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Hellbound Second Advent

Page 13

by Decoyar Brown

“Yes. That is one of the purpose of the rigorous training. They artificial wing weighs ninety pounds, and the knight has to lift it with one arm and hold a sword in the other. They don suits of armor in combat. No ordinary man can endure it.”

  “I’d love to see them in action. I must spar with a soldier in this army.”

  Ashlag burst into laughter. “I thought you might ask. Be warned—one knight can challenge a demon. Gedulah challenged them too.”

  “Really.” Peter snickered. “What was the outcome?”

  “That’s for you to find out.”

  Ashlag walked forward and clapped his hands three times. The knights formed rows behind one another with the higher ranks stood in front. “Knights of the Kabbalah, descendants of Machnolin. One of our distant ancestors has gracefully visited us again. The fifth child of Sephirot, Gevurah, has blessed us with his presence.”

  The knights all bowed their heads in respect.

  “He wants to see our aptitude, skill, and military approach. For our entertainment and enlightenment, he as cordially challenged us.”

  The knights erupted in applause and formed a circle around one of the four-foot training areas in the fields. Then, they formed two lines on each side of where Peter stood.

  Peter looked in Ashlag’s direction.

  Ashlag pointed for Peter to proceed to the training ground.

  Peter walked down the steps, and the knights knelt. They had their heads down, not trying to make any eye contact with him. Peter had not seen such discipline since the fifteenth century to kings and lords. He was a bit delighted.

  A young lady with short black hair was smiling at Peter. He thought she was beautiful and wondered why she was so delighted to see him. He hoped she would not attack him like the Jews he had met earlier. Peter noticed that her wing rose as he walked past her. He wondered what that meant. One of the knights nudged her, and she quickly dropped it down, looking to the ground in embarrassment. Peter smiled, shook his head, and walked up the stage

  The knights began to chant as they stamped their feet and banged their wrists together. It was a soothing chant and the gauntlets created a delightful melody.

  A knight walked down the line, leading to where Peter stood. The individual was covered in silver and white armor with a helmet that was shaped like an eagle’s head. The helmet’s lower half was removed, exposing the individual’s lips and chin. Peter noticed a wing-shaped shield and a large sword. The knight’s yellowish-white wing was not like the others. The brawny knight drew closer to Peter and stabbed his sword into the pavement. The horizon hummed from the heavy sword’s piercing.

  The other knights stopped the chanting and banging.

  He removed his helmet and his long, black hair fell to his back.

  “Shalom.” The knight greeted Peter in his native language. “My name is Torah Sefer. I’m the first lieutenant of the Kabbalist knights. Pleased to meet you, your lordship.” He bowed and crossed his right hand across his chest.

  Peter did the same. “How long have you been a knight?”

  “For half a century, your lordship.”

  “Please. You don’t have to refer to me as your lord. Peter is just fine to call me.”

  Torah nodded.

  “I want to test the skills of the Kabbalist knights. Will you spar with me?”

  “Yes, your lordship … I mean, Peter.” Torah put on his helmet and pulled his sword from the pavement.

  Peter unsheathed his sword and held it in both hands. He knew the contest was friendly, but he did not want to let his guard down. His strength had not fully returned from the fight with Minosa or the encounter with Father Davis. He wondered if he could hold his own against the knight.

  Zack was very scared while he ran through the dark streets of Brooklyn. The voices in his head kept telling him someone was following him. He tried to reach behind his back to activate the weapon, but his jacket kept getting in the way. He tried to rip it from his body, but it wouldn’t budge. He wanted to stop, but the voice kept saying, ‘keep going.’

  Zack wondered who was chasing him. He did not get a chance to see who it was before he took off. He headed into an apartment building, busted through the door, and bumped into some men in the hallway. Zack tumbled over them and fell on his face.

  “Hey, watch it,” one of the man yelled.

  Zack shook his head, fought to his knees, and stood up. He could tell the men were thugs and crack dealers. He slowly backed away from them with his hands up, showing he did not pose a threat. The men reached in their waistbands, attempting to pull something out. Zack knew what it meant—and he ran in the opposite direction, up to the second floor.

