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Page 15

by Maya Banks

  She shrugged. Started to tell him all she’d heard but then decided it just wasn’t worth it. She turned again to stare out her window.

  Several minutes later, J.T. pulled up outside of his house one block off Barley’s main street and just two blocks from the police station.

  “Come on inside so you can get out of those wet clothes.” J.T. met her at the front of his truck and wrapped an arm around her shoulders to help her inside. The air conditioned air hit her smack in the face, and she shivered as water dripped from her body.

  “Let me get you a T-shirt and some sweats you can change into. I’ll put your clothes in the dryer,” he said as he directed her toward the bathroom. “You can take a hot shower to warm up. I’ll leave the clothes by the door.”

  She nodded and closed the door behind her. When she saw herself in the mirror, she winced. Drowned cat didn’t quite do justice to the image staring back at her.

  While she was grateful that J.T. hadn’t insisted on driving her right back to the ranch, she also wondered what the hell she was doing here. It wasn’t like she could hide forever. But bless J.T. for giving her a little time and not crowding her.

  As hurt as she was by the conversation she’d overheard, she knew that she’d go back, and she had a choice. She could pretend she hadn’t heard it, or she could take the bull by the horns and confront Seth and Zane about it. But if she did that, she had to be prepared to hear some things she might not want to hear.

  She stood underneath the shower spray for a long time, enjoying the hot water on her cold skin. About the time she began to wrinkle up like a prune, she got out and shut the water off.

  After wrapping a towel around her body, she peeked out of the door to see that J.T. had, indeed, left clothes on the floor for her.

  She collected them and stepped back into the bathroom to pull them on.

  A few minutes later, fully clothed again, she walked out of the bathroom. As she neared the living room, she heard J.T. talking in a low voice. An eerie sense of déjà vu closed in around her as for the second time that day, she heard her name in someone else’s conversation.

  “Jasmine’s here, man, so don’t have a cow. I picked her up on the side of the road when I was on my way out to see you. She’s pretty upset.”

  Jasmine held her breath. How typical of J.T. to call and rat her out. So much for any damn loyalty among friends.

  “I’ll make sure she stays here until you come to pick her up,” J.T. promised.

  “Like hell you will,” she muttered.

  She turned, no longer interested in his conversation. She yanked on her still-damp tennis shoes and let herself out the kitchen door.

  At least the rain had let up.

  She stalked off, ignoring the slight protests her ankle made. She wasn’t prepared to face Seth and Zane, and J.T. damn well should have known that. But he had no loyalty to her. That much was obvious. Men sticking together and all that shit.

  She kicked at a can on the road as she headed in the general vicinity of Tucker’s. Not that she’d stop there. She had no money on her, and it was the first place they’d look for her.

  She shoved her hands deep into her pockets and continued walking. She cut across the open field behind Tucker’s. The grass squished beneath her feet as the ground soaked up the rain like a greedy lover.

  It was only six miles between town and the ranch. Plenty of time to think.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Seth roared up to J.T’s house and threw open his door. Zane got out on the other side and they both hurried to where J.T. stood on the front porch.

  “What do you mean she’s gone?” Seth demanded.

  J.T. blew out an aggravated breath. “Just like I said on the phone, man. She must have heard me talking to you. I thought she was still in the shower. When I went to look for her, she was gone.”

  “Fuck,” Zane muttered. “Where did you find her anyway? Seth didn’t say a damn word on the way here.”

  “I found her a few miles from the ranch heading this way. On foot. I almost didn’t see her. I could tell she was upset. When I asked her where she was going, all she said was away. When I told her to get into the truck, she said she wasn’t going back. I offered to bring her here so she could dry off at least.”

  “What else?” Seth asked sharply. “What could possibly have upset her so much that she set off on foot in the damn rain when she hurt herself just two days ago? Jasmine isn’t stupid.”

  J.T. leveled a stare at him. “I asked her what you’d done to upset her. She seemed surprised by my assumption it was you. I suggested that you were the only one with the power to hurt her so bad.”

  Seth flinched and looked away. “She must have overheard.”

  Zane swore. “Damn it, Seth, I told you it was a stupid idea. What was she supposed to think if she only heard part of that conversation?”

  “She’d think we didn’t want her here,” Seth said in a low voice.


