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Once Upon a Lady (The Soul Mate Tree Book 8)

Page 15

by Addie Jo Ryleigh

  Decision made, she fisted her skirt, spun on the balls of her feet, and lurched down the path, not daring to see if he followed.

  Her heart pumped erratically as she stumbled blindly along, praying she’d find her way to Jackson’s house. And maybe unicorns are real.

  Kate lurched to a stop when the path abruptly forked. Left or right? Since she wanted nothing more than for everything to turn out all right, she turned in that direction. Right couldn’t be wrong.


  She’d taken but a few steps when a faint glow of light down the left trail flickered on the edge of her vision. A lamp? She must be close to one of the houses. Abandoning her initial choice, Kate veered left.

  The crunch of gravel behind her signaled the approach of her mystery companion, who must have cut the distance between them as she’d agonized over which path to take.

  Panicked hysteria bubbled in her throat. Her first night as a woman free to make her own decisions and where did she find herself? Fleeing for safety in the darkness of a secluded and unfamiliar grove of trees.

  “Good thinking, Kate. Father will be so happy with your choices,” she huffed.

  If she could only reach the light . . .

  Relief coursed through her as the rounded glow increased in size. She was almost there.

  Then . . . nothing.

  The light disappeared. No! She was so close. Despair swamped her but she couldn’t stop. The heavy footfalls behind her wouldn’t let her.

  Lifting her skirt higher, Kate hastened on. The source of that light must remain, and hopefully a house.

  There was no turning back, not unless she wanted to confront the man behind her and she was quite certain she didn’t.

  Just when she thought things couldn’t get worse, complete darkness cloaked everything. Kate stumbled to a halt, unable to see anything in the dense black.

  Then she stiffened at the unmistakable presence of someone behind her. Knowing he had to be as blind in the dark as she, Kate could only hold still and pray he would pass by.

  The man inched closer until she swore she felt the heat of his breath on the back of her neck. Her muscles tensed, every instinct urging her to flee—

  Heavy hands fell on her shoulders. Trapped. Yet, strangely, she wasn’t afraid, for a bright glow filled the darkness, sending a wave of calm through her body.

  A canopy of branches and leaves suddenly blanketed her. She’d found what she’d been searching for . . . and it wasn’t the ancient tree taking root around her.

  It was the man behind her.

  He remained unseen but nothing could conceal her body’s reaction to his closeness. As if an unbreakable string linked them, her soul ached to be closer. To satisfy the urge to press against him.

  His hands tightened on her shoulders, yanking her to his chest.


  His mouth brushed the curve of her neck. “What are you doing here, Kate?” His rough whisper raked over her skin, sending shivers through her body. Her hands fisted at her waist.

  There was so much she wanted to say to him but she couldn’t move past what she’d witnessed a few hours earlier. “Why were you with Lady Betsey?”

  He chuckled. “Jealous, my wood nymph?”

  “Certainly not.”

  He engulfed her hands in his. “That is unfortunate. I find I rather like the thought of you being jealous.”

  Exasperated by his persistent teasing, she tugged free and spun in his embrace. “Are you courting her?”

  The continued brightness from the tree illuminated his face, shining on every handsome line as his smile curved even higher. “If you asked my father, we are engaged.”

  Kate’s hopes plummeted.

  At the twinkle in his eyes, her brow furrowed. “You are not being serious.”

  “Sadly, I am entirely serious. But I have no intention of marrying Lady Betsey.” His smile deepened. “Or courting her for that matter.”

  “Is that so?”

  His arms snaked around her. “I couldn’t be surer. I only escorted her to the park to appease my father.”

  Kate’s gaze dropped to his lips, hovering so very close to hers. She craved nothing more than to urge his head lower, and satiate the longing to feel his mouth move over hers. Resisting the impulse, she accused, “You didn’t say anything at Hyde Park. You led me to believe you’d abandoned me.”

  “Before anything else is said, might I ask why you are here and what changed your mind?” he probed.


  His eyes widened as he eased away. “Your future husband is spying on me?”

  “Don’t be absurd.”

  “He isn’t spying on me?”

  She shook her head. “Nor is he my future husband.”

  His eyes, deep blue and so alive, searched her face intently.

  “I’m holding on by a thread, Kate. Tell me what that means before I lose my mind.” His voice roughened with emotion.

  Taking pity on him, she palmed his cheek. “I am no longer betrothed to Blackthorn.”

  “Did he abandon you? Because you were with me?”

  Not what she wanted to hear from him after finding out she was a free woman, but it could be worse. “He didn’t call off the engagement. I did.”

  “He allowed it?”

  She bit back a chuckle. “You have a very low opinion of a highly-respected duke.”

  “There must be something wrong with him to have walked away from you.”

  Though Kate’s insides warmed at the sentiment, her mind wasn’t so far gone she could ignore the obvious. “You walked away.”

