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Hellbound Second Advent

Page 21

by Decoyar Brown

  Claudius and Zack started running toward him.

  “Are you okay?” Claudius asked. He noticed the angel was standing, looking up at the damaged garage in wonder.

  “What happened to Michael?” Zack asked. “Did he just flew away?”

  Chapter 22

  The Three Challenges

  Gedulah continued looked up through the holes in the garage. “Yes, he did escape.”

  “But how did he escape?” Zack asked. “I saw that you were pinning him down. You had him.”

  “I think he copied your antibiosis armor’s ability to escape and flew off.”

  “That’s impossible. I wasn’t even wearing my… You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s no way.”

  Claudius asked, “What is it, Zack?”

  “Michael can copy my abilities without me wearing my armor. I didn’t even know we were able do that.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Gedulah said. “He’s a remarkable young man … and very talented.”

  “Did you learn anything when you fought him?” Claudius asked.

  Gedulah gazed at them. “Yes, a great deal. Our chances are slim.”

  “What? Are you saying we may lose to them?” Zack asked.

  Gedulah nodded. “It was all a trap.”

  “What was a trap?” Claudius ran over to his uncle.

  “I sent your father into a trap.”

  “What are you talking about?” Claudius asked.

  “I’ll explain later. We need to figure out our next move.”

  When the gate closed behind Peter, a trail of human remains led to a path and flaming skulls lit the way. He saw prison cells made of thick vines that bound the living souls as they pushed their hands through and wept for him to help them. The living souls’ bodies were red, and Peter couldn’t tell male from female. They all had shaved heads, and their private parts had been stripped away by Lucifer as punishment. Some of them pulled and banged on the vines to get his attention, and he could hear the pain in their voices. He could not believe what he was seeing.

  He pressed the switch on his wristband. “Guardian angel, what is this dreadful place?” Peter asked as the puff of smoke formed into his angelic guide.

  “This is the underworld. This is where the wicked are judged and imprisoned for their crimes. This is the circle that Cerebrius guarded you from entering. All murderers, rapists, and pedophiles come here.”

  “I don’t understand … I thought they separated them? I thought everyone were separated in the nine circles?”

  “Indeed. Child molesters, murderers, and rapists are all in the same category. This circle is gluttony and lust. Lust swarms this area more, and gluttony is further south. They are equal here in this circle.”

  “They are? How so?” Peter stabbed the scythe in the ground.

  Terrence raised his hand to the left. “The rapists are on that side, and the murderers on this side.” Then, he pointed to his right. “The people who are crying out are the ones who suffer from pedophilia. The others are too ashamed to ask for your help.”

  Peter could see the cold stares in their faces. They had too much pride to ask for his help.

  “It’s him,” one of the souls said. “He’s the chosen one.”

  “You must be the one to free us from here. The chosen one, the fallen child,” said another.

  “But why would I free you? You have sinned.”

  “Yes we have … innocently. It cannot be helped if we were born with a condition. It’s not our fault. We didn’t ask to be born with the urge to rape a child.”

  He looked at Terrence, but Terrence only smiled at him.

  “That’s not an excuse,” Peter said. “Everyone has a choice. Though urge was there, you could’ve chosen to look in the other direction.”

  “Yes, you are right. Everyone has a choice. You have the choice to free us from here and forgive our sins just as your God did for you. We can tell you too had a terrible past.”

  Another one said, “You can give us a second chance. You have the power to do that.”

  “But how?” Peter pulled the scythe from the ground and walked closer to one of the cells. “How can I help?”

  “The key you possess is the answer,” another lost soul declared.

  “What do you mean?” Peter searched in his coat pocket. “What key? I don’t have any keys.”

  “The Key of Cronus is what they speak of,” Terrence said as he floated beside Peter.

  Peter searched for it and pulled out the golden ball. “This can help them?” He glared at it for a moment. With a thought, Peter commanded the ball to transform into the crucifix.

  “Yes. A Roman teacher forged that key many centuries ago. Before he died, he embedded all his prayers and knowledge into it. Your brother does not know of this, but that key can free a lost or damned soul.”

  “Yes, that’s it,” one of the spirits roared. I saw it glowing from a mile away. That key can purify our souls and make us reborn in another life for a chance to repent for our sins.”

  Peter glared at the crucifix.

  “Please help us. Free us from this dreadful place. I beg you.”

  The Demon Slayer thought about it for a moment. “Terrence, how does it work?”

  “Just raise it before them and focus on what you are trying to do.”

  Peter tried it. He raised the cross at the souls and felt a shock as the crucifix trembled. A bright light hit the begging souls. They screamed in joy as the light lifted them out of their confinement. He saw the souls being purified before him, turning white, and they rose from the cells like paper in a strong wind.

  “Thank you,” they all whispered as they floated into the dark red sky.

  “Well done, chosen one,” one of the souls said. “You have done what many predicted you would do.”

  “What prediction?” Peter asked.

  “For centuries, many have said a human would venture into the nine circles of hell to free us and challenge Lucifer. Some have waited for you, clinging to hope, and then you just came and did what many had foreseen.”

