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Days of Destiny

Page 19

by Aiden Vaughan

  “You can do that, and have him clue in his mother about what is going to happen Friday and Saturday. She will have to call in sick to work tomorrow. I don’t want to risk having her leave home until after the gamblers make their move on Adele, assuming that they do. Then have Chauncey text Adele about the threats. Don’t have him tell her anything more than that, other than a plain police car will be visiting her tonight to explain what is going to happen tomorrow and Saturday. Leave the rest to us, Jason. It is our job to take care of the details. So much for my relaxing evening at home tonight!”

  “I am sorry about that, Captain Garcia!” Jason said with some regret in his voice. “But this is too important not to act on!”

  “I know, Jason. This is my job and what I am sworn to do. It will be very satisfying to me if I can take out some mobsters and gamblers threatening kids and their families in our community!”

  Jason and Captain Garcia shook hands and then Jason left for home. He was feeling a lot better now that there was a plan in place to deal with the threats on Chauncey. Later when he explained to Chauncey about the sting operation being planned, he could hear the relief in Chauncey’s voice that something was being done about the threats.

  “Thanks, Jason,” Chauncey told him. “I owe you big time!”

  “Yeah, and I want to collect that debt on the basketball court Saturday when you play the game of your life!” Jason said. “Now relax and rest assured that your mom and Adele are being looked after. See you at practice tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Friday evening, Jason received a call from Captain Garcia. “The sting operation is on!” Garcia told him. “Officer Buchanan, posing as Adele, went out for her afternoon run, but never returned. Later, she left a message on the Evan’s phone that she was spending the night with a friend and would be back home tomorrow. Of course we know that is bunk. We have tracked her to a house on the outskirts of town. We are ready to act instantly if we sense that she is being harmed in anyway, and she knows to tap a code on her tracking device, a little cross on a chain, if she senses that she is about to be harmed in any way.”

  “Have you been in touch with Chauncey and Mrs. Jackson?” Jason asked.

  “Yes, an officer is staying with them tonight,” Captain Garcia replied. “He was informed about what happened to Officer Buchanan. There was no activity on their street today, other than the normal traffic detouring around our pseudo investigation.”

  “I don’t think Chauncey will be in any danger tomorrow going to the game. Just in case, he is being picked up by Reggie Adams, another team member, and his father, an ex-Marine drill sergeant,” Jason told the captain.

  “Good!” Captain Garcia said. “But I think it is part of their plan for Chauncey to be there so that they can send in some sort of threat prior to the game. Plus everyone betting on the game would be suspicious if Chauncey wasn’t at the game. By the way, good luck tomorrow! You know we are all rooting for team Merriam!”

  “Thanks, Captain,” Jason said as he ended the conversation. I sure hope everything works out tomorrow, he thought. The stakes are sure high enough!

  Chapter 23

  The Championship Game

  (March 12)

  It was now 4:00 PM on Saturday afternoon. Team Merriam had arrived at the East Bay college arena and were running through their pre-game practice routine. By a flip of a coin it was determined that St. Bernadette was the home team and Team Merriam the visitors. As a result, Team Merriam did their practice from 4:00 until 5:00 PM, followed by St. Bernadette, who had the court until six.

  When Team Merriam was finished with their practice, they were taken to a room in the back of the arena where they were given a light meal before the game, which would begin at 7:00 PM. Around 6:15, they headed back to their locker room to put on their uniforms for the game and to receive last minute instructions and a pep talk from Coach Johanson.

  When Chauncey opened his locker, he found a picture of Jacqueline Buchanan, the police agent who was posing as his girl friend, Adele. In the picture, Jacqueline had fear in her eyes and her mouth had been taped shut with duct tape. Someone had handwritten on the picture, “You know what you must do.” Chauncey was furious when he saw the picture, because he knew that the gamblers would really hurt her if he played his normal game. And without Jason’s intervention, this would have actually happened to his girl friend or his mother. Chauncey called Jason over to show him the picture.