  “He didn’t even say sorry,” one of the thugs said.

  The others pulled out their handguns and started shooting at Zack. The bullets zoomed past his ears. He ducked his head and banged his body on one of the doors beside him to get away. But it didn't open. He banged on another door across from that one. Still he couldn't get through. The thugs kept shooting at him but the bullets barely missed Zack. He saw a window ahead, at the end of the hallway and jumped through it. He used his jacket to shield his head and hands from the glass.

  Without his armor, he knew he was going to break his bones when he landed. He landed in a tree and began rolling down. His ribs hit one of the branches, but the injury wasn’t serious. Zack held a branch with both hands and looked up at the broken window to see if the thugs had made it to the opening. He could hear them scurrying to get to the window.

  He climbed out of the tree and took off around the corner before the thugs could see where he had gone. Zack sighed in relieve that he got away. He decided to take a break to catch his breath, he bend over and rested his palms on his knees.

  Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling struck him, and he fell to his rear end. He could feel the pain rushing throughout his body. His condition was taking over again. To make things worse, Zack felt suffocated by his jacket.

  “You finally decided to stop running?” A voice said.

  In surprise, Zack opened his eyes. The man was strange looking and he wondered who he was.

  “My name is Gedulah. I’m here—”

  “You’re one of the Order’s new recruits. Like I told my previous pursuers, I need the weapon to stay alive.” After he stood up, he leaned against the apartment.

  “Now where did you get an idea like that? I’m not here to hurt you, kid.”

  “Then why are you chasing me? What do you want?” Zack struggled through the pain.

  “I just want to talk. I assumed you need my help, kid.”

  “I don’t like people calling me kid. It pisses me off.” Zack hurled a fist at him.

  Gedulah easily stepped to the side and grabbed Zack’s hand, throwing him into the air.

  Zack screamed as he shot up three stories. He realized he could use that chance to get away. He activated the switch on his back. Within seconds, he was covered in antibiosis armor. A cape sprouted from the young man’s back, and he rocketed off to the east.

  “Now that’s a neat trick.” Gedulah ran off in Zack’s direction.

  Zack flew toward Long Island as fast as he could. He assumed the strange man could not catch up to him now that he was flying. The wind howled in his ear as he sailed through the early morning sky. He could see the sun rising and tried to find a place to land safely. But then, he heard a fluttering sound and looked up.

  Gedulah was flapping his wings with his hands crossed over his chest. “How long do you intend to run?” He slowly lowered down to Zack’s level.

  “Who are you?” Zack mumbled in disbelief.

  “Speak up. I can’t hear you,” the angel teased.

  “I … I said who are you … and what do you want?”

  “Like I said before, I’m here to help, kid.”

  “I told you before that I don’t like to be called kid. Are you purposely calling me that to piss me off?” Zack formed a small ball of energy and sent it toward the angel. The ball
had a bluish white light in the center, and was surrounded by swirling clouds.

  Gedulah looked at the ball as it floated over to him like a soap bubble. “What is this supposed to do exactly?”

  Boom! The ball released a powerful force and a thundering roar that knocked Gedulah from his floating position. He tumbled and summersaulted before he regain his levelness. White feathers and a peace of his coat were blown away from him.

  “Whoa. That was cool. Do that again.” Gedulah taunted.

  “No problem.” He released six more, and they were much faster than the first one.

  The angel avoided them, but they still pushed him away a little. “What else you got, kid?”

  Zack created a much bigger thunder ball and sent it toward the angel.

  The angel disappeared, and the ball stopped. Zack looked around for him in wonder.

  “Behind you.”

  Before Zack could turn around, Gedulah deactivated the switch on his back. A bright light twinkled, the suit disappeared, and the force ball faded.

  Zack started to scream when he fell. He tried to activate the armor again before he fell to his doom. But then, the strange man caught him by his hand.

  “No fair. You disappeared before I could track your movement,” Zack said.

