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You Are Always on My Mind

Page 20

by Sable Hunter

  * * *

  “Strip for me,” Revel commanded as he stood by waiting. Harper removed her dress and the sheer slip she wore under it. His hooded seductive eyes followed every move. When she finished, he pointed to the St. Andrew’s cross. “Now, let’s put your wrist and ankle cuffs on. Blindfold?”

  Since he was giving her a choice, she refused, same reason as the night before. “I want to see you.” In her vulnerable state she could admit it wasn’t just because the sight of him was arousing, she also needed to remember who she was with. Tugging on her hand, Revel led her across the room, placing her outward on the cross. Attaching the cuffs, he finished with a strap around her waist.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  Revel smiled at her demure voice and rewarded her with a kiss. “Just hold on, baby. I’ll make you feel better soon.” On the surface, he was self-assured; he had to be—for her. On the inside, it was a different story. Knowing she depended on him was daunting. He ached to make her feel secure, fulfill her desires and protect her—all at the same time. A tall order for any man, but one he was committed to performing.

  Harper could feel frissons break out over her body. He came close to her, his warm breath fanning her chest. Feathering a few kisses across her neck and face, he murmured near her ear, “I want to make you forget what haunts you…and I demand your little pussy weeps for me.”

  No sooner had he whispered the words that her sex reacted. She watched him hungrily as he selected a deer skin quirt from the cabinet. Taking it in hand, he flicked it in the air a few times, then ran the leather end across the side of her face, down her neck and across her shoulders. She gasped when he let it travel across her breasts. Her nipples swelled and peaked, anticipating what was to come. But it wasn’t what she was expecting, he gently ran the quirt down her leg and up the other before sliding it between her legs. It reminded her of the stick horses she used to ride as a child, in her innocence not realizing why riding the hard stick felt enticing.

  Harper hadn’t realized her mind wandered until the first strike landed right across her breasts. She moaned and her back arched. There was no real pain, she was so sensitive that it felt good. At her verbal approval he repeated the action, not stopping but landing one blow after another across the quivering mounds until they were striped with thin lines and she was practically screaming in ecstasy.

  Unable to refrain, Revel stopped to kiss her on the lips. “You are so hot.”

  The soft place between her legs was pulsing. “I need you,” she told him, her gaze locking with his.

  With her beautiful body trembling, her breasts blooming like a rose, he ate her up with his eyes. The one place he’d avoided staring at was the bare mound that was exposed and glistening with excitement. Seeing how much she reveled in what he was doing, he did something he’d seen done and wondered how she’d react. Cupping his hand, he slapped her right between the legs, right on the pad of her pussy. Holding his breath, he waited for her response. When she bucked her hips forward, he swatted her again and again, this time leaving his palm there, letting her ride his hand.

  Harper was so close to coming, her whole body was vibrating. “Revel, Revel, I need you so.”

  “I’ll take care of you.” Dipping his fingers into her folds, he pushed them up inside of her, rubbing the walls of her pussy, massaging, making her writhe and moan. He kissed her; exploring her mouth, sucking, nipping as if he needed her lips to breathe.

  “Revel,” she whimpered again, pushing her body against his. “Please?”

  Almost in a frenzy, he unzipped, adjusting his clothing until he could free his cock. Kneeling, he removed the restraints on her feet, then placed his hands behind her knees. “Lift up.” He leaned forward so her bare breasts were pressed to his shirt-covered chest while she hooked her ankles behind his hips. With one hand cupping her ass, he guided his cock, thrust his hips and drove balls deep inside her body.

  Harper was so primed it only took two or three hard thrusts until she exploded. While her climax continued, he fucked her hard with a steady rhythm, her muscles milking his cock. Just seeing her pleasure, feeling her respond to him was all it took. Groaning, he grabbed both her hips and pumped hard, jetting his seed into her tight channel. Laying his head against her neck, Revel kissed her, flexing his hips, loving the way they were joined. “I’ve got you, love. I’ll take care of you,” he whispered.

  And he meant it.

