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Unattainable [The Wolves of Shade County 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by JC Holly

  He arrived outside Hudson’s house a little after one in the afternoon, and, carefully balancing his drinks tray on one hand, made his way to the door. He took a quick breath, then knocked.

  Footsteps approached on the other side, and Micky made out the shape of a man in the obscured glass of the door. It swung open to reveal not Hudson but a similarly tall black man, clad only in boxers. The man glanced at Micky, then at the tray in his hand, and grinned wide.

  “You must be Micky.”

  Micky dropped the tray.

  * * * *

  Hudson came out of the front room to quite the sight. Micky was stood in the doorway, his mouth wide as he stared at Bill, who was holding a tray of coffee in his hand. He was also wearing only his boxers.

  Hudson quirked an eyebrow. “Micky?” The two turned to look at him, and he laughed. “This is quite the odd sight.”

  “I thought I’d stop by with coffee,” Micky said, clearly shaken. “I didn’t know you had company.”

  “Oh?” Hudson nodded to the drinks tray that Bill had just placed on the table by the door. “Then why are there three drinks?”

  Micky glanced at the tray, then at the two men, then turned blood red.

  Over the next five minutes, the story was revealed, and by the end of it, all three were sat on the sofa and laughing aloud.

  “I’ll kill that Clara,” Hudson said, still chuckling. “The woman loves to piss me off.”

  Bill, now dressed, plucked a coffee from the tray. “She’s a weird one, certainly.”

  “Kinda of an evil thing for her to do,” Micky agreed. “Still, it’s all fine now. Sorry I doubted you.”

  “Hey, it’s fine.” Hudson reached over and squeezed the man’s knee. “We don’t know each other well, and stuff like that does happen all the time. I probably would have thought the same. It’s no big deal.”

  Micky smiled. “Thanks. I damn near had a heart attack when I saw Bill.”

  Bill grinned. “Yeah, sorry about that. I’d just got out of the shower. You’re lucky I remembered to put on boxers.”

  “Lucky you’ve got fast reactions, too, or I’d be cleaning coffee out of the carpet right now.” Micky settled back into the chair, seemingly completely calm now. “So how did you two meet?”

  “Oh, years back on a backpacking holiday,” Hudson said, switching to the story the pair used when talking to humans. “Bill knew the area, and I had money for booze. Fast friends ever since.”

  Bill nodded. “I’ve been out of the country for a couple of years, though, and we lost contact. Once I got back I looked him up.” He smiled. “Spent most of the morning catching up on things we missed.”

  Micky fingered the rim of his coffee cup. “Maybe I need to send Rhys out of the country for a while. Or permanently.”

  Their conversation veered back to Bill and Hudson’s past, and the pair happily traded embarrassing stories for an hour, always careful to adjust dates. Micky seemed to thoroughly enjoy the time, and Hudson was glad to see him so at ease with Bill and vice versa. Hudson didn’t have many close friends, so having them get on with his potential boyfriends was pretty damn important to him.

  After a while, Bill stood and announced that he had somewhere to be. Hudson knew him well enough to know that he was simply giving him and Micky some time alone, but he played along gratefully.

  “I’ll probably be back late,” Bill said, as he walked to the door. “Lots of exploring to do.”

  Which no doubt meant shifting and going on the hunt. Hudson envied him. There was no better experience than investigating a new area in wolf form. All those new sights, sounds, and smells. It was like walking through a foreign country.

  As Bill closed the door behind him, Micky moved closer to Hudson on the sofa, their knees brushing against each other.

  “Your friend is nice,” Micky said. “Cute, too.”

  Hudson chuckled. “Oh, I know. He’s straight, though.”

  “I know. Once I got over the initial surprise, it was pretty clear. I’m good at spotting things like that.”

  Hudson smiled in reply. Pity you couldn’t spot the thing I’m hiding. That would make my life easier. Still, now that Bill was in the picture again, Hudson could introduce the idea of shifters a little differently.

  “Bill is…” Hudson snapped his fingers as he searched for a word. “Not like most people.”