  Peter glared at the prisoner.

  “Are you saying this man was chosen to free you from your penal institution?” Terrence asked.

  “No.” The soul stared at Peter. “He’s chosen for something else.”

  Peter and Terrence looked at each other.

  “What do you mean?” Peter asked.

  “You coming here has a purpose far greater than freeing us and the boy. You have a bigger task at hand. Beware, chosen one. The path you walk will determine your fate. No matter what road you choose to travel, the outcome will be the same … if you don’t pass the tests.”

  Peter said, “This is all gibberish. I will take the boy and leave. I will not be damned here. I will succeed.”

  The soul walked back into the shadows. “We shall see. Indeed, we shall see.”

  Peter looked at the east and saw many paths. “Guardian angel, what path lies ahead? What path should I choose?”

  “You have to venture into the circle of heresy. That circle is consumed by fire and flaming tombs. The child is there as we speak, and this trail leads to him.”


  “Before I go, Gevurah, I have things to educate you about.”

  “What is it?”

  “Your brother failed to inform you that you would be faced with three challenges in Sheol. The three challenges will determine if you leave here alive.”

  “Are you speaking of what the condemned soul said?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Why didn’t anyone say anything to me before?” Peter sounded agitated. “Why didn’t Gedulah warn me of this?”

  “This was out of your brother’s knowledge. Only I knew of this. I was to inform you when we got here. My apologies for not telling you till now.”

  Peter walked away in frustration. He then asked, “What are they?”

  Terrence flapped his wings and glided around to face the Demon Slayer. “The firs
t challenge is you will have to face yourself, the second is to face your greatest desire, and the third is to face your greatest fear. Do you have any questions, Gevurah?”

  Peter’s eyes dropped for a moment. “What does that all mean? I mean … face my greatest wish, my greatest threat, and myself. It sounds like a bunch of baloney.” Peter saw an empty can on the floor and kicked it in frustration.

  Terrence could feel the anger coming from Peter. He wanted to show sympathy for him. “If you need me, Gevurah, you know how to find me. For now I will retreat.” Terrence’s top half began to turn into smoke. “Peter, please, be careful.”

  Peter looked up and saw that the red sky was filled with hundreds of flying demons, heading in the direction Terence had suggested. He prepared to make his leave then one of the souls growled and said, “Are you really the one called Gevurah—the fifth child of Sephirot?”


  “My, my. The infamous one called Gevurah—the one who turned his back on Lucifer and lived. It’s an honor.”

  Peter began to walk away.

  “Wait,” another soul declared. “We might be of service to you.”

  Peter stopped. “In what way?”

  “On foot, it will take you a day to get into the ninth circle, but—”

  “But what? I don’t have time for games.” Peter began to walk again.

  “Wait. My brother’s mind is not too stable. He’s demented. You have freed most of our brethren, and we want to show you our gratitude.”

  The Demon Slayer walked closer to the cage.

  “In our past lives, we were sorcerers and great magicians. We were also one of the first to create the sigil tattoos on your body.”

  “But how can you help me?”

  The soul pointed toward a rusted pipe on the ground, and a beam of foggy light glided toward it. It was bright and caused Peter to shield his face. The pipe began to vibrate and transform into something that resembled his Harley-Davidson. The motorcycle was black and hellish. It had ram’s skull-shaped headlights on the front.

  “Not bad.” Peter smiled. He walked over and sat on it. The engine roared when it started magically.

  “I can tell it’s to your liking, Gevurah,” the demented brother said. “Excitement is written all over your face.”

  Peter smiled. “Thanks.” He grabbed on the handles and revved the engine. It roared like an angry beast.

  “Be warned on your journey, Gevurah. I hope you save the boy in time,” the other soul said.

  Peter tied the scythe around his shoulder and hip, and rode off into the villainous circle. He popped a wheelie and picked up speed as the engine growled.

  “What else can we do, Uncle?” Claudius asked. “The Order’s new location is unknown, and they tricked my father into entering into hell. What else can go wrong?”

  Dawn rubbed his back while Zack, Gedulah, and Ella sat across from them. They all had sorrow in their eyes.

  Gedulah frowned and sat forward with his elbows on the table. “My only option is to return to my post.”

  “What? You’re just gonna leave?” Zack asked.

  “Not for long. I need help with our situation. I have to return to my brothers for guidance.”

  Zack disappeared in deep thought then he uttered, “I still don’t understand how Michael copied the DNA of my antibiosis without me wearing it.” In dismay, he shook his head. “Did you learn anything about him? Did he say anything about the Order’s motives?”

  “Yes, I learned a great deal from fighting with Michael. He’s a great fighter for one.”

  Zack shook his head. “That’s true. In our earlier years at the Order, Michael and Wong taught the other soldiers martial arts. I was always a faster learner than the others. They said I could’ve bested them both in a fight, and I defeated Wong over a week ago. Do you think I have a chance against Michael?”

  “To be honest, I don’t think you stand a chance against him in a one-on-one fight. He’s skillful in hand-to-hand combat and thinking when his back is against the wall. How he escaped is still a mystery to me.”

