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Between Two Realms: Awaken

Page 21

by Amber Flora

  “What are you reading?” he asked as he walked up behind me, brushing my hair off my shoulder. I had managed to keep his touches at bay, but he was getting bolder with every meeting. I had to make my move soon before I would be unable to stop his advances. There was no way I was going to share a bed with this man. Every time he was near me the hairs on my arms stood at attention and my stomach coiled.

  “Little Women. It was one of my favorite books growing up,” I marked my spot, closing the book and putting it on the end table.

  “Damon, can we talk?”

  He walked to the bar pouring himself a glass of brandy.

  “I invite you to talk as freely as you wish.”

  I took a deep breath, gaining the courage I needed to go on.

  “If we are to create a life together I can’t be forced into bed with you, we need time to get to know each other, develop a connection.”

  He quirked his brow, sitting in the leather chair across from me.

  “Actually I can forcefully take you. I am trying to be a patient man, but if you force my hand I will have to invoke violence.”

  I needed him to remain calm. I thought about what I was doing. How do you reason with the devil?

  “How would that work exactly? You overpower me a bunch of times until I finally get pregnant and then what? I would be its mother. Your plans might not go the way you expect them to if your child doesn’t have a mother or worse if he knows the person who gave birth to him despises his father. I don’t see it faring well for your plan.”

  He contemplated that for a moment.

  “I merely need your DNA; a mother being in the child's life is inconsequential to me. If you wish to partake in his upbringing that would be an advantage to you, not necessarily me.”

  Dammit this wasn’t going as I envisioned. Think Ashtyn. “So you are saying you will be the one to feed the child, change his diapers and comfort him when he is distraught? I apologize for my boldness, but you do not strike me as the warm and fuzzy type. In order for your plan to work the child would need to survive to adulthood. I’m sure you are more than capable of teaching him how to wield a sword and command the elements, but there is more to raising a child than that.”

  Damon clapped his hands together in a derisive manner.

  “Well played, Miss Lane. What is it exactly you are proposing?”

  I thought about my friends. How much I would miss Lori. Would she ever know what had happened to me? Perhaps it was best she didn’t. My life would be over, but hers could still go on. She would forget about me in time, I would be nothing more than a distant memory of what once was.

  “I will give you what you want. You will have your child and I will participate in your little scheme with no complaint. I just have a few requests of my own first.”

  Damon tapped his finger to his chin, withholding any sign of being swayed.

  “I’m not one for taking requests, but if they are reasonable and it will gain your cooperation, I might be willing to allow them.”

  I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. Was I really going to do this? Agree to be his baby’s momma? I didn’t even know if I wanted kids and now I’m being thrust into motherhood with a man I loath.

  “I want Mac released and I want to be allowed to tell him goodbye. I also want time. You have waited this long you can wait a couple more months to allow us to get to know one another.”

  His expressionless face gave nothing away. What if he didn’t accept my conditions, or if he already killed Mac? I wouldn’t accept that thought to fester further. He needed Mac; that was the one thing he could lure over my head and use to maneuver me like a puppet on strings. “I cannot allow your friend to go free. He would come back for you and I doubt he would be alone.”

  I got off the couch, kneeling down in front of him, placing my hands on top of his cold soulless ones.

  “So we move, we go into hiding for a while. You have a massive army. If anyone were to come after us you could protect me, protect our child.”

  He ran his fingers across my face down to my neck. I held back from the urge to bite one of them off.

  “You have one month. If I am to accept the release of your friend then the two months you requested drops to one. If you want your original request of two then Mac will remain in my custody.”

  He was playing hardball, but I got what I was really after. One month or two made little difference. Mac living was the only thing I cared about at the moment; once he was safe I would allow myself the time to grieve over my own situation.

  “I agree,” I said closing my eyes to push back the tears.

  “Then we have a deal, one month, but I urge you not to think about double crossing me, Miss Lane. If you were to break our compromise in any way there would be nowhere for you to hide.”

  Damon cupped my face with his hands, bending down till his lips grazed mine.

  “If you keep your promise I will keep mine,” I said not deflecting his gaze.

  “For your friend’s sake let’s hope what you say is true, next time I will not be so merciful.”

  Grison led me down the steps to the dungeon door. I was shivering, not because I was cold but because I knew with this act I had sealed my fate. I would being sacrificing my life and my future for my friends. I knew if I didn’t cooperate with Damon that he wouldn’t stop at Mac, he would destroy everyone and everything I loved. At least this way I would have some control over my fate. We rounded the corner to see Mac sitting on the floor in a dreary cell; his eyes were closed and if I didn’t know better I would have thought him to be sleeping.

  “Mac!” I called out as I rushed to the cell doors.

  He looked up at me. It looked as though he had seen a ghost. He blinked a couple of times and when he finally determined I was real and not a delusion he pulled himself to his feet, clutching the bars between us.

  “Let me in,” I commanded turning to Grison.

  “That was not part of the agreement,” he replied with malice.

  I got close enough to Grison to whisper in his ear. I didn’t want Mac overhearing for fear he might go into a rage.

