Inheriting A Mafia

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Inheriting A Mafia Page 9

by K. L Hart

  I walk out of my office and head into Casey’s office which is to the left of mine,

  “What's up!” she asks as I plonk down in a chair in front of her desk.

  “for one I'm being ghosted by my boyfriend, two my fiancé is going to have a tantrum when I tell him my plan to catch these bastards and three, I need a fucking drink!”

  “Yeah, you do have a crazy life these days! Anyway, no alcohol! It's not even lunch time!” we both grin. “so, what's the plan?” The devious bitch smirks, she's enjoying this!

  “Well, they want me by the looks of things, what better way to get to me than a wedding with no security and the target in a big white dress!”

  “You want to use your wedding as bait?” I shrug. “I mean it’s a solid idea but how would that even work?”

  “Set up a fake wedding, we pull it forward and hope they turn up!”

  “So basically, you just want two wedding dresses!”

  “Always a perk, what girl doesn’t want multiple princess dresses?” We both crack up laughing.

  “What are you two laughing about?” Lorenzo asks as he leans against the door frame.

  “Wish me luck!” I say to Casey as I get up and beckon Lorenzo to follow me into my office!

  “Good Luck you crazy bitch!” Casey shouts just before I shut my office door.

  Lorenzo sits on one sofa and I take a seat on the other,

  “Ok so I have a plan to draw the shooters out, or maybe the mastermind himself!” Lorenzo leans forward his elbows on his knees and narrows his eyes at me. “I think we should have a fake wedding in a few days, no obvious security and an easy location to get into, I am sure they will hit us again there!”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind!”

  “No but do you want our real fake wedding ruined when all the bosses are there, because we couldn’t lure the trigger-happy dicks out!” He gets up and starts pacing, we all do that way too much!

  “You could be killed!”

  “I wear a bullet vest under my dress, I'll find one that conceals it easily, we have the alter set up in a way that we can get behind it and it be bullet proof as well, if we foresee this, we can do everything possible to ensure no one is hurt! This is the best plan we have; this is the only plan we have! We need to try; I can't have any more innocent people getting hurt!”

  “I'll look into it but I'm not promising anything, if we can find a way to do this and pretty much guarantee your safety then fine, if not we think of something else!”

  “Deal!” I put my hand out and he shakes it.

  “My brother is going to fucking murder me because of your crazy ass!” I smile sweetly, he shakes his head and leaves my office.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Ok, everything is in place, put your ear piece in and we can hear everything! The guests are undercover security and the rumor mill has done its work to get the news out there that you wanted to pull the wedding forward for personal reasons! If the shooters are planning another attack, they have been given the perfect opportunity!” Casey says as she fluffs my dress, Sam helps me with concealing my earpiece.

  “Well let's hope they don’t shoot me in the head!” I say teasingly, I get glares from both of them and I shrug.

  “It’s time!” Sam announces and I leave them both in the hotel room to go to the function hall to get my ass fake married. I stand outside the big double doors waiting for someone to start the music and open them for me, but before that can even happen, I'm grabbed, I try and scream as I'm being pulled back but a hand across my mouth muffles the sound! I kick and squirm but another set of hands grabs me, I panic! My vision blurs as I try and look around, I'm taken outside and before long I'm shoved into the trunk of a car. I kick to try and release the trunk but the thing won't open and I feel the car engine roar to life and start to move. I breathe deep, calm down Sienna, you need to breathe and focus.

  “Sienna, talk to us!” I didn’t even hear Sam’s voice because of my panic,

  “Sam I'm in the trunk of a car, I was grabbed before I got into the main wedding!” I whisper,

  “We are tracking you, stay calm, we are coming!” I focus on my breathing and the hope of being rescued, how fucking stupid to walk alone, we were planning on a shootout and didn’t even think about other possibilities like kidnap! Fuck! Fuck! If Sam doesn’t get to me in time or they find the tracker I'm a dead woman! But why not just kill me? Why bother kidnapping me? They must need something before I die!

