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Between Two Realms: Awaken

Page 19

by Amber Flora

“Yeah but you're the clairvoyant one. Do you believe that it’s true?”

  I had to know how she felt about it. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around me being a savior of anyone. It seemed no matter what realm I was a part of I was meager at best.

  “I foresee you being an intricate part in bringing an end to the Credo. Fate is funny, my darling, sometimes we're helping it out without even knowing it.”

  Did this woman just speak in riddles? Was it too much to ask to get a yes or no answer?

  “If fate is deciding for me why am I even bothering with any of this?”

  She smiled sweetly, a look of understanding glistened in her eyes.

  “When Algon’s father passed away I never thought I could love any other man again. One night I decided to attend an art exhibit in San Francisco. I was walking around looking at all of the new up-and-coming artists and this magnificent painting caught my eye. Before me I saw a beautiful angel sitting on a cloud reaching her hand downward; a single tear was falling from her eye. I was in awe of its beauty and knew I had to meet the artist. I walked around that gallery a dozen times introducing myself and asking about the artist, but no one knew who it was. I was just about leave when I saw the staff removing the painting from the wall. I rushed over to ask where the painting was being taken when, to my surprise, they handed it to me. Turns out the guy who painted it had been watching me all night. He decided he wanted it to go to someone who would appreciate all of its beauty and someone who spent the whole night searching for its creator deserved to have it. God, I loved that man. He was the most authentic person I ever met. He taught me to see the world in a whole new light.”

  I listened to her story wondering what it would be like to love so completely as she had.

  “That’s a bewitching story, Mimi, but what does it have to do with fate?”

  “I’m getting to it, child. You young ones are so hasty. If I hadn’t walked into that gallery that night I never would have met John. If your uncle was never born he couldn’t have taken care of you; he protected my darling granddaughter. Everything is connected.”

  I thought about my uncle, did he have it worse than me? He couldn’t even enter the magic realm. He was born from a world he never got to experience. Ken didn’t even get a choice as where he wanted to belong.

  “Did you have a relationship with Ken?”

  I saw her posture change and her eyes bore the look of loss and sadness.

  “I raised him alongside his father until his twelfth birthday, I had no choice but to return to my realm. I was given an ultimatum, return home at once or forever remain in the human realm. I considered staying, living a normal human life with my son and the man I loved. I would have been perfectly happy doing so, but John, Ken’s father, would not allow it. He refused to let me, to give up that part of my life. He said it was what made me the woman he fell in love with and I should return home and put my skills to good use. I visited often and watched as the man I loved aged and eventually died. He never married, never stopped loving a woman who couldn’t be by his side. Ken was a lot like John, full of love and compassion. Losing my son and not being able to prevent it nearly destroyed me. No child should go before their mother, it goes against nature. The only solace I had was knowing he lived a joyous life. You were his pride and joy, he could not have loved you any more if you were his own child.”

  We both sat there in silence, tears streaming down our faces for the loss of a great man. Victoria straightened, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “I see the way Mac and Cody look at you. They both care about you a great deal, more than either want to admit. You can choose your own path, my dear, but which path you take will determine how much of the prophecy will come into fruition.”

  Confusion swirled through my mind. Why couldn’t fortune tellers just tell it like it was?

  “You’re saying love will determine if I’m the Phoenix?”

  She smiled coyly getting up from the table.

  “I’m saying love may be the only thing that can unite the realms.”

  Brian had become an integral part of our band of immortals. It finally got to the point when he could walk into a room without Mac wanting to kill him and I could tell they were slowly coming around to accepting each other, flaws and all. Ben had gone back to dream realm to attend to some council matters. I really just think he wanted to get as far away from all the drama as possible, which was fine by me. That man could fill a concert hall with all the lies and secrets he held. Victoria left at dawn for magic realm; she said she would be back in a few days after she checked on some students and made contact with my father.

  “Ashtyn, have you seen my boots?” Brian asked, looking under the sofa.

  “Knowing Mac he tucked them neatly in a closet.”

  I thought about how orderly Mac had to have everything as opposed to his father who I wondered if had ever washed a dish in his life.

  “Where are you headed?” I asked, finding Brian’s shoes and handing them to him.

  “There was a clatter at a pub I own. I have get down there and sort out some blokes.”

  “You own a bar?”

  I noticed Brian hadn’t drank anything since he had been back and I wondered if he quit after moving to shadow realm.

  “Aye, I own a couple.”

  I looked at him perplexed.

  “Wait, does blood make vampires drunk? What kind of trouble goes on at a vamp bar?”

  He laughed, pulling on his boots.

  “No, lass, blood does not make vampires drunk, but I own human bars.”

  I did not expect that.

  “You can do that? Don’t they notice you don’t age or better yet that you're not human?”

  He dismissively shook his head.

  “Nah, I use aliases to purchase them, hold on to them for a few years and then sell them off. A lot of vampires own businesses in the human realm. It’s a good way to earn a living, even immortals need money.”

  He made a point. How did all the immortals make money? I knew the council paid some dreamwalkers for their services, but how did the others make their money? So many of them traveled through different realms and even a few lived in the human realm half the time.