  * * *

  Revel had read about aftercare and after putting it into practice he decided it was one of his very favorite things. Once he’d released her, she’d cuddled in his arms and he’d carried her to the couch. He held her as long as she wanted it, then he cleaned her up, helped her put on more clothes and waited until she seemed ready to talk.

  “You think your uncle is trying to scare you?”

  Harper didn’t really know what to think. “From the threats he made at Evermore about wanting me to suffer as much as my father, yes, I think he wants me to fear him.”

  Revel tried to put the pieces together. “You were a child, you had no control over what your mother and father did.”

  The truth sat on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t force it out. “It’s hard for me to think about that time, much less talk about it.”

  “But you need to talk about it, if not with me, then somebody.” In a position so dear to Harper, Revel went to his knees beside her. “Let me be clear. I love playing with you. What we do in that room is erotic as hell, I have no problem doing that for the rest of our lives if you want it. The only thing I need is to know you want it because it feels good. If there are other reasons, coping issues or some deep-seated need to punish yourself…” He stopped, obviously frustrated. Standing, he walked to the window, gazing out at the Teche for long moments before turning back to Harper. “You are so important to me. If there is anything that could make you feel better, more secure—I want that for you.”

  “Revel, it does feel good. I will admit that I crave a bit of pain with my pleasure. This is not uncommon.” She caught her hair in a ponytail, twisting it, dragging it over her shoulder. “But what if it serves two purposes, what if it does help me process things that I can’t handle any other way?”

  “All right,” Revel came to her. “If that’s the case, so be it. But let’s just make sure there isn’t anything that can be done to help you alleviate this permanently.”

  “I’m not crazy,” she whispered the words.

  He took her in his arms. “No, you’re not. I never meant to imply you were. I’m the crazy one.” He kissed her. “Crazy for you.”

  His love and concern thawed something within her. “Okay, I’ll think about calling your friend.” At his sigh of relief, she added, “I just need some time to work my courage up. Okay?”

  “That’s all I can ask for.”

  Harper let him hold her, relaxing against him. In his arms was fast becoming her safe place.


  Revel considered doing some work outside. However, now that Harper was home, he wanted her input before he did more renovations. He still had some days off from his job and he intended to use them to make sure Harper was settled and comfortable in Wildwood…and in his bed.

  “Something smells good,” he said, joining her in the kitchen where she sat on a barstool watching over a pot of gumbo she’d put on to simmer. “After lunch, I’d like to show you what I’m working on out back, see what you think.”

  “Fine.” She smiled at him. “Can you sit with me a minute?”

  “Of course.” He sat beside her, noticing she had more of Clotille’s papers and a diary scattered in front of her. “What have you found?” She stretched her arms out in front of her, flexing her body, making Revel’s cock twitch.

  “Well, I read the will. There were no real surprises there. She’d left everything to her two daughters and subsequently to me since…I’m Bernadette’s heir.” Pushing that piece of paper aside as if it bothere
d her, Harper picked up a diary. “Now this, this had some interesting things in it.” She gave Revel a mischievous look. “I had no idea Clotille practiced a bit of Louisiana magic. I’m not saying she was a Nana Fontenot type, but it seems she respected it. There are all kinds of references to herbs she used for healing and jewelry she’d wear when she wanted something in particular to happen. And…” she gave him a big smile, “Grandmother had a boyfriend not too many years ago. What a shock is that?”

  Revel laughed. “Not too big of one, she was a pretty lady, it’s hereditary.”

  Harper blushed a bit. “I also found something a bit disturbing.” She thumbed through the diary.

  “What’s that?” He leaned closer, enjoying her special scent.

  “Listen to this. Sounds familiar. Maybe it explains my mother’s breakdown, her snapping like she did.” She spread the book out and began to read.

  Bernadette heard the crying again last night. I told her it wouldn’t hurt her, but she became hysterical. Maybe I should buy her one of those machines that make white noise. I’m very worried. This is affecting her sleep and her moods. All she does is walk the halls and search the rooms. I would explain it to her, try to give her an explanation but I fear what I could tell her would only make things worse. Our family has such a sad history. So much tragedy, so much violence. Maybe I should have already told you. I don’t know if it would have made a difference to know.

