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Burning Hearts

Page 5

by Eva Chase

  Stay as calm as you can, Jason said. The warmth of his voice washed through me, and I managed to relax slightly. They won’t really hurt you. I’m sure of that much. We’re too valuable to them. Even to Langdon.

  They’re doing an awfully good job of terrifying me.

  I know. I wish I could be there with you. But you’ve got this, Lisa. Say as little as possible. React as little as possible. As far as they know, you’re still clueless about why you’re there. Keep playing that part, like you played at needing my help with the bike yesterday. I know you can do it.

  His mention of the bike brought back the memory of our kiss—that first real kiss. I clung to the heat of that moment, willing my panic to fall away.

  I had Jason. Maybe there was no such thing as falling too much, too fast in here. And I wasn’t letting Langdon or his cronies take me away from him.

  “No,” I said to Langdon, and set the horse figurine down. “You’re right. Maybe it’s just paint. I guess my imagination is getting away from me.”

  His eyes narrowed. I hadn’t given him whatever it was he wanted. I could get through this.

  As long as he didn’t decide to up the ante even more.



  My body was in the exercise room, doing cool-down stretches after another workout. My mind was halfway across the Facility, tasting the flow of crackling power that raced through the electric lines. I could sense how I’d be able to amplify that chain of sparks—or snuff them out. But how many could I manage at once? I’d never tried disabling more than a couple of devices at the same time around the Facility.

  I focused on a locked door to one of the storage rooms near the cafeteria. With a mental twist, I disengaged the lock. Then I threw my awareness in the opposite direction, toward the main hall and the elevator to the surface at its end. Three doors stood between the hall and the elevator. One of them only opened with a physical key.

  I shorted out one of the cameras there. The sensation didn’t give me much satisfaction. Despite my stretches, my heart was thumping faster than it had while I’d been running on the treadmill.

  All this time, I’d let myself think my ability would be enough to get me out of here. But now Lisa was depending on me too. And I wouldn’t know if I could shut down all the parts of the Facility I’d need to disable until I tried. I hadn’t figured out how I was going to get the key to that one door.

  There were too many uncertainties between us and the world outside.

  The one thing I was sure of: I wanted us out of here soon. Langdon had already shown he enjoyed being cruel. Lisa wasn’t prepared for that. She’d barely made it through her last lab session without breaking down. If she hadn’t been able to reach out to me...

  I stood up, pushing those thoughts aside. I would always be here. She’d always have me. She was the first person I’d been able to let myself really care about in seven years, and I wasn’t going to let her down.

  My pulse still hadn’t slowed. Thinking about escaping had left me edgy. I flexed my fingers as I walked to the door.

  The guards gathered us all in a line. Lisa had been in the library for the last hour, but we had matching recreation lounge shifts now. When I saw her, saw that she was safe for now, maybe the tension in me would relax a little.

  On my way, I thought in her direction. The guards split up, one of them leading five of my fitness room group to the cafeteria, the other taking the rest of us to the lounge. See you soon.

  Her voice sent a tingle through me. I can’t wait. Even if I have to pretend I’m not interested in looking at you the whole time.

  So that’s all I am to you—eye candy?

  She managed to make a sound like a snort in my head. Oh, I think you know you’re a lot more than that.

  My lips twitched. And you know it’s the same right back at you.

  I got to the room first. I sat down at the craft table and eyed the sketchpads and pencil crayons laid out there. Something easy to busy my hands with while I kept up our silent conversation. I grabbed a pad and started to doodle.

  Lisa’s group filed in a minute later. Darryl wasn’t with her either—I hadn’t seen him since breakfast.

  I hadn’t seen much of him in the last couple days at all, actually. It might have just been coincidence, but I couldn’t help wondering if Langdon was messing around with the Facility there too. I wouldn’t put it past the guy to have asked around about which subjects seemed friendly and then decided to keep them apart for some experimental purpose. Reducing social support. Isolating our talents. Who the hell knew?

