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Strength Enduring

Page 15

by Carrie Ann Ryan

  But first, it seemed, he was going to have to see what she had to say. And he knew he wouldn’t like it.

  “You’re shaking. I only scent your friends on you, so I’m going to take it that something’s wrong inside and not that something’s coming to attack you. Because if you need me to rough someone up, I will. All you have to do is ask.”

  “You say that, but I feel like I’m going crazy. There’s something wrong. Something imminent. And I’ve said those two phrases so many times, I don’t even know what they mean anymore.”

  He cupped her cheeks, bringing his face closer to hers. His wolf was on edge, digging from the inside, clawing at him to do something. He might be a shifter, might turn into a wolf even without the call of the moon, but he still hated all the magical bullshit. He hated that there wasn’t something tactile, something tangible for his hands to tear apart. He’d always been that way when it came to protecting his family and his Pack. And now that he had Dhani in his life, it was even more so.

  “Just tell me. I’m ready to try and figure it out with you. But if you keep it all bottled up inside, there’s nothing I can do.” He knew the irony of those words since he was the one who tended to bottle everything up and not let anyone know what was going on with him, but he didn’t want that for Dhani. Everything had come at her so quickly. He still felt as if he were trying to catch up, and he knew that she must feel even further behind.

  So he was going to listen to what she told him, and then he was going to hope to the goddess that he could fix it for her.

  Because that was who he was. He was the fixer. The protector. And if he couldn’t do that, especially with his mate, he didn’t know what his purpose was at all.

  “You know those dreams I’ve been having? Well, they’re coming more and more frequently. To the point that I’m not even screaming in reality when I wake up so I’m not waking you. I feel like I’m getting used to them. And I shouldn’t get used to them. And, yes, I know I should’ve woken you up, but I couldn’t. I needed to figure out what they were. I keep dreaming about this old woman telling me very specific words. I don’t know what they mean, but I know that they’re important. If you add that into the feeling of knowing, I just know I need to leave the den.”

  He let out a growl. Yeah, he didn’t like what she was saying one bit. He was going to have to circle back to that whole not waking him thing, as well. Because he was done with that shit. If she didn’t trust him with her dreams, how could she trust him when she was awake?

  “Not forever,” she added when he didn’t say anything. She put her hand on his arm, his wolf bucking at her touch, and continued. “I promise you. I know I can’t be here when the next hurdle we have to jump comes at us. I know I have to be somewhere away from those pups and the innocent when whoever is out to get the Talons comes again. And I know it doesn’t make any sense. I know I don’t have any evidence of this deep feeling of wrongness. But I hope you believe me because I have to leave even if I don’t get your help. But I need your help, Kameron. I need you. I’m so sorry.”

  Kameron was the quiet one, the one that didn’t ramble. He was one who growled and got shit done. But right then, all he wanted to do was hold her close. How in the hell did this happen to them? Out of the four friends that had come to the Talons, he’d always assumed that Dhani was the most rational and serious of the bunch. Yes, Cheyenne was rational and very scientific. But she also tended to go on tangents when she wanted to figure out exactly how things worked. Dhani was always the sarcastic one that got shit done—just like he did.

  The fact that she was so rattled about what was coming told him that something was indeed wrong. Something was indeed coming. And he was going to have to figure out how to fix it for her. Even if that meant taking her outside the safety of the den.

  Even thinking that made his stomach roll. But if that’s what she needed, that’s what he would do.

  Even if it hurt him, even if it killed him a little.

  “I believe you. You need to remember that I am constantly surrounded by magic. I’ve lived in this world for over a century. I’ve witnessed foreseers in the middle of a thrall. Spoken to elders that watched civilizations fall and rise again. My brother, my triplet, heals with his hands. The other heals emotions with just his soul. I can feel every single person that is connected to this Pack. I have individual bonds with every single person, just like my Alpha does. They’re not as strong, and I have to focus on that if I want to truly know which person is which, but because of those bonds, I know when there is something coming. I know when there’s an outside force about to get my Pack. I grew up believing that. And I believe you. Frankly, I kept thinking that this sense of urgency just came from our mating bond, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe it’s because you’re you and I’m the Enforcer that I totally believe you. My bonds are telling me that I need to make sure you’re safe. Need to keep you safe. Because I believe you. Of course, I do. I’m not happy about it. Not happy that you’re in danger. And I’ll kill anybody that comes after you. You understand me? Because you’re mine. You’re stuck with me until the end of our days, and those days better last a long fucking time.”

  He kissed her hard, not knowing if it was the right thing to do, but he and his wolf needed her taste. When she sank into him, he knew that she needed the reassurance, as well. She might not be a wolf yet, but she needed the tactile touch just as much as he did.

  He was still learning how to be a mate, how to be a man who protected the one closest to him as much as he protected the others, but he was learning. Slowly. At least he wished it were a little slower considering that everything was falling down around them once again and he was having to move pretty damn fast just to do the right thing.

  “I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what to do. And I hate that because I always have a plan.”