  Looking up at Revel, Harper had a million questions in her eyes. “I don’t know what she’s talking about. But the crying, that’s the same crying I heard when I was a child. Isn’t it?”

  “It may be. There’ve been times when I thought I heard a woman crying. But I thought it was my imagination, part of my dreams. Is that what you heard? A woman?”

  Harper shook her head. “No, I did hear a woman scream, a horrible sound.” She looked at him evenly. “I’ve tried to explain it. I wasn’t asleep. But the crying I heard was a baby.” It was a hard choice to make, but Harper realized she’d rather there be a supernatural explanation. If it was all in her head, that meant she shared a malady with her mother. And if her mother was crazy, well…

  “A baby?” Revel spoke, jerking Harper from her painful thoughts.

  “Yes, a newborn.”

  Revel was struck with an odd feeling, a chill that wound its way down his spine. “How odd. We’ll look into it.” He was reminded of tales he’d heard as a child about the lutin or the will o’ the wisp, ghosts of babies who died before they were baptized. Afraid he’d upset Harper, he kept his thoughts to himself. Attempting to lighten the mood, he nudged her with his shoulder. “It’s a good thing you have a bedfellow to keep you company.”

  “Yes, it is.” Harper smiled. Impulsively, she hugged him. “I’m glad to be home, thank you.”

  “Me too,” Revel agreed.

  “You were home all along.” She looked at him quizzically. “Wildwood is as much your home as mine now.”

  “For me,” he looked at her tenderly, “home is where Harper is.”

  * * *

  They ate their gumbo, then walked in the garden so he could show her his plans for the sugar house. “I thought we could turn this into a guest house and this smaller building into a garden shed, in case you want to continue Clotille’s herb garden.”

  Harper was excited. “I love it. Maybe we could even plant some vegetables.”

  “If that’s what you want. I’ll make you some raised beds.” Revel assured her, pointing out where they would do best and where he needed to bring in more dirt.

  “What are your plans for the garconniere?” she asked, going over to peer into one of the windows. “I have to admit I was a bit afraid of this place when I was a child, it was always cold.”

  “Well,” Revel hesitated, afraid to jump the gun about a playhouse, “I want to preserve it. I’ve started tearing out some rotten boards. It’s too beautiful to lose.”

  “Oh, I agree.” She turned around, making a complete circle. “Right about here is where I saw that light last night.” There didn’t seem to be anything amiss now. “Wildwood is a beautiful place, isn’t it?” She didn’t say it out loud, but she’d been thinking a lot about their situation. Everything seemed to be going so well. Harper had high hopes that this could be a forever situation for them. But if the worst happened, she would be the one to leave. Wildwood was Revel’s now. Oh, it was her home. But she could never stay here without him. There would be too many memories. If one of them had to go—it would be her.

  “Yes, it is.” He stared at her, knowing she was the real beauty to him.

  While Revel worked on the sugar house, replacing boards and windows, Harper pulled weeds in the flower beds. It was good to get her hands in the soil again.

  About midafternoon, she saw a dust cloud in the distance. “Look, Revel, someone’s coming.” After he’d finished his task in the sugar house, he’d helped her with the weeds and was now marking off a place for the vegetable beds while she hulled and cut up strawberries he’d bought from a farmer who had driven up with his homegrown produce.

  With a smile on his face, he announced. “It’s Beau and Harley. You’re going to love them.”

  Harper didn’t doubt it, she just felt bad that she had no friends to introduce Revel to. What did that say about her? She’d lived her entire life and hadn’t collected even one lifelong friend—other than Revel. And Noah, Noah had proved to be her friend. “I just hope they like me,” she said under her breath.

  Revel heard her, gathering her close. “Of course they will.”

  After the Hummer was parked, Harper watched a man as big as Revel with long dark hair emerge holding the hand of a petite woman with a big friendly smile.