  All the more reason Lisa and I had to keep our friendship—relationship—whatever it was quiet.

  Lisa plopped down on the couch by the TV. One of the guys had already started up some sci-fi flick I hadn’t seen yet. The staff brought in new tapes every few months. They didn’t want us getting too bored.

  I didn’t take you for a sci-fi fan, I teased.

  Is there something wrong with liking spaceships and laser guns? Lisa shot back.

  Not at all. Only makes me like you more. Nothing sexier than a girl who knows who Han Solo is.

  You figure you’re a Han Solo type, then? Not a Luke Skywalker or, say, Chewbacca?

  Hey! Be careful with a guy’s ego now.

  I suspected she was smothering a giggle. I don’t know. Tall, strong, and hairy—what’s not to enjoy?

  Well, if you’re hoping I’m furry under these clothes, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.

  She paused. You know, one good thing about movies like this: There probably won’t be any sexy scenes. Because I don’t know how I could stand watching two fictional people getting it on while I can’t do that with you even when we’re together.

  The warmth I’d felt talking with her flared in a spike of heat. Had she even meant for me to hear her thinking that? I hesitated, and then simply said, I know what you mean, babe. God, do I know what you mean. That one real kiss felt like it’d been a year ago. It was insane how close we were so much of the time, our thoughts right there in each other’s heads, but our bodies had barely touched.

  Insane and torturous.

  Maybe we could do something about that, Lisa said, her tone sly. It was enough to make me go partly hard. I was suddenly very glad I was sitting at a table.

  What do you mean?

  Well... It wouldn’t be all that strange if I decided I’d rather do some sketching than keep watching this movie. I could sit right there next to you. Wouldn’t have to say a word. But, oops, my leg might just happen to bump against yours while I’m sitting there. I’m restless, you know. Can’t help fidgeting. Totally accidental.

  The idea of her sitting next to me, close enough for me to hear her breath, set my heart thumping again. I grappled with my answer—and one of the researchers appeared in the lounge doorway. The woman with the glasses who’d been there when I’d first met Langdon.

  My body tensed, but her gaze slid right past me. “2-79, 4-75, and 1-83, come with me, please.”

  The guy who’d put on the movie got up, looking puzzled, along with a chubby guy who’d been fiddling with the puzzle boxes and a wan-faced woman named Morena who sometimes played Scrabble with Darryl and me. They followed the researcher into the hall. I watched them go, my shoulders coming down but not entirely relaxing.

  Lisa was watching them too. I think it’s that Langdon guy’s thing. Grab us when we’re not supposed to be going to the lab. He seems to like messing with us any way he can.

  That’s for sure. At least Glasses hadn’t grabbed either of us.

  Which makes me think it’s time to seize the day, Lisa said. She switched off the movie. No fun watching by myself, you know. It really would be nice to draw a pretty picture.

  Lisa, I’m not sure this is a great idea. As much as every inch of my skin was aching to have her near me.

  I promise, I’ll be super careful about it. I’ve got to practice my acting abilities and my self-control, right?

; But did she have to practice it on me?

  Yes, yes, she did. Who was I kidding?

  I felt her crossing the room. The air shifted as she passed behind me. The chair legs scraped against the floor as she pulled it out.

  Then the wail of a siren split the air.

  Lisa flinched, her hand tightening around the top of the chair. A red light flashed over the door. “Down!” the guard shouted. “Everyone down and stay where you are.”

  I kicked back my chair and ducked under the table. Come on. Lisa hunched down next to me, her blue eyes wide. Oh, right, she’d never experienced this before. Don’t worry. It’s just a drill. They do this every couple months to make sure we all cooperate. And, I suspected, to make it harder for us to know if there ever was a real emergency. It was possible some of those “drills” had actually been someone trying to make a run for it.

  A drill to prepare for what? Lisa asked. What do they think is going to happen to us?

  I think it’s more what they’re worried might happen to them, if one of us gets set off in some way they weren’t expecting.