  Kameron frowned, trying to think about what holdings he had in place for weird emergencies like this. They didn’t always have to hide their Pack members outside of the den, but there had been enough issues over the past decade or so that Kameron had safe houses just in case. He didn’t want to take her to the closest one just in case it wasn’t far enough away, but he had one about twenty minutes away that might work for her. When he told her about the small cabin, her eyes went wide, and she nodded. Now he just had to get two of his most trusted men on board to protect her. Because he couldn’t leave the Pack alone, and he sure as hell wasn’t leaving his mate alone.

  “Go inside and pack a few things. Don’t make the bag too large. Just enough so it looks like we’re going on a hiking trip.” He trusted those in his Pack, but then again, he’d trusted the ones who betrayed the Pack before. However, he was more worried about someone watching them leave the wards. They needed the world to think that he and Dhani were leaving the den just for a little bit, therefore keeping those inside safe. But they also had to hide their trail along the way so the humans didn’t know where he and Dhani ended up.

  It wouldn’t be easy, but this was what he did. As Dhani walked inside, he pulled out his phone and dialed Tino. Between Dave and Tino, his mate would be safe. He trusted them with his life; therefore, he trusted them with his mate.

  And Kameron didn’t trust easily.

  He could’ve called any of his brothers or cousins to protect her, but he didn’t want to pull them away from their mates or their duties. And while Max could fight anyone, his cousin was too busy working on the notes and trails for Blade. He didn’t want to split his cousin’s focus so, therefore, the two sentries who might one day be true soldiers like Max would have to do.

  By the time he and Dhani were at the cabin, Gideon and the rest of the Brentwoods knew exactly what was happening even if they didn’t understand Kameron’s urgency. They didn’t understand his mate, but they trusted him, and they trusted her. And all of them had been through enough themselves to know that when it felt as if the moon goddess were pushing you to do something, you listened. She was their goddess for a reason. And
he had a feeling she wasn’t done making sure her people knew she was still a presence.

  Tino and Dave were already at the cabin, checking for security threats and getting ready for his mate to be there. He didn’t totally like the idea that he had to leave Dhani there with his two soldiers, but he couldn’t stay by her side the whole time. And Dhani understood that. Because he needed to protect the Pack, and he couldn’t do that outside the den wards for long. For a man who had his own balance of magic with actual science and data, relying on his bonds as an Enforcer and the magic around them—even though they were outside the den wards because of magic—wasn’t an easy thing to process. But he was getting it done.

  Both of his soldiers were outside the cabin, patiently waiting for Kameron to leave. The two knew he wanted a few more minutes with his mate.

  He kissed her softly, his wolf growling at him. He didn’t want to leave, but his Alpha had given him a mission, and he needed to follow through. He couldn’t betray Gideon by staying with Dhani, and he couldn’t bring his mate with him either. He hated every bit of their current situation.

  “You need to go, or you’re going to miss out on an opportunity.”

  He’d told her about the off times of the building he and his cousin were going to check out as part of the mission, but he wished there was another way to go about it.

  She kissed his chin, and his wolf pushed him again. It wanted him to mark her right there and then, making sure everyone knew whom she belonged to, whom he belonged to, but this wasn’t the time or place. Yet.

  “I’ll go when I’m ready. You know Cheyenne’s coming over a little bit later, that way, you’re not all alone with these two guys. I don’t know how she convinced everyone else to let her come to the cabin when she could be in danger, too, but I’m glad you won’t be alone. Stay inside, be safe. But if you need me, I’ll be here. Even if I have to run full-tilt for miles, I will be right here.”

  “I know. I know it’s weird that we’re here instead of safely inside the wards, but even Avery, as a foreseer, agreed that I need to stay away from the innocent right now.” Avery had let that morsel drop right as the two of them were leaving their house. His sister-in-law was growing into her powers, and thankfully, her mates were able to keep her steady because he knew that much magic and power at once had to be hard on her. Parker and Brandon were watching out for her, though, and for that he was grateful.

  Dhani continued, “We both know that Tino and Dave have watched out for me since the beginning, and as you said, Cheyenne will be here as well to make sure nothing happens. She might be human just like me, but I’m pretty sure she could take a whole army with just her medical bag.”

  Since he believed her about Cheyenne, he didn’t comment. But he did lower his head and kiss her softly. His wolf didn’t want to be away from her. Neither did the man. But he didn’t have a choice. Gideon needed him to complete this mission, and he needed to make sure that the women who were part of his world—Dhani and Cheyenne, and any other human ever attached to the Talon Pack—were safe. The Pack had won the war against the demon years ago and had won the war against the humans who were out to get them after. They had fought against politics and laws in some cases, and fangs and claws in others. They had bled on the battlefield, as well as in legislature.

  But now, they were fighting an enemy who didn’t come at them head-on. He knew that Blade was somehow responsible for everything that was going on, but that didn’t mean the smaller pieces weren’t at fault, as well. So Kameron would go where he needed to and take care of what was required. And then he would come back to his mate and ensure that she was safe.