  Zane’s chest heaved and fury was etched into his face. “Goddamn it. I’m sick of doing things your way, Seth. Fuck that. I’m done. Maybe you don’t give a fuck how badly you hurt her in your attempt to push her away, but I do. She doesn’t deserve this from us.”

  Seth felt the words to his gut, each one sucking more air from his lungs. “Let’s just find her,” he said quietly.

  “She’s upset,” J.T. said.

  “Gee, you think?” Zane asked derisively.

  J.T. held up his hand. “All I was going to say, man, was to cut her some slack. Give her a little breathing room. As Seth said, she’s not stupid. She just needs time to think.”

  “She wouldn’t if Seth weren’t so intent on driving her away,” Zane said with a fierce scowl.

  “Let’s go,” Seth said. “We need to find her and get her back home.” He didn’t want to have it out with Zane. Not here. Not now. Not ever.

  Jasmine rubbed her palms up and down her arms as she crossed the small courtyard by the pool and headed for the kitchen door. She was tired, bone-achingly so. Her ankle throbbed, and it had rained on her again on the way home.

  Every light in the house was on, and the courtyard was cast in the glow from the dusk to dawn light. She trudged up to the kitchen door and paused. Her hand curled around the handle, and she took a deep breath.

  The door opened soundlessly and she walked inside. Seth stood abruptly from the barstool he was perched on, and without a sound, he yanked up his cell phone and punched a number. He put the phone to his ear.

  “Zane, she’s home. She’s fine.”

  He hung up and stared at Jasmine, his expression thunderous.

  “Where the hell have you been?” he asked as he stalked over to her.

  She didn’t reply.

  “You had us worried out of our minds. And Carmen. She’s upstairs in tears. Is that any way to treat a woman who has been a mother to you?”

  “A mother you’d take away from me,” she said bitterly.

  He looked startled.

  She took a step forward and winced.

  Seth cursed and swept her into his arms. He gripped her tightly as he strode toward the stairs. Every part of him was tense. There was no sense putting up a fight so she lay limply against him.

  He paused outside Carmen’s door. “Carmen,” he shouted. “Jasmine’s home. I’m taking her to her room. She’s fine.”

  Carmen burst out of the door but paused when she caught Seth’s scowl. Carefully she leaned forward, captured Jasmine’s face in her hands and kissed her cheek. “Thank God you’re safe, niña.”

  “I’m sorry, mamacita,” she whispered back. “I never meant to worry you.”

  Carmen patted her cheek. “I know this, niña. You are a good girl. Now go, let Seth take care of you.”

  Jasmine looked sorrowfully at her as Seth started forward again, his abruptness with Carmen bordering on rude.

  Once inside her bedroom, he put her down close to the wall. She stumbled back, and i
nstead of steadying her, he pressed in close to her.

  He ravaged her mouth, his lips working so hot, so intensely over hers. Her back met the hard surface of the wall, and she was trapped between it and Seth’s body.

  “You test every one of my limits,” he rasped as his mouth worked down her jaw and to her neck. “I have no control when it comes to you.”

  “You don’t want me here anymore,” she said quietly.

  He stopped, his lips pressed to the hollow of her neck. Then he slowly stood to his full height. His eyes looked haunted as he reached out to cup her cheek.

  “I’ve always wanted you here, Jasmine.”

  “You said that I didn’t belong here. That you…that Zane and Carmen weren’t my family.”

  Seth let out an agonized groan. He cupped her face in both of his hands and lowered his head to hers. He kissed her long, gently, his lips tender against hers. He pulled away the barest of inches.

  “I just want what’s best for you, Jasmine. And sometimes…sometimes I worry that we’ve cheated you by sheltering you here for so long.”

  “What if it’s what I want?” she whispered brokenly. “I don’t want to leave here. I love you.”

  Seth pulled her closer until her face was buried in his chest. He laid his cheek on the top of her head and breathed in deep.

  The door flew open, and Seth pushed her away almost guiltily. Jasmine turned to see Zane standing in the doorway, his expression relieved.

  “Thank God, you’re okay,” he said.

  Seth stiffened beside her and started to move away. “I’ll leave you two alone,” he said in a low voice.

  “Don’t go,” she pleaded, knowing this was it. Do or die time.

  He paused and looked at her with uncertainty written in his expression. “What are you asking, Jasmine?”

  “Make love to me,” she whispered. “Both of you. I need you both so much. You were wrong. This is where I belong. With you. Both of you.”

