Inheriting A Mafia

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Inheriting A Mafia Page 10

by K. L Hart

  “As your personal assistant, I feel the need to inform you that we are behind schedule and we now need to get dressed and head over to the club!” Casey says,

  “Why?” I ask,

  “It’s a surprise!”

  So, Christmas dinner at The Club was actually kind of amazing and I have been feeling more and more happy by the minute, with all the staff around me having fun, the twins and Sam goofing around and Casey and Lorenzo just making the day that much more special I found myself actually having fun! Casey is fast asleep next to me in my bed after we drank too much and ate a shit ton of chocolate while watching The Santa Clause and I'm laying down staring at the small gift box from Matteo that’s sitting on my bedside table. I finally decide to not open it, it's just too much heartache, we need to have as little contact as possible while his Grandfather is alive and meddling in all our lives! I shove the present in the drawer and attempt sleep!

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The Next few days go by in a blur, everyone is busy with work and finalizing the details for the wedding! Sam, Kegan, Kaleb and Lorenzo have been nowhere to be found because they are interrogating the kidnapper that’s tied up where Luca was just a few weeks ago! Me and Casey are in my office with the dress fitter, having the adjustments made so it fits me like a glove.

  “How are you feeling about the wedding?” Casey asks,

  “Shit if I'm honest, but I'll get through it, ill push all my feelings aside and hire a therapist later on when things have calmed down!” I wiggle my eyebrows and Casey laughs.

  “I know it's not easy but we are all here for you!”

  “I know that, it's just all a big mess and my head is fried! I finally let myself like a guy, well love actually and then this happens! But to be honest I should have been prepared for it nothing is ever straight forward for me, the joys of being a Vellucci!” I shrug and the movement causes the woman to prick me with a pin, I hiss and she immediately flinches!


  “It’s fine!” Me and Casey share a what the fuck! Look and then Casey struggles to hide her snicker as I roll my eyes.

  “I'm sure everything will work out in the end, it's just not the journey any of us expected!” She says and I smile,

  “You can say that again!”

  My office door slams open and I look up to see a very worried Lorenzo rushing towards me,

  “We need to go now!” He grabs my arm and pulls me up from my desk chair!

  “What! Why? I have work to do Enzo, What the hell!” I manage to pull my arm from his grip and stand there with both hands on my hips!

  “It’s not safe for you here! We have to go now!” He grabs my purse, my phone and my laptop then looks back at me with pleading eyes. I throw my hands up in the air!

  “Fine, but you need to tell me what the fuck is happening once we are in the car!” I follow him out of the Resort and he is actually sweating, he is looking everywhere for danger and I didn’t even notice Sam behind me until we get to the car. We all get in and Sam speeds off.

  “Enzo, spill. Now!”

  “I don’t think the Russians are behind your kidnapping!”

  “Who do you think was then?”

  “I'm unsure, I have a hunch and I have people looking into it and I'll tell you when I know more, for now though its best to get out of town until the wedding!”

  “Wait, if it's not safe for me here now, how the hell is it safe to come back to get married!”

  “Just trust me, Please!” I instantly do and that in itself is scary, he could be behind it all for all I know but deep down I know he is on my side, don’t know how I know this but I do!

  We arrive at a safe house in around an hour and I let out a sigh of relief when I see Casey, Kegan and Kaleb all sat around the large living area.

  “Ok so we are all here and we are all safe! What now?” I ask,

  “Were not all here!” Kegan states as he gestures out the window, I see the headlights of another car pulling into the drive and my eyebrows furrow together until I see Zane step out of the car followed by Harry and Jay, I run out of the door and I'm disappointed when there's no sign of Matteo.

  “What's up SiSi? We not good enough!” Harry teases as he pulls me into a hug!

  “Of course, you are, but who’s watching over Matty if you are all here?”