  “How long are you going to be gone?”

  I didn’t know why, but a fleeting feeling of sadness rush over me at the thought of his absence.

  “I have been lacking on my obligations as of late, it should only take me a week or so to get things sorted out and I’ll return.”

  He handed me a piece of paper and put on his coat.

  “It’s my phone number. If these bucks bother you or ya just miss the sound of my voice give me a call.”

  I stepped closer wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his chest.

  “Don’t forget me,” I said wishing he didn’t have to leave.

  Brian hugged back and I realized against all odds this man was my friend.

  “Not a chance, lass. You have given me the greatest gift imaginable: my son back. I owe ya a great deal.”

  I smiled against his shoulder, wishing I could give the years back they lost being without one another.

  “You fought to protect me. Bring me back a six pack and we’re even.”

  Brian winked, kissing me on my cheek before he disappeared out the door.

  Chapter 16

  It was nice being the three amigos again. I loved having Brian and Victoria around, but just sitting on the couch watching a movie with Cody and Mac felt like old times. I had come to think of us as family. A deranged and unconventional family, but family nonetheless.

  “So that chick pretended she was dead and framed her husband for her murder? And then she says ha ha just kidding and he stays with her?”

  I laughed at Mac’s interpretation of the film, taking another cookie from the tin and nibbling on it.

  “That’s the jist of it.”

  “Are human men really that desperate for a woman?”

  Cody fl
ipped off the movie and turned on the local news.

  “That’s the part that got you? I was dumbfounded by the ignorance of the peacekeepers. They just followed the clues when it was obvious it was a setup.”

  I made a mental note to pick a kids movie next time. These guys took things way too literally.

  “It’s just a movie, guys, it’s meant to entertain.”

  “Casablanca, now that’s a movie,” Cody said, pointing his finger in the air for emphasis.

  “You’ve seen Casablanca?”

  Mac pushed my feet off the coffee table, giving me a death stare. Oh, but it was OK when he did it to my furniture.

  “In theater, he took his girlfriend, Blair.”

  Cody had a girlfriend? I knew Mac was far from pure, but I never really thought about Cody dating anyone before.

  “Blair, as in Ben’s maid Blair?”

  They both nodded in unison.

  “She’s a beautiful young lady. What happened between you two?”

  Mac snorted.

  “Peyton thought so too.”

  I looked to Cody for an explanation.

  “I don’t get it.”

  Then a lightbulb went off in my head.

  “Peyton and Blair are an item?”

  Cody threw a pillow at Mac to try to prevent him from saying any more; it didn’t work.

  “The heart wants what the heart wants. In this case it wanted a woman.”

  I couldn’t help it, I bellowed out a laugh.

  “Oh, Cody, that’s terrible.”

  I could tell at that moment he wanted to be anywhere but where he was. He wasn’t one for sharing details of his personal life and this little tidbit was a doozy.

  “Yeah, you sound real sympathetic. It’s not that big of a deal. We only went out a few times; we both liked sports and she knew a lot about baseball.”

  Mac and I tried to contain ourselves but when we made eye contact we began to roar with laughter. Once Cody got the connection he joined in. By the end of the night my face actually hurt from all the smiling. Why couldn’t every night be like this?

  I was having a peaceful dream that I was fishing in the pond on the farm when I awoke to a loud crashing sound. Startled, I jumped out of bed, sneaking to the stairs. I had to cover my mouth so I didn’t let out a scream when I saw four men tying Cody up to a chair in the living room. Oh my God, where the hell was Mac? I turned to run back to my room and try to find something that would fend off the intruders when my foot slipped on a step. Thud. Shit.

  “Ashtyn, run!” Cody yelled from downstairs.

  “I wouldn’t do that if you value your friend's life,” an unfamiliar voice commented.

  There was no way in hell I could leave Cody tied to chair while I went for help. I slowly turned around and descended down the staircase.

  “Ashtyn, stop! Get the hell out of here.”

  As I continued my descent I got a better look at the men that managed to subdue Cody. They looked human, but I knew better. There was no way humans could have taken down the beast. He looked like he had put up one hell of a fight. He had a swollen eye that was already turning colors. Blood was coming out of a cut on his lip and the way he was breathing had me guessing they had broken a rib or two. One of the taller guys was holding a knife to Cody’s throat and looked all too eager to use it. I didn’t know what they wanted, but I had a feeling after they got it there would be no reason to keep him alive. I had to stall.

  “Who are you and what do you want?”

  The stranger with spiked jet-black hair stepped closer to me.

  “I think you know the answer to both of those questions. Now be a good girl and come with us or I’m afraid you will be forced to watch your friend bleed to death before your eyes.”

  “Fuck them, let them kill me. Flash!”

  I tried to learn my enemy like Mac said. They needed me alive. To them I was the only one that knew where Ser'ie was and until they got me they wouldn’t risk killing Cody, they needed him for leverage. I could flash and go for help, but if I did who knows the harm that would come to him until we were able to rescue him. After that horrible image flashed through my mind I decided for the latter. I summoned all the energy I could gather and starting repeating the charm Victoria taught me. I wasn’t great at controlling my spells and hoped I didn’t kill all of us with my limited knowledge of magic. Fog engulfed the living room and I heard the men coughing. Hidden by the heavy mist I got on all four and started crawling on the floor toward Cody.

