Hanna Halfblood: Spirit Warrior
Page 14
“Tayo, we need to get to your mother with as little notice as possible.”
“That won’t be a problem. Follow me.”
Hanna and Koyo let Tayo lead the way. Tayo, being from Yanga, knew the city far better than them and had friends and family there. He would know who to trust and who to avoid. From the docks Tayo led them up a series of narrow streets and back alleys. Finally, he knocked on a door in one of the alleys.
The peek hole on the door slid open and someone inside took a look at Tayo and then the door opened. Inside was Tayo’s older brother, Muro.
“Welcome home, little brother. You picked a fine time to return,” said Muro as he hugged Tayo. He then looked at Koyo and gave him a quick hug as well. “Father, it is to see you as well.” Muro turned to Hanna. “We’ve been expecting you.”
“You have?” asked Hanna.
“Yes. The king’s mages have been using their magic to keep an eye out for the Lady. Katla has been working with the King’s Guard, trying to find out more about the witches. She has returned as well.
Hanna nodded. “Good. I was hoping she would be in Yanga. Can you tell me what is going on? Why has Lord Blackpool picked now to attack?”
“Lord Blackpool is working with the witches,” said Muro. “He has dozens of warriors that the witches have recruited, likely through Quivna’s magic, and there are two demon warriors in the city right now. They took the palace last night.”
Lord Blackpool was working with the witches? That was a troubling thought. The witches were moving fast. “Where is Katla now?” asked Hanna.
“A safe house. I’ll take you there now. Mother is there as well,” said Muro.
Leaving out the same door they entered. Muro led them further into the city. They walked into a bakery. Muro gave the old man at the counter a nod and then headed into the kitchen. He walked up to a wall with a row of shelves and reached up, grabbing a jar and moved it sideways. A clicking sound could be heard, and the shelves slid sideways revealing a hidden doorway. Muro led them down a set of stairs until he reached another door where he gave a series of knocks on the door.
The door opened and Muro led them into a large room. The outer walls of the room were weapons racks, filled with swords, spears, glaives, and other war weapons. The middle of the room held a large rectangular table. Around the table were Koyo’s wife, Sharla Pyrga, Katla, and three men Hanna didn’t know. One was young and standing beside Katla. While the other two men were middle age and on the other side of the table. Of the two middle aged men, one of them turned and greeted the new arrivals.
“Muro, Koyo. And you must be Hanna. I am Edward Pyrga, Sharla’s brother. This is my associate Trent Jurra. And the young man across from us is Hester.”
“Hello Edward,” said Hanna. “It seems we’ve come to Yanga at a difficult time.”
“Yes. Difficult indeed,” said Edward Pyrga. “That bastard, Lord Blackpool betraying the king and joining forces with the Fangris witches is more than just a difficult situation it is disastrous if we can’t defeat those demon warriors. They have destroyed the king’s defenses at every point. Hester and Katla here tell me that you may be able to help.”
“We’ll do the best we can. How many men do the Blackpools have?” asked Hanna.
“A sizeable force, but they are not the issue. Without the witches and the demon warriors we will be able to defeat them. We just finished planning our counter attack right now. We are going to leave you, Katla and Hester to do… well to do whatever it is that you need to do. Koyo you can go with Sharla, Tayo with Muro. We are going to organize our men for a counter-attack.”
As everyone left, Hanna was left with Katla and the young mage, Hester.
Hester nervously walked around the table and put out his hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Hanna. Katla tells me good things about you.”
Hanna raised an eyebrow and looked over at Katla. “Oh really?”
Hester blushed. “Well, she told me about how you two defeated the local coven of witches. I just mean she spoke highly of you.”
That Katla would compliment her was surprising to Hanna. They were in the gray world of warriors, not enemies but not quite friends either. Hanna didn’t hate Katla, despite what had happened in the past, but that didn’t matter now. What mattered now was finding a way to stop Quivna. “Hester, can you help us defeat Quivna?”
Hester put his hand to his face, rubbing his jaw. “I can help, but I don’t think you are going to like what I suggest.”