  Oh. Have you ever seen anything like that?

  My mind darted to the memory of my burning house. But that was before. No. They keep a pretty calm atmosphere to avoid riling anyone up. And I don’t know how many of us could actually manage anything really destructive with our powers.

  The alarm kept blaring. I could only see the red flash of the light over the room and the guard’s legs where he stayed stiff by the door. Lisa edged closer to me.

  I hate that sound. Even if it’s a drill.

  Hey, it’s okay. Look, we’ve even got ourselves a little private hideout here.

  She raised her head, catching my gaze. A hint of a smile touched her lips. We do, don’t we? I don’t suppose you have any ideas on how you could distract me?

  I couldn’t think with her that close to me, that gorgeous face just inches from mine. Why the hell should I think? For just a few minutes, we were out of view of the cameras and the guard.

  I touched her chin and guided her to me. She captured my mouth with hers. Her fingers tangled in the fabric of my shirt as she leaned even closer, kissing me with everything she had. I flicked my tongue between her lips, teasing them apart, and she sucked in a whimper the siren blare hid from everyone but me.

  My hand traveled down her side. Fuck, she was so hot. Burning up against my hand. I wanted to touch her everywhere. My palm slid up over her breast, and she kissed me even harder. I swiveled the heel of my hand, loving the way her nipple pebbled through her thin bra and shirt at the motion. Loving the way she pressed herself toward me for more.

  We didn’t have much time. We had to take everything we could, quickly.

  I ran my other hand into her hair, tilting her head so I could claim her mouth completely. Her tongue tangled with mine. Her hand slid down my chest in a searing trail and settled on the crotch of my pants. My cock leapt to attention, so hard I had to swallow a groan.

  Still so much we couldn’t do, not while—

  The alarm cut out. The red light stuttered out. Lisa and I jerked apart. My skin felt flushed from forehead to feet. My dick was rigid in my jeans. Lisa’s hair and shirt were mussed from my touch. She brushed her hands over them, her cheeks bright pink.

  “All right,” the guard called out. “Drill’s over. Everyone up.”

  Lisa’s eyes locked with mine for a second before we reached for our chairs. The hungry heat in her gaze nearly melted me. Holy shit, Jason. I don’t know if that made things better or worse.

  I swallowed hard. Neither did I. But I couldn’t say I regretted the last two minutes, not even a little bit.



  My morning shower had become my quiet place. The one spot in the whole Facility where I could be sure no one was watching. Where I could let out my breath and soak in the sensation of the water streaming over my skin, feeling like a human being for just a few minutes before I had to walk back out as a research subject.

  Today, the shower wasn’t having its usual effect. Maybe it was because of that brief but intense encounter with Jason under the lounge room table yesterday. Maybe because I’d seen him just a couple minutes ago as I’d been heading for the ladies side of the communal shower room.

  Let’s be real, it was both of those things and all the desires that had been shouting louder inside me after each time we’d touched.

  I turned the water temperature high enough to fill the stall with steam and pumped the shampoo dispenser. The cream’s sugary smell tickled my nose. I rubbed it into my hair, and the memory of Jason’s fingers tingled over my scalp. The water licking over my breasts echoed the caress of his hand. The heat of it against my lips brought back the feeling his mouth on mine.

  God, I’d never been this horny in my life. Never wanted anyone even half this much. If it wasn’t for all the cameras and the guards—and this stupid wall between us...

  I leaned my hand against the wall in front of me, and it occurred to me that Jason was standing right on the other side of it. In his own shower stall, his own little bubble of privacy. And I could be with him in some ways if not others.

  My nerves jittered at the idea forming in my head, but my hormones won. Hey, I thought to him. Getting good and clean over there?

  A sound like a muted chuckle came with his mental voice. Checking to make sure I’ve washed behind my ears?

  I licked my lips, turning in the hot spray. It’s not your ears I’m thinking about. I guess we could start there, but I want to run my hands right down that beautiful body of yours.