  “We are behind you, we can see the car you're in, brace yourself we are running you off the road!” Sam’s voice echoes through my head and I tense waiting for the crash. The car is hit from the side and I am thrown against the side of the trunk making me see black dots, the car tires screech as it is rammed again, this time I feel like I'm lifted up, I think the front of the car has landed in a ditch! I hear car doors open and gunfire, after a few minutes the noise calms down and the trunk door is lifted open! Lorenzo stares down at me for a beat before his shoulders visibly relax and he lifts me into his arms.

  “I am never listening to any of your plans ever again!” He growls and I pout,

  “But it was a very good plan, we just need to think of other factors next time!”

  “Shit, your bleeding!” He says and I lift my hand to my forehead, it must have happened when I was slammed into the side of the trunk.

  “I'm fine, just get me out of here!” I spot Sam and two of my men drag one of my kidnappers into a car, he's tied up and unconscious so at least we have our lead! Lorenzo puts me into a separate car and does my seatbelt for me like I'm a child,

  “let's get you home!”

  I am stitched up, showered and in bed before I even know it, Lorenzo and Casey are fussing over me like I'm going to die from a small cut on my head and they are actually pissing me off!

  “Call Matteo, he will want to know about this!” Casey orders.

  “He’s not my Dad! I don’t need to be babysat; I am fine!” I snap.

  “Hello.” Matteos voice fills the room from Lorenzos phone, Fuck me! I roll my eyes and cross my arms in a huff.

  “We have some news!” Lorenzo says,


  “So, we planned a fake wedding for today to draw the shooters out, unfortunately things did not go to plan and Sienna was kidnapped...”

  “Where the fuck is, she? You were meant to keep her safe!” I have never heard Matteo this angry.

  “I'm here, I'm fine, I'm being babysat like a toddler!” I state dryly.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Lorenzo!”

  “Sorry, what I was saying is, we saved her quickly and she is relatively unharmed! But we did manage to capture one of her kidnappers so hopefully we can get a few answers out of him!” Lorenzo continues.

  “Ok, well update me on that! And don’t leave Sienna on her own tonight! She doesn’t deal with things well when she is alone!”

  “I deal with things just fine!” I Snap.

  “Ok, lets remind you of your drunken party of one at your fathers wake, or the fact you became a sleepless workaholic who wouldn’t talk to anyone for a week after Luca! You do not deal with things well!”

  “Fuck you, Matteo, you're not even here! Speak of dealing things well, I didn’t see you standing up to anyone to stay, I saw you running to the airport like a fucking pussy when your Grandfather clicked his goddamned fingers! Why the fuck are we telling things to him anyway, he is not involved in my shit anymore!”

  “You know what Sienna, your right, leave me well out of it! You’re my brother's problem now!” with that he hangs up! Prick! I stare at the phone, feeling angry and like I want to cry all at the same time, I look up and Lorenzo just looks guilty while Casey looks shocked.

  “Bit harsh babe!” Casey mumbles and I sigh,

  “How am I supposed to react, he doesn’t answer my calls or texts but he wants to have an opinion in my life! It just doesn’t work like that!”

  “We get it, but both of you being at each
other's throats isn't helping anything!” Casey states before getting off the bed and walking out.

  “I don’t need babysitting, you can leave!” I snap at Lorenzo, he gets up and shrugs his jacket off, takes a pillow from the bed and proceeds to get comfy laying on the floor.

  “I know you don’t need looking after but indulge me!” I huff before getting comfy myself and urning the lamp off. What a day! I have managed to get myself kidnapped, hurt my head, pushed Matteo even further away, pissed of Casey and now I'm being watched like a toddler with concussion! And I'm meant to be a Mafia Boss, Ha more like the crazy girl who didn’t take her meds this morning!

  Chapter Twenty

  After the events of yesterday I wake up with a headache and I'm still in a foul mood, I feel it seeping from me before I even open my eyes. I turn over and put the pillow over my head.

