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Page 18

by Imogene Nix

  “Some sort of incendiary device. I can’t find a starter of any description, so I think it must have been quite rudimentary.” Raven grimaced. “Jod Svan’Er has called for an investigative team from the guardian unit. He says they should be here soon.”

  Chowd grunted and moved into the room. He crouched beside the remains of the device on the floor and began talking quietly to Jod. Jod’s hands moved as he said something very low, and they rose together, checking something against the wall before nodding and going their separate ways.

  “I’m taking Meredith to our cabin for debriefing. Raven, take Jemma and wait outside the chamber for the ambassador.”

  He gripped Meredith by the arm and propelled her forward without another word.

  Once within the cabin, he flung his arms around her. “Barsha! I was so worried when I received your hail. If anything had happened...” He crushed her more firmly against his body.


  “No. Don’t.”

  The distress in his voice concerned her, but she remained still in his arms, waiting. He’d cut her dead, but his reaction confused her further. She accepted the embrace, returning it in equal measure as the silence stretched, broken only by his ragged breathing in her ear.

  At length, he loosened his grip. “Meredith, we need to talk.”

  Her heartbeat stopped, and her knees trembled. No woman ever wanted to hear those words. She’d never categorized herself as a coward. Her expectations of this relationship had always been short.

  “Perhaps we had better sit down.”

  She moved to the bed, lowering herself to the soft surface. She would accept his decision with grace and dignity, she thought, all the while knowing that she lied to herself.

  “So? You want to tell me it’s over?” She kept her words blunt as she waited for him to agree.

  “What? No!” He sounded affronted, and for the first time she chanced a look at him.

  On his face she saw such a look of shock that she almost laughed. But the distance between them, and the ups and downs of their relationship in the last few weeks had reinforced their differences. That he could exist without her in his life. Could I be wrong? Her traitorous heart whispered What if? while her head told her to act sensibly and accept reality.

  “Chowd. Just spit the words out. I can’t continue like this.” To her horror, her voice broke as emotions roiled inside her. She turned away, but his hands reached out, pulling her back, gentle yet unrelenting.

  “No. Meredith, you have it all wrong.”

  She dragged in a ragged breath. “Then what?” Her eyes burned, her chest so tight she felt sure suffocation would soon follow.

  “For the first time since I realized who and what I am, the way forward is clear to me.” He stopped, and she wanted to scream as the silence continued.

  “What? What then? What do you want from me?” The words escaped, and Eshra help her, she couldn’t call them back.

  “What do I want? I want forever. With you. Meredith, I’m not exactly the best you could do, but no one will love you like I do. When you called me over the comm, I swear, I envisioned everything that could possibly happen. Then Jod let me know that no one had been hurt.” He ducked his head. When he lifted it again, his eyes shone. “I had to stop and compose myself before I got here. The guards must wonder what’s wrong with me. Stars alone know, I don’t act like this.” He punctuated each of the last words with a hard fist to his chest.

  She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Instead, she looked at him mute and lost.

  “Barsha! Meredith, put me out of my misery. Tell me you will accept me, forever. Commune with me?”

  She sat back as shock ricocheted through her. It can’t be this easy. This simple. Could it? His quiet request hung in the air between them. “What happened beforehand, Chowd?”

  He winced, and she swallowed the lump that returned to her throat.

  “They asked me to take my father’s position as head of the house. To accept a seat in the Senate. They asked me to renounce my loyalty to the Empire and make an oath of fealty to the Ru’Edan Senate. I couldn’t. Then when you called, it was clear to me. are where my loyalty lies. First and foremost. Then to the Empire. They took me in when I had no one else. When there was nowhere else. But you accepted me for who and what I really am.”

  Her eyes stung. “Are you sure? You could have your choice of any of their women. Status. Everything.” I need to be sure, her heart cried.

  “You. Only you, Meredith.”

  She cast about, considering her answer, unable to frame the words he needed to hear.

  “Say yes, Meredith. Three letters is all it will take.”

  “Ye... Yes.” The word was a croak but the look on his face, the exultation, told her it was the correct answer.

  He leaned in, and for the first time since they boarded the mothership, she felt the frisson of arousal his touch invoked burn brightly. “Now, let me love you the way I need to.”

  Slowly, he pushed her back to the bed, unmade beneath her. His tender kiss, so soft and gentle, filled her body with heat, with need, and her lips parted to accept his tongue.

  “Stars, Meredith. What you do to me.” His quiet words echoed in the cabin as his long fingers quested for the fastener of her uniform before pushing the material aside gently. He removed her bra as she strained against him.

  Meredith wriggled her hands free, returning the favor, savoring the touch of sinewy muscles. Each kiss became a vow and every touch a promise. “Chowd!” Her whisper broke as his lips trailed down her throat, nipping and sucking alternately. She shivered in reaction to his lovemaking.

  Movements became urgent as they fought against the bonds before they finally lay entwined and naked, skin against burning skin. Meredith hissed in reaction, the pleasure spearing through her body.

  She raced her greedy fingers up and down his back, gripping his backside, as his fingers plucked at her sensitive nipples. She keened with need, and he growled deep in his throat.