  “Who’s this pretty lady? Harper?” Beau called out.

  “Sure is. I was planning on calling you and inviting you down to meet her in the next few days. How was the charivari?” Revel met them halfway, shaking Beau’s hand.

  “It was great and so was the fish,” Beau said, crossing his arms over his chest. “We made so much noise one of the neighbors called the cops on us.”

  “Sounds like you. Come here, Harper.” Revel held out his hand and Harper went to him. “Baby, this is Beau and Harley LeBlanc and this is Harper Summers, the love of my life.”

  “Well, I won’t ask how this happened so fast, I’m just glad it did.” Harley gave Harper a small hug.

  “Revel came to me when I needed him.” She touched the bruise that still lingered on her face. “Come sit with us, I’ll make some lemonade.”

  “I’ll help,” Harley offered.

  “Great. We can cut up some fresh strawberries too.” Harper picked up the bowl that contained the sliced red fruit, her hand shaking a bit as she did so. She so wanted to make a good impression on Revel’s friends. “You’ve been to a wedding?”

  “We have, an employee of Beau’s. When those guys get together, there’s always a party.” Harley came alongside her. She was dressed in a pair of dress blue jeans and a white lace camisole, looking cool and classy. Harper was glad she’d chosen the dress she had, one of her better sundresses, a purple one with a thousand tiny tucks on the bodice.

  “I bet you had a good time. Were you a bridesmaid?” She was letting her imagination run away with her. A wedding. With her as the bride and Revel as the groom.

  “No.” Harper laughed a bit. “Beau was best man, but we were more friends of the groom. She is very nice, though, I’m sure we’ll become friends.”

  Harper held the screen door open and they entered, motioning for her guest to head toward the kitchen. “Have you known Revel a long time?”

  “Beau met Revel through Patrick several years ago. I only met him last year when I reconnected with Beau again. My husband and I knew one another as children, we were in the same children’s home in New Orleans. I found him again when I came to Firepower Munitions to sell a gun that belonged to my father.”

  Harper took down four big glasses and began to fill them
with lemonade. “I’m sorry, sounds like you’ve had a hard time.” She asked for no explanations, Harper knew how it was to be asked to explain more than you wanted to. “Add some strawberry slices in the glasses. Don’t you think that would be pretty and taste good?”

  “I sure do.” Harley sat down at the table. “If you’ll give me a container, I’ll put the extra slices in the refrigerator so they won’t spoil.”

  Harper bent down, digging in the cabinet. “Let me see what I can find. I guess you know I haven’t lived here in a long time. Some of the items were left over from my grandmother and Revel has some new things in here too.” Spying a familiar clear bowl with a red lid, she grabbed it. “Oh, I have one. I can remember this, Clotille used to let me pick dewberries in it. In fact, I think my name is still on the bottom.”

  Standing up, she set the bowl in front of Harley. “Thanks,” Harley said, picking it up and drawing it closer to her. When she did, she made a funny sound. “Oh, no!” she cried.

  Harper whirled to see if Harley had cut herself or something. “What’s the matter?” Her new friend was tensed up with eyes shut. “What’s wrong?”

  Harley LeBlanc slowly opened her eyes. “I saw something,” she whispered. “About you.” At Harper’s befuddled expression, Harley leaned forward with concern. “Did Revel tell you that I have this…gift…if you could call it that?”

  Harper shook her head. “Revel and I haven’t had a chance to discuss everything we need to,” she offered lamely. “I’ve been going through my own issues.”

  “Don’t be afraid.” Harley touched Harper’s hand. “I’m harmless, I promise.”

  “Oh, I know,” Harper assured her. “I believe in things like this. So, you’re psychic?”

  “Yes, I get impressions of people or past events from touching things they’ve touched. That’s the way I was able to diffuse bombs, I could pick up the thoughts of the bomber and know how he’d built the device.” Picking up the bowl, she rubbed her fingers across the top. “Someone hurt you.”


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