  “Don't worry, it's all sorted, but we missed the Twins and you need us more than he does right now!” Harry lets me go and Jay hugs me next, Zane pushes him away and lifts me in the air, I giggle while slapping his shoulder so he puts me down. I follow the guys into the house and watch as everyone hugs in greeting, touch feely lot maybe we are a family after all! A fucked up, messy, one of a kind family.

  “I think we should have ourselves a party!” Jay says as he plays music through the surround sound,

  “I brought tequila!” Casey says with a devious grin. The boys match her tequila by pulling bottles upon bottles of spirits out of their duffels and I laugh when her face falls! “Overachieving bastards!” she grumbles which makes everyone crack up.

  Two hours later and everyone has chucked their stuff in their bedrooms, got settled and had food, we are now all sat around the coffee table some of us on the sofas some on the floor. The music has been turned down and is now background noise, we have all been catching up and drinking and I'm feeling tipsy already!

  “Who’s up for spin the bottle?” Kegan says holding up one of the empty beer bottles. I shrug and everyone else nods.

  “Ok Rules, if it lands on you, you have to pick truth or dare, you can't swap, you can't lie and we all have to drink!”

  “Fair enough!” Sam says, Kegan puts the bottle on its side in the middle of the table and spins, it lands on his brother.


  “Unblock Tanaya on everything, all social media, texts and calls until the morning” Kaleb groans and Kegan looks too pleased with himself. Kaleb starts scrolling through his phone looking frustrated.

  “Who’s Tanaya?” I ask

  “Kaleb's crazy stalker, he slept with her one time at a party and the girl is now crazy about him!” Kegan answers and then Kaleb's phone dings repeatedly.

  “I'll just put this on silent!” We all laugh and Kaleb rolls his eyes, we all take a shot and Kaleb spins the bottle. Sam passes around the tequila bottle for us to refill our glasses.

  “You're up Zane!” Casey says as the bottle comes to a stop.


  “What is the strangest thing that’s happened to you while you’ve been naked?” Jay asks, Zane thinks for a minute and then his eyes shine when he thinks of something.

  “So, I was fucking this girl once and she was going for it, like proper crazy into its blah blah, all of a sudden, her mom comes home and we hear her shout hello to the girl from down the hall, she stops riding me and starts getting dressed and tells me to hide under the bed, so I do. She kicks my clothes under a chair that’s the other side of the room, so I am stuck under this bed completely naked, I was there for must have been three hours while she and her mom sat on the bed having this huge conversation. The door knocks and her mom goes to answer it, her boyfriend who I didn’t know about is now here and they start fucking! I attempt to sneak out but the boyfriend sees me crawl across the floor. I am preparing to have my ass handed to me instead he asks me to join in, I shrug and think why not! I start fucking the girl from behind while she sucks him off! I'm fucking this girl hard and when she swallows his cum, she turns around turns out I have been under the Moms bed the whole time! I stop what I'm doing and grab my shit and get the hell out of that house! Worst thing was how neither her Mom or the Mom’s boyfriend questioned who the fuck I was and why I was under the fucking bed!” I am in tears I'm laughing so hard and Casey is holding her side in pained laughter! That’s the best story I have ever had the pleasure of hearing and I'm sure it will keep me entertained for the next few weeks when I think about it.

  “Did you ever hear from the girl again?” Enzo
asks once his laughter dies down.

  “Yeah, to ask if she could give my number to her Mom, I change numbers that day and never looked back!” We all reenter a fit of laughter again. After we all finally calm down Zane spins the bottle and it lands on Casey!


  “Is it true that you are fucking Sam?” Sam goes bright red as Casey Smirks. The guys all lean in as if they couldn’t possibly miss this bit of juicy gossip!

  “It’s True!” she says casually and all the guys say

  “Nooo!” at the same time like this is an actual revelation for them.

  “How did you know!”

  “I know you too well my friend!” I say with a smile, Sam looks utterly mortified that she's just outed them but pulls her into his lap which is really very sweet! Casey spins the bottle and it lands on me!

  “Dare.” I'm going to regret this.

  “I dare you to Make out with Lorenzo!” Casey says with a chuckle, I glare at her and the whole atmosphere changes.