  “What is this shit?” I heard one of the guys say as they still coughed from the smoke.

  “That bitch! Find her!” another shouted.

  When I got close enough to Cody I could see the feet of the man who held the knife to his throat standing behind him. I whispered another charm. Loud thunder rolled through the apartment and my hand began to burn as I directed the energy toward the man, praying I had the spell right. With a rolling rumble as bright as the sun, lighting struck the man and he slammed to the ground near my head. I shrieked at the sight of his lifeless eyes staring back at me. I had killed a man. I had taken his life force from him with one swipe of my hand. I wanted to grieve; well actually I wanted to throw up, but I didn’t have time. I had to get to Cody. I quickly came up behind him and starting untying his arms.

  “Ashtyn? Is that you?” He asked through the fog.

  “Shh, I’m trying to save you.”

  About the same time I managed to untangle the last of the knots a hand yanked me back by hair.

  “Let go of me!” I squirmed, trying to free myself.

  “You killed my brother. If Damon didn’t want you so badly I would slit you from navel to nose.”

  The fog had cleared enough that I could see Cody wiggling out of his restraints.

  “Yeah, asshole? Well, I have a lightning bolt with your name on it.”

  He pulled a clump full of my hair and I hissed in pain.

  “Careful, you may have an unpreventable accident.”

  “Come on, Cody, we’re running out of time,” I screamed in my head.

  “You're about to have the accident,” Cody growled jumping up from the chair.

  I reached for him. We were nearly close enough for our fingertips to touch when one of the other men found his way to Cody. In a second he was beside him and before I could make a sound a bright silver object sprang from his hand jabbing it into Cody’s side.

  “NO!” I cried out, watching him fall to the floor.

  I saw the blood gushing out between Cody’s fingers as he clutched the wound. When I tried to rush to him the piece of shit holding me yanked me off the ground. I wanted to run to his side, to wrap my arms around him and tell him everything would be all right, that he wasn’t going to die— not here, not today. But I couldn’t, before I could even try to escape the hold of my assailant we had flashed, leaving an injured Cody behind to face the others.

  I didn’t know how long I had been in the dungeon of doom, but I was cold and hungry and the place smelled like a sewer plant. The traitor who brought me here had given me a pretty good lashing to the back before slamming the cage door. I guess I was lucky that’s all he did to me. I had taken his brother's life; I killed a man. I wanted to hurl at that revelation, but I hadn’t eaten in what felt like days. I didn’t even have anything to throw up. If their plan was to keep me alive they were doing a piss poor job of it. I had slept a couple times, but I never dreamt. I don’t think I had ever gone a night without dreaming. I don’t know what kind of hell they were keeping me in, but I had a feeling they were using some kind of magic to prevent me from dreaming. I heard the sound of footsteps and saw my abuser round the corner.

  “Damon wants to see you.”

  I rose from the floor trying not to wince from the pain.

  I didn’t want to give him the pleasure of knowing how much he had hurt me.

  “Oh good, I was wanting to speak to the manager. I asked for a suite and I’m not thrilled with my accommodations.”
  He unlocked the door, pulling my hands behind my back and tying them together.

  “I want to see the look on your face when you learn your fate,” he spouted, leading me out of the dungeon and up the stairs.

  The top level of the house was nothing like where I had been staying. It looked like a king's palace with beautiful velvet drapes, exquisite woven rugs, and antique paintings and decor hung throughout. Who the hell was this guy? My kidnapper led me into a dining hall that looked like it belonged in Camelot. There was a huge rectangular table that would require walkie-talkies to hear the person on the other end. Elegant dinnerware sat in a curio cabinet to the left and on the far end of the hall hanging on the wall behind whom I assumed was Damon was an enormous painting of a woman looking through a window at a darkened sky. I sympathized with her. I felt trapped by the changing weather of events myself.

  “Miss Lane, you have been a very naughty girl. Please sit, you must be starving.”

  The blonde-haired guy pushed me forward toward the chair across from Damon and released me from by binds. I tried to flash, but nothing happened. Damn! How were they doing this? I stared at the man in front of me. He looked to be in his mid-thirties with a buzz cut and dark-brown eyes that penetrated me to my core. Looking at him closely he didn’t look like much; he was average build and appeared to be slightly shorter than Cody. His mouth held a crooked smile.

  “I’m afraid it’s not as easy as all that, Miss Lane. Now please, sit and eat. You look malnourished,” Damon said, eyeing my captor.

  “She wouldn’t eat, sir.”

  What? This guy is so going to get a lightning bolt to the face.

  “Yes, well, we wouldn’t want her to get sick now, would we, Grison?”

  Ah, he has a name.

  “He’s right. I’m not hungry.”

  Damon slammed his fist on the table.

  “You will eat.”

  “Or what? You’ll kill me? I’ll take my chances.”

  Damon motioned his hand toward Grison, who pressed a button on the wall, and two men walked in dragging a beaten and bloody Mac between them.


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