“You are going to suggest I bond with a demon spirit,” replied Hanna.
“Yes… how did you know that?” asked Hester looking perplexed.
“Thorodd and Anso, my spirits, warned me that the only way to defeat Quivna would be through a demon spirit. Even the spirit world is worried about the implications of Quivna rising to power.”
“It is not just you that needs to bond with a demon. More will have to accompany you. I feel just you isn’t enough.”
Hanna frowned. “I don’t like that. I’ve accepted that I will have to, but I have my spirits to guide me. I wouldn’t want anyone getting hurt because I’ve connected them with a demon. And I’ve only a few gems with me. The rest are safely hidden where only I can find them”
Hester looked relieved when Hanna mentioned she had spirit stones with her.
“What about just us?” asked Katla. “Hester has familiarity with demons, and I have been trained my entire life to have mental discipline, and understand my magical powers. The chances of a demon controlling us is low, and we are willing to take the risk that bonding with a demon will have negative side effects. Hester and I understand the consequences of what we are doing, and we understand what will happen if we don’t defeat Quivna.”
“Are you sure?” asked Hanna. “What if it goes wrong?”
“This is my home, Hanna. This is my kingdom they are trying to take. My mother, my sister, everyone I know and love is in danger as long as the Fangris witches have the power of Quivna.”
“I feel the same way,” said Hester. “I will do what is necessary to defeat Quivna, even if it means having a demon attached to my soul.”
“Okay,” said Hanna. “How does this work then?”
“I will summon demons. We’ll ask them if they want the opportunity to enter the mortal realm through our bodies. Most demons will jump at the opportunity, but trapping a demon that doesn’t want to be here would be far more dangerous.”
“The demons, will they try to take over our bodies?” asked Hanna.
“It is a risk,” said Hester. “But controlling the body of a host is difficult and you can push them out. You have more experience with spirits controlling your body than I do. Do your spirits tell you differently?”
“No,” admitted Hanna. “They say the same as you, that I am in control. I just worry about how a demon will be different.”
“I have no doubt demon spirits will be different from those of your mentors, but I have some knowledge of the demons that we will use. They are not evil, they are simple creatures from one of the realms of hell that are curious about our world. They are powerful, but not as nefarious as creatures who’ve died and been sent to hell.”
Katla walked over to a door that lead into another room. “We’ve been preparing, all we need now is you and the gemstones.”
Hanna followed Hester and Katla into the room. It was completely barren except for a set of markings on the floor. A circle with a hexagram inside. Each corner of the star had a circle inside it with runes drawn inside the circle.
Hester explained. “This is a summoning circle. It acts as a portal between spirit realms and our world. Demons can enter, but they cannot leave the circle and their powers do not work within it. Hanna I need you to take one of the gemstones and activate it.” Seeing the confused look on her face Hester added, “hold it and think about transferring magical energy to it. Once the stone has magical power in it, it can be imprinted upon, connecting the stone to the demon spirit.”
What if someone else gets the stone?” asked Hanna.
“The person possessing the stone, and the demon connected to the gem must both accept the connection. Extremely powerful mages, and perhaps you, with your exceptional abilities, can force a connection, and same with the most powerful demon spirits. They could force their way into the mind of a weak person if they possessed the stone.”
Hanna took out one of the gemstones and closed her eyes. She let her magic flow into the stone the way she did with her own spirit stone. She could feel the magic in the stone, and it warmed to the touch, but where her spirit stone felt like it had a magical string attaching her to the spirit world the new spirit stone had no such connections. She handed it to Hester. “It is ready.”
Hester accepted the stone and put it into the middle of the circle. “Katla you will go first.”
Katla smiled. She understood why she would be going first. “Hanna if something goes wrong, don’t hesitate to destroy the stone, or me.”
“Nothing will go wrong,” said Hester. “We’re just taking precautions. Katla stand at the tip of that star, just outside the circle. Nobody try going inside the circle while the demon is in it. The magic that keeps them in will keep you out, and it can be rather unpleasant if you touch it.” Hester then lifted his hand and started chanting. Magical energy flowed to each of the small circles at the five corners of the tips of the hexagram. Each circle turned a different color and started to glow. The everything else inside the main circle turned black and started to swirl. Hester kept speaking in a language Hanna could not recognize. His voice was melodic and the strange language had an enchanting rhythm to it.