  “You are next level sometimes you know that!” I get up and storm out of the room!

  “What you have to kiss him sooner or later!” Casey says truthfully and I see what she's doing but really? I slam my bedroom door but it doesn’t shut, I spin round to find Lorenzo following me into the room and closing the door after him! He runs his hand through his hair,

  “Is it so bad? The thought of kissing me?” He sounds so dejected and I feel so guilty!

  “No, but it's complicated, you know that!”

  “I like you Sienna, I told myself I didn’t and I would let you be Matteo’s but I can't pretend anymore, I can't stop thinking about you and I feel bad because he loves you but I think I love you too!”

  “Enzo, you can't! I love him!”

  “So, you feel nothing for me, nothing at all?”

  “I, its different!”

  “No, I don’t think it is!” He moves on me so fast I don’t know what's happening until his lips crash down on mine and I'm kissing him back. I Don’t feel it, the spark like I do Matteo and this is just all wrong! I push him and he steps back.

  “I love you, yes! But like a brother or a best friend, I'm in love with Matteo completely and utterly in love with him!” Enzo smiles and I am now really confused!

  “Thats all I needed to know!” he turns to leave looking mighty pleased with himself.

  “Wait! What just happened!”

  “Nothing! I'm just a bit drunk, forgive me!” I narrow my eyes at him as he walks out the door like the cat who got the cream.

  I hear the bathroom door open and I spin to see Matteo leaning against the frame.

  “It was a fucking test!”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I run into Matteo’s arms and he picks me up with ease, my legs go around his waist and I kiss him with everything I have! We pull apart panting for breath and then I realize he just fucking tested me, I squirm in his arms for him to release me, I take a few steps back and give him a death glare.

  “What the fuck was that!?” I say waving my arm in the direction of the door, Lorenzo just left through.

  “I wanted to make sure you chose me for real, if you knew I was here you would have done it through guilt and I needed to know!”

  “What! Why would you even think that I had a thing for your brother! Are you insane!”

  “I have been told you both have grew close since I left and I may have become very paranoid! My Issue not yours but I just had to know and now I do!”

  “You could have just asked me!” I fume and he shakes his head, I know you would tell me the truth but I just had to see it! He comes to me and drags his thumb down my cheek before tucking my hair behind my ear.

  “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you, baby!” He says softly and my anger at him starts to melt away.

  “I do, Ive missed you just as much!” I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him and he leans down to kiss me back, its slow and passionate and I pour every feeling I have for this guy into it! He picks me up and walks me to the bed where he sits me, his hands roam down to grab the hem of my tank and he pulls it over my head, he kisses my neck as he reaches behind my back and undoes my bra, he slides the straps down my arms tickling my skin as he does! His hands roam my breasts and my torso as he kisses my mouth again, my hands go the back of his head pulling him closer to me, I lift my ass up when he hooks his fingers around the waistband of my sweats and he tugs them and my panties down and off. I push his torso and stand to take his shirt off, I throw it across the room and I take my sweet time running my fingers over his muscles, savoring the feel of his rock-hard body! I get to his jeans and undo the button he grabs a condom out of the back pocket before he pulls them down along with his boxers, his dick springs out and its large, thick and hard, ready for me like I'm ready for him! He does the sexy teeth rip thing to the condom and I bite my lip as he rolls it on. He kisses me again and I heat up, his finger trails from my neck down to my pussy and he slides it into my folds, he spreads my wetness over his finger and breaks the kiss so he can lick it off! He grins cheekily and then slowly lays me on the bed and climbs on top of me using his arms so I don’t take any of his weight.

  “I can't wait! I need to be inside you!” I nod my head as I lift my knees up for him to enter me easily, he aligns his cock with my entrance and I moan loudly when he thrusts himself inside! I grip his shoulders as he starts to move and he bends his head down to kiss my neck and I feel my core tightening already. My back arches off the bed pushing my breasts into his skin and the sensation makes me orgasm, he doesn’t stop while I come down, he just gets faster. I push him off me a climb on top of him I slowly slide down his cock and he hits deeper now! I start to move even though I have no idea what I'm doing but his moans give me the confidence to keep going! I find a rhythm and he matches my every move! My hands land on his chest and he cups the back of my head grabbing my hair in his fist.