  There was calm acceptance on Zane’s face. Seth’s was a wreath of torture. He was torn, and she could see that despite his objections, despite all that he’d said, he wanted her. She moved forward, her intent to make it as easy on him as possible.

  She melted into his arms. At first he didn’t respond, but when she trembled and faltered on her bad ankle, he caught her against him.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking me to do,” he said hoarsely.

  “I’m only asking you to love me,” she said softly.

  She reached up on tip toe to brush her mouth across his. As he pulled her to him, she turned her head to look at Zane. She pleaded silently for him to understand, to accept. All she could see was answering desire.

  Seth slid his hands from her back to the front of her belly. He tugged impatiently at her damp shirt. Zane stepped behind her and took it from Seth, pulling it the rest of the way over her head.

  While Seth began shoving the baggy pair of sweats that J.T. had loaned her down her legs, Zane nudged her hair to one side and pressed his lips to her neck.

  Instead of having her step out of the sweats, Seth simply lifted her and carried her to the bed. He set her down, and she leaned up, wanting to touch him, undress him as he’d undressed her. This was her fantasy, damn it, and she wasn’t going to lie back and let it be dictated by someone else.

  Behind Seth, Zane was already shrugging out of his jeans. Her mouth watered when she saw his cock slide free of the confining denim.

  She worked at Seth’s button then slid the zipper down. He aided her by taking his shirt off as she worked his jeans down over his hips.

  “Pull it out for me,” she whispered. “I want to see you.”

  He hesitated only for a moment before sliding his hand into his underwear. He pushed down the material then lifted his cock, holding it in his palm just inches from her mouth.

  She reached out to cup his sac. She splayed out her fingers and stroked upward, finding the thick vein on the underside of his dick. She leaned forward and swirled her tongue around the blunt crown.

  He flinched and issued a small grunt. She fisted him, moving her hand up and down as she sucked him deeper into her mouth.

  The bed dipped behind her, and soon, Zane’s hands trailed down her back, down to cup the globes of her ass. He spread them and sent his fingers seeking into the wetness of her pussy.

  She closed her eyes, urged Seth deeper and let out a small moan of pleasure as Zane’s fingers found her sweet spot. She rose up the teeniest bit to give Zane better access. She gripped Seth’s hips and continued to suck him.

  “On your knees,” Zane said huskily. “Higher, baby.”

  She complied and positioned herself higher on her knees as Seth backed away to give her room. As she reached for Seth’s cock again, Zane spread her with his fingers and moved to straddle her

  She moaned as both men slid into her body at the same time. Zane’s fingers dug into her hips as Seth’s wrapped into her hair. They moved in unison, both thrusting deep. Then they began an alternating rhythm where one withdrew as the other thrust forward.

  Seth reached underneath to cup both her breasts as he sank to the back of her throat. His thumbs brushed repeatedly over her taut nipples as Zane reached around to finger her clit.

  She was bombarded by electric sensations. They fit together like lost pieces of a puzzle. They completed her in a way she’d never dreamed.

  “Turn around,” Seth said hoarsely. “I want that sweet pussy.”

  Zane withdrew, and she rotated around. Seth grasped her hips and in one motion, buried himself deep. She braced herself on her knees and cried out as pleasure burned her veins.

  Zane lay back and reached for her head. He pulled her down until he thrust into her mouth. The taste startled her. It was her.

  “Fuck, that’s sexy,” Zane muttered. “Lick me, baby. Taste your pleasure.”

  She sucked up and down, listening to his sighs of contentment. The slap of Seth’s thighs against her ass grew loud in the quiet room. Each thrust pushed her further against Zane.

  Zane stroked her hair, pulling it away from her face as he watched his cock disappear into her mouth. He seemed fascinated with the sight.

  Seth surged deeper and deeper, and she could feel her orgasm burning, tightening, climbing higher and higher. She didn’t want to go yet. She wanted it to last. She tensed and put a hand back to make Seth stop. He chuckled and slammed into her, holding himself deep.

  “Let go, baby,” he said huskily. “I guarantee it won’t be your only orgasm of the night.”

  She squeezed around his cock as he pulled away again. Zane reached for her nipple as she pushed her mouth down over his cock. She closed her eyes as tiny little firework shows began popping in her abdomen.

  Seth began thrusting wildly against her, and she lost what vestige of control she had remaining. She cried out around Zane’s cock as they both drove deep.