  “Oh my God,” Jason responded when he saw the picture. “Those slime-balls have made their move. Now it’s time to take them out.” Jason immediately got on his cell phone and called Captain Garcia. Jason told the captain that, “The gamblers left a picture of Officer Buchanan in Chauncey’s locker. It seems that they are starting to treat her roughly.” Jason described the picture that Chauncey had found in his locker.

  “All right, Jason,” Captain Garcia replied. “I am sending in my SWAT team to take her out of there now. Her kidnappers will be behind bars shortly! I’ll leave you a message when the operation is completed. Be sure to tell this to Chauncey!”

  After he ended his conversation with Captain Garcia, Jason told Chauncey that the SWAT team was moving in to rescue Officer Buchanan. “Don’t worry about a thing. Adele and your mom are safe!”

  Coach Johanson gave a stirring pre-game speech telling his team how proud he was to take them out on the court tonight no matter what happened in the game. “I want you to play your very best game tonight, and remember that we are a team, not a bunch of individuals on the court. Now give me your team yell.”

  The team gathered in a circle, put their hands together and shouted “Team Merriam!” Then they went out onto their half of the court for their pre-game warm-up routine. At ten to seven, the warm-ups were ended and the two teams were introduced. After that, a singer came on to sing the national anthem. The game against the St. Bernadette Nets was about to begin!

  The St. Bernadette Nets moved quickly after the game started. Merriam High was somewhat overwhelmed in the first half. The St. Bernadette Nets were a very good team with what seemed liked five Chauncey’s on their starting lineup. Chauncey put on a great performance but so did the Nets. By halftime they had opened up a ten point lead. Despite their efforts to keep up, Team Merriam seemed to be outclassed in the first half. The half wound down to a close with the score St. Bernadette 42 and Team Merriam 32.

  At halftime Jason checked his cell phone. There was a message from Captain Garcia. The SWAT team had moved in, rescued Officer Jacqueline Buchanan (posing as Chauncey’s girlfriend, Adele), and arrested the men who kidnapped her. The men were known associates of a Russian mob boss whose son was the one of the guards on the St. Bernadette team. With the men in custody, Chauncey’s real girl friend and mother could now come out of hiding to watch the second half of the game. (She and Chauncey’s mother were listening to the game from a remote location.)

  Jason quickly relayed the news to Chauncey. Chauncey, who had been sitting on the bench depressed over the uninspired performance of the Merriam High School team in the first half, suddenly came alive. “We will take the Nets this half. Just you wait and see!”

  As half time was winding to a close, the Coach Johanson was about to make an emotional appeal to the team to do better. Jason then said, “Coach, before you begin, I need to tell you something very important.” Jason took his coach aside and explained what has been going on with Chauncey and the gamblers.

  At first Coach Johanson was very angry. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” he demanded to know.

  “Because you are such an honorable person, you would have cancelled or forfeited the game to protect Chauncey,” Jason told him. “And that is the last thing the team wanted. We wanted the chance to take on St. Bernadette in a fair game, with no pressure on Chauncey. And we wanted to take out the gamblers and their mob allies who threatened him and his family.”

  “I can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to a high school boys basketball
game,” the coach replied. “It doesn’t make a lot of sense!”

  “I believe it has everything to do with someone on their team,” Jason replied. “Somehow one of their players must be connected to these gamblers who wanted to make sure the results went their way!”

  A few minutes later the coach was addressing the team about how to come back in the second half. Chauncey then stood up and said, “Coach, with all due respect to your game plan, I would like to make a pledge to the team. Somehow get me the ball as much as you can! I will make our comeback happen. This is very personal for me today. I have been put in check by the fear that my girl friend or mom would be harmed by gamblers betting on our opponents. Now I have a statement to make!”

  “That’s quite a promise you are making, Chauncey!” coach replied.

  “Yes, I know, coach, and normally I would never say something like that. But today is different. I hope you can understand and I hope my teammates understand. I am putting my entire reputation on the line, but that’s the way it is going to be!”

  “Team, what do you think of this?” the coach asked.

  The entire team gathered around in a circle, put their hands out together and began chanting, “Chauncey! Chauncey!”

