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Page 12

by Marta Martín Girón

  “And everything stayed true to this protocol of action, where they would intervene only in the event of the possible arrival on Earth of other civilizations with hostile intentions, or until man developed dangerous science—science that he began to use without control, ethics, or morality, with the sole intention of destroying, getting power and dominion over their peers.” He paused a moment to put a spooky image on the projector that we all knew very well: the atomic mushroom cloud.

  “When World War II started,” he continued, “and above all, when on August 6 to 9, 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs, first on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, the Confederation of Worlds activated the alerts, narrowing their vigilance. Not only did human beings run the risk of self-destructing, but our actions put many developed species at risk, the very ones protecting us among them.

  “Although that was not the only motive, those genocidal and unjustified acts caused other races in space, warlike and dangerous like us, to approach the planet Earth—which takes us to Roswell. Many of you have probably heard about the Roswell incident that happened in June, 1947. I guess you are aware of the doubts that revolve around this. Despite all the information that circulates on the Internet, it is difficult to find the truth of the matter. There are many disagreements.

  “For many media, researchers, the curious, documenters and scholars of the case, the event occurred in July, 1947. However, farmer Mac Brazel told the press that on June 14 he had found the remains of the device in the accident. For whatever reason, he and his son didn’t report it to the Sheriff until July 5.

  “Regardless of the exact date, the newspapers published the following headline on July 9.” He showed a new image on the wall projector: Air Force captures a flying saucer on a ranch in the Roswell region

  “It’s interesting to see how the next day, after a general named Ramey from the military base at Fort Worth (Texas) visited the area, the newspapers published a correction of the previous day’s headlines.”

  He put up another slide: Ramey denies the flying saucer report

  “There are many theories revolving around the Roswell case. Some argue that it really was an alien ship that reached the Earth’s atmosphere but had some kind of failure and hit the surface. Others, that what fell in the New Mexico desert was a meteorological balloon that was part of a top secret project within the context of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, what is known today as Project Mogul. That is to say, the alleged meteorological balloon would be an instrument created to infiltrate enemy lines and study the possibility of launching atomic bombs from the stratosphere. There are also those who say that the crew was Japanese prisoners who had been used to test the aircraft and who wore special clothing to withstand the high pressure and lack of oxygen at high altitudes.

  “However, according to the information these beings are sharing with us, I dare to tell you that the ship that hit the Earth in the New Mexico desert of the United States, was an extraterrestrial ship, and was manned. I am not the only one to confirm this. The renowned astronaut from Apollo 14, Edgar Mitchell, has repeatedly claimed that what happened in Roswell was a true incident with extraterrestrials.

  “So then, I’d like to ask you a question: If it was a ship with a non-human crew, perhaps from another solar system, that has managed to travel much of the Universe or our galaxy to reach our planet, what are the chances that it would then have a failure and crash into the Earth’s surface?” Enrique was silent for a few seconds, I guess waiting for some comment from the public.

  “That seems a little strange to me, doesn’t it to you?” he said, looking around the room. He took a moment to take a sip of water from his bottle. Everyone stayed quiet, waiting for him to resume his presentation. “Well, according to the friends with whom I keep in contact, that UFO was manned by a very aggressive race, warlike, and with dubious intentions. Before it could cause real danger, it was intercepted and destroyed by ships of one of the races that form a part of the Confederation of Worlds of the Galaxy.

  “The attack killed two crew members, but at least one was alive, though badly injured. You can imagine the rest. The Secret Service seized the ship and from then on, began to misreport or, rather, misinform about the event.

  “What I want to tell you with this is that every act or action carried out has repercussions on everything around us. Implications that, as you can now imagine, exceed the limits of this planet.

  “The vibrations that we put out in those years of war was an intense energy of pain, destruction, power, and submission, and that is what we attracted.

  “The Roswell incident was the beginning of a wave of unprecedented UFO sightings. And, from then on, it was also when we started talking about the first abductions...although here I have my own opinion...”

  Enrique was silent, with the apparent intention of moving on without going into details about what he thought about abductions, however, suddenly someone called out ‘What?’ which forced him to explain a little more.

  “Well, if it’s true that abductions have taken place in recent times, I am not sure that they were always the ones who carried them out.” He remained meditative for a moment and then continued, “what I can say is that the Confederation of Worlds has strengthened security in recent years and today, it’s very difficult that anything like that could happen.

  “The beings that accompany us want a peaceful approach, that’s why they protect us. That being the case, and to avoid abductions and negative relationships with species from other planets, the Confederation has been ‘forced’ to intensify the perimeter of surveillance and protection of our world. However, at the present time, they continue being just advisors, without intervening directly in our development. They just give us information and warn us about certain events that are coming and could cause damage to our survival.

  “Their intention is that we start being responsible for our actions, since they can’t protect us forever. This is where our free will takes a leading role. It is our decision to choose whether we follow their advice or continue as we are.”