  “Let me go to him or I will tell Damon about how you starved and beat me. I don’t think he would be as forgiving as I.”

  That got his boots a knocking as he fumbled with the keys to the cell. The door slid open and I rushed to Mac’s side.

  “You have twenty minutes. Better make them count.”

  Grison slammed the cell door closed; slowly walking back toward the stairs, twirling the key in his hand while whistling a tune.

  I observed the damage Damon and his men had inflicted on Mac. His eye was nearly swollen shut and his beautiful nose was slightly curving to the left. He was standing, but he looked as though a small breeze could knock him off his feet.

  “Macree, thank the heavens you are all right. Let me look at you.”

  I wrapped my arms around him gently as not to incite more pain as I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his skin. I wanted so badly to stay in that moment. To forget my obligations and the war, but most of all I wanted to elude fate. Was this what my grandmother meant about love saving our people? Would my sacrifice allow Mac to defeat the Credo? I hoped so. I already sealed my fate, but Mac had a whole new chapter to play out. Perhaps he would do what I could not.

  “I’m fine, it’s you I’m worried about. How badly did they hurt you?”

  He pulled back, looking me over to gauge whether I was telling the truth.

  I had to be strong; I couldn’t let him see my anguish.

  “This is a walk in the park, I've been through much worse than the likes of this.”

  I knew he was lying; Mac was a strong and fearless man, but his body showed the truth.

  “I don’t have much time, I need to get this out quickly.”

  He looked at me with concern.

  “I am so thankful you and Cody found me, I would not trade one moment of our time together. You have changed my life in s
uch a profound way. I was lost before I met you, wandering through life with no idea of where I belonged. You gave me a family, a purpose. I love you, Fintan Mac Donagh.”

  As hard as I tried not to show my agony I trembled in his arms. I meant what I said. I did love him; I wasn’t entirely sure in what way, but I knew it to be true. That man had crept into my heart and there was no way he was leaving anytime soon.

  “Macree, don’t talk like this, like you’re giving up. We will get out of here, I promise you. I will not rest until you are free and Damon is dead.”

  I stepped back looking into his beautiful blue eyes. I wanted to tell him everything. How I wish we could escape this hell together. How much I cared for him, but all that would do is make it that much harder to let him go.

  “There is a spy amongst the dreamwalkers. I think it might even be one of the council members. Don’t trust anyone. Someone is feeding information to Damon.”

  “How do you know this?” He asked searching my eyes for answers.

  “Damon practically told me. I’m not sure if he meant to, but I know it to be true.”

  He rubbed the top of his head in typical Mac fashion.

  “Feckin hell, if a council member is working with the Credo there is no telling what he’s capable of. We can’t just throw out accusations; we’ll need proof. Did he let anything else slide that might be of use?”

  I shook my head no and he frowned.

  “Will you do something for me?” I asked, praying he would say yes.

  “Aye, you know I will.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “Tell Lori she is and will always be my sister. Let her know I believe in her and someday she will have everything she’s ever dreamt of. I hope Cody survived the attack. I feel in my heart that he is out there somewhere. If you find him, thank him for believing in me. Tell him I’m sorry I let him down and …” I paused before continuing. “Tell him … I love him too.”

  Mac cupped one hand behind my neck and rested the other on my cheek. He bent down till his lips touched mine, kissing me with such a fierce hunger that for a moment I thought the heat it radiated would melt away the bars. I opened my mouth, accepting his lips’ embrace. The passion between us was so raw with need that every fear and thought I previously had drifted away; all I could think about was my desire. I felt his tongue circle mine and heard his ragged breath. I wanted to escape my nightmare in his arms. For just the briefest of moments I thought about breaking my word to Damon. Screw his twisted plan, forget the idea of being his concubine. I had my own dreams. I was tired of living everyone else's idea’s of my life. Could I save us? Even if we managed to escape he would never stop hunting me. He would kill anyone who tried to protect me. His hand slid down my back never removing his mouth from mine. My body and soul ached with desire. Then as if only a minute had passed since I walked into his cell our time had ended. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Quickly, I backed away and he murmured a curse in Irish.

  “Don’t come for me. Tell the others. You have a chance to live your life and write your own destiny. Do it for me. Be free of this, Mac. This isn’t your fight.”

  I turned away from him, facing the outside of the cell. I hid my tears, which were impossible to stop now and flowed like a waterfall.

  “Why are you talking this way? Ashtyn, what did you do?!” he grabbed my shoulder, trying to get me to face him.

  “What did you do!” he yelled again.

  Grison opened the cell door to let me out and Mac tried to charge him, but he was too weak. Grison slammed him hard in the chest and Mac buckled over. When Grison went to pull me toward the stairs I turned back to Mac, who was slowing pulling himself back on his feet. I saw his wet eyes and knew it wasn’t from the physical pain. I knew that man loved me. Maybe he never would have told me, maybe there would never had been a future for us, but just as I couldn’t ignore the feelings that swirled inside me whenever he was near nor could he.