  “How do you mean?” Micky relaxed back into his seat, his hand falling on Hudson’s lap. “He looked normal to me.”

  “It’s a genetic thing.” Hudson wracked his brain for ideas. Why did I bring it up so damn soon? “He’s like an improved human, almost. Ages slowly, heals quickly, than sort of thing.”

  Micky frowned. “I’ve never heard of that.”

  “It’s very rare. He doesn’t talk about it much, either.”

  Micky nodded, and Hudson decided to leave it at that for the moment. He’d introduced the idea of people being more than they appeared, and once that had settled for a while he’d move onto the existence of the occult. Maybe through mention of him suspecting Clara was part-witch. If he took that well, the leap to shapeshifters shouldn’t be as large as simply blurting it out.

  “So.” Hudson placed his hand atop Micky’s. “Bill and I talked a lot about me, but I didn’t hear much about you.”

  “You two were having fun trying to outdo each other. I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, it’s been a while since we’ve been in the same room. I want to know about you, though.”

  “Anything in particular?”

  “Just the basic stuff.”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  Hudson smirked. “For every question, I remove an item of clothing.”

  Micky raised an eyebrow. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Yup. Of course, you’ll be doing the same.”

  “Oh, will I, now?” He ran a hand along Hudson’s thigh. “Don’t I get a say in the matter?”

  “Nope. You’ll do what I say.”

  There was a brief pause before Micky replied, and in that moment Hudson wondered if he’d gone too far. He was in luck, though.

  “Yes, sir,” Micky said, smiling. “I like a man who knows what he wants.”

  Hudson cleared his throat as he tried to ignore the stirring in his crotch. Judging by Micky’s widening smile, the man knew what was going through Hudson’s mind.

  “So, uh, where are you from?” Hudson asked.

  “Couple hundred miles east of here, in a little town nobody’s ever heard of.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “Oh, it is. Rolling hills, lots of green, very little of anything else. I moved up to the city for school and then decided to stay. I like the lifestyle here, but sometimes I miss the calm of small town living.”

  “Me, too,” Hudson said, as he unbuttoned his shirt. “It’s why I have the cabin.”

  Micky mirrored him and pulled off his own shirt. “I’d love to see that some time.”

  “We’ll have to arrange a trip up there. It’s a bit of a walk, so I hope you’re feeling fit.”

  “I’m sturdier than I look.”

  And you look good. Hudson let his gaze drop down to the man’s chest. He had the torso of an athlete. No excess muscle, but what was there was perfectly toned. He ran his fingers over Micky’s abs. The growing bulge in Micky’s pants wasn’t exactly difficult to spot either.

  “You must work out.”

  Micky’s attention was on Hudson body, but he nodded. “I try and stay in shape. Gym, running, that sort of thing.”

  Hudson could already see that his idea had flaws. They were only one question in, and he doubted either of them could now think clearly.

  “Fuck it,” he mumbled to himself.

  “Hmm?” Micky glanced up. “What did you say?”

  “Take off your pants. Now.”

  * * * *

  Micky didn’t have to be told twice. He didn’t know what Hudson had in mind, but as long
as it involved nudity he didn’t care. As Hudson stood to undress, Micky tore at his own clothing, yanking his pants and boxers down to his ankles. As he straightened up Hudson put a large hand on his shoulder and pushed him back onto the sofa.

  “Lie back,” he said, his voice sending shivers through Micky.

  Micky did as he was told and lay flat on the sofa, the only upright part of him his hard cock. He turned his head to his side and looked up Hudson’s body, starting from his thigh and ending at his thick cock. From the new angle, it looked even bigger than it had in the car the other night. He wasn’t sure he would be able to take it.

  Hudson ended Micky’s wondering about what was to happen when he knelt on the sofa, facing in the opposite direction. Micky jostled for position until he was on his side, and Hudson did the same until his thick cock bounced softly only inches from Micky’s lips.

  He reached forward and ran his tongue over Hudson’s cockhead, then shuddered as Hudson did the same. Micky pulled away and again Hudson mirrored him. Micky grinned. So that’s the game? You’ll come to regret that…

  Micky reached up with his hand and gripped the thick shaft, then took the cockhead into his mouth and began to suck softly. He ran his tongue along the sweet spot below the head and tried to contain himself as Hudson did exactly the same.