  She pushed at him, and he raised his head. “What?” The word was little more than a grunt. His cheeks were flushed and the glitter of desire shimmered in his eyes.

  “This.” One quick, hard push and she had him on his back.

  His eyes were wide as she straddled him, seating herself against his erection. Hot. So damned hot. This time he gripped her hips, understanding dawning as she slowly, so achingly slowly, lowered herself down, showing she was ready. She was more than ready for his intimate invasion. He entered, and the slickness of her need made it easy. She whimpered at the feeling as his hands moved again to her breasts.

  “Meredith! How I love you.”

  She moved, and he did too. Meredith closed her eyes, her heart hammering in her chest in tune to the sensual web they wove together, each thrust winding her tighter.

  “I need you, Chowd.”

  Faster they moved against each other, searching for the place only lovers can experience, and finally she exploded, holding still as her body rippled in the act of climax. His fierce cry filled her with exultation, and she smiled as her body slumped against his.

  The cool air chilled her damp skin. He tugged the covers over them, his arms holding her firm against his body. Forever was within her grasp.

  Chapter 14

  Crick Sur Banden made his way around the cabin, each fumbling step surer than the last as his mind finally started to clear. They had landed on Otega just this morning, and he had staggered to his suite. His new second had tried to offer him support, but he knew now what they wanted. They want to control me.

  His commander on Otega entered, looking grave and concerned. What could be of greater concern than his current situation? His mind cleared, and he knew what the medics had done. The way they scurried off after the landing told him they knew that once his mind cleared, he would need to exact retribution for drugging him against his will. But before he made them pay, he would enjoy himself.

; “My Lord. I have information of great consternation to impart.” His voice wobbled slightly, intriguing Crick. Perhaps more had happened than he thought.

  “Then report.”

  “Lord, after news of the Alpha Star Colony was received, several of our more...uncooperative assistants shared the information and absconded in one of the shuttles. They took your daughter, her mother, and a few other slaves with him. Together with the scientists you held here.” He bowed low, and the news hit Crick Sur Banden like a physical blow.

  “How could this have happened?” He grasped the back of the table, needing the support.

  How could things go so wrong now? The answer firmed in his mind. He needed to get his heir, Chowd, to come back to the fold and take his rightful position. He needed to destroy his enemies. Duvall McCord and the Elector stood in the way. And every human had to die. Then it would be as it should be.

  He had no more time. Now, more than ever, he needed the Phobos pirates to think that he was prepared to give them a connection to form an alliance with his rogues. Of course the girl was nothing more than a pawn and her loss a minor irritation. Once he had dealt with the pirates, he would have used her again. For as long as she had trading value, he would have made use of her.

  His lip curled, and he ran a tongue over his ragged teeth. Think. He needed to think.

  “Bring the strategists here in four hours. The time for waiting is past. But before you do that, exterminate every one of the medics who traveled aboard the shuttle.” He waited for a second before adding, “Oh, and I shall require my second to attend the meeting, Nexus has a new job.” He smiled as the commander blanched.

  For the first time, the noose he had evaded for so many years felt like it was tightening around his neck. Someone on the shuttle had shared the news of the Alpha Star Colony, causing this latest mess. He would find them, and they would suffer an excruciating punishment.

  He found his way to his seat and hunkered down, the carafe of Arturian wine awaiting him. He poured a goblet, lifting it to his lips and drinking deeply. The Xeradax he had taken had warmed his body once more, and he relaxed fully, letting the goblet rest on the table beside his seat—the one he thought of as his throne.

  He had suspicions his new second had informed on him, and now he had all the proof he needed. The knowledge ate away at him, but finally the end of this particular game loomed. Crick rubbed his hands together as he began to consider the viable steps he could take to destroy the Earth Empire.

  * * * *

  Meredith slept while Chowd drowsed in the bed. He smiled. The lovemaking had been so much sweeter than at any other point in their relationship.

  Thoughts of the political mess he had caused rose in his mind, and he gulped, knowing he would need to talk to Meredith, explain his position and the choices he was about to declare. It was the only fair and right thing to do. He couldn’t ask her to commit to him without knowing everything. And she deserved to know before he declared his intentions to everyone else.

  He would also need to let the ambassador and the Senate know of his final decision. How they would react...well, that was anyone’s guess. He flung an arm over his eyes. He shouldn’t have taken this personal time with Meredith, but it had seemed somehow imperative that he show her just how much she meant to him.

  She murmured and turned. “Chowd? What’s wrong?” Her husky question turned his insides soft once more.

  “We need to talk.”

  “That’s what started this.” The amusement in her voice made him laugh.

  “Well, I don’t know about that, but this is serious, Meredith. I have a problem.” Admitting that didn’t exactly come easily. “As I told you, I’ve been asked to take a position on the Senate, but I can’t. It’s not right. My allegiance is to the Empire, but firstly, to you. So I need to tell them, make a final declaration, as such. I’m going to refuse the position as head of the house. I don’t know what the ramifications will be. But I gave my allegiance to the Admiralty, and now I’m giving it to you as well. You, Meredith, are the single most important reason. Not my uncle, not my connections or friendships. You.”