  It was time to go back for the second half. The team made its way back onto the basketball court and went to their bench. Chauncey looked around at the large crowd. Then his face lit up in a huge smile. Walking down to two seats in the middle of the Merriam High School crowd were his girlfriend, Adele, and his mother. He waved at them and they waved back. Focusing back on his teammates and the game at hand, Chauncey got himself mentally ready to play the second half.

  Local sportswriters looking back on this game would write that Chauncey Jackson’s performance in that half virtually guaranteed him a spot on a premiere college level team. When the half began, Chauncey came out on fire and led the Merriam team on a 17-2 run. He made the most incredible series of moves and shots on offense, and was 100% on the free throw line when he was fouled. Other times when he was double teamed and even triple teamed by the Nets defense at times, Chauncey would make a key pass to a teammate wide open for an easy basket. He personally managed to steal the ball away five times during their run. His play got the Merriam team very much revved up and the team began to click on all cylinders. Mariano began to hit three pointers from the perimeter, Kololo was able to reject several of the Net’s shots, and Jason hit on a couple of his favorite medium jump shots.

  After about six minutes of this scenario, the Net’s coach called a team time out. He berated his team for giving up their big lead, and allowing Merriam to make so many uncontested shots because they were so determined to stop Chauncey. “Don’t play their game anymore!” the coach told them. “Now get out there and play ours!”

  Fired up, the Nets came out and made a real game of it again. The crowded arena was given one of the most incredible offensive shows they had ever seen. The teams went up and down the court, scoring basket after basket.

  Both teams were being careful not to foul the other team, so that they would be at full strength at the end of the half when crunch time came. During the last six minutes, the lead seesawed back and forth between the two teams.

  Finally the game came down to the last two minutes. Merriam still was able to maintain a two point lead, but St. Bernadette was on them basket for basket. As the game came down to the finish, Kololo rejected a shot from their lead forward. He was called for a foul, and the St. Bernadette player made two critical free throw shots to tie the game. Merriam got the ball back with 25 seconds to go, but inexplicably Reggie Adams overthrew a pass, and the ball went out of bounds. St. Bernadette capitalized on their next possession with a brilliant lay up from their leading scorer. There were only five seconds left and St. Bernadette had a two point lead!

  Coach Johanson called a time out. “All we need to do is make a simple basket to send this game into overtime. I want to use you as a decoy, Chauncey, because I know they will be at least double-teaming you on this play.”

  “With all due respect, Coach,” Chauncey said, “I know I can win this game, not put it into overtime. Just get me the ball and I will do the rest!”

  Again Team Merriam rallied to its star player, yelling Chauncey! Chauncey! in their huddle.

  “All right, Chauncey,” Coach Johanson said. “The team has decided to put the game in your hands. I hope you have what it takes to win the game!”

  “Trust me, Coach, I won’t let you and the team down!” Chauncey replied with determination in his voice.

  Because of the time out, Merriam got the ball at half court. Immediately Chauncey was double-teamed by St. Bernadette, but somehow Reggie got the ball to him. As soon as he had the ball, a third player came up to close in on Chauncey. But Chauncey was not to be stopped by any mere defenders. He leapt up into the air, almost four feet from just beyond the half court, aimed the ball, and made a shot dead on into the basket. All the St. Bernadette players could do was look on as the ball swished into the basket. Chauncey’s incredible three point shot gave Team Merriam a one point lead with one second remaining in the half. The Nets got the ball back but had to go for a ridiculous long ball that fell fifteen feet short of their basket. Team Merriam had just won the Northern California championship!

  With this exciting finish the Merriam crowd went wild, shouting “Chauncey! Chauncey!” over and over. As Team Merriam went through their ritual handshakes with the St. Bernadette team, Chauncey looked each of their starters in the eyes and said instead of good game, “A fair game is a good game!”

  Chapter 24

  Postgame Celebration

  (March 12)

  Pandemonium was the best word to describe what happened next. The Merriam HS crowd stormed onto the court and cut off the strings on the basketball hoop that had received Chauncey’s winning basket. Team members were hugging each other and giving out high fives. Everyone was talking about Chauncey’s amazing basket at the end of the game.