A dark form started to rise out of the swirling blackness. It was hard to see what it looked like beyond a cloud of darkness, like a shadow on a dark wall. However, the eyes were bright and red. The shadow of darkness looked around the room and then spoke. “Who calls on Vedoch?”
“Vedoch, before you stands Katla, proud warrior and protector of kings. She would invite you to add your mighty power to her own.”
“A spirit stone? Vedoch has heard of the demon witch who now exists on your world. Vedoch will not serve her or her kind.”
“We would kill her and her minions,” said Katla as she stared into the shadows of Vedoch’s form.
“Would you now?” asked Vedoch as it moved closer to Katla. “Vedoch has seen many so called brave warriors fall in fear at the sight of Quivna’s minions. But perhaps you are different. I would enjoy doing battle with the corrupted souls of her minions, even if they are contained in human bodies. I accept.” The form of Vedoch reached down and touched the gemstone. It then disappeared back into the floor.
When the floor returned to normal Hester turned to Katla. “Take the stone and hold it. Concentrate on your own magic and letting the magic from the stone into you.
Katla, who had experience with magic, understood what Hester was trying to say. She took the gemstone and closed her hand around it. The gemstone felt warm to the touch. She could feel Vedoch as the demon spirit made her way into her body. The power of the demon surged within her. She could feel Vedoch searching through her body, exploring, searching to see her limits. Katla then pushed the spirit back out of her body.
Hanna watched as Katla squeezed the gemstone. Nervous that the demon might take over Katla’s body, Hanna kept one hand on her axe waiting to see what would happen. Katla’s eyes, normally a bright violet turned darker until they were black.
Hanna took a deep breath and waited to see what would happen. When Katla’s eyes turned back to a bright violet, Hanna relaxed.
“Interesting,” said Katla.
“Okay,” said Hester. “I will go next.” Hanna repeated the process of charging the gemstone and handing it to him. He started chanting again and the floor changed once more. Unlike Katla’s demon spirit who was shadowy and hard to see, this one was easily visible, and looked like a cross between a goblin and a lizard.
“Sneaky little Hester. Why have you called on me this time?” said the demon.
“Hello, Koxuana. I have a proposition for you,” said Hester.
The demon noticed the gemstone and broke into a grin. Its mouth reminded Hanna of a sharks. “And who would I be serving?”
“You would serve me,” said Hester. “Your powers in exchange for the ability to visit the mortal plane.”
“Ugh,” said Koxuana. “I’d rather hitch a ride in one of your lady friends, they are rather lovely looking.”
“That offer is not on the table,” said Hester. “Do you accept the offer or shall I find a more willing demon to call upon.”
“Don’t be so hasty, Hester,” said Koxuana, its tone changing to a much friendlier one than it had been using before. “I just wanted to know my options. You know how interesting I find the mortal plane. I accept your offer.” The demon then touched the gemstone. The dark floor seemed to suck the demon back into it. Once it was gone and the floor returned to normal, Hester grabbed the gemstone. “Koxauna is an interesting little demon. He doesn’t have as much power as some others but he is a jumper. He can travel from the different realms of hell as he chooses. He is a valuable source of information into the spirit world.”
“Creepy little fellow,” said Katla.
Hester shrugged his shoulders. “He isn’t the politest demon ever.”
“I must keep an eye on you. If you start acting all creepy and lecherous I’ll know your demon is influencing you,” said Katla.
Hester blushed.
“Relax. I can handle a little creepy,” said Katla with a saucy wink pointed at Hester. “It’s Hanna’s turn. I’m assuming you saved her for last for a reason.”
“Yes. The demon I have in mind for Hanna is from the same realm as your demon, Vedoch, but it is older, much older. I don’t know if it will agree or not. However, it is the most powerful demon I’ve seen.”
Hanna handed Hester her amulet. “Let’s find out.”