  “What does Macree mean?”

  It was a silly thing to ask given the current circumstances, but I didn’t care. So much more we could say to each other, but I had to know. If I were to never see him again I wanted that small piece of knowledge that I could hold onto in my darkest hours. He raised his head to meet my eyes, affliction written on his face. He spoke two words before turning from me and slumping to the floor.

  “My heart.”

  Chapter 19

  Cody threw a lamp across the room, nearly hitting Ben in the head.

  “She isn’t here!”

  It had been a week since Mac was returned to them beaten and near death. Kat had her work cut out for her in healing him. He was a stubborn horse who kept trying to leave the hospital and go after Ashtyn. Cody knew the remorse he felt. He felt it too. While they were safe with their loved ones she was all alone being subjected to the wrath of Damon the demon. It was only after Cody suggested they had a better chance of getting her back if Mac were healed that he somewhat relaxed and allowed Kat to do her job. Once Mac was back to his wiley self they had acclimated a plan. Along with Ben, Algon and Brian, they would assail the castle and recover Ashtyn. It was a risky move, not only were they going against the council's wishes, but the Credo were large in number and they were just five men. Algon had cast a blinding spell shielding them from detection while Brian used his incredible speed to search the perimeters for any guards posted outside. He knew it was too easy when they met with no resistance. The place was abandoned, no sign of Ashtyn or the bastard Damon. They entered through a cellar door and made their way to the main wing.

  “Where the feck did he take her?!”

  Mac raged, ripping the picture hanging in the dining hall off the wall. After Ashtyn had left the dungeon that night they stormed his cell, he tried to fight them off, but he was too weak. Damn his own body. The one they called Grison held him down and injected him with something. That was the last thing he remembered before waking up on the doorstep of his apartment without Ashtyn. He didn’t keep his promise; she was not free. What deal did she make with the devil to obtain his release? That thought made him shudder. He would find her, he would save her and when he did, he would tell her all the things he wanted to say. He would reveal to her how she had become his world overnight. That he couldn’t imagine a life without her in it and if she would have him he would love her till the end of time.

  Algon stepped forward placing his hands on the dining table, drawing in energy. An image of Ashtyn flashed in his mind. She was sitting at the table, her face in her hands. She was weeping. Damon walked up behind her whispering something in her ear that caused her to rise. In the blink of an eye they were gone.

  “He knew we were coming. They fled.”

  All the men looked back and forth between one another. Silence engulfed the room until Mac finally spoke, his voice full of rage.

  “Then we follow, wherever they go, however long it takes, I will not stop until she is free of him.”

  Cody stepped forward, bowing his head in agreement, then Algon, Ben and finally Brian did. The men placed their hands on each other’s shoulders, making a circle. Algon summoned lightning that struck the painting laying on the floor, causing it to go up in flames. The blaze traveled, catching the curtains on fire; smoke was thick in the air. As the five men prepared to flash out of the burning castle, Cody screamed so loud he hoped Ashtyn could hear him.

  “From the ashes the Phoenix will rise!”


  It had been three days since I arrived to my new home. It was smaller than the previous residence but true to Damon’s demeanor it oozed power. I sat on the bay window reading my book when I could swear I heard Cody’s voice. I looked around, a small part of me hoping he was really here, but I saw no one. Was I losing my mind? Had the stress of the past couple weeks finally caused me to snap? Maybe that would be a good thing. Damon wouldn’t want a child with an insane woman, would he? He wouldn’t even notice, the man was insane himself. It would probably just make me
more appealing to him.

  I saw a bird land on the tree outside my window. I envied him; how nice it would be to fly wherever you desired, not to be bound by the pull of gravity. My wings were clipped and I was a prisoner to a man I did not love, while the men I did love were out there somewhere. Were they looking for me? Perhaps they were glad to be rid of me. I had been a burden they had to carry for far too long. Isn’t that what I wanted anyway, for them to move on with their lives and forget about me? I couldn’t decide. While I prayed they were safe and had stopped looking for me another small part of me held on to hope that they hadn’t given up. I was stuck under Damon’s magical hold. How I wanted to dream again, to sit on the porch of the cottage and smell the fall air. I thought about my destiny. If I had known my fate, would I have chosen the same path? Victoria said fate or not we are still free to choose our own path. I did not feel free. The whole reason Cody came for me was to help him defeat the Credo, now by the strange and annoying twist of fate I was aiding the very people he sought to destroy. No one could say fate didn’t have a sense of humor.

  Damon had held true to his word about allowing us time to get to know one another. I was taking the opportunity to learn my enemy. If I ever did get my dreaming privileges back I was going to straight to the boys with any information that could be of use to them. That is if they would ever show in my dreams again. OK, so there were a lot of gaps in my plan, but I refused to give up. Fate be damned, this was one fight I was going to win. I just had to be patient and bide my time. So far Damon had been smart, only making small talk and avoiding any questions directed toward the Credo, but he would slip up, and when he did, I would strike. I only hoped that was before I had to fulfill my end of the bargain.


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