, flashed through her mind and she wanted to cry out to Blackthorn he was wrong. It was she who didn’t deserve him.

  Remaining silent took effort. I will do better. Going forward, there would be no more improper behavior. No weakness enticing her to follow her wayward thoughts. She’d accepted Blackthorn’s proposal and she owed it to him and her father to follow through.

>   “I need to depart but I shall return to escort you to the Knightwood ball.” Blackthorn patted her hand briefly, the most affection he’d ever bestowed, and she couldn’t stop thinking of how Jackson would have embraced her—and most likely kissed her—upon taking his leave.

  Stop it. Blackthorn was not Jackson and she needed to stop finding fault with her betrothed because of it. Jackson shouldn’t even be on her mind. Besides, even if she so desired, he’d never receive her father’s approval.

  She stood as Blackthorn did and followed him to the door to exchange farewells. Leaving Kate with one thought—

  How am I going to manage two more meetings with Jackson without betraying Blackthorn?

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate didn’t have to wait until the next day to test her new resolve against Jackson. As Blackthorn led her into the Knightwoods’ ballroom, she picked out Jackson’s tall frame and dark head from the crowd with no prompting. How had she floundered through half the season without ever meeting Jackson but now, with her future looming, she couldn’t finish a day without him befuddling her life?

  She forced her attention to the other guests. Maybe if she ignored him he would cease to exist.

  “Would you care for a refreshment?” Blackthorn inquired over the roar of the music and guests.

  They’d arrived with her father but he’d no qualms about abandoning her to Blackthorn’s care. If her mother ever frequented London, Kate supposed the role of chaperone would have fallen on her. As it was, her father’s skills at the position were lacking. Probably another reason he’d seized Blackthorn’s request for her hand. It relieved him of any further responsibility to her.

  She shook her head. “Perhaps later.”

  “May I tempt you into a dance, then?”

  She knew his devoted thoughtfulness stemmed from his attempt to atone for his presumed lack of attention yesterday. While a consummate suitor, he’d never clung so tightly to her side before. If her sisters were in attendance, he’d usually release her to their company soon after arrival, reappearing every so often for his assigned dances. Not relying on his title for his success, Blackthorn used social engagements to create further connections.

  As Kate stood by his side, she couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes on her. A very specific set of eyes coming from the same direction where she’d espied Jackson. She ordered herself not to look over her shoulder and thus confirm her suspicions. Resolute, she turned to Blackthorn. “I would love to dance.”

  As the prior dance was concluding, they didn’t need to wait. To her dismay, it was a waltz. She normally enjoyed the dance. Now, to her utter frustration, the thought of Blackthorn’s arm around her as Jackson looked on caused her stomach to tighten.

  Such a reaction was the opposite of what it should be. Kate struggled to right her feelings as, unaware of the war battling inside her, Blackthorn pulled her into position and led her through the steps. Her mind focused on everything but where her feet needed to go, causing her to tread on Blackthorn’s toes more than once. Ever kind, it took the third misstep for him to comment.

  “You lack your usual grace tonight.” His voice held an affectionate chuckle. “Am I too much for your senses?”

  She used his lighthearted joke to restore her better judgement. “I daresay there are plenty of women here who would stumble in your ducal presence.”

  He continued to hold her at a respectful distance. “Is my title all to recommend me?”

  His tone remained light and Kate couldn’t tell if it hid a serious question. Raising her head, she smiled. “Your passably attractive features might produce a faint or two. At the very least, light vapors.”

  His laugh warmed her and eased her worry. She let the feeling drift over her and, despite her wayward heart, embraced her budding friendship with the man who would one day be the father of her children.

  Now if only she could engage her heart as well.

  Chapter 10

  On his third cup of whatever lukewarm monstrosity Knightwood was serving, Jackson pinned his glare on the dancing couple capturing everyone’s attention—not even trying to conceal his scowl.

  Long before Kate walked into the ballroom, he knew she’d be there. A beautiful young woman in her first season, she probably never missed an evening affair. He was the interloper. If he had any self-preservation, he would have told his father to bugger off, thus leaving Jackson free to rouse the sort of distraction guaranteed to diminish whatever fresh hell Lady Katherine Baxton had awakened in him.