Hester repeated the process, and once again the floor darkened and a shape came out of the darkness. This one was like an oily blob, dark and shiny that grew until it resembled the shape of a man.
The demon looked around and then it turned to Hester. The shape had no eyes or ears, it was as if someone had taken an oil soaked blanket and put it over a man.
“Botzhar,” said Hester.
“What do you want mortal?” asked Botzhar.
Hester pointed to Hanna. “A great warrior would like you to join with her.”
Botzhar turned to Hanna and then looked back at Hester. “This one already has two spirits connected to it. Why does it need me?”
“A demon witch has been summoned to the mortal plane,” said Hester. “We need your strength to defeat her.”
“I know the demon witch you speak of. She comes to my realm and takes my kind and turns them into slaves.” Botzhar turned back to Hanna. As it did the demons shape changed from that of a man to one of a woman. “You will hunt this demon witch?”
Hanna nodded. “I will.”
Botzhar reached out and place its oily black hand on Hanna’s amulet. Then sunk back into the floor.
It seems Quivna makes friends everywhere she goes,” said Katla.
“Yes,” said Hester. “It is good that Quivna has made enemies. I doubt Botzhar would’ve agreed. Botzhar is one of the few demons that I’ve dealt with that shows little interest in the mortal plane.”
Hanna picked up her amulet and put it back on. She took a deep breath and allowed her magic to flow into the amulet. She felt the familiar presence of Thorodd and Anso’s spirits, and then there was something else. Where the link between her and the human spirits looked like a glowing string in her mind, the connection to Botzhar was different, like a tiny dark vine that grew up from the ground until it reached her. Hanna could feel the power of the demon, she pushed the demon back, seeing if she could control it separately from the spirits of Thorodd and Anso. When the presence of the demon faded and Thorodd and Anso remained, Hanna was
relieved. So far having a demon spirit wasn’t bad.
Suddenly Koyo burst through the door. Blood covered his face and an arrow was embedded in his side. “Ambush, the others are in trouble. You must hurry.”
Hanna grabbed Koyo before he could fall to the floor. His wounds looked really bad. He’d lost too much blood and his pulse was weak. She looked at Katla and Hester. “Go. I will look to Koyo.” Hanna pushed aside the maps from the main room’s table and placed Koyo on it. She inspected the arrow wound, the blood was black.
Koyo smiled. “It was a glorious battle, Hanna. You would’ve been proud of old Koyo. He slayed four of those traitorous bastards before taking a single wound. Another half dozen fell before they got this damn arrow in me.”
“It will be fine, Koyo. We’ll find a healer and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
“Shhh. You were never a good liar, Hanna,” said Koyo. He reached out and touched Hanna’s amulet. “I know you need the gemstones for fighting demons. But if you have one more, I would ask you to create a spirit stone for Tayo.”
Hanna didn’t want Koyo to die. She had lost so many of her mentors already, and Koyo was more than just a mentor. He was a close and dear friend. “What if I want your spirit for my own?”
Koyo chuckled between grimaces of pain. “You are the daughter I never had, Hanna Halfblood. But Tayo is my son. A son I never was there for. He has the potential to be a great warrior, even better than his dear old dad, but he needs guidance. Let me be his guide from the spirit world. Let me make up for the years where I did nothing for him.”
“You honored a promise, they are alive because of the sacrifice you made, I would not call that nothing,” said Hanna. She reached into her pocket, and took out one of the last two gems she’d brought to Yanga. She placed it in his hand. Koyo brought the gemstone to his side, making sure he covered it in his blood. He then put it back in Hanna’s hand. “Go save the city, save Sharla.”
Hanna slipped the gemstone into her pocket. She put her hand on Koyo’s cheek. “Farewell, friend. Until our spirits meet in the next realm.” Moving swiftly, Hanna headed up the stairs and out of the bakery. The sounds of battle met her ears. Ahead she could see Katla and Hester had reached the fight. Tayo, Sharla, and a group of men she assumed were loyal to the king, were surrounded by Lord Blackpool’s men. Bodies lay all over the streets, as it seemed the ambush had taken many of the loyal forces already.