  “No fair? You’re lucky I didn’t pull out my axe. Like I said before, I’m here to help.” They hovered twelve stories above the ground. “Now to remove this pest on your back.”

  “No!” Zack begged. “I need it to stay alive!”

  Gedulah peeled the metal weapon from his back, and it transmuted into a liquid that resembled mercury. The metal squealed like a piglet as he wrenched it away from Zack.

  “What’s this? Is this thing alive?” Gedulah asked. He held Zack in his left hand and the liquid weapon in his right. It was moving around like a mouse on a trap as he drew it closer to his face to analyze it.

  “Yes it is. It is an antibiosis organism. Like a symbiosis, it needs a host to stay alive. Now give it back!” Zack pried his free hand at him.

  The antibiosis jumped onto the angel’s chest, and Gedulah almost let go off of Zack’s arm. When he grabbed after it, the antibiosis crawled to Gedulah’s back. The liquid metal was digging and merging into his skin, but Gedulah caught it and threw it off before it fully merged with him.

  “No!” Zack screamed.

  The antibiosis squealed as it fell.

  Zack tugged his hand from the angel’s to go after his liquid friend. He rocketed down to catch up to it.

  Gedulah went after him, flapping his wings like a bird.

  The antibiosis weapon spread out in its liquid state like a starfish so Zack could catch up. Zack reached a hand out and was inches away from seizing it. He was seconds away from crashing into the ground. The antibiosis rushed to his back. Zack reached to his back and activated it, but it was too late.

  The angel heard a loud thud.

  Dust filled the area where Zack had landed. Zack was in his suit, but he was not moving. Gedulah stooped down and checked for a pulse. Gedulah sighed in relief.

  Their swords made a loud clang each time they collided. The strong metals sparked and a burning smell could be scented in the air. Everyone around the area was silent as they watched the marvelous combat. They keenly watched the exchanging of sword’s blows between Torah and Peter.

  Peter’s sword vibrated each time the swords banged together. He could feel his hand getting numb. For twenty minutes, the two did not let up. He could feel Torah’s strength overpowering him, but he did not want to lose face in front of the Kabbalist warriors. They respected him too much, and he did not want to jeopardize it. He didn’t tell them he was at a slight disadvantage because the blood had been drained from his body. Peter wouldn’t use that as an excuse. He tried his best to hold his own against the astonishing warrior, waiting for an opening.

  Torah slashed his large sword, but Peter was able to block it. Torah grew tired and cast his heavy shield away. With a better grip, Torah launched straight thrusts and side strikes. But the slayer parried them with ease, his moves were swift and jubilant.

  The young lady who was infatuated with Peter watched the match in wonder. She had heard stories of the Demon Slayer. She had always wanted to meet the man who had slain over a thousand demons in a single day.

  She grew desperate to intervene the two as they clashed. She found it hard to control herself and wanted to rush to the stage to greet Peter. But she knew she would be in harm if she did so.

  The heat was keeping Peter from concentrating on the fight and he parried his weapon in ways that the knight would be open for his finishing move. He was joyful to see the knight cast his shield away. Now he felt he can end the fight now that the knight was more opened for an attack. He jumped and slashed from above. The impact with Torah’s sword could be heard a mile away. Peter’s attack forced Torah to one of his knees and cracked the horizon under them.

  But Torah fended off Peter and drove him back a few. He saw Peter summersaulted backwards to land on his feet. The knight looked at his jagged sword and saw that it was dented by Peter’s strong attacks.

  Peter looked at his sword as well and saw that the knight’s strong blows were affecting the mighty weapon. He watched to see that the knight was out of breath and he was too. He needed to end the duel as soon as possible.

  The two charged at each other, and everyone watched in disbelief. Torah held his sword to the side, and Peter held his sword over his head.

  Before the two swords met, the young lady charged toward the stage. She was inches away from getting struck by the swords.

  But then, another knight intervened—without armor, a shield, or a sword. He stopped both swords with his bare hands, catching them with his fingertips.

  Peter’s jaw dropped from amazement.

  “Aliyah, what are you thinking?” The knight let go off the swords and pushed them back.