  Since the game was televised on cable television, a camera crew and sideline announcer were there to interview the winning coach, and Team Merriam’s star player, Chauncey Jackson.

  Announcer: Tonight you led your team to an amazing comeback in the second half. What motivated you to such superb play?

  Chauncey: My teammates and I have worked very hard to get to this point, and we didn’t want to lose this opportunity. There were also threats against me that were resolved as a result of police action by half time. That allowed me to concentrate on the game.

  Announcer: Threats? What do you mean, Chauncey?

  Chauncey: Some gamblers tried to bribe me to throw the game, and when I refused, they threatened my friends and family. Through the quick action of the Silicon Valley Police and my friend and teammate Jason Hunter, those people are now in custody.

  Announcer: Gamblers attempting to fix the game in a high school competition? That is pretty much unheard of!

  Chauncey: My thoughts exactly, but it happened. I’m sure you will hear more about it on the news.

  Announcer: You heard it here first on the Sports Cable Network. Congratulations on your personal and team victories tonight, Chauncey!

  After finishing his interview, Chauncey made his way to the side of the court where his mother and Adele had been sitting. Through the crush of the crowd, they had made their way down to the first row of seats. Chauncey jumped up into the row and gave his mom and Adele hugs and kisses. “I am so happy you are safe!” Chauncey said with an emotional voice.

  “That was a fabulous performance you put on in the second half,” Mrs. Jackson told him. “I am so proud of you, Chauncey.”

  “You were wonderful out there,” Adele told him in a dreamy voice, as they were hugging.

  Team Merriam and Coach Johanson, who was also interviewed by the media, made their way to the center of the court, where they were presented with the championship trophy. “This belongs to these hard working boys on Team Merriam, who made their d
ream come true, to all of our loyal fans throughout the season, and to our high school community. Thank you very much,” Coach Johanson said as he was given the trophy. He then handed the trophy over to Chauncey, who held it triumphantly up in the air as the crowd cheered boisterously.

  Next Chauncey was presented with the Most Valuable Player trophy.

  Announcer: I don’t think that there was any question about who would receive the MVP award at the end of this game. Tell us, Chauncey, about that incredible shot you made at in the final seconds to win the game.

  Chauncey: Believe it or not, I actually practiced that shot for several weeks, on my own time. I had it to the point where I could sink it about 60% of the time. I’m just happy that the shot I took tonight was in the 60% and not the 40%!

  Announcer: Congratulations on an outstanding performance tonight!

  The elated Team Merriam made its way to their locker room and continued their excited chatter about the game. Coach Johanson addressed his team one more time. “I know you are all excited about your clutch victory and especially the play of Chauncey in the second half. I want you all to relax and enjoy it with your friends and families. Please don’t do anything foolish tonight that would spoil our victory. Tomorrow, as I promised, I am hosting a victory party at my house. Be there at 2:00 PM for a good time and great celebration! Now how about one more team cheer!”

  The team gathered around their coach, put their hands together, and gave a “TEAM MERRIAM” yell so loud that it could be heard outside the locker room. Then the team members were released to their families, who all were in attendance.

  The story of the championship game was extensively covered on the local news channels that evening on the eleven o’clock news, especially when they got word of the gamblers’ attempt to prevent Merriam from winning.

  Captain Garcia released a statement to the media around nine o’clock. During the game, some of his task force officers had been keeping a watch on the crowd and had identified a couple of men who had criminal pasts and gambling ties. Sure enough, when Merriam High led by Chauncey Jackson started to make that incredible run to open the second half, one of the men hurried out of the arena seats and into the entrance ramps to call the two gamblers holding Adele Evans and have them exact their revenge on their hostage. He was Sergei Popovich, the father of one of the St. Bernadette starters, and the head of a very large bookie operation. When Popovich called one of the two gamblers on his cell phone, it was proof that he was involved. Popovich was arrested and brought into custody along with the two men who had kidnapped Officer Buchanan.


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