  Oh, fuck, I wish you could. Do you have any idea what you do to me, Lisa?

  I’ve got an inkling. I’d kiss your neck all the way down to your chest. Lick my tongue over your nipples. Would you like that?

  There was a momentary pause. Had that been too much?

  His voice slid back into my head. Hell, yes. But I wouldn’t let you keep at it for very long. I’d push you up against this wall and kiss you until your head was spinning.

  I ran my fingers over my lips. It’s already spinning, thinking about you. I’d kiss you back as hard as I could. Pull you close so I could feel your body all against mine.

  A slight stutter crept into Jason’s words, as if his attention was becoming fractured. I smiled into the steam. I’d cup my hands over those gorgeous breasts of yours, he said. Caress them until you couldn’t stand it. Tease those nipples until they’re pebble-hard. I want to hear you moaning.

  I closed my eyes and traced my hands over the same path, stroking my thumbs over my wet breasts to the peaks. Heat unfurled from my belly to down between my legs. A whimper filled my throat. I could almost convince myself he was in here with me, touching me himself.

  I’d moan all right. But I want you moaning too. I’d slide my fingers up and down your cock until you were standing right at attention for me. Slick my palm over the tip. Stroke you until you were begging for mercy.

  I’m close to begging now. But I’d give back just as good. Get down on my knees and press my mouth to your sweet pussy. Lap your clit until you’re gasping.

  Oh, God. My hand slipped between my legs. I rocked it against my core, imagining it was Jason’s mouth, his tongue, just the way he’d said. My legs started to tremble.

  That wouldn’t be enough. I’d pull you up and tell you I needed you inside me. The entire length of that rock-hard cock. I’d open myself up so you could plunge right into me.

  Jason’s thoughts were becoming even shakier. And I would, baby. All the way in. Fuck. You’d feel so hot and tight—I know it. So damned delicious. I’d hold you up against the wall and find the spot inside you that made your eyes roll back.

  Yes. I could barely form coherent thoughts now as my fingers thrust against my pussy. I braced myself against the stall wall, hardly feeling the water still washing over me. Nothing mattered except the swell of pleasure building at my core. Take me. Harder. Faster. Give me everything you’ve got.

  You know it. So good. So fucking good, Lisa. Come for me, sweetheart. I want to hear you.

  I was panting now, my back arching off the wall. I dipped my fingers right inside me, keeping the heel of my hand against my clit. The pleasure sparked sharper, hotter. Just don’t stop, Jason.

  Oh. Oh, fuck.

  I heard his release in the guttural thought. The sound sent me over the edge with him. I shuddered against my hand, pleasure exploding through my body. My legs sagged. I’d sunk halfway down the wall before I managed to catch myself. The aftershock echoed through me with a blissful glow. A goofy grin stretched across my face.

  Was that good for you?

  Jason uttered something inarticulate that managed to convey his approval anyway. Then he added, I can’t wait to make it real.

  Me neither. Me neither.

  The bliss of our shower encounter carried me through half of the day. Jason murmured sweet nothings in my head. I babbled some gushy nonsense back. I must have looked dazed to anyone who bothered to notice. At least they couldn’t tell why.

  Or maybe we’d given away something after all. As my group was walking to the cafeteria for lunch, I spotted Langdon standing in the hall up ahead. I dropped my gaze, not wanting to encourage him to focus on me, but apparently he already had. He tapped my arm when I passed him.

  “I’d like a word, Lisa.”

  Go ahead and pick one, then, I thought, but not so loud I was worried he’d hear. I stopped and raised my head. Did he have another unexpected lab session planned?

  The way he studied me made my skin crawl. “Yes, Dr. Langdon?” I said.

  “This won’t take long,” he said, tapping his thin lips. “It’s just come to my attention that you seem to be intrigued by one of our other subjects.”

  My body stiffened before I could control my reaction. What had he seen? What did he mean by intrigued?

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” I said, in as even a voice as I could manage. Technically, that statement was even true.


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