  Torah and Peter took a couple of steps back from the strong push.

  The knight bowed to Peter and walked over to the young lady. He looked to be around the same age as Torah but was much built. He was dressed like the other knights and Peter wondered why such a strong man did not have an official armor on.

  “Young warrior, what is your name?” Peter sheathed his sword and waited for the intervener to answer.

  “My name is Samson, your lordship.” Peter then realized that it was the same man that was kneeling beside Aliyah when she raised her wing.

  “Aliyah?” Peter asked.

  She nodded in excitement.

  “Why did you raise your wing when I walked by?”

  Aliyah looked down and smiled.

  The knights around them began to mumble and laugh.

  Samson smiled. “My lord, that gesture is very embarrassing. Do you really wish to know?”

  Peter looked at him and nodded.

  Torah said, “It means she wants … to mate with you …”

  Peter eyes widened, and he scratched his scalp. He looked around to see that everyone was laughing at him.

  “That’s enough,” Ashlag walked to the stage. “Show a little respect for your lordship.”

  Peter coughed in his hand and stood bold.

  “Aliyah, why were you so reckless?” Ashlag said. “You could’ve been hurt if Samson didn’t stop the swords in time.”

  She held her head down and walked over to Peter. She reached a hand out, waiting for Peter to do the same. When Peter reached out, Aliyah grabbed it with both hands and dropped to her knees.

  Torah prepared to lift her from her kneeling position, but Ashlag lifted his hand toward him and shook his head.

  Aliyah said, “My lord, Gevurah, the fifth child of Sephirot. I’ve heard stories of you courageous acts and skills. I’ve always wanted to meet you. I’ve read books, scrolls, and other forms of illumination to learn more about you. When I heard you were here in Jerusalem, I had to meet you. Please forgive me for my brashness.”

  Peter smiled and p
ulled her up gently. “You’re forgiven—but please do not put yourself in harm’s way again.”

  Aliyah stood up. “My lord, I have to ask you one more thing—”

  “You can just call me Peter.”

  “Peter, may I accompany you back to America?”

  Everyone began to mumble again.

  Samson and Torah looked at each other in wonder.

  Ashlag said, “That’s enough, Aliyah. Peter cannot afford to take you with him. He has a great deal of preparation to do before Sataniel and Gabilon make their next moves. Besides, you still have training to do.”

  Aliyah looked at Peter with a desperate look in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, but Ashlag is right.” Peter said.

  Aliyah hung her head.

  “But you can come visit me anytime you want,” Peter said to cheer her up.

  She hugged him. At only five foot two, she had to go on her tiptoes to hug his waist.

  Everyone began to cheer and laugh.

  “So, what do you think of the knights?” Ashlag asked.

  They both walked off the stage.

  “Marvelous,” Peter said. “The descendants of fallen angels make marvelous combatants.”

  Ashlag smiled. “Come now. I will introduce you to our honorable posek, David Feinstein.”

  “Feinstein is here? I thought he was a rabbi in Manhattan?”

  “Yes—but he travels back and forth. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 14

  My Father the Hero

  Peter had gotten a message from Gedulah when he got out of the subway. Gedulah had other ways of communicating with the children of Sephirot. When Peter walked out, a white feather fell before him. The size of the feather told him it wasn’t from a bird. It was one o’clock in the morning, and birds weren’t normally out that late. When he picked up the feather, it disappeared in a twinkle. Small fireflies exploded and evaporated. The message dispersed within him and transmuted the information from his brother.

  Gedulah’s info said that Peter should meet him at one of his estates in Connecticut. He had recruited some interesting individuals Peter should meet. The message didn’t say who they were. Peter knew his brother had his reasons to not wanting him to know. Gedulah enjoyed leaving Peter in suspense. When they first came into existence, many eons ago, Peter was not fond of that trait in his brother. Unlike Peter, Gedulah had a sense of humor. Peter disliked the fact that he didn’t take things seriously enough. But when the time was right, Gedulah always came through for him. When the situation was serious, the sixth child of Sephirot would comply.


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