  “Merry Christmas Sienna!” Lorenzo mutters from the floor and I groan,

  “It’s not merry at all Enzo!”

  “No one has called me that since Matteo and I was little! But it is Christmas day and it won't kill us to try and be cheerful!”

  “Actually, I think it might just kill me, I have no reason to be merry today, I have no family, my boyfriend has fled and left me to marry his brother, a pissed off best friend and I have had enough of pretending I'm ok with it all! Not to mention I have people trying to shoot and kidnap me! I am exhausted and want to stay in bed all day!”

  “Well then so you shall, but I refuse to let you wallow on your own!” I hear shuffling from the floor and I peek from under my pillow to see him standing up and approaching the bed. “Come on, move over!” he demands and I reluctantly move up for him, he sits next to me and I turn over so I can face him, putting my pillow underneath my head.

  “Enzo? Why are you being so nice?”

  “I am nice, I just act like I'm not for Grandfathers sake, I explained all of this!”

  “But I have been nothing but a bitch lately and I'm the reason you have been dragged away from your home and made it nearly impossible to reconcile with your brother!” Lorenzo lays down and faces me, he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear and smiles.

  “I can see how my brother fell in love with you so easily! You are special, you are good to your core, you have a big heart and your beautiful!” I blush at his words and feel guilty about it. “If I had come here first, met you first then maybe we all would be free of so much heartache! But none of this is your fault, and no one blames you for being angry and upset about anything right now, so you be a bitch, you shout and scream, you cry if you need to! I’ll be here to take your anger or wipe your tears away!” I just stare at him, not really knowing what to say! Loreno is very handsome, I have never really looked at him but he is perfect in his own way, like Matteo but not at the same time and I find myself agreeing with him! If he came here in the beginning instead of Matteo would I have fell in love with this brother instead?

  I wake up again around an hour later and Lorenzo is still sat next to me watching TV. I sit up feeling slightly less psycho bitch than earlier but this sour mood is not going away anytime soon.

  “Feeling better?”

  “Not really, but let's just get this day over with!” I get out of bed and head for the shower.

  “So, Christmas is back on?” I ignore him and slam the bathroom door; I take my sweet time in the shower and enter an empty bedroom. After dressing and drying my hair so it's not dripping, I venture to the kitchen, where coffee can be sourced. I make my coffee and when I get the creamer out, I see a note stuck to it. ‘Sienna, we are in the formal living room, if you want to join us!’ I pour the creamer in the coffee and then make my way through the house to the formal living room, when I enter it feels like someone's attacked it with a Christmas bomb! I can't deny that its decorated perfectly, but the place is covered and the tree, my god its huge! With lights and perfectly placed baubles.

  “I didn’t even think to decorate the house this year!” I whisper, finally realizing I forgot.

  “We saved the star for you to put on!” Casey shrugs handing me the tree topper.

  “Casey, how in hell am I going to get that up there?” I ask, the tree is at least eight feet tall! Casey takes my coffee and Lorenzo lifts me up like I weigh nothing and sits me on his shoulders, I still have to stretch but I manage to get it on. Lorenzo helps me off his shoulders and my coffee is passed back to me. “Next time save me a bauble!” Sam, Casey and Lorenzo laugh and I find myself joining in.

  “So, shall we open presents?” Casey is full of Christmas cheer and excitement and I feel my mood slipping and wanting to be as happy as she is, I know I can't be right now but I can at least try to enjoy today!

  “Well at least I remembered those!” I walk over to the Christmas tree finding the presents I had ordered and left in the kitchen, love it when stores wrap stuff its always so pretty! I pick out Sam's present and hand it to him. I watch as he rips open the paper and the slow grin grow across his face.

  “Are you being serious?” I smile and nod,

  “What is it?” Casey asks trying to peek into his lap.

  “A Season ticket to the NFL Raiders, with the game suite!” Sam exclaims, “Sienna you shouldn’t have! How did you even know?”