  He sank low on the shaft, taking as much into his mouth as he could, then began to bob, stroking with his hand what he couldn’t fit inside. Hudson grunted in response and took a moment to copy it. Micky took that as a sign he was doing well, and continued on, trying to concentrate only on what he was doing, lest the whole event end far too soon.

  Time passed, but Micky certainly couldn’t keep track of it. He was focused solely on what he was doing, and he assumed Hudson was the same. A herd of buffalo could have stampeded through the front window and Micky wouldn’t have noticed.

  He certainly noticed Hudson’s finger. Apparently the man had tired of following and had decided to switch things up. Micky tensed as the man’s thick finger circled his asshole, pushing gently against it. He relaxed and the finger slipped a short way inside his ass, then further still. As it met Micky’s prostate, it was all he could do not to cry out in pleasure.

  Hudson seemed to sense this, and his finger went to work, massaging the area while he worked hard on Micky’s cock. Micky wanted to swear, to say something, anything, but instead he bore down and kept working Hudson’s shaft, determined to bring the man to orgasm before he himself exploded.

  After a minute of Hudson’s obviously finely-honed technique, Micky couldn’t hold back any longer and pulled from Hudson’s cock.

  “I’m gonna come,” he said, gasping as the man worked him.

  Just before the moment arrived, Hudson pulled Micky’s cock from his mouth and worked it with his hands instead. Seconds later Micky cried out as he came hard, his cock twitching as Hudson made sure every last drop was freed. Micky completely forgot about Hudson’s cock, so distracted was he, but apparently Hudson had something on his mind anyway.

  As Micky sat up, Hudson stood and began to jerk his own cock hard and fast, his gaze fixed on Micky.

  “Jerk it,” Micky said, as he stroked his now tender cock. “Jerk your big, thick cock, Hudson. Come all over me.”

  Hudson growled and worked faster still, then grabbed Micky by the back of the neck and pushed him onto his cock. Micky went to work immediately, licking and sucking as best he could as Hudson pushed further still, his cock against the back of Micky’s throat. He let out a moan and that was the final straw for Hudson. His cock pulsed in Micky’s mouth, spurting forth torrents of hot salty cum. He choked as Hudson triggered his gag reflex, but the larger man easily held him in place, his iron grip stopping Micky from sliding away from the still twitching cock.

  “Take it all,” Hudson said, his voice deep. “Swallow every drop.”

  God, if Micky hadn’t already come he’d be doing it so hard at that. Hudson’s tone offered no discussion, and Micky loved it. The man was in charge, and Micky was his slave. He lapped up everything Hudson had to give, then swallowed the load and tongued Hudson’s cockhead.

  When Hudson finally released his grip, Micky stayed exactly where he was, lapping up every last drop until nothing remained, then slid back and looked up. Hudson had a look of contentment on his face that matched Micky’s own.

  “That was so fucking hot,” Micky said. “I love it when you take charge like that.”

  Hudson waggled his eyebrows, the aggression that had filled him moments ago now dissipated. “Good to know.”

  Micky stood on shaky legs and moved in close, his cock rubbing against Hudson’s as he kissed the man softly. “I think this could be the start of something awesome.”

  Hudson smiled wide. “Me, too.”

  Chapter Eight

  Micky peered into the open case of a computer and restrained the urge to punch the guy who was stood over his shoulder.

  “How much will it cost?” the man asked for the third time in as many minutes.

  “I won’t know until I work out what is faulty.”

  “Well can you hurry up?”

  Micky gritted his jaw and went back to work, focusing on where he was headed later to keep him calm under pressure.

  It had been a week since he and Hudson had had their wild time on the sofa, but only twelve hours since they had last been together. Their relationship was progressing fast, and Micky was enjoying the ride. That night would be another moment of progression, he realized. He, Hudson, and possibly Bill would be heading over to Laura’s place for a party, and all of Micky’s friends would be in attendance. He didn’t care much about the party itself, but he was eager to see if Hudson would get on well with Rhys and the guys.