  She sighed and wriggled in closer against him, her fingers rubbing over his chest in circles. “I think I already knew this. But you have given me the most tremendous gift.” She kissed him lightly. “So now we plan. The ambassador will state your case if need be. Plus, I doubt any of us will leave unless you’re with us. Me? Well, that goes without saying. Raven and Jemma certainly won’t, and I’d be willing to bet that your security team wouldn’t either. We’ll get through this. Together.”

  He closed his eyes for just an instant, hoping he could make her words come true, but wishing and hoping wouldn’t be enough, so he carefully disentangled himself. “I need to go discuss this with him and the Senate.” He pushed himself away, picking up his clothes, and she sprang up after him.

  “Not without me, you aren’t.” She hurriedly pulled on her clothes, covering her beautiful flesh and straightening her hair with rapid motions of her fingers. “Throw me a denta-tab, would you?” Meredith called as she headed with a determined stride toward the door. She caught the tiny packet he tossed in her direction. “Come on, slow poke!” Her eyes glittered with mirth, and he smiled, even in the midst of his concern.

  The door slid open, and they moved down the long corridor, first checking the ambassador’s cabin. It was empty so they continued, hand in hand, stepping through the security measures until they reached the dining area. As they reached it the ambassador stepped out of the room, his guards closely behind him.

  “Ah, Chowd! I need to talk to you.” His words sounded serious, yet Chowd detected a spring in his step.

  “Ambassador, I was just coming to give you and the senators my final answer.”

  Instead of acknowledging those words though, the ambassador gripped him under one elbow. For a man employed in a sedentary position, the grip was tight. “Son, let’s talk.”

  Chowd cast a glance at Meredith, who looked confused.

  “No, no. Warrant Officer Gentry should wait here.”

  “No way. I’m coming with you.” He felt the tug of her hand, and with a small shrug, the ambassador led them toward the Senate chamber.

  “Quickly, tell me your decision, Commander. What will it be?”

  Chowd looked at the ambassador, his face pale and drawn in the partial light. “After due consideration, I can’t give up my position with the Elector. My allegiance is to the Empire.” He said the words simply, and the ambassador’s face split with a large grin. His blue eyes, clouded just seconds before, now cleared.

  “Yes, that is indeed a wise choice. Will you tell me why?”

  Chowd shook his head. “Ambassador, it would take so long, and some of it isn’t just with my needs in mind.”

  The ambassador nodded. “Yes. Well, if it’s best done, it’s best done soonest. Come on, we need to let the senators know your decision.”

  They trailed the older man into the chamber. The ambassador smiled. Chowd held Meredith’s shaking hand firmly in his, and the shivers betrayed her nerves. They waited, standing just inside the chamber.

  “Senators, I believe the commander has made his decision. Commander?” Ambassador Vierghent inclined his head, and Chowd had to swallow a lump in his throat.

  His mouth dried as he stepped forward, and Chowd wished he had some cold water as he let go of Meredith’s hand. “Senators, after much consideration, I must decline to take up the position as the head of the house. My allegiance has been to the Earth Empire. They have given me position, training, and a life. While I am aware of the honor this position will bestow, I cannot in all conscience accept it.” Chowd steeled himself for the reaction, only to feel surprise when Esrau started to clap.

  “You have chosen well. There would have been reservations on our part should you have accepted so easily. However, you do still owe your house a debt of allegiance as well.”

  Chowd opened his mouth but was stayed once more
by the hand of the senator.

  “I understand you cannot take on the position, yet should we enter into this final agreement with the ambassador, both sides will need good people. For our part, and I speak for the entire Senate, we would humbly request that Chowd Sturat Sur Banden of the house of Sur Banden should act as emissary to your homeworlds, Ambassador.”

  “I am sure that can easily be arranged, Senator. I am authorized to make certain arrangements, and I believe that falls within those guidelines.”

  “Then, Ambassador, Commander Sur Banden, and Warrant Office Gentry.” There were some surprised looks at her inclusion, and the question in the senator’s voice echoed their wonderment at a female in this chamber. “We have reached an agreement.”

  The entire Senate stood and bowed low. For the first time since arriving, Chowd breathed deeply, the shackles falling away. He returned the bow as servants came, parchment in hand with the agreement terms, before all members of the Senate made their mark, followed by the ambassador.

  “I would ask that you take Jod Svan’Er with you on your next mission, and some of our guards as well. We have already opened discussions with your Admiralty to ensure that this takes place. We propose a joint strike force to once and for all deal with the scourge of Crick Sur Banden. I believe it was one of his men who was behind the destruction of your cabin here, Ambassador, but I must wait for a final report from the guardians.” The senator’s face tightened, and Chowd felt sorry for any human or Ru’Edan who dared cross such a powerful, composed, and intelligent leader.

  “I will also put this to the Admiralty, Senator. Now, with your permission, since we have concluded our negotiations, we will make arrangements to leave in the morning. If your men could liaise with Commander Sur Banden to make this happen, we can deal with any issues that may arise, swiftly.” They bowed low before the guards showed them out with great ceremony.


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