  She splintered, slowly, then faster, the tension in her pussy cracking and exploding. Warmth shot through her belly, spread throughout her body in one endless flush.

  She was on a course to crash land, and she didn’t care. She free fell from a cliff with no safety net in sight. As the room shifted and tilted around her, she closed her eyes and sucked Zane deep.

  For several long moments, she merely existed, feeling nothing but the most intense pleasure as both men rocked against her.

  Finally her muscles went limp and she sagged. Seth caught her hips and eased his movements until he slid back and forth with exquisite tenderness.

  Seth pulled her away from Zane and turned her with his hands. “Lay down, baby,” he said huskily.

  Zane got to his feet and reached for her shoulders, positioning her so her head hung over the edge. Seth crawled up onto the bed and eased between her legs.

  “Just lay back and let us take care of you,” Zane crooned.

  His words were such a sweet balm. Words she’d waited forever to hear.

  Zane rubbed the head of his co
ck over her lips, coaxing her to open for him. When she did, he slid deeper. His hands crept to her jaw, holding her as he gently fucked her mouth.

  Seth ran his fingers over the seam of her pussy and parted the sensitive folds. She still quivered from her orgasm and each touch sent a jolt of almost painful sensation through her pelvis.

  He reached underneath her to cup her ass, opening her further to him. Zane palmed her breasts and plucked lightly at her nipples, oh-so-sensitive from her orgasm. Seth pushed forward, planting himself deep inside her body.

  They both rode her, at first with sensual decadence, their rhythm slow and restrained. But as their breathing grew sharper, their pace increased. Their thrusts became harder, their hands became more seeking.

  Unbelievably, she felt the stirrings of another orgasm. Sweet, thrilling, delicious. Seth pulled her legs up, holding them high over his arms. He pumped against her as Zane filled her mouth over and over.

  She squirmed underneath them and wondered how the hell they were holding out so long when she was well on her way to her second orgasm. And to think she’d been worried about it all being over in thirty seconds. If they wanted to give her multiple orgasms, who was she to complain?

  “I’m going to come,” Zane whispered. “Tell me if you want me to pull out.”

  She shook her head vigorously and sucked him deeper. She wanted all of him. Wanted to taste him, wanted to give him the same satisfaction she’d found.

  His fingers tightened at her breasts and then they flew to her face. He held her tightly and let out a sexy groan. Hot fluid spurted against the back of her throat. It filled her mouth, and she swallowed rapidly as more splashed against her tongue.

  He thrust deep as the last of his orgasm danced in her mouth. He held himself there for a long moment as his hips jerked and quivered. Then he pulled away, and she licked the thin trickle of fluid from her lips.

  Zane immediately moved to the bed and bent his dark head to her breasts. His hair brushed the tips as he positioned himself so that he could access either nipple.

  As Seth continued his erotic assault on her pussy, Zane sucked one nipple deeply into his mouth. She arched into him and cried out. His hand found her other nipple and he twisted it between his fingers.

  “Oh God, I’m going to come again,” she gasped out.

  “Then come,” Seth gritted out. “I’m close, baby. Come with me.”

  She didn’t need any encouragement. As Seth pounded between her legs, her orgasm built sharply, much faster than her first. It was on her almost before she was aware that she was hurtling over the summit.

  Seth called her name just as she felt him strain against her. A flood of warmth filled her, and still it came. She hovered, buzzing and burning. And then she went off like a sling shot.

  Zane sucked lazily at her breasts, and she raised a weak arm so she could trail her hand through his hair. Such sweet contentment. Seth slowly eased from between her legs and crawled onto the bed beside her.

  He lay down, propped on one elbow, and Zane pulled away from her nipple. Strong hands caressed and petted her skin, her tired muscles. Their touch was loving, tender. She arched and purred like a kitten.

  “Want a bath?” Seth murmured.

  Instead of instilling panic, the idea pleased her. She nodded and he leaned down to kiss her.

  “I’ll draw you some water, but don’t take too long. I’m already hungry for you again.”

  She shivered at the promise in his voice. “Maybe I’ll just take a quick shower.”

  She started to get up, and when she put weight on her ankle, she grimaced. She hadn’t done it any favors by all the walking she’d done today.

  Zane was there. He swept her up into his arms and started for the bathroom. To her surprise, Seth followed behind. Seth reached in to turn on the water and

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