  After five minutes of pestered troubleshooting, Micky worked out the issue with the computer, fixed it, and left as soon as the grumbling customer paid him. Laura was, of course, waiting for him once he stepped into his house.

  “Shouldn’t you be preparing for the party?” he asked, as he headed past her toward the stairs. “It’s at your place, remember.”

  “It’s done,” she called up the stairs after him. “Thought I’d pop round and ask a favor.”

  Micky rolled his eyes as he pulled off his work shirt. “What this time?”

  “That friend of Hudson’s?”

  He frowned. “Bill?”

  “Yeah. Make sure he comes?”

  “I’ll try. Why? You got your eye on someone you’ve never met?”

  Her feet sounded on the steps, and a moment later, she stood in the doorway. She shrugged, color in her cheeks. “I just figured that, since he’s a good friend of Hudson’s, he must be a good guy.”

  “I see.” Micky bent to pull a pair of pants from his drawer. “And my description of him from the time he answered the door in his boxers has nothing to do with it.”

  “Of course not. What do you take me for?”

  Micky raised an eyebrow. “A giant slut.”

  Laura cocked her head to one side, then nodded. “Okay, yeah. You got me. You gonna invite him for me?”

  “Sure. I don’t see why not. No guarantee he’ll come, though.”

  She smirked. “Believe me, if I get my hands on the guy, he’ll come.”

  She headed back down the stairs, leaving Micky to change and roll his eyes in peace.

  By the time he arrived at Hudson’s place less than an hour later, he was looking his best and feeling pretty damn good, too. He practically skipped up to the door and jumped as Hudson appeared before Micky could even knock.

  “Heard your car,” Hudson said. “Come on in.”

  The man stayed in the doorway so Micky had to squeeze past him, kissing him on the neck as he passed. Micky reached back and grabbed Hudson’s cock through his pants, and the man growled softly. He knew it drove Micky wild, and ever since he’d found that out, Hudson had done it all the time.

  Bill was sat on the sofa, but as usual, if the public lewdness bothered him h
e didn’t show it. Instead he stood and hugged Micky tight.

  “Good to see you,” Bill said.

  “You, too.” Micky gestured to the door. “Coming tonight?”

  “I thought I’d sit this one out,” Bill said, smiling. “You two have fun, though.”

  “Sure?” Micky leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially. “I happen to know that at least one very attractive woman is hoping you’ll show up.”

  “Who’s that, then?” Hudson said from behind.

  Micky wasn’t surprised that the man had overheard. He had ears like a bat.

  “Laura,” he said, before turning to Bill. “Blonde, thirty, slim, has been known to make men weep in the bedroom.”

  Bill rubbed at his smooth chin. “That does sound tempting.”

  “If it helps, she’s also lovely.”

  “Sold.” Bill laughed. “Let me throw on something less casual.”

  As Bill left the room, Micky sidled up to Hudson and slipped his hand down the front of the man’s pants. His fingertips found what he was looking for, and he teased Hudson’s soft cock. Hudson growled in response and grabbed Micky’s ass hard, before leaning in until his lips were on Micky’s ear.


  Only one word was whispered, but it was enough to turn Micky’s knees to jelly. He knew exactly what Hudson meant by it, and the thought made his heart beat faster.

  In their brief time together, they had done everything but full sex. They had come close a couple of days ago, but Hudson had seemed almost reluctant. He’d explained that it had been so long that he wasn’t sure whether he’d be able to control himself, but that had only turned Micky on further. He wanted Hudson to lose control, to throw him onto the bed and slam his cock deep inside Micky’s ass and blow his load wherever the hell he pleased.

  “I can’t wait,” Micky said. He meant it, too.

  * * * *

  Hudson took in a breath of the night air as they stepped out of Micky’s car and noticed Bill do the same. Thankfully Micky hadn’t noticed, as he was grabbing a couple of bottles of wine from the back of the car. Bill sidled up to Hudson and leaned in to his ear.


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