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Days of Destiny

Page 32

by Aiden Vaughan

  When everyone had gotten seated again, Jason began: “I can’t begin to tell you all what an unforgettable evening this has been for me. First I was tricked into believing that the party was canceled. Then I was surprised at home, told that the party was back on, and was so big that it was moved here to the Rotary Club hall. When I arrived here and saw this wonderful crowd of people, all I can say is how touched I am and humbled by your affection for me.

  “And now Captain Garcia has honored me with this deputy badge…. Wow what an honor for a sixteen-year-old kid! I do have one request, though, Captain. Can I have the rest of the weekend off? I will need it to recover from this whirlwind of events tonight.”

  “Not only can you have the weekend off, Jason, please take the rest of the month off!” Captain Garcia retorted. “It will take us that long to catch up on all the newly solved cases you have presented us!”

  The audience laughed at Captain Garcia’s reply.

  “As I look around the crowd here tonight,” Jason continued, “I realize how extraordinarily I have been blessed, to come into contact and become friends with all of you. I count among the finest moments of my life those instances where I was able to help some of you in your time of need, just as many of you have helped me. I know from personal experience that there is nothing worse than being a crime victim, so it gives me great satisfaction to provide other victims and their families with help, and see that you are getting your normal lives back.

  “My life has been an incredible journey these past two years, and there are many people to thank for this. At the top of the list are my parents, Bill and Edith Hunter, who have been so patient and supportive of me, my great-grandfather Winfield Hunter, who entrusted me and my generation to do good with the fortune he left me, and of course my best friend and detective partner, Daniel Holmes. Daniel is one special person, so talented as a musician yet willing to help me out whenever I need him. I know these cases would never have been solved without his assistance. Daniel, you need to come up here and take a bow. Hunter & Holmes is a team, and Daniel deserves equal credit for his contributions to our success. Come on up here, Daniel!”

  As Daniel was coming up, the audience rose and gave him a standing ovation. Jason gave him an embrace when he arrived, then continued speaking, “Daniel, is more than my best friend, he is my brother! Daniel, I can’t thank you enough for everything you do for me!” Jason held Daniel’s hand up in the air in a winner’s salute as the crowd continued to applaud and cheer.

  Jason then concluded his speech: “There are so many others to thank — my girlfriend, Laura, for being at my side and supporting me with her love, my basketball teammates, Chauncey, Mariano, Kololo, Reggie, and the others, who keep me in shape and competitive, Captain Garcia and his police officers, the Liu family, Joe Connor, Gary and Melinda Holmes, Eric, Nick, Tim, and Jonathan, the other members of Daniel‘s band who are all special friends — well the list goes on and on. All I can think of to say in closing is, if this is what my life is like at sixteen, I can’t wait until I’m seventeen!”

  The audience then cheered and applauded as Jason and Daniel went to sit down again. The party continued for another hour as the Miglione’s brought out desserts for everyone, while Jason kept walking around to visit with his guests.

  Jason was content to enjoy the companionship of his friends and family that evening, and bask in the glow of Daniel’s and his success on their recent cases. But as a wise man once said, “Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.” So it wouldn’t be too long before the detective team of Hunter & Holmes would go back into action again.




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