  Zack frowned. “He was probably moving his hands so fast that he started to break down his molecules. His antibiosis armor must’ve given him the ability to increase his movement to that velocity.”

  “Not just his speed, his power and control were amazing too. There was so much power and speed in his attacks.” Gedulah disappeared in thought. “It’s like he wasn’t human…”

  “What did you say?” Claudius gazed over at him. “What does that mean?”

  “It’s hard to explain. Even without his armor he was still able to hold his own against me. I rarely take a fight serious but against him, I really had to focus. Something about that young man is very familiar. But I can’t explain it. Did I mention that he morphed without touching the transformation device on his waist?”

  Zack’s eyes lit up. “What?” He shook his head and cursed under his breath.

  Claudius asked, “Uncle, do you think you could’ve won your fight with him?”

  Gedulah thought for a moment. “Of course I could’ve but I underestimated him.” Gedulah chuckled. “I thought I had him until he escaped. But I’ve been wondering if he was holding back...”

  Ella looked over at Gedulah. “And why would the enemy hold back against you?”

  “He had plenty of time where he could’ve over powered me. After he copied Zack’s ability, he could’ve taken us on by himself but still he chose to flee. If he had used his full power we would have ripped that garage apart without trying. He had control; he was nothing like the one who could duplicate himself. Michael is an expert.”

  Zack shook his head. “He probably was holding back.”

  Claudius said, “Michael was a strange child at a tender age. When we were kids, strange things happened around him. I almost forgot but he had special abilities when he was a child.”

  Zack asked, “Special? How?”

  “I can’t remember too much but he could do strange things… things that are unusual for a child. But strangely, I can’t remember those events.”

  Dawn asked, “Do you think your memories were removed or something?”

  “It wouldn’t surprise me.” Claudius scoffed. “After all, my father did say I was in Crouzer’s possession at one point.”

  Gedulah asked, “But why remove Michael’s memories? Is he such a threat that they don’t want anyone to know of him?”

  Zack said, “I overheard Garrison spoke about Michael as if he was some kind of god or something. Something about him being a big part of the Order’s plans.”

  Claudius scoffed to Dawn under his breath, “And here I thought I was the only one special to them.” He shook his head and looked away.

  Gedulah smiled. “It was more of a sparring match between us. Michael was having fun more than anything else. It was like he was testing me or something. Our encounter was odd.”

  Claudius asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could win him over to our side?”

  “I tried that, but it didn’t work. Michael has a kind heart, but he remains loyal to the Order. I don’t know what to think of him and his motives. It’s like he’s an enigma.”

  Claudius said, “I’m not surprised. I had a hard time figuring him out as well. Though we have different goals and beliefs, deep down, I still think he’s a good man.”

  Gedulah said, “He admitted that you were there for him and something about you re-introducing him to the Order, giving him a purpose,”

  Claudius smiled. “He is like a brother to me I must admit.”

  Ella said, “But that doesn’t help us. That doesn’t change anything. He’s still an enemy standing in our way.”

  Zack said, “She’s right. If you had won him over or taken his weapon, that would’ve been good.”

  The angel stood up and said, “You both are right. I take full responsibility for not stopping them. I had the chance to stop Garrison and the girl, and I blew it. Michael’s escape should’v
e been avoided.”

  Claudius said, “Uncle, don’t blame yourself for that.”

  Gedulah raised his hand. “No, that’s not necessary now. We can’t change the past. We have to move on, pick up the pieces, and put them together. I will try to gain knowledge from my brothers and figure out why Gabilon wants Peter in Sheol. I have a feeling they need him for something very important. For now, I want you all to stay put and wait for my return.”

  “Is there anything we can do to help?” Claudius asked.

  “No. I will return as soon as I can. Keep faith that your father will succeed and return with the boy.”

  Claudius nodded.

  Gedulah threw on his coat and sheathed his ax to his back. He smiled before he teleported out of the room.

  Chapter 23


  Peter was cruising at 120 miles per hour over the dreaded land. The wind whispered threats of failure and possible death to him. A strong unwanted tension pulled on him as he barely balanced the motorcycle, but he ignored it. He had to succeed because too many people were depending on his success. He didn’t want to let anyone down again. He could not watch his new family perish like the ones he had lost so many years ago.

  Without warning, Peter saw a speed trap less than a hundred feet away. He lifted the motorcycle and jumped over it. His heart raced, and he slowed down to eighty. He looked back at his past danger and sighed.

  When Peter looked ahead he saw someone standing in his path about three hundred feet away. He revved the engine to scare the man, but he stood there. He picked up speed to run him over.

  When he got close enough, the person rolled out of the way. The person used a black sword to slash his tires and cut his leg. Peter lost control and tumbled. The bike bounced, broke apart, and threw him aside.

  Peter awakened moments later and realized he had passed out from the pain and shock. His legs and arms where broken as he sat up. He screamed in agony when he realized his back and ribs where broken as well. Dirt, bruises and blood covered his body. He knew he might not survive. He wrapped his fingers around the Amulet of Kismet and drew upon its power to heal. Slowly, it did.


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