  Enrique continued to share with us some of the information he had. I felt bad when I realized how some humans are capable of doing horrible things to get some power. Fortunately, something told me that most people weren’t like that. There was more good than evil in the world, but the ones who were evil had the ability to be heard very loudly.

  Apart from that, I felt disconcerted. How could contact with these beings have been hidden for so long? From what Enrique Paz was telling us, this had been going on for decades. By the 1950s, contact groups were created in the United States. One of them was headed by G. Adamski, becoming a reference figure for the creation of new groups in other parts of the world. The phenomenon reached into Latin America through G. Hunt Williamson in following years, and almost simultaneously, it also crossed the pond and arrived in Europe. Among other sites, it went to Italy with Eugenio Siragusa, and to Spain, with the renowned researcher and writer J.J. Benitez.

  However, that fact made my doubts grow. If it wasn’t the first time they had approached us, if they’d been doing it since the 50s, or maybe much earlier, to tell us about unfortunate events so we could thus avoid them, why weren’t their warnings taken into account? Why were they ignored? Or better yet, why hide them?

  Before establishing contact with ordinary citizens, these beings had already maintained a dialogue with figures with recognized social status: politicians, military and public figures of great global influence, but without knowing why, they preferred to keep these meetings secret. The question that arose for me again was the same: Why hide it?

  I didn’t know if some day I’d find the answers but I was thinking about it as I listened to Enrique. Thanks to his story, and although it still seemed a bit absurd, I was beginning to accept the remote possibility that my dreams might also have something to do with those beings from the stars.

  Before the end of the conference, our speaker invited us to do a
meditation practice.

  “Through the development of certain faculties,” he explained, “that the human being has but has failed to potentiate, we can approach other realities, another degree of consciousness. I’m almost forty years old and since I was nineteen I’ve practiced meditation, concentration, and visualization. Thanks to these friends of the cosmos, many of us have learned a series of techniques that have allowed us to rediscover or deepen this spiritual wisdom that was already part of our humanity, in our cultures, religions, and great philosophies of the entire world for centuries. With time and with a guide, we have been able to make a kind of adaptation of these exercises that as I say, were already practiced in humanity for a long time, but taking away the names and labels. We leave dogma or exclusive unified thought. The beings that contact us want us to be free, to remember why we were are on this planet, not follow figures or characters. I repeat: they want us to be free, that we think for ourselves and that we discover our own missions.” He paused briefly, as if he were remembering something.

  “I’m telling you all of this before beginning the exercise so that you understand why we were are practicing these meditations, the visualizations, mental projections, field trips and other activities as work tools. Thanks to these exercises we are able to raise our vibration, wake up these ‘special’ abilities that have been asleep for so long and that all of us have. The goal is that we also get to reconcile scientific and technological development with our spiritual part, remember what we are and where we come from, what unites us instead of what separates us. In short, to look at each other as equals and work in harmony to evolve.

  Enrique observed the room. We all remained silent. I think that everyone was trying inside to get the most out of those words.

  “I don’t know if you have any doubts,” the man continued. “Do you want to ask any questions before starting?” he asked kindly with a quick glance at the people in the room.

  No one said anything. We waited patiently for him to guide us in one of his relaxation and concentration practices to enhance our psychic abilities.

  I turned my head slightly to look at Ian. His face looked serious, pensive. I thought that was normal since we’d received so much information in such a short amount of time. But this time he noticed and he smiled tenderly at me. I wondered what he was thinking, if he had liked the conference, if that man had instilled confidence in him. Without saying anything, I returned the smile and turned to my other side to see my father. He looked around until he met my gaze.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I whispered back. “We’re going to meditate,” I told him, as he hadn’t been there for the talk.

  “Yes,” he smiled. “Well, you’re used to it,” he said, winking. And without saying anything else, he turned back to Enrique getting ready for the practice.

  I did the same. I changed position in the chair, looking for a comfortable position. Our speaker asked us to close our eyes and to try to get comfortable keeping our backs straight and relaxed. Then he started to guide us in a deep meditation, hypnotic. I felt very comfortable.

  The melody he had arranged for the exercise was beautiful, very nice, it seemed to transport you to the stars. A sensation filled my chest, as if I could really connect with them, with other planets, with the entire Universe, and perceive the energy of different beings—not only the people who surrounded me in that great room, but also the presence and consciousness of different entities spread throughout the length and breadth of our galaxy and perhaps others. That filled my emotions, precipitating a sigh of longing. I felt that I was missing something. Something that I didn’t know what it was and could not recognize. Only an energy, a feeling, a hunch motivated my nostalgia.

  And for a few minutes, I was lost in that warm and cold feeling of reunion and loneliness, paying no attention to anything other than what my body wanted to convey to me.

  “Aumnox.” I heard the voice of a man rumbling in my ears, sounding extremely close to me.