  “I can hear the radio in the back seat of the car, if the raiders are on your listening! With that I promise you can always have their home games off if you want to go, if you need to be with me, I will go with you!” I say and he gets up and envelops me in a hug.

  “Best Boss ever!” He whispers before taking his seat again. I look for Lorenzo’s present and hand it to him,

  “Sorry, I didn’t know what to get and I didn’t have much time to get it either!” I shrug. He opens it and smiles,

  “Thank you, Sienna, its perfect!” He takes out the watch and puts it on! “I think it suits me!” I return his smile and then get out the large box and hand it to Casey. she gets through the wrapping paper and throws the box lid across the room. She squeals when she sees this seasons Louboutin collection, The purse, wallet and two pairs of shoes!

  “They are so pretty, thank you!” she gets up and kisses me on the cheek with a loud schmack and I laugh, she goes back to her box and puts on one pair of the shoes. “Now that’s a pair of killer heels!” she jokes as she admires them. I take a seat on the floor next to her and get out her bag, I never got a chance to actually look at it in person.

  “I thought it would be heavier but it is a gorgeous purse!” She grabs it and hugs it like it's her favorite teddy and I chuckle.

  Sam gets up next and hands all of us our presents at the same time.

  “It's nothing major, I sent Matteo and his boys their ones too.” We all share looks, wondering what it might be and then we all open the small gifts. Me and Casey have matching bracelets with a little tag on, Mine says ‘Boss’ on it and I smile. Casey shows me hers that says, ‘Sienna’s No.2’ and I laugh. I look to Lorenzo that hold his chain out to me, his has dog tags on that says ‘With Sienna we stand.’ and on the other side it says ‘With Sienna we are family.’ The Guys all have exactly the same, I even bought myself one. We are a family and we need to have something to remind us of that.

  “Why send Matteo’s guys them, they don’t owe me nothing, we barely know them!” I ask, Sam chuckles.

  “They are Matteo’s Family and he is yours, on your birthday they told me they were planning to move here and after Lorenzo showed up, they argued about who would stay and watch over you, they may have only just met you but you have a way of making people feel loved instantly and they need a family as much as we do.” I have no response to that so I say the first thing that pops into my head.

  “Where are the twins anyway?”

  “They are spending the morning in their hotel, video calling everyone back home.” That makes sense I do feel bad that they stayed here to watch out for me, people keep having to do stuff they don’t want to recently and its mostly for or because of me! Casey hands out her present
s and in true Casey form we all get Alcohol of some kind, which will most probably be drank later! Then Lorenzo gets up, Sam and Casey open theirs to find Amazon gift cards,

  “Sorry I had no clue of what to get you both but there is £1000 on each so you can find something nice for yourselves.” Sam chokes on thin air when Lorenzo tells them how much money is on it.

  “Jesus dude! That’s a lot of money, I can't accept that!” Sam says and Casey nods in agreement.

  “You can and you will, we are family now remember!” Sam gets up and Bro hugs Lorenzo slapping him on the back

  “Thank you!” He says before Casey hugs him as well.

  “You really shouldn’t have but thanks!”

  “You are both more than welcome!” Lorenzo hands me a small box and I make quick work of opening it, A beautiful ring sits inside and I instantly feel awkward.

  “It's not that kind of ring look!” He leans down and takes the Diamond encrusted band; he turns it and points to the inscription on the inside. ‘I promise to set you free.’ I look into his eyes and he smiles, “I will be Vowing to you in a few days with similar rings that I will have you forever and death do us part! But this ring is my true vow to you! This is the promise I'll keep to you Sienna! I wanted to give you something that is true and will remind you of that!” I move into a kneeling position and pull him into hug.

  “Thankyou!” I whisper, my voice cracks a little and I feel emotional about this, I couldn’t have asked for anything more from him. Knowing that one day I can get out is the best gift he could have possibly given me.

  “Theres one more present for you, I have put it in your room, for you to open on your own, it's from Matteo!” He whispers, I nod as I pull away.


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