  “Exactly.” He pulled her close once again. Stunned into silence, she didn’t resist. Could he be saying what she so desperately needed to hear?

  She didn’t have to wait long to find out.

  He cupped her face in his palms. “Kate, I’ve been an idiot. I handled everything wrong. Instead of treasuring the most perfect gift delivered right to me, I fought it, refused to listen. And stubbornly held tight to a dream which could never make me happy.”

  Her head spun more with each word he uttered.

  “Undiscovered land or exotic destinations can’t compete with you,” he vowed, bending until he gazed directly in her eyes. “I love you.” He brushed a kiss over her cheek. “I think I’ve loved you from that first night.” His lips drifted lower, caressing the skin beneath her ear. Shivers coursed through her as he whispered against the shell of her ear, “You’ve invaded my body, fired my blood with only you.”

  Tears swarmed Kate’s eyes as a smile curved her lips. If only she could pause this moment and hold it in her heart forever.

  “You’re saying you love me?”

  “I’m yelling it for all to hear. I love you, Kate.” His shout rang through the grove. “You are my soul mate and I’ll never disbelieve anything Nan says ever again.”

  She playfully slapped her hands against his chest, laughter bursting from her. “And all it took for you to believe her was a mystical tree to appear, more than once.”

  “I’m thickheaded and stubborn. You’ll come to discover that.”

  Her snort wasn’t ladylike at all, but surely Jackson wouldn’t mind. With him she could be herself; not the proper daughter of a duke, but just Kate.

  “Not a surprise. It was apparent that first night,” she teased.

  His strong arms encased her, squeezing her to his chest. “Ever the pesky sprite.”

  Reveling in the sense of home that warmed her heart so deeply, Kate gazed into his eyes, still lit by the enchanting glow circling them. “You love me for it.”

  “Hell, yes, I do.” One brow arched arrogantly. “Is there something you feel the urge to say to me?”

confident her feelings shone clearly on her face, she needed to say the words. Probably more than he needed to hear the sentiment.

  She lifted to her tiptoes as her hands slid over his shoulders, up his neck, into his hair. Within a breath of his mouth and against his kissable lips, she whispered, “I love you.”

  The words were barely spoken before his demanding kiss washed them away with one swipe of his tongue. She opened wider, trying to deepen their connection as her fingers fisted his hair.

  Many kisses later, they finally broke away to catch their breaths. Jackson bent until his forehead rested against hers. “Thank you.”

  Her thoughts in a muddle of desire, she managed, “For what?”

  “For finding me and leading me on the only journey I ever wish to travel.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Without the distraction of Kate’s lips, Jackson’s attention returned to the impossibility looming behind her. Unexpectedly, his Nan’s voice sounded loudly in his memory with those final words of the legend . . .

  I’ll gift you forever, to have and to hold.

  When he’d spied someone entering the grove, he never imagined it would be Kate. Once her scent drifted in the breeze and he realized who he was following, he hadn’t any thought as to how their encounter would end.

  He only knew he couldn’t let her go.

  Damn Blackthorn. Damn society and its rules. Damn anyone attempting to arrange his future.

  The words to reveal himself, to halt her retreat, had been on his tongue, only the tree had appeared before he could.

  Now, the life stretching before him held only one answer and it was Kate. He didn’t need to sail the world to know his arms held the greatest treasure he’d ever find.

  Now she was his.

  Her fingers continued to play with his hair and he almost begged her to continue forever. But first he’d ask for what he needed, more than his next breath. “Tell me. I long to hear those words again.”

  She didn’t disappoint. “I love you, Jackson. Only you. Forever you.”

  And his soul was complete.

  Thank you for reading Once Upon a Lady, by Addie Jo Ryleigh, Book Eight in THE SOUL MATE TREE COLLECTIVE! If you enjoyed the read, please consider leaving a review on Amazon.

  The Collective continues with September’s release, SWEET SACRIFICE, by L.D. Rose:

  Former Navy SEAL Sebastian “Bash” Lockard died in Afghanistan after leaping on a grenade to save his comrades. Little did he know his act of heroism would grant him a ticket into Heaven’s elite army as one of the few and powerful Archangels. Struggling with his new existence, Bash still retains his human memories, leaving behind a wife he loves with all of his heart. Although he is forbidden to see her, he cannot resist her lure, or the mortal desires he harbors for her.

  As a young widow and nurse, Irene Lockard still mourns her husband two years after his untimely death. His absence is everywhere, and when her best friend weds, she hits an emotional rock bottom. As if summoned from the skies above, Sebastian appears before her, and they share an unforgettable night. But when he once again vanishes, she wonders if she’s truly gone mad with grief.

  The only way Sebastian can remain with Irene is if he makes the ultimate sacrifice. But will she overcome her fear of losing him again to another war?










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