  Apparently, he was a glutton for punishment because instead of giving Father a firm ‘no,’ he stood, trapped. Forced to watch Kate share her beauty with the man who would one day possess her.

  Which is how it should be. Jackson had no intention of claiming any part of Kate. Tricking her into spending time with him was a lark. A way to pass the hours until he left England and his father’s ultimatum.

  It certainly wasn’t a desire to be in her company, or recall how the sunlight had flickered through her dark hair that morning at the pond, warming her tresses to a deep chocolate. Or the delight of teasing a smile from her full pink lips.

  He had a plan, one that didn’t threaten his bachelor status.

  Jackson pried his besotted gaze from the sweet curves of Kate’s body, though a searing fire burned recklessly within him at the duke’s offensive hand, resting heavy on her waist. It would not be prudent if his father noticed his fascination, his unreasonable jealously—

  “We need to stop meeting like this.”

  Jackson groaned, not bothering to muffle the sound as he turned toward his brother. “Considering we arrived together, your jest falls short of humor.”

  Edward laughed. “I can’t accustom myself to seeing you in society.”

  “With you to keep me company, I’m at a loss as to why I resisted crossing into the privileged sphere.”

  “You could try to appear friendly. Then, someone might actually take pity and speak with you.”

  Jackson gave the room a quick glance, strategically avoiding the dancing couples. “Since there isn’t anyone I wish to converse with, I don’t think my churlishness makes a difference.”

  “It is going to be rather difficult for you to meet Father’s demands if you don’t give it any effort,” Edward pointed out. “Women like to be courted.”

  “Perhaps I don’t have any intention of yielding to his demands.”

  Edward’s brow lifted toward his hairline as he scrutinized Jackson. “What mischief are you about?”

  Damnation. His brother’s suspicions had been roused. “Nothing. I simply don’t feel like being his pawn.”

  Suspicion clouded Edward’s features. “I don’t see how you have a choice. Not if you want funds to live upon.”

  “I have my ways.”

  “And would those ways involve Lady Katherine?”

  It took all of Jackson’s wherewithal to keep his face from betraying him. “Lady who?”

  “I don’t know what is more pathetic, your effort to dissuade me or your pitiful attempt to keep your eyes from straying in her direction.”

  All pretense dropped, Jackson growled at his brother. “What do you want?”

  “Besides knowing what you have planned for Blackthorn’s nearly-intended?”

  “What do you want for your silence?”

  Edward waved him away. “I’m not trying to extort you. It would not be fitting.”

  As much as he wanted to despise his brother at the moment, Edward had the right of it. Their different aspirations might keep them from being the best of friends but they were far from enemies.

  Either way, Jackson had wearied of his brother’s company. “Get to the point.”

  “Watching you wriggle your way out of this one will be enough to keep me quiet. Just remember, Bla
ckthorn is a duke, which means he has the power to destroy whatever it is you have planned.”

  Edward’s warning echoed in Jackson’s ears long after his brother vanished into the crowd. Was there a possibility of Blackthorn preventing Jackson’s joint shipping venture? If the duke wanted to make his life difficult, it could be achieved with minimal effort.

  Realizing the waltz had long ended and Kate was no longer wrapped in her betrothed’s embrace, Jackson indulged in the single action sure to bring him nothing but disaster.

  He searched out the woman who fascinated him.

  It didn’t take long to find her. In mere minutes, he could bring about a moment of privacy. He just needed to be patient and wait for her to excuse herself from the two women who, despite lacking Kate’s thrilling beauty, were clearly her sisters.

  Anticipation pulsed in his veins.

  Jackson followed a pace behind Kate as she exited the ballroom in the direction of the retiring rooms. His steps quickened when an open door to the right beckoned him. Without a word—and ignoring the taunting voice warning him he was making a colossal mistake—he secured Kate by the arm and had her sequestered in the empty room before she could voice a squeak of resistance.

  As soon as the latch of the door clicked shut, she let her displeasure be known. “What are you doing?”

  “I need a moment of your time.” The excuse, even to his ears, sounded lacking.

  “I can’t be here.” She took a step to move around him but he shifted, remaining between her and the door.

  Her eyes met his and second thoughts for what he was about to do fell away when his body combusted from the desire burning within those deep brown orbs. Contrary to her words, there was no denying what her body conveyed.


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