  I was about to open my eyes to see who it was, and maybe give him a disapproving look for disturbing our peaceful meditation and giving me a start. But for some strange reason that I still don’t understand, I regained my calm immediately and kept my eyes closed. I decided to not give it any importance and go back to focusing on what I was doing. But after a few seconds, that person interrupted me again in the middle of the exercise.


  Again, I was bothered by that guy’s insistence.

  “How disrespectful,” I thought. “You could shut up, you’re going to make people lose their concentration.”

  However, despite my momentary anger, something in that strange word made me think it alluded to me. It was after that when a clear image was drawn little by little in my mind: a mountain, apparently the same mountain range that I had seen in my dream.

  Unlike in my dream memories, on this occasion I could appreciate the light of day. I was next to a group of men and women, all of us sitting in a circle. It caught my attention to recognize the faces of some people who, however, I did not remember ever having seen before. In the middle of all of us I could distinguish someone—it was Enrique Paz. He walked from one side to the other, speaking and gesturing with his arms, although I couldn’t hear him. It seemed to be hot and we all wore light clothing: Bermuda shorts, short-sleeved shirts and tank tops, and just as it came, with the same softness and discretion, the image blurred, but not before making me notice a pleasant smell of flower that precipitated a smile of well-being on my lips. I really felt at ease.

  After a few brief moments, Enrique Paz guided us to end the meditation and brought our attention back to the room where we were.

  “How was that, my friends?” he asked with a big grin of happiness, after a prudent amount of time.

  Despite the few minutes of courtesy, people were still absorbed; almost nobody spoke. Only some timid ‘good’ or ‘very good’ could be heard here and there.

  “I’m glad you felt comfortable, and good,” he said, satisfied. “If anyone wants to share anything, you may. We still have five minutes left.”

  Everybody stayed quiet. I understood that not just me, but in general everybody was trying to absorb that fleeting but intense experience.

  “Did anyone have visions or hear anything?” Enrique asked. That made me jump.

  “Eset says that he projected some images to several people here tonight,” he said, observing the reaction in the room. “He also said he revealed your cosmic name to some of you who seemed most receptive. And, so you know, my cosmic name, or at least the name these beings have called me from the beginning, is ‘Oxital.’”

  My face was circumspect. Was Enrique talking to the alien at that moment? And more importantly, was it possible the word I heard minutes ago would have been heard only by me? Could it be one of those projections?

  I was semi-paralyzed. I didn’t know what to think. At that moment, the security guard came up to Enrique to tell him something. He looked at his watch and then at the clock on the wall. He made an affirmative motion with his head and the guard turned around to go back where he came from, with discretion and silence.

  “Well, it appears we need to finish up,” Enrique explained. “We’ve used up our time and we have to clear the room, so in case anyone has felt, seen or perceived anything in the meditation practice, if you’d like we can talk about it outside for a few minutes,” he encouraged.

  I didn’t know what to do. Should I say something? Tell him what I saw, what I heard? But, what if it was a wild dream? Could I have invented the whole thing?

  “Are you okay?” Ian asked, leaning over in front of my face. His question made me realize that I was staring, lost in the dilemma of whether I should talk to Enrique or let it pass.

  “Good, I’m good,” I answered, coming out of my thoughts. “Did you like the meditation?” I asked, trying to find out if he’d had an experience similar to mine.

  “Yes, I liked it a lo
t. It was as if I could connect with another part of myself. As if I had a family in the was beautiful.”

  His answer made me open my eyes wide.


  “Yes, it was a very strange feeling, like nostalgia and happiness at the same time.”

  “Oh, how interesting,” my father said, joining the conversation. “I felt something similar.”

  “Maybe we all felt the same thing, that they’ve helped us remember that we aren’t alone in the Universe...” I said, smiling, although inside, I didn’t know why but I felt somewhat disillusioned. “I also had a similar feeling.”

  “Could be,” Ian mused.

  “Well? Do you want to ask Enrique anything before we go?” asked my father.

  “Ugh, I’d have a lot of questions,” Ian said, laughing. My father laughed with him.

  “We can go if you’d like,” I said, while I watched to see if anyone went up to talk to the investigator.

  Seeing that my father, Ian, and I all had similar feelings, I decided to not obsess about it. Besides, I already believed in the existence of those beings. I had always intuited it. The practice just confirmed what I’d perceived since childhood. On the other hand, I had to confess that in my heart I’d hoped to get a clearer signal that the dreams I’d had all my life in reality had something to do with them. But it didn’t happen. I didn’t feel anything special, nothing that everyone else hadn’t noticed, too.

  So I decided to take that experience as one of so many in life. If I thought about it, I didn’t have any reason to think they were trying to communicate with me. It didn’t make sense. If they wanted to, they’d have transmitted some kind of signal that I could interpret. But no, that only happened with a few people and there was no reason to think I would be one of them. It definitely didn’t make sense.


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