  “Tell me I'm the one!” He rasps,

  “Your, mmm, the one!” I moan, “I Love you Matty!” He suddenly sits up while I'm still moving and pulls my legs forward, he kisses me fiercely, my hands go to his shoulders for leverage, he breaks the kiss and looks me dead in the eyes.

  “I love you, Sienna, more than anything!” He thrusts his hips up and I throw my head back in a moan, he places one hand on my spine and the other trails down my neck and to my nipple where he rolls it between his thumb and forefinger making me moan again. My walls clench around him and he thrusts again hitting that spot and I fall over the edge, coming hard! I feel like lightning is burning my skin sending currents through me as I scream his name. His lips crash to mine and all I see is stars! He keeps me moving for a minute until he cries his release into my mouth! We fall to the bed in a heap of limbs and he pulls me into his side where I promptly fall asleep, feeling like I'm home for the first time in weeks!

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “What's that face?” Casey asks as she walks into the kitchen,

  “Huh? What face?”

  “The whole glazed look, and you were biting your lip and grinning!” I blush and of course she notices.

  “You're thinking about sex, aren't you?” I smile and she rushes to sit next to me! I face her and she looks at me like she's waiting for me to tell her my sex daydream.

  “I'm just thinking about my shower this morning!” I wink and she gasps.

  “Please tell me one of the Nicoletti brothers was with you!”

  “And you should know full well which one! Speaking of, I'm your best friend and you helped them test me!” I angry whisper!

  “I knew you would pass!” she shrugs and I exhale a breath. “How is this going to ever work, you just going to fuck one while married to the other?”

  “You are ruining my good mood! But I have no idea, I need Matty I am stupidly in love with the guy, but we will all be in deep shit if I don’t marry Enzo! I'm in a catch-22 with no way out!”

  “We will figure something out!” Matteo says as he walks int
o the room and lifts me off the stool so he can sit down and places me on his lap! He kisses my neck and I swoon, literally.

  “Hold on, if you’re here does that mean that I was safe at home and this was all one big ruse to get me here without tipping Nicoletti off?” Matteo grins,

  “Took you a while!” I roll my eyes.

  “Bunch of dickheads!” The rest of the guys stroll into the kitchen, fully dressed and all looking fine as hell in their jeans and tee’s even Lorenzo has dressed down today.

  “You girls need to go get ready!” Kaleb says,

  “Why?” Casey asks,

  “We are all going to have some fun! Dress down!” Harry says. Me and Casey share a look and then race up to our rooms to get changed.

  “Seriously!” I exclaim in excitement, I look at the dirty muddy track and then at the line of dirt buggies, I cannot wait for this! I choose my buggy and put on the helmet waiting on the seat.

  “Well come on then!” I shout to the guys. I get in the driver's seat and Matteo shoots me a look when he comes over.

  “I think I should drive, baby!” He says as he pops his on helmet on.

  “Don't think so!” I turn the key and the engine roars underneath me. Matteo shakes his head and jumps in, we both buckle up and then I look around, everyone is ready and I grin.

  “Let’s go!” I hit my foot on the pedal and change gears with ease as we speed across the smooth dirt, Matteo spots the terrain getting more and more aggressive and holds onto the bar above his head, I laugh as I press my foot down further and we fly over the bumps. We go through a huge puddle of mud and it sprays everywhere! Harry comes up next to me and we race to the finish. We spend hours on the track and we are covered in mud when we are done! Matteo pulls my helmet off after his when I come to a stop and he grabs my face and kisses me hard!

  “You Sienna, never fail to surprise me!” I wink at him and he chuckles, it’s a deep booming sound and it sends shivers down my spine!


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