Catherine's Letters
Page 23
‘And have you found his wife’s number?’
‘Right here,’ chirped up Adrienne, waving a scrap of paper and a biro above her head. ‘He shouldn’t have told me her name was Ruth. There’s only one “Ruth Mobile” in his contacts, so it must be her. I’ve got about half a dozen more names and numbers,’ she added. ‘His mum and dad, and some others. Not sure who they are – could be his boss, or his mates from work – but whoever they are, I’m sure they’d be really interested if these pics dropped into their inboxes.’
‘Excellent. Go and stash it. Somewhere safe, where no one else is going to find it.’ Adrienne slipped out of the bedroom. Maria turned back to James, who had gone pale and speechless. ‘No, it’s not blackmail,’ she said, before he could make the accusation. ‘It’s something to make you think carefully before lying to another unsuspecting girl when it comes to your marital status.’
‘What? What do you mean? You don’t want money?’
‘God, no! We want you to treat your wife with the respect a lady deserves. Keep her satisfied and I promise you’ll never need to look elsewhere for excitement. But if we ever catch wind of your philandering again – or if you decide to tell anyone what we did to you tonight – then these pics will be sent straight to her phone, and everyone else whose number we’ve got. Just try convincing all of them they need to change their numbers! And besides, you can print pictures from a mobile phone, so maybe we’ll hand deliver them to Ruth while you’re at work! Or you could just behave yourself, and they’ll never see the light of day. And by the way, there may be eight million people in this city, but you’d be surprised how many of them we know between the three of us. Hidden the note?’
‘Tucked away like a dream,’ said Adrienne, as she came back to the bedroom.
‘Great. Now don’t think of trying anything when we let you up. I know Judo, Adrienne’s still really pissed off at you, and Rachel doesn’t like bastards who take advantage of her best mate. And you’ll never find the note anyway. Unbuckle him, girls.’
Adrienne and Rachel released an ankle each, then unchained his wrists. He was clearly defeated and had decided to cut his losses and escape as soon as he was allowed to. But he was deflated in every respect except one, which took even Maria by surprise as he sat up, stretching his tortured and numb limbs.
‘Good grief! You pervert! You’ve gone hard again! You’ve been getting off on your punishment!’
James looked at his penis, sheepish and shame-faced. He was indeed erect. ‘So what are we going to do with it?’ asked Adrienne of her co-conspirators.
‘Seems a shame to waste it. Always been my motto when I’ve been in a bedroom with a horny man,’ said Rachel.
‘Well, he’s not getting inside me again,’ said Adrienne emphatically. ‘That’s how he got himself into this mess in the first place.’
‘And he can keep it away from my cunt,’ Rachel chipped in, catching on to the new game. ‘He’s a man who doesn’t deserve it, and that’s saying something,’ she added with a grin, before Adrienne could say it for her.
‘Well don’t look at me,’ said Maria. ‘I’m a lesbian. I really had to force myself to suck him earlier, thinking about how hard I was going to flog him for it.’
‘So what are we going to do with it?’ asked Adrienne, the irony heavy in her tone.
‘I know,’ said Rachel. ‘We all think he’s a wanker, don’t we?’ There was general nodding from the other women. ‘So why don’t we let him show us how talented a wanker he is? Make him put on a show for us!’
‘Brilliant!’ exclaimed Maria. ‘He looks the type to go to lap dancing clubs. Let’s see how he likes it!’
‘Hey! You can’t be for real? If you think I’m …’ shouted James, his erection wagging in front of him as he jumped to his feet and stepped toward them.
‘You’re forgetting the power we have over you,’ Maria said menacingly. ‘Now, get five-knuckle shuffling, while we make ourselves comfy.’ She grabbed a handful of tissues and shoved them into his left palm, before leading Adrienne and Rachel to the bed. She propped herself up on a pillow as the other girls lay on either side of her, their hands wandering carelessly over each other’s body.
James seemed to decide this was getting off lightly compared with his earlier ordeal, so set to work. He braced himself, with his feet apart. He kept his eyes open, drawing inspiration from the nude and lascivious trio on the bed.
Eventually his hand was driving up and down at top speed, his breathing coming in short, sharp grunts, as he expertly handled himself to a climax. Suddenly, he stopped, and his upper body leant forward, his fingers gripping himself just below his glans. As the first trace of white fluid emerged from the end of his penis, Adrienne leapt up and grabbed the BlackBerry from the bedside table. She aimed it and pressed the button. James blinked as the phone clicked, then scowled in rage as he realised what she had done. ‘Gotcha!’ she grinned.
‘Just what we needed to complete the set,’ Maria exclaimed, as she stared in delight at the picture Adrienne was showing her. ‘A money shot!’
‘You’re all – all fucking crazy!’ James moaned, as he clutched the wad of tissues to his member, which continued to pump despite his now complete humiliation.
‘And you’re no longer any use to us,’ Maria told him. ‘Clean yourself up, get your clothes, and get out.’
‘With pleasure!’ he growled, throwing the soaking tissues onto the bed in an impotent expression of his anger, before getting into his clothes in record time. As the front door banged, three naked women dissolved into fits of hysterical laughter, rolling helplessly around the large bed.
When they had recovered, Maria got slowly to her feet. ‘I think we can safely say job done. And I also think we deserve a drink. Did I see a bottle of white chilling in your fridge, Adrienne?’
‘You certainly did. You know where the glasses are. Bring three large ones.’
‘I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else!’
Maria headed to the kitchen, her pert, perfect bottom fixing the attention of the other two until she had vanished through the bedroom door. Rachel turned to Adrienne. ‘So where are you hiding the list of numbers, babe?’
‘Come and see.’ She led the way to the living room, where the writing case was on the coffee table. Adrienne opened it, then flicked the catch to reveal the secret compartment. The piece of modern notepaper nestled on top of Catherine’s letters. Both girls giggled as Adrienne shut the compartment, then the case itself.
‘You know, it’s thanks to James I found Catherine and Maria. If he hadn’t lied to me I wouldn’t have gone to bed with him in the first place. And that wouldn’t have made me so pissed off I had to go antique shopping.’ She ran her index finger delicately over the surface of the box.
‘I guess so, babe,’ agreed Rachel, slipping her arms around Adrienne’s bare waist and nibbling on her ear. ‘But do you still think it’s worth what you paid for it?’
‘Oh yes!’ Adrienne replied. ‘It’s worth a fortune. At least, it is to me.’ She turned to kiss Rachel full on the lips, before they walked arm in arm back to the bedroom to join Maria once more. It was going to be a long night.
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