  He had a feeling they wouldn’t be waiting long for her transformation into a wolf because he knew she hated hiding away and not being able to fight. And he didn’t like the idea that she didn’t have another form of defense. Her only option was hiding or using others around her to do the fighting for her. And that wasn’t something that either of them liked.

  So now she would be forced to lose her humanity because of the humans who may be out to get her, and for sure because of Blade.

  Kameron knew that the Aspens would need to be stopped soon. And even though the Talons and the Redwoods weren’t strong enough to fight them head-on, it wouldn’t matter in the end. They were still losing, and that wasn’t something he and his family would ever allow for too long, no matter the sacrifice.

  So he kissed his mate again and pressed his forehead to hers. “Stay inside. Be safe. Don’t do anything stupid. I only say that because I might do something stupid to protect you, and I don’t want that to happen either.”

  She raised her brow, her mouth twitching as if she were holding back a smile. “So don’t be stupid.”

  He was the one who smiled then, and then he said something he should have said before this even though he hadn’t known he was feeling it. He wasn’t good at telling people what he felt, wasn’t good at saying anything in general usually. But there was something inside him now, something along the bond that told him if he didn’t say it now, there might not be another chance. And though that worried him, he wouldn’t let it stop him either.

  “I love you. So don’t be stupid.”

  Her eyes widened before she rolled them. “That was…oddly romantic and so us. I love you too, my big, bad wolf. But please be safe. I’m the one hiding behind these walls, but you’ll be out dealing with what you need to take care of. I know things are moving fast—they always are it seems with us—but I kind of like that we’re at where we’re at…once we’re both safe that is.” She paused, and he ran his thumb along her cheek.


  “I kind of already told you that I love you, but I think you were sleeping so I don’t know if that counts. I don’t want you to think that I said the words just because you did, because I’ve been thinking them for a while, but I also thought that we were moving too fast. And you know I don’t like feeling that way. You know I don’t like feeling as if I’m only doing things because fate tells me to. Because that’s not the case. I just wanted you to know that. So be safe, don’t be stupid, come back to me. Because once you do, maybe we can figure out how to do this whole relationship thing on our own terms instead of letting fate and wolves and enemies dictate it. Because I like you. I love you. I want to figure out our path. Together.”

  “I didn’t know you said it before, but I’m glad you said it now,” he whispered before kissing her.

  While his wolf wanted to once again mark her, he knew there would be time for that later. Because there had to be. That was the whole reason they were going along with this plan, even if part of him knew that it might not work. So he kissed her again, made sure she was safe, and left. Tino and Dave would take care of her, he knew that.

  He just hated relying on anyone but himself.

  Gideon had asked him to go to the human contingent and talk. He’d found that odd since he wasn’t the diplomat of the family. He was the one that got shit done. He was the one they called in if they needed something to get bloody. Because that was his role, and it was one he relished. But maybe his brother had thought that because Kameron was fighting for a mate now and not just himself and his Pack, things would be different. He wasn’t sure, but he was going to find out.

  Max and Ryder had figured out where the human contingent’s headquarters was located, and now Kameron was going to stealthily get there and see what he could find out. He wasn’t going to lay waste to the area and kill everyone—even if part of him wanted to. He was just going to talk and gather information with Max by his side.

  The two of them would hold each other back from destroying everything.


  Max met Kameron at the edge of the road, and he jumped into his cousin’s car. They drove silently towards the coordinates they had, no words needing to be spoken. He and Max weren’t all that talkative anyway.

  They drove up to a building that had a plain front and a sign that just said it was a commercial prop
erty. There was no business name listed. No indication that inside was a human contingent that was out to get all shifters and witches and anything not their kind of normal. It wasn’t as if Kam had really been expecting that, but everything looked a little too…ordinary for him. It all looked a little too plain. Nothing looked as if it were the headquarters for a group ready to set up a strategic defense or offense against the paranormal. It honestly looked like a paper pushing building. But maybe that was their goal, to make it look like they were one thing when really, they were another.

  Or maybe they were paper pushers, and this was all Blade. Kameron hated the fact that he didn’t know, but since he and Max were there, he was going to find out.

  They parked off to the side where they would be outside of camera range and any other defensive things the humans might have in place. Slowly, the two of them worked their way around the building, taking mental notes while Max took photos. They needed to find out who this group was and what their agenda was. And that meant it was time for Kameron to be the diplomat. Something he really didn’t want to be.

  He walked right up to the front, not scenting any gun oil or hearing the whir of any cameras on him. He honestly had no idea what the hell this group was doing, but either they had the best security, or possibly the worst. Max was still hiding just in case Kameron needed backup, but for some strange reason, Kameron didn’t think he would need his cousin.

  The door opened, and a man in khaki pants and a polo shirt stood there, his eyes wide, and his hand tightening around the edge of the door. He didn’t look armed; in fact, Kameron wasn’t sure the man would even know how to hold a gun. Then again, it was a bomb someone had used against them, not a gun. Something didn’t smell right, though. Something was off.

  And it had nothing to do with bombs or guns and everything to do with the information they had.

  “You’re Kameron, the Enforcer,” the other man stuttered as he spoke, the fear wafting off of him pungent.


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